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Том 61, № 3 (2016)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

About the choice of auxiliary sources during the solution of the problem of diffraction of a point source field by a dielectric body

Manenkov S.


A new version of the modified method of discrete sources (MMDSs) is proposed for the solution of the 2D and 3D (vector) problems of diffraction of the point source field by a dielectric body. The case when the source is located at a small distance from a scatterer is considered. The method is tested for the example of the problem of diffraction of a point source field by an infinite dielectric cylinder and a dielectric sphere. It is shown that the discrepancy of the boundary conditions is substantially lower when the suggested variant of the MMDSs is used for various geometries of a scatterer.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):211-223
pages 211-223 views

Diffraction of a plane wave by a multiserial lattice located in a dielectric layer

Kurkchan A., Manenkov S., Negorozhina E.


A modified zero field method is applied to solve the 2D problem of scattering by a multiserial lattice. The lattice consists of perfectly conducting elements and is situated in a homogeneous dielectric layer. The system of integral equations is derived and formulas for calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained for various geometries of the lattice elements. To increase the efficiency of the algorithm work, both polar and elliptic coordinates are applied to choose the auxiliary contour on which the zero field condition is stipulated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):224-233
pages 224-233 views

A vector model of wave propagation through an interface of dissipative media

Shavrov V., Shcheglov V.


The possibility of solution of the problem of wave propagation through an interface of two dissipative media with the help of a trigonometric vector model is shown. Two invariants independent of the dissipation of these media are revealed: (i) the sum of projections of vectors of reflected and transmitted waves onto the polar axis, which is equal to the projection of the vector of the incident wave onto the same axis, and (ii) the sum of projections of vectors of these waves onto the normal to the polar axis, which is equal to zero.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):234-242
pages 234-242 views

Boundary-value problem for the adjoint Helmholtz equation

Raevskii A., Raevskii S.


On the basis of the boundary-value problem for the adjoint Helmholtz equation, it is demonstrated that guiding structures can support improper waves attached to a source of the type of a traveling-wave antenna. The boundary-value problem is suggested to be self-consistent because its formulation incorporates the reverse influence of the field on the source.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):243-245
pages 243-245 views

Statistical Radiophysics

Amplitude-goniometric passive location of an emitting target in the nonstationary radio channel

Bulychev Y., Bulychev V., Ivakina S.


The further development of the concept related to passive direction finders (DFs) equipped with an energy-measurement channel is implemented. The goniometric-energy method of passive detection and ranging, according to which the slant distance to a target can be determined from its emission in the form of a constant-envelope signal, is generated as applied to the given stationary DFs. In the spatial case, the passive location problem is solved using the time-dependent behavior of the generalized radiolocation coefficient. A complex algorithm is constructed with the aim at jointly estimating the given coefficient and the detection range under the condition that rectilinear uniform motion of an emitting target is simulated on the estimation interval. The computational experiment results are presented to confirm the possibility of practical application of the proposed method.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):246-253
pages 246-253 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Influence of the medium nonlinearity on the reflection of monochromatic and pulsed radiation

Zlodeev I., Sementsov D.


The features of Gaussian pulse reflection from a nonlinear medium with the resonance frequency dependence of permittivity are investigated. The results of numerical analysis of the equations describing the light-field distribution in reflected pulses with s and p polarizations are presented. The influence of the intensity, incidence angle, carrier frequency, and incident-pulse duration on the reflected pulse envelope shape is discussed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):254-260
pages 254-260 views

Tunneling of optical beams in a layered structure with a periodic variation in the refractive index

Bobkov N., Marchenko V., Zakharova I., Shestakov P.


Specific features of tunneling of optical beams in the band gap of a plane-layered structure with finite thickness are considered. Typical profiles of transmitted beams and 2D spatial distribution of field intensity in the periodic structure are calculated at several ratios of the spectral width of the obliquely incident beam to the angular width of the band gap. Integral lateral displacements of the transmitted beams are calculated, and the saturation limits of such displacements are determined upon an increase in the layer thickness. Several features of the tunneling of convergent and divergent beams are outlined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):261-266
pages 261-266 views

Microwave Electronics

Generation in crossed fields under parametric variation in the magnetic field

Baiburin V., Rozov A.


Signal generation in systems with crossed electric and magnetic fields is demonstrated. The generation effect is obtained in an ac magnetic field.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):267-271
pages 267-271 views

Electron and Ion Optics

Geometrized theory of plane electron beams and model of an electron-optical system of planar gyrotron

Syrovoi V.


Two approximations of the geometrized theory are constructed, which make it possible to consider nonparaxial plane relativistic beams emitted in the T-mode with an improved description of the nearcathode region with allowance for the third derivatives of the electric field on the emitting surface and the second derivative of its curvature. In the region of influence of the singularity, the cathode shape and the field on the cathode are related to the configuration of the basic current tube and the variation of the potential on it. The results are adapted to the case of a relativistic planar gyrotron.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):272-290
pages 272-290 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Wideband planar filters with an extended stopband

Zakharov A., Il’chenko M.


An approach to the construction of wideband bandpass filters of microstrip and stripline designs, which have an extended stopband and can incorporate lumped capacitors, is proposed. This approach is based on resonators with the enhanced frequency diversity of fundamental and parasitic resonance frequencies and coupling circuits formed according to an assigned rule. The potential of the filters achieved due to the proposed technique is established. In particular, a very wide passband whose ratio of cuttoff frequencies is 5: 1, as well as the stopband greater than an octave at a level of 40 dB, is demostrated to be attainable. When the passband is narrower, the stopband can exceed two octaves. The given approach can be applied to filters operating in a broad frequency range, including to that corresponding to centimeter and meter waves. The experimental data are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):291-301
pages 291-301 views

Device for nanoobject manipulation based on two-layer composite with shape memory

Dikan V., Mashirov A., Zakharov D., Mazaev P., Zhikharev A., Kalashnikov V., Koledov V., von Gratovski S., Sitnikov N., Irzhak A., Shelyakov A., Shavrov V.


A device for gripping of microand nanoobjects (nanotweezers) with a working body made of bimetal composite (fast-quenched Ti2NiCu alloy with shape memory and platinum layer) is developed and studied. A method for manufacturing of the composite material using local ion etching and ion-stimulated deposition from gas phase is proposed. A structure of nanotweezers based on such a composite and experiments on gripping and displacement of submicron objects are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):302-310
pages 302-310 views

Articles from the Russian Journal Prikladnaya Fizika

Analytical model used to calculate focal-plane-array parameters

Patrashin A., Burlakov I., Korneeva M., Shabarov V.


The theory making it possible to rather accurately predict a complete set of characteristics (signals, noises, and photoelectric parameters) inherent to all components of the photodiode-based focal plane array (FPA) under design and optimize its parameters has been developed. The theory relies on a new approach to the determination of FPA irradiance, which ensures its calculations at any shape of the diaphragm in the light-insulating shield. Both staring and scanning FPAs, the latter of which operate under the condition of time delay and accumulation, are discussed. The theory has been verified using a 320 × 256 FPA. The calculated dependences of the signals and noises of photoelectric components are compared with the experimental values obtained at different accumulation times and background irradiation temperatures. The theoretical data are revealed to be in complete agreement with the experiment, confirming the model validity. The theory will be undoubtedly useful for designers, manufacturers, and users of FPAs. The model can easily be extended to systems with FPAs.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):311-318
pages 311-318 views

Short-wavelength infrared array avalanche photodetectors on the basis of InGaAs heteroepitaxial structures

Iakovleva N., Boltar K., Sednev M., Patrashin A., Irodov N.


SWIR ADP 320 × 256 FPAs based on pin photodiodes in InGaAs heterostructures have been developed and investigated. The typical InGaAs/InP PIN heterostructures are formed by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) on n+ type InP substrates. The InGaAs/InP PIN photodiodes performance have been estimated by measuring current-voltage characteristics. APD arrays are designed using a mesa-passivated avalanche photodiode device array of pin junctions in heterostructure with common absorption and multiplication regions. The optimal operating point for managing avalanche application depended on various factors has been started at 15 V bias and the multiplication coefficient was of 2–4.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):319-323
pages 319-323 views

Focal plane arrays mesastructures formation by ion-beam etching

Sednev M., Boltar K., Sharonov Y., Lopukhin A.


The results of investigation of profiles formed by ion-beam etching of semiconductor structures through a photolithographic mask are presented. The minimum dimensions of unmasked regions on the surfaces of two studied structures are 2 and 5 μm, respectively. It is demonstrated that the etching rate reduces with reduction in the width of the unmasked gap. The effect of reflection of the ion beam from vertical walls formed during etching may be used for fabrication of submicron separating mesaregions.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):324-327
pages 324-327 views

Influence of parameters of the semiconductor–dielectric interface on the current of the guard ring of silicon photodiodes

Demidov S., Klimanov E.


Relationships, which determine requirements for the resistance of the inversion layer for decreasing the influence of the guard ring on the dark current and photodiode noisess and allow obtaining the specified intercoupling coefficient between photosensitive elements in multielement photodiodes, are given. It is shown that dependences of the current of the guard ring on the bias voltage and the charge on the Si–SiO2 interface in the presence of the inversion layer satisfy the current generation model in the space-charge region of the current. The resistance of the inversion layer increase with an increase in the bias voltage in accordance with the relationship RuV1.5.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):328-332
pages 328-332 views

Investigation of the surface roughness of CdZnTe substrates by different techniques of nanometer accuracy

Burlakov I., Denisov I., Sizov A., Silina A., Smirnova N.


The results of measurements of the root-mean-square (rms) surface roughness of CdZnTe substrates by confocal microscopy (CM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) are compared. It is determined that CM yields the highest rms roughness values, AFM assumes an intermediate position, and XRR measurements produce results that are an order of magnitude lower than those obtained with the use of the other two techniques. It is demonstrated that CM rms roughness values depend to a considerable extent on the type of the microscope objective used in experiments. Probable reasons for the discrepancy between the obtained results are discussed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):333-337
pages 333-337 views

Analytical approach to selection of the optimum structure of avalanche heterophotodiodes based on direct bandgap semiconductors

Kholodnov V., Burlakov I., Drugova A.


Using an analytical model of the avalanche heterophotodiode (AHPhD), principles of selection of its optimal structure are given. The model is based on analytical expressions for the field of the avalanche breakdown of the pn heterostructure and the interband tunnel current in it, which determines the minimum noise level in the AHPhDs based on direct bandgap semiconductors. To reduce the tunnel current, it is necessary to use a structure with separated absorption and multiplication regions. This approach allows one to analytically determine parameters of the structure in which the latter is implemented. In addition, it enables one to analytically determine such parameters and structures of “low–high–low” type that simultaneously provide both the minimum tunnel current and the minimum avalanche noise factor.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):338-343
pages 338-343 views

Temperature dependence of diffusion length in MCT epitaxial layers

Nikiforov I., Nikonov A., Boltar K., Iakovleva N.


The temperature dependence of the minority charge carriers diffusion length in the active photosensitive layer of a matrix photodetector based on MCT heteroepitaxial structure grown by molecular beam epitaxy is studied.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):344-347
pages 344-347 views

320 × 256 avalanche array photodetector on the basis of ternary alloys of the A3B5 group with an InGaAs absorbing layer and an InAlAs barrier layer

Iakovleva N., Boltar K., Sedneva M., Lopukhin A., Korotaev E.


320 × 256 avalanche array photodetector on the basis ternary alloys of the A3B5 group with an InGaAs absorbing (in the band of 0.9–1.7 μm) layer and InAlAs barrier layer is studied. The array of 320 × 256 elements was fabricated in a nBp nanoheterostructure by the mesa technology. The number of imperfect elements, the dependence of the dark current on the bias voltage, and the avalanche gain factor are measured.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):348-351
pages 348-351 views

Properties of correlators of thermal and photoinduced stochastic fields of charge-carrier concentrations and currents in IR photodiodes

Selyakov A., Burlakov I., Filachev A.


A comparative analysis of the correlators of steady-state thermal and photoinduced stochastic fields (SFs) of concentrations and currents of mobile charge carriers in IR photodiodes and homogeneous semiconductors is presented. It is demonstrated that the correlators of thermal and photoinduced SFs of concentrations of mobile charge carriers are determined using conceptually identical expressions for any structure of the pn junction and arbitrary polarity of applied voltage whereas the correlators of the SFs of photoinduced and dark currents are determined using conceptually identical expressions only for the reverse-biased pn junction with a relatively wide base.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):352-357
pages 352-357 views

Characteristics of heteroepitaxial structures AlxGa1–xN for pin diode focal plane arrays

Smirnov D., Boltar K., Sednev M., Sharonov Y.


Mesaelements of the focal plane array (FPA) of pin diodes based on AlxGa1–xN for p–i–n heteroepitaxial structures (HESs) grown by the molecular-beam epitaxy and hydride epitaxy methods with the use of metalorganic compounds are formed. Elements of 320 × 256 FPAs with a pitch of 30 μm are separated by means of ion-beam etching through a photoresist mask in the argon ion stream produced by the Kaufmann ion source in a vacuum plant. To determine the required etching depth, contact profilometry and ultraviolet spectrophotometry methods allowing one to determine positions of the n-layer and sufficient etching depth of the sample are used. The thickness accuracy of the HES functional layers stated in manufacturer’s certificates does not exceed 28%. Rates of ion-beam etching of AlxGa1–xN for p–i–n layers with different compositions are determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(3):358-362
pages 358-362 views

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