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Vol 42, No 9 (2017)


Can a quantum computer be applied for numerical weather prediction?

Frolov A.V.


The paper considers fundamental limitations that impede the growth of performance of supercomputers based on silicon transistors and do not allow satisfying the needs of developing numerical weather and climate prediction models. A brief review of studies dealing with the development of quantum computing algorithms and with the creation of real quantum computers is provided. The shift from pure science to engineering solutions is observed. The leaders of the computer industry set the goal of creating a general-purpose quantum computer in the next few years. It is proved that the applicability of quantum computations and quantum computers for solving the problems of numerical weather and climate prediction should be preliminarily studied and assessed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):545-553
pages 545-553 views

SL-AV atmospheric model version using σ-p hybrid vertical coordinates

Shashkin V.V., Tolstykh M.A., Ivanova A.R., Skriptunova E.N.


The SL-AV atmospheric model version using hybrid vertical coordinates combies the advantages of sigma and isobaric coordinates. The formulation and discretization of model equations maintain the equivalency of the new model version to the basic sigma version in the special case, when hybrid coordinates coincide with sigma coordinates. The SL-AV model version with hybrid vertical coordinate is verified with medium-range weather forecasts. The decrease in the errors of predicted geopotential height and wind as compared to the sigma model version is demonstrated. The use of hybrid coordinates also leads to a certain increase in forecast skill scores for some meteorological parameters characterizing aviation significant weather.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):554-563
pages 554-563 views

The usage of MTVZA-GYa satellite microwave radiometer observations in the data assimilation system of the Hydrometcenter of Russia

Gayfulin D.R., Tsyrulnikov M.D., Uspensky A.B., Kramchaninova E.K., Uspensky S.A., Svirenko P.I., Gorbunov M.E.


A brief description of the MTVZA-GYa microwave radiometer installed on the Meteor-M No. 2 Russian polar orbiting meteorological satellite is presented. The procedures of bias correction and quality control indispensable in satellite data assimilation are considered. The operational system of global data assimilation by the Hydrometcenter of Russia is briefly described. Results of numerical experiments on the assimilation of MTVZA-GYa observations in six temperature-sensitive channels are given. It is demonstrated that the assimilation of these data significantly improves the accuracy of short-range weather forecasts in the Southern Hemisphere. The effect of the use of MTVZA-GY data in the Northern Hemisphere is neutral.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):564-573
pages 564-573 views

Application of the COSMO-CLM mesoscale model to assess the effects of forest cover changes on regional weather conditions in the European part of Russia

Kuz’mina E.V., Ol’chev A.V., Rozinkina I.A., Rivin G.S., Nikitin M.


The influence of forest cover in the west of the European part of Russia (55°–59° N, 28°–37° E) on regional weather conditions is analyzed via the climatic version of the COSMO nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (COSMO-CLM). The simulations are performed with a model grid spacing of 13.2 km for the warm season of 2010. The analysis demonstrates that the changes in forest cover in the selected model domain may lead to substantial variations in spatial precipitation and surface temperature patterns. At the same time, precipitation changes are evident within the entire area of the East European Plain.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):574-581
pages 574-581 views

Practical predictability of the standardized precipitation index on monthly and seasonal timescales

Kulikova I.A., Kruglova E.N., Kiktev D.B., Sal’nikov V.G.


The SL-AV global semi-Lagrangian model of Hydrometcenter of Russia is used for considering the issues of practical predictability of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) recommended by WMO. The index values are computed using the actual data (observations and reanalysis) taken as a reference and the forecast (hindcast) data interpolated to the stations (236 stations on the CIS territory). The analysis of practical predictability is based on diagnostic verification as well as on the model verification measures recommended by WMO. The statistically significant useful signal was detected on monthly and seasonal integration intervals. No useful information is found for the second- and third-month forecasts. A case study for the Republic of Kazakhstan (July 1989) demonstrates the dependence of forecast skill on the atmospheric circulation patterns. It is revealed that in the case of meridional atmospheric circulation forms the model resolution increases and, in some cases, not only moderate but also severe drought can be predicted.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):582-593
pages 582-593 views

Three-dimensional semi-empirical climate model of water vapor distribution and its implementation to the radiation module of the middle and upper atmosphere model

Ermakova T.S., Statnaya I.A., Fedulina I.N., Suvorova E.V., Pogoreltsev A.I.


To provide the more accurate simulation of stationary planetary waves and atmospheric tides using the middle and upper atmosphere model (MUAM), the three-dimensional (longitude-latitude-height) semi-empirical climate model of water vapor distribution in the troposphere was developed which takes into account seasonal variations. The modules of radiation heating and cooling in the MUAM model were modified taking into account the dependence of water vapor concentration on longitude. The simulations performed using the modified version of MUAM revealed that the consideration of water vapor concentration variability along the circle of latitude leads to the substantial dependence of solar heating on longitude that affects the amplitudes of stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):594-600
pages 594-600 views

Estimating the baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation in the Sea of Okhotsk

Stepanov D.V.


The first baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation (R1) in the Sea of Okhotsk is estimated using the hydrological datasets from the World Ocean Atlas (WOA) 2001 and WOA 2013. It is established that the maximum values of R1 are observed over the Kuril Basin (18–20 km), and its minimum values (1.5–2 km), over the northern shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk. In the central part of the sea R1 varies from 8 to 10 km. The seasonal variability of R1 for both datasets is characterized by the minima in winter and by the maxima in summer. It was found that on the eastern shelf of Sakhalin Island R1 reaches the maximum both in November (∼6 km) and in April (∼4-5 km). According to the obtained estimates of R1, the model grid resolution of 3 to 8 km should be used for the eddy-permitting numerical simulation of circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk, and the model grid resolution from 1.5 to 2 km, for the explicit simulation of mesoscale variability.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):601-606
pages 601-606 views

Diagnosis and forecast of the Caspian Sea level with the operational hydrodynamic model

Popov S.K., Lobov A.L.


The observational data on sea level at Tyulenii Island station were compared with the results of the Caspian Sea level simulation with the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with different spatial horizontal resolution (3 and 1 nautical miles). The sea motion is induced by the air pressure gradients and tangential wind stress that are obtained from the COSMO model forecast and specified on the surface. The results of diagnostic calculations of the sea level for June-October 2014 and 60 forecasts for September 2014 demonstrated that the model with the 1-mile resolution meets the simulation accuracy requirements of the Hydrometcenter of Russia and can be used for the short-range forecasting of the Caspain Sea level.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):607-614
pages 607-614 views

Assessment of wave climate of seas from wind data

Boukhanovsky A.V., Lopatoukhin L.I., Chernysheva E.S.


The main stages ofthe modern approach to the wave climate simulation are considered. One of such stages includes the use of wind information as input data for the wave simulation with numerical hydrodynamic models. One of the main sources of wind information is reanalysis data on wind speed at the height of 10 m above the surface which can be used without previous correction for wave calculation not in all sea areas. The approaches to the reanalysis data correction are demonstrated for different seas.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):615-620
pages 615-620 views

Reviews and Consultations

Ozone content over the Russian Federation in the second quarter of 2017

Zvyagintsev A.M., Ivanova N.S., Kuznetsova I.N., Lapchenko V.A.


The review is compiled on the basis ofthe operation ofthe system that monitors total ozone (TO) in the CIS and Baltic countries and functions in the operational regime at the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO). The monitoring system uses the data from the national network equipped with M-124 filter ozonometers under the methodological supervision ofthe Main Geophysical Observatory. The quality of the functioning of the entire system is under the operational control based on the observations obtained from the OMI satellite equipment (NASA, USA). The basic TO observation data are generalized for every month of the second quarter of 2017 and for the quarter as a whole. The data of observations of surface ozone content carried out in the Moscow region and on the Black Sea coast of Crimea are also briefly presented.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(9):621-623
pages 621-623 views

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