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Том 44, № 6 (2018)

Review Article

Plant Pathogenesis-Related Proteins Binding Lipids and Other Hydrophobic Ligands

Melnikova D., Finkina E., Bogdanov I., Ovchinnikova T.


Synthesis of defensive pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in plants is induced by biotic and abiotic stress. The family of plant PR proteins is divided into 17 classes differing in their structural and functional properties. Two representative classes of plant PR protein family are Bet v 1 (PR-10) homologs and lipid transfer proteins (LTP, PR-14). The ability of PR-10 and PR-14 to bind and transfer lipids and other hydrophobic ligands contributes to a wide range of plant metabolic processes. Although these proteins are not homologous, they have similar spatial structures containing a hydrophobic cavity, which is capable of accommodating and retaining various molecules, including lipids. The present review focuses on structural features of Bet v 1 homologs and LTP, possible ways of binding and transfer of lipids, and assumed biological functions associated with the delivery of building and signaling hydrophobic molecules in plants, as well as participation of these proteins and their lipid ligands in the development of allergic reactions.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):586-594
pages 586-594 views

Human Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Part I—Structure, Function, and Role in Neuromuscular Transmission and CNS Functioning

Kulbatskii D., Bychkov M., Lyukmanova E.


Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are the ligand-gated ion channels important for intercellular signaling. These receptors are abundant in neuromuscular junctions, presynaptic and postsynaptic neuronal membranes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The nAChR dysfunction is associated with a number of neurodegenerative and muscular diseases. The actual information on the structure and function of these receptors is reviewed in this article.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):595-607
pages 595-607 views

High Density Lipoproteins Phosphatidylcholine as a Regulator of Reverse Cholesterol Transport

Torkhovskaya T., Kudinov V., Zakharova T., Ipatova O., Markin S.


Among blood plasma lipoproteins that transport lipids in the organism, a significant role belongs to high-density lipoproteins (HDL). They protect against atherosclerosis progression, mainly through their ability to accept cholesterol from cell membranes and subsequently deliver it to the liver for catabolism. Recently, it has been found that this HDL property is often disrupted, regardless of their concentration in the blood, and this is associated with a greater predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. The causes of these disorders associated with any modifications of proteins and/or lipids composing the HDL particles have not yet been revealed. Many data indicate the significance of possible changes in phospholipids (PL) of HDL. This review examines how cellular cholesterol is excreted to HDL with the participation of membrane proteins, ABCA1, ABCG1, and SR-B1, as well as components of the surface monolayer of HDL, apoprotein A1 (apoAl) and PL, particularly the predominant phosphatidylcholine (PC). The possibilities of correcting the dysfunctionality of HDL by phospholipidation, using apoA1-PC complexes or detergent PC emulsions, are also reviewed. Data of our research using soy PC nanoparticles less than 30 nm in size that activates the [3Н]cholesterol efflux from macrophages to plasma HDL are presented. Prospective new pharmacological approaches in PL therapy for normalization of HDL properties through their enrichment with PC are discussed.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):608-618
pages 608-618 views

Sensors for Caspase Activities

Zlobovskaya O., Shirmanova M., Kovaleva T., Sarkisyan K., Zagaynova E., Lukyanov K.


Cysteine proteases, caspases, play an important role in the process of programmed cell death. In apoptosis, the cell signaling pathways overlap at executioner caspases regardless of the initial stimulus. Caspase-3 is the key one. This review considers the sensors for activity of caspase-3 and some other caspases. Over the past decade, many such sensors utilizing a variety of detection principles have been created; fluorescence and luminescence are the most common detection methods. The intracellular sensors are of particular interest; they allow visualization of the activation of caspases in living systems. Herein, we briefly describe sensors of various designs, the advantages and disadvantages of which must be taken into account when choosing a sensor for a particular experimental system.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):645-652
pages 645-652 views

Peptides of the Innate Immune System of Plants. Part I. Structure, Biological Activity, and Mechanisms of Action

Finkina E., Melnikova D., Bogdanov I., Ovchinnikova T.


A plant immune system is able to rapidly react in response to changes in environmental conditions and provides protection against stress, pathogens, and insects. In the case of infection, plants synthesize many pathogenesis-associated compounds, including various peptides. These peptides not only have the antimicrobial activity and enhance each other’s action but participate in a complex of defense strategies as well. Peptide factors of the plant’s innate immune system have a diverse structural organization and exhibit a wide spectrum of biological activities, including antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, insecticidal, antiinflammatory, antiproliferative, mitogenic, and analgesic. Some of them take part in binding and transfer of lipids, whereas the others exhibit the properties of ion-channel blockers or inhibitors of proteases and α-amylases but have no toxic effect on their own and mammalian cells. Some parts of plant peptides are clinically significant food or pollen allergens. All the abovementioned facts make them attractive objects for a detailed investigation and possible practical application to various aspects of human life. This review summarizes data on a diversity of structures, biological activity, and mechanisms of the antimicrobial action of the peptides of the plant’s innate immune system.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):573-585
pages 573-585 views

Lipid II as a Target for Novel Antibiotics: Structural and Molecular Dynamics Studies

Panina I., Chugunov A., Efremov R.


The growing problem of antibiotic resistance in medicine is focusing attention on antimicrobial compounds targeting non-protein molecules, which have more conserved structures compared to proteins or peptides. One of the most promising and studied targets is lipid II—the bacterial cell wall biosynthetic pathway principal compound. Lipid II is unique for the bacterial membrane only and has a conserved chemical structure. There are several classes of natural antibiotics targeting lipid II, some of which block peptidoglycan synthesis by formation of a strong complex with lipid II; others have an additional bactericidal mechanism involving disruption of the membrane integrity. This review examines the prospects of using such antibacterial substances as new drugs to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. The main emphasis is on the studies of the membrane-embedded lipid II structure and how water-soluble antibiotics recognize its molecular structure, as well as on computer modeling of their interaction.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):653-664
pages 653-664 views


Platinum-Based Antitumor Drugs and Their Liposomal Formulations in Clinical Trials

Arantseva D., Vodovozova E.


Platinum-based antitumor drugs are the most common drugs in modern oncology practice. They are used for the treatment of a large number of malignant tumors of different etiology. However, their low specificity and high systemic toxicity significantly reduce the efficacy of chemotherapy. With the goal of improving pharmacological properties of platinum-based drugs, an intense search for supramolecular drug delivery systems is being carried out in many laboratories. This review focuses on liposomal drugs, which are currently at different stages of clinical trials. In the first part of the review we described modern concepts on the action of Pt-based drugs. Information about the drugs used in clinical practice as well as data about some new promising compounds is also provided. Also, justification of the rationale for the creation of liposomal drug delivery systems is given, and six Pt-containing liposomal formulations under clinical trials are reviewed, including the published data on the composition, how they act, and the results of preclinical and clinical trials. Several examples of new Pt-based liposomal formulations are given. The prospects of the liposomal platform development for platinum-based drugs are discussed.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):619-630
pages 619-630 views

Synthesis and Biological Properties of a Number of Analogs of DSIP and Its KND Endogenous Prototype

Prudchenko I., Onoprienko L., Lobanov A., Rodionov A., Tukhovskaya E., Khokhlova O., Shykhutdinova E., Murashev A., Ivanov V., Mikhaleva I.


We performed a computer search for the DSIP homologous structures in the protein data bases and found the KND peptide (WKGGDNASGE), which was closely structurally related to DSIP, corresponding to the 324–332 fragment of the human lysine-specific histone demethylase 3B (EC 1.14.11), and possibly was a prototype of the real endogenous DSIP. Previously, we compared some biological effects of DSIP and KND. Antioxidant, anticonvulsant, and behavioral effects of KND proved to be more pronounced than those of DSIP, suggesting the higher efficacy and therapeutic potential of KND and its derivatives. In this study, we synthesized new analogs of DSIP and KND and examined their detoxifying action after the treatment with the cisplatin cytostatin in comparative experiments in vivo on rodents. KND and several its analogs were found to decrease the cisplatin effects on the induced changes in masses of target organs. The correcting effects of the studied peptides on the cisplatin-induced hematological abnormalities, such as the changes in the leukocyte content in blood and thrombocytopenia, were revealed after their intranasal administration to animals in low doses. A decrease in a pronouncement of histological deviation from a norm was shown in the tissues of liver, kidney, and spleen. A significant hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of the studied peptides were also observed. Thus, the revealed antitoxic properties of DSIP, KND, and their analogs, could be a basis for the creation of drugs of lower toxicity in the anticancer treatment and therapy of medicinal hepatitis.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):631-639
pages 631-639 views

Crystal Structure of the pH-Dependent Green Fluorescent Protein WasCFP with a Tryptophan-Based Chromophore at an Extremely Low pH of 2.0

Pletneva N., Efremov R., Goryacheva E., Artemyev I., Arkhipova S., Pletnev V.


The green fluorescent protein WasCFP with a tryptophan-based chromophore (Thr65-Trp66- Gly67) exhibits considerable pH-dependent changes of spectral properties related to the reversible processes of tryptophan ionization and protonation. The crystal structure of WasCFP at pH 10.0, 8.0, and 5.5 was determined in our earlier studies. The spatial structure of WasCFP at an extremely low pH of 2.0 has been determined by X-ray diffraction with a resolution of 1.3 Å in the present study. Synchronous changes in the conformation of amino acid residue side chains in the environment of the chromophore and the related changes in the local hydrogen bond network involving the chromophore were shown to occur at sequential pH changes from 10.0 to 2.0. A quantum chemical study of the effect of interactions between the chromophore and the key amino acid residues from its immediate environment has been performed.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):640-644
pages 640-644 views

Restriction Endonuclease BspD6II, a New Thermophilic Isoschizomer of Eco57I

Perevyazova T., Yunusova A., Artyukh R., Viryasov M., Kubareva E., Zheleznaya L.


From the Bacillus species D6 strain, the restriction endonuclease BspD6II has been isolated and characterized. It recognizes the asymmetric region 5′-CTGAAG-3′/3′-GACTTC-5′ in the double-stranded DNA. The sites of DNA hydrolysis by this enzyme have been determined. They are localized beyond the recognition site 16 nt downstream of the sequence 5′-CTGAAG-3′ toward the 3′-end of DNA and 14 nt toward the 5′-end in the opposite strand. It has been shown that BspD6II differs in properties from isoschizomer enzymes Eco57I (prototype), AcuI, and BspKT5I and has some advantages. It catalyzes the exhaustive hydrolysis of DNA in the absence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine and effectively operates at 50°C, i.e., is a thermophilic enzyme.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):681-686
pages 681-686 views

Formation of an Efficient Energy Transfer Complex between Quantum Dots and Exiguobacterium sibiricum Retinal Protein via the Histidine-Cysteine Anchor

Lukashev E., Petrovskaya L., Tretyak M., Kryukova E., Sizova S., Oleinikov V.


Resonance energy transfer in self-assembled hybrid structures formed by water-soluble semiconductor CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD) with a cysteine shell and the Exiguobacterium sibiricum retinal protein (ESR) in three modifications, with and without a 6-membered C-terminal histidine tag, and with both the histidine tag and C-terminal cysteine residue. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy was used to demonstrate that nonradiative energy transfer from QD onto the ESR protein depends on the strength of intermolecular interactions in the hybrid complex. A shift from electrostatic interactions in the QD-ESR donor-acceptor pair to coordinate bond with an additional disulfide bond resulted in an increase of the energy transfer efficiency from 40 to over 90%. The proposed method to produce noncovalent conjugates from QDs and light-sensitive proteins can be a promising one for biomedical applications, as well as for the development of new solar energy accumulation systems.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):687-694
pages 687-694 views

Polymethylene Derivatives of Nucleic Bases Bearing ω-Functional Groups: Х. A Novel Approach to the Synthesis of α-Amino-ω-Nucleo Carboxylic Acids

Komissarov V., Kritsyn A.


A novel approach to the synthesis of α-amino-ω-nucleo carboxylic acids, analogs of willardiin, an activator of the receptor of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid, which is responsible for the transfer of a fast stimulating signal in the synapses of the nervous system of vertebrates, is proposed. Based on substantial differences in the reactivity of halogen atoms in α,ω-dihalogen carboxylic acids, the esters of α-phthaloylimido-ω-chloro carboxylic acids have been synthesized. The alkylation of uracil, thymine, and adenine with these esters gave the key compounds, the esters of α-phthaloylimido-ω-nucleo carboxylic acids. The consecutive removal of the phthalyl protective group and acid hydrolysis led to new polymethylene derivatives of nucleic bases, which are α-amino-ω-nucleo carboxylic acids. The physical and chemical properties of these compounds were studied.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):705-711
pages 705-711 views

Antiviral Activity of Acyl Derivatives of Betulin and Betulinic and Dihydroquinopimaric Acids

Kazakova O., Smirnova I., Baltina L., Boreko E., Savinova O., Pokrovskii A.


The paper reports on the synthesis of a series of acyl derivatives of betulin and dihydroquinopimaric acid and the study of their antiviral activity against influenza A virus (H7N1), herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), ECHO 6, and HIV-1 in comparison with the activity of the previously obtained acylates and original terpenoids. It has been demonstrated that acylated betulin and betulinic acid show no advantage in inhibiting the reproduction of all the tested viruses compared with the betulic acid, while structural modifications at positions C3 and C28 of the triterpene core led to some changes in the spectrum of antiviral activity. Modification of dihydroquinopimaric acid at position C4 increased the activity of this compound against influenza virus A (H7N1).

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):740-744
pages 740-744 views

Efficiency of Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer in the NanoLuc-miniSOG-Furimazine System

Shramova E., Deyev S., Proshkina G.


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved, minimally invasive method for tumor destruction in the presence of a photosensitizer (PS), oxygen, and a light source. The main obstacle for the PDT treatment of deep tumors is the problem of the excitation light delivery inside the body without reduction of light intensity. An internal light source based on a bioluminescence system NanoLuc-furimazine can be considered as an alternative to an external light source. This system can be successfully used to excite a protein photosensitizer miniSOG and induce its phototoxicity in cancer cells as a result of bioluminescent resonance energy transfer. In this paper, the effectiveness of bioluminescent resonance energy transfer in the NanoLuc-miniSOG-furimazine system in living cells was studied. The efficiency of the energy transfer in this system was found to be independent of the furimazine concentration, while intracellular localization of the NanoLuc-miniSOG hybrid protein was found to be a crucial factor.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):755-758
pages 755-758 views

Synthesis of a New Vitamin D3 Hapten and Its Protein Conjugates

Litvinovskaya R., Savachka A., Sauchuk A., Pradko A., Mirantsova T., Khripach V.


The synthesis of 25-(1-carboxymethoxy)-imino-3(S)-hydroxy-9,10-seco-27-norcholesta-5(Z),7(E),10(19)-triene, a new hapten of vitamin D3, has been carried out in ten steps from ergosterol. The hapten was conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and bovine serum albumin. Antibodies to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 were obtained using the synthesized conjugates. An immunochemical system was developed for the quantitative determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):778-786
pages 778-786 views

Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of New Sulfur-Containing Derivatives of Isobornylphenols

Shchukina O., Chukicheva I., Shevchenko O., Kutchin A.


New derivatives of isobornylphenols containing a sulfur atom in the para-position in various functional groups have been synthesized. The evaluation of antiradical and antioxidant properties using various model systems has been carried out. The study has shown that compounds with a sulfhydryl group display the most antioxidant activity, which is determined by the presence of two reaction centers. It has been noticed that a number of terpenic substitutes in ortho-positions of the phenol molecule as well as the length of spacer between the aromatic nucleus and the functional group affect the activity. 2,6-Diisobornyl-4-sulfanylphenol (in low concentration exceeding the highly effective antioxidant 2,6-diisobornyl-4-methylphenol) shows considerable promise for investigating pharmacological activity.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):787-794
pages 787-794 views

Synthesis of New 1,4-Diarylimidazoles and 1-Aryl-4-(5-Nitrofuran-2-il)imidazoles and Study of Their Anti-Infective Activity

Kuzmenko T., Divaeva L., Morkovnik A., Koshchienko Y., Zubenko A., Drobin Y., Fetisov L., Bodryakov A.


Using 1-R-benzimidazoles and ω-bromoacetophenones or 2-bromoacetyl-5-nitrofuran, the corresponding quaternary 1-R-3-acylmethylbenzimidazolium salts have been obtained which transformed under the action of ammonium acetate into the previously undescribed 1,4-diarylimidazoles and 1-aryl-4- (5-nitrofuran-2-il)imidazoles. The antiprotozoal, fungistatic, and antimicrobial activities of these compounds have been tested.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):795-800
pages 795-800 views

N-(5-Methyl-1,3-Thiazol-2-yl)-2-{[5-((Un)Substituted- Phenyl)1,3,4-Oxadiazol-2-yl]Sulfanyl}acetamides. Unique Biheterocycles as Promising Therapeutic Agents

Abbasi M., Ramzan M., Aziz-ur-Rehman ., Siddiqui S., Shah S., Hassan M., Seo S., Ashraf M., Mirza B., Ismail H.


An electrophile, 2-bromo-N-(5-methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-yl)acetamide, was synthesized by the reaction of 5-methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-amine and bromoacetyl bromide in an aqueous medium. In a parallel scheme, a series of (un)substituted benzoic acids was converted sequentially into respective esters, acid hydrazides, and then into 1,3,4-oxadiazole heterocyclic cores. The electrophile was coupled with the aforementioned 1,3,4-oxadiazoles to obtain the targeted bi-heterocyles. Structural analysis of the synthesized compounds was performed by IR, EI-MS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR. The enzyme inhibition study of these molecules was carried out against four enzymes, namely, acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, α-glucosidase, and urease. The interactions of these compounds with respective enzymes were recognized by their in silico study. Moreover, their cytotoxicity was also determined to find out their utility as possible therapeutic agents.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):801-811
pages 801-811 views

Regulation of Aggregation of Self-Associated Peptides, Including N-Terminal Fragments of the Alzheimer’s β-Amyloid Peptide, by Nitro Derivatives of Azoloazine

Mirgorodskaya O., Kozmin Y., Protasov A., Toropygin I., Oleinikov V.


The potential of the nitro compounds of the azoloazine class as regulators of aggregation of natural self-associating peptides was demonstrated by the example of fragments of the Alzheimer β-amyloid peptide and the melittin cytolytic peptide from bee venom. Depending on the type of an azoloazine derivative, association of a peptide into insoluble aggregates either occurred or was suppressed up to the peptide aggregates dissolution. The sites and stoichiometry of the azoloazine binding to the examined peptides are determined in the associates. These effects were explained by a unique ability of the azoloazine nitro derivatives to dissociate in aqueous solutions with the formation of a stable aromatic anion with electrostatic affinity to basic amino acid residues of the peptide molecules. This property of nitroazoloazines was used for a test of their ability to regulate the aggregation processes. Therefore, the nitro derivatives of azoloazines are promising inducers or inhibitors of the aggregation of the Alzheimer β-amyloid peptide and, possibly, other peptides which can form amyloid deposits.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):665-675
pages 665-675 views

Particular Effects of Genistein on Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Maize Mitochondrial Proteins

Subota I., Arziev A., Konstantinov Y.


The activity of specific tyrosine protein kinases is known to be associated with the production of oncogenes. A specific inhibitor of tyrosine protein kinases can be effective not only as an antitumor agent but also as a tool for studying the physiological role of tyrosine phosphorylation. Among similar inhibitors, the flavonoid genistein was shown to have the most specific effect. This agent almost completely inhibited phosphorylation of tyrosine residues, while the activity of serine and threonine protein kinases was slightly suppressed. At the same time, another flavonoid quercetin inhibited activities of tyrosine kinase and other protein kinases with equal efficacy. The aim of the work was to study the effect of genistein on phosphorylation of maize mitochondrial proteins at the tyrosine residues for the assessment of signal cascades associated with tyrosine protein kinases. It was first revealed that tyrosine phosphorylation occurred in the maize mitochondrial heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) and the protein of 90 kDa. Phosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein is observed only during the treatment of isolated mitochondria with genistein. The study of the activity of mitochondrial respiratory complex V showed a significant decrease in the hydrolytic activity of the mitochondrial ATPase after exposure to genistein. The activating effect of this agent on mitochondrial protein kinases can be explained by changes in the redox state of mitochondria due to inhibition of mitochondrial ATPase by genistein.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):676-680
pages 676-680 views

Generation and Characterization of a Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Against Rabies Virus

Ilina E., Solopova O., Balabashin D., Larina M., Aliev T., Grebennikova T., Losich M., Zaykova O., Sveshnikov P., Dolgikh D., Kirpichnikov M.


Rabies is a zoonotic disease, for which effective treatment methods after the onset of clinical symptoms have not been developed yet. Polyclonal sera, both human and equine, along with vaccines are important means of disease prophylaxis. However, due to adverse reactions to the immunoglobulins of animal origin, high cost, and limited availability of the safer human serum, polyclonal antibodies should be substituted for a stable and efficient preparation, which is recombinant neutralizing antirabies monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). This paper reports generation of the humanized mAb 1C5, which binds with the antigenic site (AS) III of the rabies virus glycoprotein (RABVG) and demonstrates high virus neutralization activity in the fluorescent antibody virus neutralization test, as a result of expression in the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):695-704
pages 695-704 views

Study of Total Lipidome of the Sinularia siaesensis Soft Coral

Sikorskaya T., Imbs A.


The rapid development of lipidomics of human and higher animals stimulated the study of the lipidome of certain groups of marine organisms. Soft corals are an integral part of the tropical and cold-water ecosystems of the World Ocean, but there is almost no data on the lipidome of these animals. The total lipidome of a tropical soft coral Sinularia siaesensis (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Alcionacea) containing intracellular symbiotic microalgae (zooxanthellae) was studied by gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The structure and content of 144 molecular species of the main classes of acyl lipids of this alcyonaria were determined, including waxes, triglycerides (TG), monoalkyldiacylglycerides (MADAG), ethanolamine, choline, serine, and inositol glycerophospholipids (PE, PC, PS, and PI), ceramide aminoethylphosphonate (CAEP), sulfoquinovosyldiacylglyceride (SQDG), and mono- and digalactosyldiacylglycerides (MGDG and DGDG). The main components of S. siaesensis lipids were waxes 16:0/16:0, 16:0/18:0, and 18:0/16:0; TG 16:0/16:0/16:0 and 16:2/16:0/16:0; MADAG 18:0e/16:0/16:0, 16:0e/16:0/18:0, and 16:0e/16:0/16:0; and PS 18:0e/24:5, lyso-PC 18:0e, PE 18:1e/20:4, PC 18:0e/20:4, CAEP 18:2b/16:0, SQDG 14:0/16:0, and PI 18:0/24:5. The dominance of saturated waxes in reserve lipids is a species-specific feature of tropical alcyonarians. Waxes are synthesized in the host organism, and zooxanthellae can increase the proportion of saturated waxes by transferring saturated fatty acids (FA). The residues of polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) are found in the molecules of TG and MADAG, mainly in the sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively. Detection of MADAG with residues of marker FA of zooxanthellae (18:0e/18:3/16:0, 18:0e/18:4/16:0, and 16:0e/18:3/16:0) confirms the transfer of PUFA from the symbionts to the host. Tetracosapolyenoic FA, which is a chemotaxonomic markers of octocorals, are concentrated in molecular species of PS and PI. Most molecular species of PE, PC, and PS are in alkylacyl form, while for PI molecules, a diacyl form is characteristic. A significant proportion of MGDG, DGDG, and SQDG points to the importance of zooxanthellae in the formation of the lipid profile of symbiotic soft corals. Determination of the profile of lipid molecular species requires the development of a lipidomic approach in the study of biochemistry and ecology of corals and other cnidarians.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):712-723
pages 712-723 views

Optimization of the Technology for the Preparation of Cationic Liposomes for the Delivery of Nucleic Acids

Luneva A., Puchkov P., Shmendel E., Zenkova M., Kuzevanova A., Alimov A., Karpukhin A., Maslov M.


Cationic liposomes based on the cationic lipid 1,26-bis(cholest-5-en-3β-yloxycarbonylamino)- 7,11,16-2-tetraazahexacosane tetrahydrochloride (2X3) and the helper lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) have been prepared by two methods, namely ultrasonication and the extrusion of a lipid dispersion. The effect of the preparation method and the type of the water phase on the physicochemical characteristics of cationic liposomes and their biological activity has been studied. The optimization of the preparation of cationic liposomes made it possible to determine the technological parameters providing the reproducibility of physicochemical characteristics of liposomes from batch to batch.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):724-731
pages 724-731 views

Behavior of Doxorubicin Lipophilic Conjugates in Liposomal Lipid Bilayers

Alekseeva A., Chugunov A., Volynsky P., Onishchenko N., Molotkovsky J., Efremov R., Boldyrev I., Vodovozova E.


Preparation of liposomal formulations containing water-soluble drugs in the form of lipophilic prodrugs in their lipid bilayer is of considerable interest. Previously, we synthesized doxorubicin dioleoyl glyceride and oleoyl conjugates intended for incorporation into fluid-phase liposomal bilayers. In this work, we studied the behavior of lipid conjugates in bilayers prepared from palmitoyl oleoyl phosphatidylcholine and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine using methods of fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The conjugates were shown to have limited mobility in lipid bilayers, which can be explained by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the doxorubicin aglycone and the lipid phosphate groups. In the liposome membrane, lipophilic conjugates also tend to form clusters through interaction of doxorubicin moieties. Oleoyl chains stretch in parallel to the acyl residues of phospholipids. Due to the formation of a larger number of hydrogen bonds, the oleoyl conjugates interacted with the bilayer more effectively than the dioleoyl glyceride counterparts. These properties of doxorubicin conjugates can affect both the possibility of their incorporation into the lipid bilayer (from the therapeutic effect point of view) and intracellular release of the antibiotic drug by means of enzymolysis.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):732-739
pages 732-739 views

Generation of Hybridomas Producing Monoclonal Antibodies to the NS1 Protein of the Zika Virus

Vetchinin S., Shevyakov A., Fedyukina G., Baranova E., Biketov S.


Hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (mABs) to the recombinant protein NS1 of the Zika virus synthesized in human embryonic kidney HEK293 (ZV293) cells have been obtained. The specificity of antibodies has been examined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the similarly synthesized NS1 proteins of flaviviruses: the Dengue 1–4 serotype virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, yellow fever virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, and the West Nile fever virus. Two types of hybridomas whose mABs interact with thermolabile (mABs 2F6 and 3F3) and thermostable epitopes (mABs 1B9, 6D7, and 6F2) of the NS1ZV protein have been selected. It has been shown that the 3F3 mAB, which is specific to the thermolabile determinant, can be used as both binding and detecting antibodies in the sandwich ELISA. Based on the 3F3 mAB, an experimental immunochromatographic test for the detection of the NS1ZV antigen has been developed. It has also been found that mABs 1B9, 6D7, and 6F2 against thermostable epitopes of the NS1 protein specifically recognize the NS1ZV protein after its heating for 15 min to 98°C.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):745-754
pages 745-754 views

Direct Molecular Fishing of Protein Partners for Proteins Encoded by Genes of Human Chromosome 18 in HepG2 Cell Lysate

Ershov P., Mezentsev Y., Yablokov E., Kaluzhskiy L., Florinskaya A., Gnedenko O., Zgoda V., Vakhrushev I., Raeva O., Yarygin K., Gilep A., Usanov S., Medvedev A., Ivanov A.


The aim of this work was to identify the spectrum of possible protein-protein interactions (PPI) for six target proteins (CYB5A, RAB27B, SMAD4, CXXC1, RNMT, ТТR) encoded by genes of human chromosome 18, which have a certain medical significance. For this purpose, a comprehensive approach based on the combined application of three technologies, direct molecular fishing based on affinity chromatography, protein mass spectrometry and SPR (surface plasmon resonance) analysis, was used. As a result, from 1 to 11 potential protein partners were isolated from the lysate of the human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell line for each target protein. Using the Biacore 3000 SPR biosensor, 10 potential PPIs, for which preparations of recombinant proteins were available, were validated. Positive results, which confirm direct interaction of the identified protein partners with target proteins, were obtained for five protein pairs (СYB5A/CPR, СYB5A/CYP2C9, СYB5A/CYCS, CPR/СYP2C9 and CXXC1/CYCS). The values of equilibrium dissociation constants of protein complexes (Kd values ranged from 10–7 M to 10–5 M) were determined for these PPIs. To evaluate the specificity of identified PPIs, 16 additional different PPIs of the target proteins were tested. The effectiveness of direct molecular fishing was evaluated using cytochrome b5 (CYB5A) as the most studied target protein in the context of structural and functional relationships with its protein partners. The new data extend our knowledge in the field of interactomics of proteins encoded by human chromosome 18 genes and reduces the number of unverified bioinformatic predictions of possible PPIs presented in accessible Internet resources.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):759-768
pages 759-768 views

Evaluation of N-Hydroxy-, N-Metoxy-, and N-Acetoxybenzoyl-Substituted Derivatives of Thymine and Uracil as New Substances for Prevention and Treatment of Long-Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

Spasov A., Brel A., Litvinov R., Lisina S., Kucheryavenko A., Budaeva Y., Salaznikova O., Rashchenko A., Shamshina D., Batrakov V., Ivanov A.


New uracil and thymine derivatives, N1-,N3- and N1,N3-(RO-benzoyl)-(1H,3H)-pyrimidine- 2,4-diones, were synthesized (RO- is hydroxy, acetoxy- or methoxy-group). The compounds were studied in a complex of in vitro tests for the ability to inhibit the development of long-term complications of diabetes. Their ability to cleave cross-links of proteins has been evaluated. The most significant ways of pharmacological correction of thrombosis, angio-, nephro-, encephalo-, and cardiopathy, antiglycation, chelating, and antiplatelet activities, have been established. The most active compound in terms of antiplatelet action, N1- hydroxybenzoyluracil, exceeded acetylsalicylic acid by ~44%. In terms of their ability to chelate copper (II) cations, all compounds (with the exception of 1,3-bis(3-hydroxybenzoyl)-(1H,3H)-pyrimidine-2,4-dione that was not not studied in this test) showed the activity, whose IC50 fell in the range between that for pioglitazone (44.1 μM) and pyridoxamine (136.7 μM) comparison drugs. The best antiglycation effect at the 1 mM concentration was observed for N1,N3-bismethoxy- and N1,N3-bisacetoxybenzoyl derivatives of thymine. The maximum activity to cleave cross-links of proteins (C = 1 mM), comparable to that of alagebrium, was established for 1,3-bis(4-methoxybenzoyl)uracil, for which also high rates of other estimated activities were noted. Thus, the N1-,N3- and N1,N3-(RO-benzoyl) derivatives of uracil and thymine are promising basiсs for creating drugs that suppress the development of long-term complications of diabetes.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2018;44(6):769-777
pages 769-777 views

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