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No 1 (2024)

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Modeling of Flexural-Gravity Waves in Ice Cover on Elastic Films

Kozin V.M.


It is noted that, based on observations of fluctuations of the ice cover in natural conditions under the influence of moving loads, i. e., when excitation of flexural gravity waves (FGW), the latter behaves similarly to an elastic isotropic plate. On this basis, a new direction has been proposed in modeling some problems of deformation of the FGW ice cover on elastic films in conventional experimental basins. The possibility of this technology is confirmed by the results of comparing records of deformation by moving loads of an elastic model layer and a natural ice cover. Based on the theory of similarity and dimensions, dependencies were obtained for converting model test data to full scale. It is noted that the costs of conducting such model experiments are disproportionately less than the costs of conducting experiments in ice basins. Ice engineering problems are listed, in solving which the developed FGW modeling technique can be used.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):3-22
pages 3-22 views

Spatial Dispersion of Acoustic Waves in Functionally Graded Rods

Karakozova A.I.


Harmonic acoustic waves in a semi-infinite functional-gradient (FG) one-dimensional rod with arbitrary longitudinal inhomogeneity are analyzed by a combined method based on the modified Cauchy formalism and the method of exponential matrices. Closed dispersion equations for harmonic waves are constructed, from the solution of which implicit dispersion relations for acoustic waves in FG rods are obtained. For longitudinal heterogeneity of polynomial type, the corresponding dispersion relations are constructed explicitly.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):23-37
pages 23-37 views

Improving the Phase Plane Method to Study the Influence of the “Bifurcation Memory” Effect on Ship Dynamics

Chernyshov A.V., Chernyshova S.A.


The study of the “bifurcation memory” effect plays an important role in the study of dynamic features of real systems. Practical interest lies in studying the possibility of predicting a temporary decrease in response to control, which can significantly improve navigation safety. The effect of “bifurcation memory” is a temporary decrease in the phase velocity of the imaging point when passing through a certain area (“phase spot”) on the phase plane. A “phase spot” appears near the equilibrium state that disappeared during bifurcation. Over the almost half-century history of studying this dynamic feature, very few methods have been proposed that make it possible to unambiguously and with sufficient accuracy identify the “bifurcation memory” effect. This article proposes an improved phase plane method, which consists in constructing a phase velocity hodograph. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is not only that it surpasses previously developed methods in accuracy, but also covers both phase coordinates, and also gives an adequate result for any initial conditions. The method is quite universal and can be used to study the effect of “bifurcation memory” in various dynamic systems. Information about the boundary values of the parameter – the rudder angle, at which the effect of “bifurcation memory” begins (ends) to manifest itself can be used, for example, in the problem of optimizing the design of the hull and rudders or when creating control algorithms.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):38-47
pages 38-47 views

Quaternion Regularization of Differential Equations of Perturbed Central Motion and Regular Models of Orbital (Trajectory) Motion: Review and Analysis of Models, Their Applications

Chelnokov Y.N.


The review article briefly outlines our proposed general quaternion theory of regularizing and stabilizing transformations of Newtonian differential equations of perturbed motion of a material point in a central force field, the potential of which is assumed to be an arbitrary differentiable function of the distance from the point to the center of the field. The point is also under the influence of a disturbing potential, assumed to be an arbitrary function of time and Cartesian coordinates of the point’s location, and under the influence of a disturbing acceleration, assumed to be an arbitrary function of time, the radius vector and the point’s velocity vector. The conditions for the reducibility of the presented quaternion equations of perturbed central motion to an oscillatory form are considered using three regularizing functions containing the distance to the center of the field. Various differential quaternion equations of perturbed central motion in oscillatory and normal forms, constructed using this theory, are presented, including regular equations that use four-dimensional Euler (Rodrigue–Hamilton) parameters or four-dimensional Kustaanheim–Stiefel variables or their modifications, proposed by us. Regular quaternion equations of spatial unperturbed central motion of a material point, connections of the four-dimensional variables used with orbital elements, and a uniformized solution to the spatial problem of unperturbed central motion are considered. As an application, regularized differential quaternion equations of motion of an artificial satellite in the Earth’s gravitational field are presented in four-dimensional Kustaanheimo-Stiefel variables, as well as in our modified four-dimensional variables and in Euler parameters. An analysis of the stated regular quaternion equations of perturbed central motion is presented, showing that the quaternion regularization method, based on the use of Euler parameters or Kustaanheim–Stiefel variables or their modifications, is unique in joint regularization, linearization and increase in dimension for three-dimensional Keplerian systems and central movement.

Presented regularized (with respect to the Newtonian force of attraction) differential quaternion equations of motion of an artificial satellite in the gravitational field of the Earth in our modified four-dimensional variables have the advantages indicated in the article over quaternion equations in the Kustaanheimo–Stiefel variables. In the presented differential quaternion equations of satellite motion, constructed using four-dimensional Euler parameters, the terms of the equations containing negative powers of the distance to the center of the Earth of the fourth order, inclusive, are regularized. In all these regularized equations, the description of the Earth’s gravitational field takes into account not only the central (Newtonian), but also the zonal, tesseral and sectorial harmonics of the potential of the Earth’s gravitational field (the nonsphericity of the Earth is taken into account).

Keywords: differential equations of the perturbed central motion of a material point, quaternion theory of regularizing and stabilizing transformations, conditions for the reducibility of quaternion equations to oscillatory form, regularizing functions, quaternion equations in oscillatory and normal forms, Euler (Rodrigue–Hamilton) parameters, Kustaanheimo–Stiefel variables, modified four-dimensional variables, orbital elements, uniform solution, regularized quaternion equations of satellite motion; central (Newtonian), zonal, tesseral and sectorial harmonics of the Earth’s gravitational field potential

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):48-95
pages 48-95 views

On the Worst-Case Disturbance of an Oscillator with Quadratic Damping by an External Force with a Given Integral

Bolotnik N.N., Korneev V.A.


The problem of constructing the worst-case disturbance for an oscillator with quadratic damping is considered. The disturbance is carried out by an external force, which is applied to the oscillator body, does not change the direction of its action and has a given impulse (time integral). It is assumed that before the onset of the disturbance the oscillator is in a state of equilibrium. The worst disturbance is considered to be one in which the absolute value of the displacement of the oscillator body from the equilibrium position reaches its maximum value. In the class of disturbances of a rectangular profile with a given impulse, the worst disturbance and the corresponding largest displacement and the time to reach it were found, depending on the parameters of the oscillator.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):96-109
pages 96-109 views

Symmetry Breaking and Multistability of Electrostatically Actuated Annular Microplates

Morozov N.F., Lukin A.V., Popov I.A.


The article investigates the nonlinear problem of statics of a ring microplate in the electrostatic field of two electrodes. Using the assumptions of the geometrically nonlinear Karman model, partial differential equilibrium equations for the system are obtained. The branch points of nontrivial axisymmetric and skew-symmetric forms of equilibrium are analytically rigorously found. It is noted that at certain ratios between the internal and external radii of the plate, the lowest form of buckling is the skew-symmetric form with the lowest circumferential variability. Using the Galerkin projection method and numerical methods of the theory of bifurcations, branching diagrams of both axisymmetric and skew-symmetric equilibrium positions of the plate in the space of key parameters of the system are found. It is shown that at certain relationships between the thickness of the plate and the interelectrode gap, multistability is observed in the system - the existence of two or more non-trivial stable forms of equilibrium that are symmetrical relative to the plane of the plate. A qualitative (parametric) analysis of the found areas of multistability is performed. The possibility of a plate jumping from one stable equilibrium position to another, controlled by an electrostatic field, is indicated. The discovered effect can be used to develop high-precision microelectromechanical sensors of limiting values of various physical quantities, the output signal of which is an abrupt change in the amplitude of the static deflection of the sensitive element of the proposed configuration measured by a capacitive sensor.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):110-132
pages 110-132 views

Structural Model of Spatially and Plane Reinforced Medium from Rigid-Plastic Anisotropic Materials with Different Yield Limits under Tension and Compression

Yankovsky A.P.


Structural models for three-dimensional fiber-reinforced hybrid composite media and for particular two-dimensional problems have been developed. Using these models, one can calculate the surfaces and yield curves of the composition. The three-dimensional stress state in all components is taken into account. The materials of the composition components are homogeneous and anisotropic, their mechanical behavior is described by the associated flow law for a rigid-plastic body with general quadratic yield conditions. Components have different resistance to tension and compression. To perform constructions, stresses in components are presented in parametric form. The yield curves are calculated for a model in-plane reinforced composition of orthotropic phase materials. The influence of the direction of reinforcement, transverse normal stress and anisotropy parameters of the composition components on the shape and dimensions of the yield curves of the composite material under consideration has been studied. It has been shown that the anisotropy of the binder has a greater effect on the shape and dimensions of the yield surface of the composition than the anisotropy of the reinforcing fibers. It has been demonstrated that plastic flow in a reinforced medium is associated with the calculated yield curves (surfaces) of the composition. It is shown that in the presence of strongly pronounced anisotropy in the reinforcement, a structural model with a one-dimensional stress state in the fibers does not allow adequate calculation of the yield curves and surfaces of the composite medium.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):133-157
pages 133-157 views

Study of the Effect of Radiation Exposure on Grain Size and Mechanical Properties of Thin-Film Aluminum

Dyuzhev N.A., Gusev E.E., Portnova E.O., Makhiboroda M.A.


For the first time, an experimental dependence of the grain size and mechanical properties of a thin-film aluminum material on the dose of short-wave radiation has been obtained. A thin film of aluminum was formed on a silicon substrate using magnetron sputtering. The effect of a decrease in mechanical strength and biaxial elastic modulus with increasing radiation dose was identified. This effect is explained by a decrease in grain size and roughness on a thin-film aluminum membrane. For the microscopically measured range of aluminum grain sizes, the inverse Hall-Petch relation is used. During the research, it was determined that during irradiation the number of grain boundaries and the number of grains themselves increases, which leads to an increase in the likelihood of deformation.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):158-167
pages 158-167 views

Influence of Capillary Adhesion on the Sliding of a Cylinder Along the Surface of an Elastic Solid Taking Account of Wetting Hysteresis

Makhovskaya Y.Y.


The contact problem of steady sliding of a rigid cylinder over an elastic half-space in the presence of liquid menisci is considered, taking into account the hysteresis of the contact angle, which leads to different adhesion conditions at the entrance to the contact and at the exit from it. The problem was considered in a flat formulation and was solved by reducing it to the Riemann–Hilbert problem. An analytical expression for the contact pressure and a system of four equations for the numerical determination of the coordinates of the ends of the contact area and the meniscus zones are obtained. The calculation was carried out in the range of input parameters corresponding to the situation when a sliding cylinder models a separate protrusion of a rough surface. The distribution of contact pressure, the size of the contact area and its displacement relative to the axis of symmetry of the cylinder, the width of the menisci at the entrance to and exit from the contact, as well as the friction force caused by capillary adhesion were studied. It has been established, in particular, that the friction force significantly depends on the value of the contact angle hysteresis, and especially on the surface tension of the liquid, but weakly depends on the capillary pressure in the menisci, which, under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium of the meniscus with the environment, is determined by the humidity of the surrounding air.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):168-184
pages 168-184 views

On the Equilibria of a Heavy Hoop Suspended on a Nail

Burov A.A., Nikonov V.I.


We consider the plane problem of the equilibrium of a homogeneous heavy thin elliptical hoop suspended on a thin horizontal nail. Under the assumption that a dry friction force acts between the nail and the hoop, the dependence of the set of equilibrium positions on the friction coefficient and the semi-axes of the ellipse is studied. The results obtained apply to the following problem: to describe the equilibrium positions of a heavy solid (“gun”) suspended on a nail using a rope, both ends of which are fixed in the body. It is shown how such a distribution of results can be carried out directly in the case when the center of mass of the body is located in the middle between the suspension points.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):185-196
pages 185-196 views

Quaternion Solution of the Problem on Optimum Control of the Orientation of a Solid (SPACECRAFT) with a Combined Quality Criteria

Levskii M.V.


The problem on optimal rotation of a solid (spacecraft) from an arbitrary initial to a prescribed final angular position in the presence of restrictions on the control variables is studied. The turnaround time is set. To optimize the rotation control program, a combined quality criterion that reflects energy costs is used. The minimized functional combines in a given proportion the integral of the rotational energy and the contribution of control forces to the maneuver. Based on the Pontryagin’s maximum principle and quaternion models of controlled motion of a solid, an analytical solution of the problem has been obtained. The properties of optimal motion are revealed in analytical form. To construct an optimal rotation program, formalized equations and calculation formulas are written. Analytical equations and relations for finding optimal control are given. The key relations that determine the optimal values of the parameters of the rotation control algorithm are given. In addition, a constructive scheme for solving the boundary value problem of the maximum principle for arbitrary turning conditions (initial and final positions and moments of inertia of a solid) is described. For a dynamically symmetric solid, a closed-form solution for the reorientation problem is obtained. A numerical example and mathematical modeling results that confirm the practical feasibility of the developed method for controlling the orientation of a spacecraft are presented.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):197-222
pages 197-222 views

Brittle fracture of an elastic layer with a defect in the form of a circle under biaxial loading

Glagolev V.V., Markin A.A.


Based on experimental data on the combined loading of an infinite layer weakened by a circular hole in a brittle material, its critical state, determined by the energy criterion, is modeled. The failure criterion is related to the free energy flow through the interaction arc and the linear size. The proposed approach allows us to reflect the dependence of the critical external load on the radius of curvature. A procedure for determining the value of the linear size is proposed and implemented. Using known experimental results, an estimate of the introduced linear parameter for a layer of GVVS-16 gypsum was obtained.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):223-229
pages 223-229 views

Two Ways to Control a Pendulum-Type Spherical Robot on a Moving Platform in a Pursuit Problem

Mikishanina E.A.


We consider the problem of controlling a spherical robot with a pendulum actuator rolling on a platform that is capable of moving translationally in the horizontal plane of absolute space. The spherical robot is subject to holonomic and nonholonomic constraints. Some point target moves at the level of the geometric center of the spherical robot and does not touch the moving platform itself. The motion program that allows the spherical robot to pursue a target is specified through two servo-constraints. The robot can follow a target from any position and with any initial conditions. Two ways to control this system in absolute space are proposed: by controlling the forced motion of the platform (the pendulum oscillates freely) and by controlling the torque of the pendulum (the platform is stationary or oscillates inconsistently with the spherical robot). The equations of motion of the system are constructed. In the case of free oscillations of the pendulum, the system of equations of motion has first integrals and, if necessary, can be reduced to a fixed level of these integrals. When a spherical robot moves in a straight line, for a system reduced to the level of integrals, phase curves, graphs of the distance from the geometric center of the spherical robot to the target, the trajectory of the selected platform point when controlling the platform, and the square of the control torque when controlling the pendulum drive are constructed. When the robot moves along a curved path, integration is carried out in the original variables. Graphs of the squares of the angular velocity of the pendulum and the spherical robot itself are constructed, as well as the trajectory of the robot’s motion in absolute space and on a moving platform. Numerical experiments were performed in the Maple software package.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):230-247
pages 230-247 views

Influence of Pore Shape and Initial Stress State on the Electroelastic Properties of Porous Piezoceramics PZT-4

Pankov A.A.


A numerical-analytical solution to the “effective modulus problem” of transversally isotropic porous ceramics is obtained, taking into account its initial stressed state and the ellipsoidal shape of oriented pores of various connectivity based on the solution of the associated stochastic boundary value problem of electroelasticity of composite mechanics using the Green’s function method. A numerical calculation of the initial and resulting values of the effective piezoelectric modulus of porous piezoceramics (PZT-4) was carried out depending on the values of the volume fraction, shape parameter and connectivity of ellipsoidal, in particular: spherical, disk or tunnel pores, taking into account the initial stressed state of the porous piezoceramics due to its initial axisymmetric deformation. Characteristic values of the volume fraction of spherical and disk pores are identified, taking into account their connections, at which the sign of the numerical values of the initial effective piezoelectric modulus changes with respect to the corresponding module of PZT-4 monolithic ceramics. The values of the volume fraction, shape parameter and type of pore connectivity at which the maximum gradients of the linear dependence of the values of the resulting piezoelectric modulus of porous piezoceramics on its initial macrodeformations are realized are determined. An analysis of graphs of continuous dependences of the initial and resulting values of the effective piezoelectric modulus on the pore shape parameter is given for various cases of their volumetric content, connectivity and axisymmetric initial deformations of porous piezoceramics.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):248-267
pages 248-267 views

Exoskeleton Dynamics Simulation with the System of Three Variable-Length Links of Adjustable Stiffness

Blinov A.O., Borisov A.V., Mukharlyamov R.G., Novikova M.A.


The article proposes a spatial model of an exoskeleton for the human musculoskeletal system, represented by three movable links of variable length and two-point masses. The stiffness of the links is controlled by changing the voltage supplied to the magnetic rheological fluid, which fills sections of variable length. The model can be used to develop comfortable exoskeletons, the kinematic characteristics of which are close to the kinematic characteristics of the human musculoskeletal system. The model dynamics equations are constructed using local coordinate systems.

The required laws of change of generalized coordinates are specified by the equations of program connections that determine the dependence of differentiable periodic functions on time. Control moments and longitudinal forces are determined by methods of solving inverse dynamics problems and are realized by changing the magnetic field strengths, which affect the change in the stiffness of the magnetic-rheological fluid. The magnetic field strengths that control the stiffness of the link are implemented by step functions. An animation of the movement of the mechanism has been synthesized, showing the adequacy of the proposed modeling procedure. The connections of the links are modeled by joints and motors that implement the necessary rotational motion. The dynamics of the model is controlled by changing the lengths of the links and the angles between the links.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Mehanika tverdogo tela.. 2024;(1):268-284
pages 268-284 views

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