Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 2 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Investigation of the Dependence of the Yield of Neutrons and Protons of the DD Reaction from Ti and CVD Diamond on the Target Rotation Angle

Negodaev M., Meshaninov S., Artemev K., Rodionov N., Amosov V., Tsekhosh V., Popovich A., Shpakov K., Rusetskii A., Skopintsev D.


At the HELIS ion accelerator, the dependence of the yield of nuclear DD reaction products (neutrons and protons) on the angle of rotation of a Ti and CVD diamond target relative to the axis of the D+ ion beam at energies E ≤ 35 keV was studied. Neutron detection was carried out by two independent methods: proportional counters filled with 3He and a scintillation detector with a stilbene crystal. Protons were detected using a diamond detector. The detectors were located on the side and behind the target. The CVD diamond target had a polycrystalline structure and texture with (100) grain orientation. The crystal structure of the titanium target was homogeneous and isotropic. The measurements showed the dependence of the neutron flux recorded by the detectors located on the side and behind the target on the orientation of the target made of textured CVD diamond in the deuterium ion beam at energies of 25 and 30 keV. The proton yield from the CVD diamond target showed a dependence on the target rotation angle at an energy of 25 keV. For the Ti target, no such effects were observed. The orientational dependence in the yield of neutrons and protons from textured diamond is explained by the effect of channeling deuterium ions in its structure.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Influence of Low-Energy Ion Bombardment on the Texture and Microstructure of Pt Films

Selyukov R., Naumov V., Izyumov M., Vasilev S., Mazaletskiy L.


The influence of low-energy ion bombardment on the texture and microstructure of an 80-nm-thick Pt film deposited at room temperature was investigated. The treatment was carried out in inductively coupled Ar plasma with a negative bias of 45–125 V applied to the specimens and an ion current density of 3.3 mA/cm2. As a result of a series of treatments at each bias, the film was thinned; after each treatment, its structural parameters were determined using X-ray diffraction and compared with those of Pt films 20–60 nm thick deposited under the same conditions. Treatment at 75–125 V led to a decrease in the average size of coherent scattering regions by 10–25%; in the 45 V mode, such a decrease was not observed. These results were explained by the formation and accumulation of radiation defects, the rate of their generation was lower at bias of 45 V. Film sputtering in all modes did not worsen the sharpness of the film texture.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):9-16
pages 9-16 views

On the Effect of Magnetic Pulsed Treatment on the Surface Structure and Magnetic Properties of Tape Amorphous Alloys Fe(Ni, Cu)(SiB)

Shipko M., Kaminskaya T., Stepovich M., Viryus A., Tikhonov A.


The methods of scanning electron, atomic force, and magnetic force microscopy, together with measurements of the magnetic characteristics before and after exposure to pulses of a weak magnetic field (10–100 kA/m) of low frequency (10–20 Hz), were used to study the features of the surface state that determine the domain structure, magnetic properties and magnetic losses during magnetization reversal of ribbon amorphous Fe(Ni, Cu)(SiB) alloys obtained by ultrafast cooling by melt spraying on a rotating drum. Both surfaces of the foils were studied: the surfaces of the samples adjacent to the copper drum, which had an inhomogeneous structure characteristic of all rapidly quenched samples, and other sides of the foils, the surfaces of which were more even, which made them look shiny. When studying the surfaces of foils by atomic force microscopy after their magnetic pulse processing, no changes in the nature of the surface structure were found. The changes were recorded on the images of the shiny side of the samples by magnetic force microscopy. If no domain structure was observed before magnetic pulse treatment, then after magnetic pulse treatment, stripe domains with a width of 0.6–0.8 nm and closing domains with a width of 1.0–1.6 nm were found on structural defects, and in some areas of the surface, along with this, a weak magnetic contrast in the form of large and small domains with a shape close to triangular. It has been established that the magnetization reversal losses are largely related to the losses caused by eddy currents and are related to the domain width (about 1.5 nm), which depends only slightly on the modes of magnetic pulse processing. The obtained research results can be used to refine the technique for relieving stresses arising in the process of manufacturing amorphous ribbons.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Nuclear Physical Study of the Composition of Near-Surface Layers of Rapidly Solidified Foils of Al–Mg–Li–Sc–Zr Alloy after Thermal Treatment

Stoliar I., Shepelevich V., Tashlykova-Bushkevich I., Wendler E.


The influence of thermal treatment on the lithium distribution over the depth of near-surface layers was studied for rapidly solidified foils of industrial Al–Mg–Li–Sc–Zr alloy (1421) produced by ultra-rapid quenching from the molten state using unilateral cooling on the internal surface of rotating copper drum. It was found by electron backscatter diffraction that as-cast foils had a micrograin structure with an average grain size of 12 μm and a texture [111]. Using atomic force microscopy, it was determined that the air-side surface was characterized by a fine cellular structure, which was also observed in the area of caverns and cavities on the drum-side surface. The surface roughness of the foils was from 44 to 57 nm. The patterns of the lithium depth distribution in annealed specimens were established by nuclear reaction analysis using a proton-induced reaction (p, α). It was found that during low-temperature annealing, the near-surface and deep layers of the samples were depleted in lithium, which was evenly distributed over the foil depth. A multiple increase in the lithium concentration found in the near-surface region of the foils was established during high temperature annealing, resulting in the formation of a composition-gradient foil structure. The effect of structure and phase changes caused by the decomposition of a supersaturated solid solution with the precipitation of lithium-containing phases on the behavior of lithium in the annealing temperature range 150–380°C is discussed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):23-32
pages 23-32 views

Effect of Electron Fluence on the Concentration of Color Centers in Aluminum Oxide Hollow Particles

Iurina V., Dudin A., Neshimenko V., Mikhailov M.


The effect of fluence (1–7) × 1016 cm–2 electrons with an energy of 30 keV on the concentration of color centers in aluminum oxide hollow particles micron-sized in comparison with bulk Al2O3 microparticles was studied. The analysis was carried out using diffuse reflectance spectra in the range from 250 to 2500 nm in situ. The radiation resistance of the microspheres under study was evaluated relative to micropowders from the difference diffuse reflectance spectra obtained by subtracting the spectra after irradiation from the spectra of non-irradiated samples. Changes in the difference diffuse reflection spectra of aluminum oxide microparticles and microspheres obtained with different electron fluences showed that with an increase in the induced electron fluence, absorption increases throughout the spectrum. It was found that the radiation resistance of aluminum oxide microspheres to the effects of electrons with an energy of 30 keV a fluence (1–7) × 1016 cm–2 greater than the radiation resistance of Al2O3 microparticles. The increase in the radiation resistance of aluminum oxide hollow microparticles compared to the radiation resistance of aluminum oxide bulk microparticles is due to the low concentration of induced defects of the anionic sublattice.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):33-39
pages 33-39 views

Structural and Phase Changes in Concentrated Solid Solutions of the V–Nb–Ta–Ti System Irradiated with Helium Ions

Uglov V., Sapar A., Mustafin D., Kurakhmedov A., Ivanov I., Ke J., Ryskulov A., Belov M., Zlotski S., Bikhert Y.


The aim of this work is to study the effect of irradiation with low-energy helium ions with a fluence 2 × 1017 cm–2 and an energy of 40 keV on the structural-phase state of multicomponent solid solutions based on V–Nb–Ta–Ti. These studies are aimed at obtaining new data on the radiation resistance of multicomponent solid solutions, which have great potential for use as structural materials for new generation reactors. As a result of the work carried out by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, it was found that all alloys of the system belong to equiatomic single-phase solid solutions and in the initial state, have a homogeneous distribution of elements on the surface and have compressive micro- and macro-stresses. The conducted studies have shown that irradiation with helium ions of alloys of the V–Nb–Ta–Ti system does not lead to the decay of the solid solution and disturbance of the equiatomicity and uniformity of the distribution of elements on the surface. Irradiation with helium ions does not lead to a significant change in the level of micro- and macro-stresses for VNb and VNbTa systems, while for VNbTaTi alloy there is an increase in compressive stresses, which may be due to the segregation of elements and the accumulation of helium-vacancy clusters.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):40-48
pages 40-48 views

Studying the Influence of Polymer-Colloid Drilling Fluid on the Pore Space of Rocks

Kuzmin V., Skibitskaya N.


Using electron microscopy methods, the effect of polymer-colloidal drilling fluids on the pore space in carbonate reservoirs of an oil and gas condensate field, was studied. It is shown that the impact of polymers included in drilling fluids changes the surface of the pore space of rocks. This affects the technology of developing oil fields and the intensification of oil production. At the same time, due to the deposition of polymer components in the pore space of the rock, the properties of the samples change. This must be taken into account when conducting petrophysical studies on samples, as well as in geophysical studies of the bottom-hole zone using methods with a small study radius. The results of morphological studies in the electron microscope of the pore space of rocks after the impact of polymer-colloidal drilling fluids, are presented. Polymer films formed from drilling fluid components are studied. It has been established that after drilling horizontal wells, the change in the wettability of the pore space is associated with the formation of a polymer film on carbonate crystals. The thickness of this film, measured by the direct method, is 60–200 µm in the studied samples. It is noted that these changes in the future can lead to errors in determining the petrophysical properties.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):49-56
pages 49-56 views

On the Dynamics of Development and the Results of the Action of Electric Discharge in the Aquatic Environment

Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Agafonov A., Stepovich M., Shipko M.


The properties of the synthesized nanostructured materials are determined by the methods of their preparation. The combination of electric discharges with liquid is one of the new tools for the synthesis of pure structures but the conditions for obtaining structures play an important role as in the case of traditional synthesis methods. In this work, the electrical and emission characteristics of a low-temperature direct current plasma in contact with water at currents of 0.25 and 0.80 A are studied. The values of the power (energy) of single discharges are calculated. It has been established that this type of discharge burns in a pulsed mode. The value of the discharge current affects the frequency of occurrence of discharges and the energy of an single discharge. It is shown that low-temperature underwater plasma is an effective tool for the synthesis of nanocomposites based on metal oxides, the precursors of which are metal electrodes. The emission spectroscopy method was used to study the emission spectra of underwater plasma. The sputtering of electrodes during plasma combustion, has been established. X-ray phase analysis showed that the phase composition of the obtained products is determined by the strength of the plasma current. The formation of oxides and hydroxides of Ni and Cr with different valencies of metal ions was found.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Peculiarities of Interaction of Low-Energy Noble Gas Atoms with Methyl Groups on the Low-K-Surface

Solovykh A., Sycheva A., Voronina E.


In the current work the computer simulations were performed to study the possibility of surface functionalization of low-K materials that are used as interlayer insulators within ultralarge integration devices with low-energy (up to 30 eV) noble gas atoms. The simulations were carried out using the ab initio density functional theory method assisted with molecular dynamics algorithms implemented in VASP package. The detailed trajectory analysis revealed the conditions under which the irradiation of incident He, Ne, Ar, Xe atoms with the energy up to 30 eV may result in the illumination of near-surface methyl groups responsible for hydrophobic properties of dielectric surface. Based on the data obtained the threshold energy (the minimum atom energy for CH3-radical formation) was evaluated, and the mechanism peculiarities of such a process under light and heavy atom irradiation were studied. It was shown that in the energy range under consideration the interaction Ne, Ar, and Xe with methyl groups has mainly collisional mechanism, therefore with increase in mass of the incident particle the threshold energy increases. He atom irradiation, on the contrary, is capable to induce the perturbations of the electronic density around the methyl group that stimulate fast atom vibrations and result in CH3-detachment.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):63-70
pages 63-70 views

On Equilibrium Configurations of Charged Ions in Planar Systems with Circular Symmetry

Nikonov E., Nazmitdinov R., Glukhovtsev P.


The problem of finding equilibrium configurations of one-component charged particles, induced by external electrostatic fields in planar systems, is a subject of active studies in fundamental as well in experimental investigations. In this paper the results of numerical analysis of the equilibrium configurations of charged particles (electrons), confined in a circular region by an infinite external potential at its boundary are presented. Equilibrium configurations with minimal energy are searched by means of the hybrid numerical algorithm. The algorithm is based on the interpolation formulas, that are obtained from the analysis of the equilibrium configurations for an arbitrary finite number of charged particles, provided by the variational principle, developed in the circular model. The solution of the nonlinear equations of the circular model yields the formation of the shell structure which is composed of the series of rings. Each ring contains a certain number of particles, which decreases as one moves from the boundary ring to the central one. The number of rings depends on the total number of electrons. The interpolation formulas provide the initial configurations for the molecular dynamics calculations. Our results demonstrate a significant efficiency of using the method of classical molecular dynamics (MD) when using the interpolation formulas in comparison with algorithms based on Monte Carlo methods and global optimization. This approach makes it possible to significantly increase the speed at which an equilibrium configuration is reached for an arbitrarily chosen number of particles compared to the Metropolis annealing simulation algorithm and other algorithms based on global optimization methods.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):71-76
pages 71-76 views

The Use of Crystals with an Asymmetric Reflection Geometry to Measure the Parameters of Electron Beams

Berdnichenko A., Vnukov I., Goponov Y., Takabayashi Y.


The prospects of using crystals with asymmetric reflection geometry to determine the transverse size of relativistic electron beams based on the results of measurements of angular distributions of their radiation in a thin crystal for two distances between it and a coordinate detector are discussed. An experimental test of this technique was carried out using an imaging plate as a two-dimensional position-sensitive detector. Measurements were made for the electron energy of 255 MeV and reflection (220) in a silicon crystal with a thickness of 20 microns and a pixel size of 35 × 35 µm2. The distances between the crystal and the detector were 0.5 and 1 m. The obtained values of the horizontal and vertical beam sizes \({{\sigma }_{x}} = 0.32 \pm 0.02\,\,~{\text{mm}}\) and \({{\sigma }_{y}} = 1.35 \pm 0.02~\,\,{\text{mm}}\) are in satisfactory agreement with the measurement results for optical transition radiation. The possibility of characterizing X-ray plates by comparing the measured and calculated PXR angular distributions for several reflecting planes of crystals with an asymmetric reflection geometry and an asymmetry parameter ε less than unity is discussed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):77-87
pages 77-87 views

Comparison of the Results of Simulation and Measurements of Interferograms of Coherent Transition Radiation

Shkitov D., Toktaganova M., Naumenko G., Shevelev M.


The results of a comparison of the autocorrelation functions of coherent transition radiation obtained experimentally on the microtron of the Tomsk Polytechnic University and by simulation methods are presented. The conditions of the experiment and the mathematical basis of the simulation are described in detail. Comparison of experimental and simulated data have shown good agreement. It is demonstrated that the autocorrelation function of the transition radiation depends on the temporal structure of the electron beam and can be used as a precision method for measuring the delay time between electron bunches.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):88-94
pages 88-94 views

Energy Spectra of Hydrogen Atoms Reflected from a Tungsten Surface

Mikhailov V., Babenko P., Tensin D., Zinoviev A.


Computer simulations were used to calculate the energy spectra and angular distributions of reflected particles during bombardment of the tungsten surface with hydrogen and deuterium atoms with energies of 0.1–10 keV. A model was proposed that qualitatively explained the main regularities in the behavior of the spectra. The similarity of the energy spectra upon bombardment by hydrogen and deuterium atoms at the same collision velocities has been established. The angular distribution of reflected particles was universal in a wide range of initial energies of the bombarding atoms.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):95-101
pages 95-101 views

Integrated Study of Solid Uranium-Containing Materials for the Purposes of Nuclear Forensics

Zhukov A., Kuchkin A., Zhizhin K., Babenko A., Komarov Y., Stebelkov V.


An optimal algorithm is presented for studying unknown samples of solid uranium-containing materials and obtaining the maximum possible information about their similarities and differences, about their production technology and a possible source of origin for the purposes of nuclear forensics. The results of the study of physical characteristics, isotopic, elemental and phase composition, morphology and other parameters of material samples obtained by the Laboratory in the course of participation in the international experiment CMX5 (Collaborative Materials Exercise 5), organized by the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group, are analyzed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2023;(2):102-112
pages 102-112 views

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