
Comparison of Regional Atmospheric Model Forecasts under Different Initial and Boundary Conditions
Ignatov R., Zaichenko M., Tolstykh M., Rubinshtein K., Kurbatova M.
Roshydromet supercomputer technologies for numerical weather prediction
Bedritskii A., Vil’fand R., Kiktev D., Rivin G.
Retrieval of Air Flow Velocity Using Doppler Weather Radars
Devyatkin A., Denisenkov D., Zhukov V., Kuleshov Y., Chernyshev S., Shchukin G.
Wildfire Occurrence in Siberia and Seasonal Variations in Heat and Moisture Supply
Ponomarev E., Skorobogatova A., Ponomareva T.
The impact of radar data assimilation on atmosphere state analysis in the Moscow region
Pavlyukov Y., Zaripov R., Luk’yanov A., Shestakova A., Shumilin A., Travov A.
Thunderstorm Activity in the Primorsky Krai
Permyakov M., Potalova E., Kleshcheva T.
Multiscale Global Atmosphere Model SL-AV: the Results of Medium-range Weather Forecasts
Tolstykh M., Fadeev R., Shashkin V., Goyman G., Zaripov R., Kiktev D., Makhnorylova S., Mizyak V., Rogutov V.
Mobile Measurement System for the Coupled Monitoring of Atmospheric and Soil Parameters
Bazarov A., Badmaev N., Kurakov S., Gonchikov B.
Atmosphere data assimilation system for the Siberian region with the WRF-ARW model and three-dimensional variational analysis WRF 3D-Var
Zaripov R., Martynova Y., Krupchatnikov V., Petrov A.
Wind Shear Detection from Weather Radar Data
Denisenkov D., Zhukov V., Shchukin G.
Simulation of Climate and Weather Extreme Indices with the INM-CM5 Climate Model
Volodin E., Tarasevich M.
Assessing the probability of El Niño-related weather and climate anomalies in Russian regions
Mokhov I., Timazhev A.
A technology of waterspout monitoring over the Russian part of the Black Sea
Kalmykova O., Shershakov V.
The System for Numerical Prediction of Weather Events (Including Severe Ones) for Moscow Megacity: The Prototype Development
Rivin G., Vil’fand R., Kiktev D., Rozinkina I., Tudriy K., Blinov D., Varentsov M., Samsonov T., Bundel’ A., Kirsanov A., Zakharchenko D.
Is There a Link between Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Increasing Frequency of Extremely Cold Winters in Eurasia and North America? Synthesis of Current Research
Meleshko V., Kattsov V., Mirvis V., Baidin A., Pavlova T., Govorkova V.
The usage of MTVZA-GYa satellite microwave radiometer observations in the data assimilation system of the Hydrometcenter of Russia
Gayfulin D., Tsyrulnikov M., Uspensky A., Kramchaninova E., Uspensky S., Svirenko P., Gorbunov M.
The tornado in Bashkortostan: the potential of analyzing and forecasting tornado-risk conditions
Novitskii M., Pavlyukov Y., Shmerlin B., Makhnorylova S., Serebryannik N., Petrichenko S., Tereb L., Kalmykova O.
Intramonthly Variability of Daily Surface Air Temperature in Russia in 1970–2015
Babina E., Semenov V.
Investigation of the Structure and Predictability of the First Mode of Stratospheric Variability Based on the INM RAS Climate Model
Vorobyeva V., Volodin E.
SL-AV atmospheric model version using σ-p hybrid vertical coordinates
Shashkin V., Tolstykh M., Ivanova A., Skriptunova E.
Synoptic conditions, nowcasting, and numerical prediction of severe squalls and tornados in Bashkortostan on June 1, 2007 and August 29, 2014
Dmitrieva T., Peskov B.
Studying the Areal Rainfall Reduction in the Urals Based on Radar Data
Klimenko D.
Some Results of Studies in the Area of Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Theory in Siberia
Krupchatnikov N., Platov G., Golubeva E., Fomenko A., Klevtsova Y., Lykosov V.
Can a quantum computer be applied for numerical weather prediction?
Frolov A.
Analysis of temperature variability in the mountain regions of the North Caucasus in 1961–2013
Tashilova A., Kesheva L., Teunova N., Taubekova Z.
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