
Defects in h-BN: computer simulation of size effects
Latypov R., Sozykin S., Beskachko V.
Effect of Long-Range Interaction in the Modification of Surface Layers of WC–Co Samples by a Pulsed Ion Beam
Pushkarev A., Egorova Y., Polisadov S.
Towards to Theory of the X-ray Diffraction Tomography of Crystals with Nano-Sized Defects
Grigorev V., Konarev P., Chukhovskii F., Volkov V.
Effect of the bending of reflecting planes in crystals on the propagation of an anomalous wave in x-ray diffraction
Smirnova I., Suvorov E.
Mechanisms of formation and accumulation of misorientations in deformable metals and alloys
Cherepanov D., Solov’eva Y., Starenchenko V.
Formation of Radiation Defects in Wide-Band Semiconductors Based on Gallium (Ga2O3, GaN) under Proton Irradiation
Kozlovski V., Vasil’ev A., Lebedev A., Zhurkin E., Levinshtein M., Strelchuk A.
Use of Special Devices for X-Ray Interferometric Investigation of Structural Imperfections in Single Crystals
Drmeyan H., Vasilyan M.
Structural and Phase Changes in Concentrated Solid Solutions of the V–Nb–Ta–Ti System Irradiated with Helium Ions
Uglov V., Sapar A., Mustafin D., Kurakhmedov A., Ivanov I., Ke J., Ryskulov A., Belov M., Zlotski S., Bikhert Y.
Effect of Electron Fluence on the Concentration of Color Centers in Aluminum Oxide Hollow Particles
Iurina V., Dudin A., Neshimenko V., Mikhailov M.
Interaction of Radiation with Hierarchical Structures
Oksengendler B., Ashirmetov A., Iskandarova F., Zatsepin A., Nikiforova N., Suleimanov S., Turaeva N.
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