
Method of designing a neural controller for the automatic lateral control of unmanned aerial vehicles
Emaletdinova L., Matveev I., Kabirova A.
An algorithm for calibrating the three-axis magnetometer
Emaletdinova L., Gainutdinova A., Gainutdinova T.
Electronic Simulation of Single Integrated Structures Made of Polymer Composite Materials with Adhesive Joint
Naumov A., Lyudogovskii P., Filippova M.
An Anthropocentric Approach for Solving the Problem of Optimal Automatic Landing Flare
Trinh V., Nguyen N., Dang N., Nguyen K.
Algorithm of Numerical Checking Calculation of Turbine Cooled Blades of Gas Turbine Engines Using Experimental Data on Heat Transfer and Resistance
Il’inkov A., Ermakov A., Takmovtsev V., Shchukin A., Erzikov A.
Sensitivity Algorithm as a Solution of an Inverse Strength Problem Applied to Thin-Walled Structures
Kostin V., Valitova N.
Modeling the Transformation of Hexactinal Folded Structure
Shabalov A., Khaliulin V., Gimadiev R., Levshonkov N.
On a Problem of Optimal Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer in Supersonic Flows on Constant-Pressure Surfaces
Garaev T., Osadchaya D.
Performance Analysis of the EM Algorithm in Conjunction with Algorithms for Determining an Optimal Number of Clusters and Their Centroids, Which Allows Estimating Parameters of Non-Gaussian Interference in Mobile Communication Systems
Faizullin R., Yaushev S., Insarov A., Zaripov R., Fatykhov M.
To the Problem of Estimating the Angle of Attack of an Aircraft by the Kalman Filter
Golovan A., Sharonov A.
An efficient algorithm of data smoothing in real-time calculations
Gainutdinova A., Gainutdinov V., Gainutdinova T.
Research on High-Precision Measurement Systems of Modern Aircraft
Shen K., Neusypin K., Selezneva M., Proletarskii A.
On Improving the Convergence of Calculating the Elastic Properties in a Structure by Means of the Sensitivity Function
Kostin V., Valitova N.
Continuous Flight Safety Management Information System for a Group of Converging Aircraft
Goncharenko V., Lebedev G., Mikhailin D., Khakhulin G.
Hardware reconfiguration algorithm in multiprocessor systems of integrated modular avionics
Degtyarev A., Kiselev S.
Separation Algorithm of the Soyuz MS Spacecraft from Nonstabilized International Space Station
Bakulin V., Bogomolov N., Borzykh S.
A Quasi-Spherical Air Pressure Probe
Golovkin M., Efremov A., Sysoev V.
A simulator of the aircraft air data system
Efremova E.
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