
Thermal Decomposition of Triethylindium
Sokolovskii A.
Synthesis and thermal transformation of multi-component layered double MgCo/AlFe hydroxides with hydrotalcite srtucture
Nestroinaya O., Ryl’tsova I., Lebedeva O., Uralbekov B., Ponomarenko O.
Solvent Effect on the Rate of Thermal Decomposition of Diacyl Diperoxides
Dutka V., Midyana G., Pal’chikova E., Dutka Y.
Study of simultaneous solubility of salts in the ammonium nitrate–ammonium chloride–water system
Morgunova O.
Influence of Solvents on the Rate of Thermal Decomposition of Peroxydecanoic Acid
Dutka V., Midyana G., Dutka Y., Pal’chikova E.
Synthesis and study of lead(II) uranate Pb(UO2)2O2(OH)2·H2O
Nipruk O., Abrazheev R., Chaplieva K., Chernorukov N.
Study of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds by the Static Tensimetric Method from Mendeleev to the Present Day
Davydova E., Doinikov D., Kazakov I., Krasnova I., Sevast’yanova T., Suvorov A., Timoshkin A.
Preparation and catalase activity of gold-ceria composites
Eryomin A., Abakshonok A., Agabekov V., Kvasyuk A.
Versatile Catalytic Applications of Manganese(II,III) Schiff Base Complexes (Review)
Sarma C., Chaurasia P., Bharati S.
Light-induced formation of nitroxyl radicals by organic Bi(V) compounds in the presence of 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane and C-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone
Gushchin A., Kalistratova O., Maleeva A., Dodonov V., Kosov D., Emel’yanov D., Kuropatov V.
Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of 3,7-Dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane
Kruglyakova L., Stepanov R., Kekin Y., Pekhotin K.
Decomposition of pentaammineaquacobalt(III) perchlorate under laser radiation action
Abdrashitov G., Aver’yanov A., Bal’makov M., Ilyushin M., Tverjanovich A., Tver’yanovich Y.
Synthesis and Properties of Calcium, Strontium, and Barium Uranates
Chernorukov N., Nipruk O., Chernorukov G., Abrazheev R., Chaplieva K.
Primary decomposition mechanism of cobalt(III) nitrotetrazolatoammine complexes
Golubev V., Ilyushin M.
Borazine Thermal Decomposition in Unsaturated Vapor
Zavgorodnii A., Timoshkin A.
On the mechanism of autocatalytic thermal decomposition of some secondary nitramines
Stepanov R., Kruglyakova L.
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