
Anthocyanins of Basil Leaves: Determination and Preparation of Dried Encapsulated Forms
Deineka V., Kul’chenko Y., Blinova I., Chulkov A., Deineka L.
Chemical Composition of Lipids from Peat-Forming Leafy Mosses of Eutrophic Swamps of Western Siberia and Altai
Serebrennikov O., Strel’nikova E., Russkih I., Prejs J., Duchko M.
Physicochemical Properties of the Phosphoryl Guanidine Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Analogs
Pyshnyi D., Dyudeeva E., Kupryushkin M., Lomzov A., Pyshnaya I.
Proteomic response of bacteria during the interaction with a host cell in a model of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Matyushkina D., Butenko I., Pobeguts O., Fisunov G., Govorun V.
Preliminary Structural Characteristic of Polysaccharides Extracted From the Callus Tissue of Sosnowskyi’s Hogweed (Heracleum Sosnowskyi Manden) Stem by Aqueous Ammonium Oxalate
Gordina E., Kuznetsov S., Golovchenko V., Zlobin A.
N-glycosylation profile of the protective chimeric antibody ch14D5a against tick-borne encephalitis virus
Baykov I., Matveev A., Kondratov I., Tikunova N.
Proteolytic Hydrolysis of the Antitumor Peptide HLDF-6-AA in Blood Plasma
Zolotarev Y., Dadayan A., Kozik V., Shram S., Nagaev I., Azev V., Bogachouk A., Lipkin V., Myasoedov N.
A mass spectrometry study of the self-association of glycyrrhetinic acid molecules
Borisenko S., Lekar’ A., Vetrova E., Filonova O., Borisenko N.
Human Blood Plasma Lipidome: Opportunities and Prospects of Its Analysis in Medical Chemistry
Torkhovskaya T., Zakharova T., Korotkevich E., Ipatova O., Markin S.
Regulation of Aggregation of Self-Associated Peptides, Including N-Terminal Fragments of the Alzheimer’s β-Amyloid Peptide, by Nitro Derivatives of Azoloazine
Mirgorodskaya O., Kozmin Y., Protasov A., Toropygin I., Oleinikov V.
Investigation of the complex antibiotic INA-5812
Lapchinskaya O., Katrukha G., Gladkikh E., Kulyaeva V., Coodan P., Topolyan A., Alferova V., Pogozheva V., Sukonnikov M., Rogozhin E., Prokhorenko I., Brylev V., Korolev A., Slyundina M., Borisov R., Serebryakova M., Shuvalov M., Ksenofontov A., Stoyanova L., Osterman I., Formanovsky A., Tashlitsky V., Baratova L., Timofeeva A., Tyurin A.
Mass Spectrometric Amino Acid Sequencing of Short and Mid-Sized Peptides in a ESI-O-TOF System as an Alternative to MS/MS: I. Selective Fragmentation of Peptides with y-Ion Formation
Nazimov I., Bublyaev R.
The use of H/D exchange for secondary structure characterization of supermetallized complexes of ubiquitin with cerium(III)
Kostyukevich Y., Yacovlev P., Kononikhin A., Popov I., Bugrova A., Starodubtzeva N., Nikolaev E.
Phytoecdysteroids of Serratula centauroides Herb from Cisbaikalia
Olennikov D., Kashchenko N.
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