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Vol 43, No 7 (2017)


The Antioxidant Activity of the Russian Far East Representatives of the Spiraea L. (Rosaceae Juss.) Genus

Kostikova V.A., Shaldaeva T.M.


Biologically active substances and antioxidant activity of extracts from leaves and inflorescences of nine representatives of the genus Spiraea L. growing on the territory of the Far East of Russia were investigated. Widespread species of the genus Spiraea (S. salicifolia, S. media var. media, S. betulifolia and S. ussuriensis subsp. ussuriensis) have the highest levels of biologically active substances. The inflorescences of spiraeas there contain more flavonols (up to 3.9%), oxycinnamic acids (up to 1.2%), catechins (up to 5.7%) and saponins (up to 5.1%) compared to their leaves, and there are more tannins (up to 11.6%) in the leaves. Among the Far Eastern representatives of the genus Spiraea, S. betulifolia and S. beauverdiana (section Calospira), S. humilis and S. salicifolia (section Spiraria), S. pubescens and S. media var. media (section Chamaedryon) are promising antioxidants. Plants of the genus Spiraea probably contain water-soluble antioxidant compounds of phenolic type, because the antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts in the leaves and inflorescences of spiraeas is higher (0.16–2.79 mg/g) than that of water-alcoholic compounds (0.06–2.54 mg/g). The antioxidant activity in the leaves of spiraeas is generally higher than that in the inflorescence. A reliable positive correlation is observed between the antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts from the organs of spiraeas and a content of oxycinnamic acids.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):790-794
pages 790-794 views

Quantitative Analysis of Flavonoids in Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria chamomilla L.) by Microcolumn HPLC-UV

Kashchenko N.I., Olennikov D.N.


A reverse-phase microcolumn HPLC method with UV detection (330 nm) was developed for quantitative analysis of flavonoids of Matricaria chamomilla flowers using a ProntoSIL-120-5-C18 AQ column (60 mm × 1 mm × 5 μm), gradient elution system 0.2 M LiClO4/0.006 M HClO4–acetonitrile and cosmosiin as a reference compound. Optimal conditions for the hydrolytic process of flavonoids (KOH concentration 0.25%, extraction time 30 min) and the parameters of flavonoids extraction (particle size 0.25 mm, extraction temperature 60°C, a single extraction step lasting 30 min at a ratio 1: 100) were selected. Validation analysis showed that the proposed method is characterized by satisfactory metrological parameters. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of cosmosiin were 84 and 255 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy for cosmosiin content levels 80–120% was less than 101.93–103.00%. The method was used for the analysis of introduced and commercial samples of M. chamomilla flowers.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):783-789
pages 783-789 views

Identification of Terpene Lactones and Flavonol Glycosides in Preparations Based on Ginkgo Biloba Extract and a New Way of Semi-Quantitative Determination of Flavonol Glycosides by 1H NMR Spectroscopy

Vasil’ev V.G., Prokop’ev A.S., Kalabin G.A.


The composition of terpen lactones and flavonol glycosides of commercial preparation series based on Ginkgo biloba extracts was investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The content of individual terpen lactones was determined using DMSO-d6 and acetone-d6 solvents. The effect of the structure of flavonol glycosides on the signal of the hydroxyl proton at a position 5 of the ring A was examined. A new approach was proposed for semiquantitative determination of the total amount of flavonol glycosides by the integral intensity of this signal, which is a superposition of the singlets in the region of 12.5–12.65 ppm of individual flavonoids in DMSO-d6. Since the corresponding signals of aglycones (quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin), which are minor components of the Ginkgo biloba extracts, appear separately in a slightly different region (12.45–12.48 ppm), the proposed method can also be used for detecting adulteration of Ginkgo biloba extracts by means of the addition into them of relatively cheap aglycones or rutin as well as for assessment of the content of flavonoids of similar structure in some types of plant raw materials.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):776-782
pages 776-782 views

Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Various Bioantioxidants and Their Mixtures by the Amperometric Method

Sazhina N.N.


To date, simple and operative electrochemical methods are widely used to study antioxidant properties of various biological objects. One of them is the amperometric method, which is used in various fields of science, technology and medicine to determine the antioxidant activity (AOA) of various beverages, extracts and biological fluids, as well as the total content of antioxidants (AOs) present in them. Measurements of AOA (electrochemical oxidability) of some known individual AO and their mixtures by the amperometric method was performed in the present work. The coefficients of their oxidability were determined. The AOA values obtained correlate well with the AOA of these compounds measured by other methods. The coincidence of the experimental values of AOA and the values calculated with the use of the coefficients of oxidability for each component of the mixture was observed for most combinations of binary mixtures of used AOs. This indicates the absence of interaction between them (synergism or antagonism) during the oxidation. Several mixtures with a lower value of the measured AOA compared with the calculated value (antagonism) represented the exception. During the electrochemical oxidation of the “oxidized glutathione + ascorbic acid” mixture, partial reduction of glutathione by ascorbic acid is likely to proceed, which results in an excess of the measured AOA value over the calculated value. The results obtained may be useful when working with devices based on the amperometric method.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):771-775
pages 771-775 views

Characteristic of Polysaccharide Complexes from Centaurea scabiosa L. and Centaurea pseudomaculosa Dobrocz.

Larkina S., Krivoshchekov S.V., Guryev A.M., Kadyrova T.V., Ermilova E.V., Kotserubskaya V.V., Yusubov M.S.


We characterized polysaccharide complexes from Centaurea scabiosa L. and Centaurea pseudomaculosа Dobrocz. We proposed the technique of sequential selection of water-soluble polysaccharides and pectin substances from the aerial parts of studied objects. We have discovered that the content of water-soluble polysaccharides in the aerial parts of C. scabiosa was 2.8 times higher (2.7 ± 0.3%, n = 3) than in C. pseudomaculosа (0.97 ± 0.50%, n = 3). The content of pectin substances in the aerial parts of C. scabiosa was 2 times higher (7.6 ± 0.4%, n = 3) than in C. pseudomaculosа (3.9 ± 0.3%, n = 3). The residues of D-galacturonic acid, L-rhamnose, D-xylose, D-mannose, D-glucose, and D-galactose are the monomeric units of polysaccharide complexes from C. scabiosa and C. pseudomaculosa. Using ion-exchange chromatography, three polysaccharide fractions (molecular weights 667, 722, and 1027 kDa), whose monomer units are D-galacturonic acid, L-rhamnose, D-galactose, D-xylose, and D-glucose were isolated from the water-soluble polysaccharides of C. scabiosa.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):766-770
pages 766-770 views

Chemical Composition of Lipids from Peat-Forming Leafy Mosses of Eutrophic Swamps of Western Siberia and Altai

Serebrennikov O.V., Strel’nikova E.B., Russkih I.V., Prejs J.I., Duchko M.A.


The molecular composition of lipids in three samples of leafy mosses (Aulacomnium palustre, Warnstorfia fluitans, and Calliergon giganteum) has been determined. The revealed acyclic compounds included normal and isoprenoid alkanes, isoprenoid alkenes, normal and isoprenoid ketones, carboxylic acids and their esters, alcohols, and aldehydes. Among cyclic compounds, bi-, tri- and tetracyclic polycycloaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), bicyclic and pentacyclic terpenoids, steroids and tocopherols have been observed. The identified organic compounds consisted mainly of carbocyclic acids and n-alkanes with the prevalence of C27 homologues. A. palustre is characterized by a reduced content of isoprenoid compounds, alcohols, and ketones, while the content of unsaturated acids, pentacyclic terpenoids, and aldehydes is rather heightened. A. palustre differs from W. fluitans and C. giganteum in the steroid composition and contains eremophylene, a sesquiterpenoid, which is absent in the mosses of the family Amblystegiaceae. Compared to C. giganteum, W. fluitans has a higher content of lycopadiene, carboxylic acids, n-alkanes, phyt-2-ene, aldehydes, esters, squalene, diploptene, α-tocopherol, and triphenyl phosphates.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):760-765
pages 760-765 views

Isolation and Analysis of Extractives from White Cinquefoil (Potentilla alba L.) Grown under Different Conditions

Bazarnova N.G., Tikhomirova L.I., Frolova N.S., Mikushina I.V.


Potentilla alba L. is used as a medicinal plant that contains a variety of biologically active substances. Natural resources are not meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. We obtained the first biomass of P. alba plant-regenerants using hydroponics technique with clonal micropropagation. We have conducted a comprehensive study of the chemical composition of a vegetable raw materials P. alba, obtained in the Biotechnology Department (plant-regenerants) in comparison with raw material obtained from plants grown under field conditions (intact plants). We have established the quantitative content of the structural components in the samples: cellulose in roots and rhizomes of intact plants, 15.4%, in the roots of plant-regenerants, 4.3%, in the leaves of plant-regenerants, 2.5%; lignin in roots and rhizomes of intact plants, 40.7%, in the roots of plant-regenerants, 37.0%, and in the leaves of plant-regenerants, 36.8%. We determined the content of extractives in P. alba samples, recovered by sequential treatment with hexane, 96% and 40% ethanol solution, water and 1% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. We identified the total content of extractives in the roots and rhizomes of intact plants at 15.3%, in the roots of plants-regenerants, 11.2%, and in the leaves of plant-regenerants, 5.1%. We characterized the chemical composition of extractives by UV-spectroscopy. Phenolic substances (λ = 279.5–280.0 nm) were dominant in the composition of the extracts. We have established the authenticity of the samples by the TLC chromatography based on the presence of flavonoids and tannins. We showed the identity of the phytochemical composition of vegetable raw materials produced by micropropagation and grown hydroponically for two months.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):752-759
pages 752-759 views

Bioactive Components of Sea Buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides L. Foliage

Kukin T.P., Shcherbakov D.N., Gensh K.V., Tulysheva E.A., Salnikova O.I., Grazhdannikov A.E., Kolosova E.A.


The composition of lipophilic components of sea buckthorn leafy shoots, a large tonnage waste in the production of sea buckthorn oil and during renewing the cultural plantings of sea buckthorn, was studied. Hexane was used as an extraction solvent for raw materials; it provides a high degree of lipophilic component extraction and is an analogue of extraction gasoline used in the food and perfume industries. The chemical composition of the hexane extract of sea buckthorn leafy shoots was studied by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. Sixty-seven neutral and twenty-nine acidic components, including polyprenols, dolichols, triterpene alcohols and acids, sterols, were identified. β-Sitosterol was the main component of the sterol fraction. Its content was 6.9% of the extract mass, which is much higher than in the essential extracts of leaves and pulp of sea buckthorn fruit. It is mostly found in the free form in the extract. The acidic fraction contains highly active triterpene acids (up to 5% of the extract mass) along with the major aliphatic acids. Components with the chain length of 11 and 17 isoprene units predominate in the fraction of polyprenols and dolichols (up to 4.2%). The results allow us to consider sea buckthorn leafy shoots as a promising source of biologically active compounds.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):747-751
pages 747-751 views

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Dihydroquercetin Complexes with Biogenic Metal Ions

Stolpovskaya E.V., Trofimova N.N., Babkin V.A.


The antioxidant activity of dihydroquercetin (DHQ) complexes with zinc, copper(II) and calcium was studied in vitro in blood plasma of healthy donors. The state of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in blood plasma was assessed by the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), diene (DC) and triene (TC) conjugates. The effect of DHQ and the complexes on the activity of the catalase enzyme in blood plasma was determined. It was found that DHQ complex with zinc ion reduces the MDA content in blood plasma by 14.9% compared with the control, which is twice as high as for DHQ (7.5%). The corresponding parameters of DHQ complexes with copper(II) and calcium ions were 11.2 and 3.7%, respectively. The effect of the complexes on the decrease in the DC and TC content in blood plasma compared with the control is comparable with the corresponding parameters for DHQ. The DHQ complex with zinc ion increases the catalase activity by 1.5% compared with DHQ. The complexes containing copper(II) and calcium ions increase the catalase activity no more than DHQ.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):742-746
pages 742-746 views

Plant Biopolymers

Potentiometry of the Reaction of Residual Lignin of Lignocellulose Powder Material with Chlorine Dioxide

Mukhrygin K.S., Demin V.A.


The consumption rate of chlorine dioxide in the reaction with the residual lignin was studied using measurements of the potential of a redox couple ClO2/ClO2 in an aqueous suspension of lignocellulose powder material. The methodology was developed for the study of reaction kinetics of chlorine dioxide with the residual lignin using the first order reaction model with the initial lignin concentration in the reaction medium varying in the range of (1–17) × 10–4 М at the initial chlorine dioxide concentration of 4.48 × 10–4 М. The monochronic rate constant of the second order reaction of chlorine dioxide with the residual lignin was calculated by the dependence keff(I) = keff(II)[L]0 under the lignin excess conditions, it was 1462 ± 108 М–1 s–1. Considering the initial concentrations of reagents, it was found that, with increasing the degree of lignin conversion Θ from ≈0.27 to 0.54, its reactivity in the interaction with the chlorine dioxide is reduced, and the value of keff(II) decreased from ≈1280 to 900 М–1 s–1, which according to the theory of polychronic kinetics was a manifestation of the kinetic nonequivalence of the various ensembles of macromolecules of the residual lignin. Thus, it was experimentally shown for the first time that residual lignin of lignocellulose powder material had a kinetic nonequivalence in the interaction with chlorine dioxide.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):737-741
pages 737-741 views

Quantification of Polysaccharides in Vegetable Raw Materials and Lignin Preparations

Evstigneyev E.I.


The phenol-sulfuric acid method has been studied for its capability to analyze vegetable raw materials. This method has made it possible to determine rather simply and with high accuracy polysaccharides in both vegetable raw materials (agricultural vegetables, softwood, and hardwood), and in various lignin preparations (the laboratory-scale and technical). The method is based on the color reaction of monosaccharides with phenol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. The developed modified phenol-sulfuric acid method is universal because allows for the detection of polysaccharides in the samples with both high and low polysaccharide content, i.e., in vegetable raw materials and lignin preparations, respectively. The method is highly sensitive; it is possible to analyze monosaccharides in the mixture at the concentration of 1 × 10–4 mol L–1 on average. The hydrolysate volume of 0.25 mL that is ten-times diluted is enough for analysis. The duration of the hydrolysate analysis including the mix preparation, recording of the spectrum, and calculation by the formula does not exceed 30 min. The method can be used for the analysis of the chemical composition of renewable vegetable raw materials when developing technologies for obtaining alternative energy sources.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):732-736
pages 732-736 views

Synthesis and Study of Copper-Containing Polymers Based on Sulfated Arabinogalactan

Kuznetsov B.N., Vasilyeva N.Y., Levdansky A.V., Maximov N.G., Kazachenko A.S., Skvortsova G.P., Djakovitch L., Pinel C.


Synthesis of water-soluble copper-containing sulfates of arabinogalactan was carried out for the first time by the ion exchange method. Their composition and structure were studied by the methods of elemental and chemical analysis, X-ray spectral microanalysis, atomic force microscopy (AFM), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). According to the AFM data, the surface of copper-containing polymer films does not have inclusions and consists of homogeneous crystallites of a spherical and slightly elongated shape and transverse dimensions of about 100 nm. The composition of copper- containing polymers was studied by the chemical method and X-ray spectral microanalysis. The absence of nitrogen in the obtained polymer indicates the complete replacement of ammonium cations in the ammonium salt of AG sulfate with the copper cations. The IR spectrum of copper-containing AG sulfate is similar to that of the sodium salt of sulfated arabinogalactan. Superposition of two signals was observed in the EPR spectrum of copper-containing AG sulfate. One of them belongs to isolated Cu2+ ions; another, to associated Cu2+ ions in the salt-like compounds. The integral intensity of isolated Cu2+ ion signals (anisotropic signal) and associated ions (isotropic signal) depends on the copper content in the polymer. Water-soluble coppercontaining polymers of AG sulfates have prospects for their use in medicine.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):727-731
pages 727-731 views

The Raman Spectroscopy, XRD, SEM, and AFM Study of Arabinogalactan Sulfates Obtained Using Sulfamic Acid

Kuznetsov B.N., Vasilyeva N.Y., Levdansky A.V., Karacharov A.A., Krylov A.S., Mazurova E.V., Bondarenko G.N., Levdansky V.A., Kazachenko A.S.


The structure of sodium salts of arabinogalactan (AG) sulfates obtained by sulfating AG of larch wood with a sulfamic acid–urea mixture in 1,4-dioxane was studied by the methods of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The introduction of sulfate groups into the structure of arabinogalactan was confirmed by the appearance in the Raman spectra of new absorption bands related to the deformation vibrations δ (SO3) at 420 cm–1 and δ (О=S=O) at 588 cm–1, stretching vibrations ν (C–O–S) at 822 cm–1, symmetrical stretching vibrations νs (O=S=O) at 1076 cm–1, and asymmetric stretching vibrations of νas (O=S=O) at 1269 cm–1. According to the XRD data, the amorphization of arabinogalactan structure occurs during the sulfation process. The SEM method revealed a significant difference in the morphology of the sulfated and starting arabinogalactan. The starting AG consists of particles of predominantly globular shape with a size of 10 to 90 μm; arabinogalactan sulfates, of particles of various shapes with sizes of 1–8 μm. According to the AFM, the surface of sulfated arabinogalactan film consists of rather homogeneous spherical particles about 70 nm in size. The root-mean-square value of the surface roughness is 33 nm. The surface of sulfated AG film does not contain impurities.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):722-726
pages 722-726 views

Synthesis and Study of Biological Activity of Sulfamic Polysaccharide Derivatives

Turaev A.S., Akhmedov O.R., Shomurotov S.A., Rakhmanova G.G.


New water-soluble derivatives of starch, pectin, and Na-CMC containing the sulfamic groups have been obtained by the reaction of sulfamic acid with dialdehyde polysaccharide derivatives. The structure and composition of the resulting compounds have been studied by IR spectroscopy, elemental (nitrogen and sulfur) analysis, and X-ray diffraction. The sulfamic derivatives of starch, pectin, and Na-CMC with a different content of the sulfamic groups have been obtained by varying the ratio of sulfamic acid to the dialdehyde polysaccharide derivatives. The optimal–СНО: NH2SO3H ratio was found to be 1: 2.5. The interaction rate of sulfamic acid with the dialdehyde derivatives of starch, pectin, and Na-CMC has been evaluated. The antibacterial and antifungal effects of sodium salts of the sulfamic starch, pectin, and Na-CMC derivatives against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi have been studied at different concentrations (10, 25, 50 mg/mL) by the disk diffusion method. The synthesized compounds have not been found to exhibit antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Nevertheless, they have been shown to have the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus faecalis at the concentration of 50 mg/mL. The concentration dependence of antibacterial action of sodium salts of the starch, pectin, and Na-CMC sulfamic derivatives has been demonstrated. The antibacterial activity of the drugs has been found to directly depend on the content of the sulfamic groups in polysaccharides. The results on the acute toxicity of the sulfamic polysaccharide derivatives have shown that these compounds can be attributed to low-toxicity substances of Class V.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):716-721
pages 716-721 views

Peculiarity of Phase Transition CI into CII for Nanocrystallites of Cellulose

Ioelovich M.


In this paper, using a method of wide-angle X-ray diffraction, sizes of cellulose nanoscale crystallites were determined and phase transition of nanosized crystallites CI into CII was studied after treatment of cellulose samples with solutions of sodium hydroxide with various concentrations, 5 to 20% (1.3 to 6.1 M). It was found that the phase transition proceeds in a certain interval of hydroxide concentrations; moreover, a correlation between average concentration (C) of hydroxide and average lateral sizes (D) of nanocrystallites was observed. Methods of chemical thermodynamics of nanophases allowed to derive an equation, which describes the relationship between C and D: lnC = lnCoKD–1, where Co is maximum concentration of hydroxide, which is required for the phase transition of large crystals of CI. Thus, the decrease in hydroxide concentration at the phase transition CI into CII, is explained by decreasing of lateral size of CI nanocrystallites. By means of the derived equation, minimum, average and maximum lateral sizes of CI nanocrystallites were determined, as well as polydispersity in lateral sizes of crystallites was studied. It has been shown that crystallites of organo-solvent celluloses were the most uniform, whereas aggregated crystallites of Kraft celluloses were the most heterogeneous.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):712-715
pages 712-715 views

Review Article

Structural Diversity and State of Knowledge of Flavonoids of the Scutellaria L. Genus

Karimov A.M., Botirov E.K.


The review presents the results of scientometric analysis of data on the level of study and chemical diversity of flavonoids of the Scutellaria L. genus species of the world’s flora. Flavonoid composition in 63 species of skullcap is reported, together with the data on distribution in plants, structure, and sources of 301 flavonoids belonging to the groups of flavones, flavanones, flavanonols, flavonols, chalcones, isoflavones, flavolignans, and bioflavonoids. The greatest number of flavonoids was shown to be isolated from plants of S. indica, S. baicalensis, S. barbata, S. amoena, S. prostrata, S. galericulata, S. discolor, S. ramosissima, and S. supina. Scientometric studies indicate the constantly growing interest in the study of species of the Scutellaria L. genus by scientists of various branches of science, including phytochemists, biologists, and pharmacologists. Information provided in the review can be used to address issues of chemosystematics of plants of the Scutellaria L. genus.

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2017;43(7):691-711
pages 691-711 views

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