
DNA Methylation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Fedotova E., Illarioshkin S.
Sodium Channelopathies: From Molecular Physiology towards Medical Genetics
Marakhonov A., Varenikov G., Skoblov M.
The miRNA as human cell gene activity regulator after ionizing radiation
Mikhailov V., Shulenina L., Vasilyeva I., Startsev M., Zasukhina G.
Transposable Elements in the Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks
Pirogov S., Maksimenko O., Georgiev P.
Genes Encoding Hevein-Like Antimicrobial Peptides from Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski
Slezina M., Korostyleva T., Slavokhotova A., Istomina E., Shcherbakova L., Pukhalskij V., Odintsova T.
The role of remodeling complexes CHD1 and ISWI in spontaneous and UV-induced mutagenesis control in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Evstiukhina T., Alekseeva E., Fedorov D., Peshekhonov V., Korolev V.
Epigenetic Effects in Livestock Breeding
Yakovlev A.
Genes encoding hevein-like antimicrobial peptides WAMPs in the species of the genus Aegilops L.
Istomina E., Slavokhotova A., Korostyleva T., Semina Y., Shcherbakova L., Pukhalskij V., Odintsova T.
Induced expression of Serratia marcescens ribonuclease III gene in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. SR1 tobacco plants
Zhirnov I., Trifonova E., Romanova A., Filipenko E., Sapotsky M., Malinovsky V., Kochetov A., Shumny V.
Heterogeneity in Colorectal Primary Tumor and Synchronous Liver Metastases
Shubin V., Ponomarenko A., Tsukanov A., Maynovskaya O., Rybakov E., Panina M., Kashnikov V., Frolov S., Shelygin Y.
Molecular characterization and expression analysis of pathogenesis related protein 6 from Panax ginseng
Myagmarjav D., Sukweenadhi J., Kim Y., Jang M., Rahimi S., Silva J., Choi J., Mohanan P., Kwon W., Kim C., Yang D.
Differential expression of genes BPI, TAP1, SLA-1 and SLA-3 in Escherichia coli F18-resistant and sensitive Meishan post-weaning piglets
Yin X., Gan L., Qin W., Sun S., Zhu G., Wu S., Bao W.
Cold Temperature Regulation of Zoospore Release in Phytophthora sojae: The Genes That Differentially Expressed by Cold Temperature
Wang Y., Jin X., Rui H., Liu T., Hou J.
Molecular genetic analysis of collection of transgenic tobacco plants with buckwheat serine proteases inhibitor gene during long-term subculture
Khadeeva N., Yakovleva E., Sydoruk K., Korostyleva T., Istomina E., Dunaevsky Y., Odintsova T., Bogush V., Belozersky M.
Hybridological analysis of inheritance of mosaic nptII gene expression in transgenic tobacco plants
Marenkova T., Deineko E.
Changes in FLC and VIN3 Expression during Vernalization of Arabidopsisthaliana Plants from Northern Natural Populations
Fedorenko O., Topchieva L., Zaretskaya M., Lebedeva O.
Molecular Study of the Extension Locus in Association with Coat Colour Variation of Iranian Indigenous Sheep Breeds
Amin M., Masoudi A., Amirinia C., Emrani H.
Agrobacterial ipt gene for cytokinin biosynthesis is found in phototrophic non-sulfur purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Serdyuk O., Shirshikova G., Smolygina L., Butanaev A., Kreslavsky V., Yartseva N., Chekunova E.
Expression of cDNA of the gene for the capsid protein VP2 of German cockroach densovirus in the transgenic strain of Drosophila melanogaster
Kozlov E., Martynova E., Roshina N., Karakozova M., Mukha D.
Structural Organization and Functional Activity of the Orthologous TaGLW7 Genes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Yang C., Ma J., Li T., Luo W., Mu Y., Tang H., Lan X.
The Growth of Transgenic Tobacco Plants with Estradiol-Induced Expression of Tomato Xyloglucan Endotransglucosylase Gene tXET-B2 under Stress Conditions
Berezhneva Z., Mikhaylova E., Kuluev B.
Expression of osteogenesis regulatory genes in the bone tissue of patients with acromegaly and endogenous hypercorticism
Brovkina O., Belaya Z., Grebennikova T., Khodyrev D., Grigoriev A., Khandaeva P., Koshkin P., Melnichenko G., Nikitin A.
Features of expression of the PsSst1 and PsIgn1 genes in nodules of pea (Pisum sativum L.) symbiotic mutants
Zhukov V., Rychagov T., Fedorina J., Pinaev A., Andronov E., Borisov A., Tikhonovich I.
Genomic Profiling of the Response of Aspergillus oryzae to the Treatment with Bis(2-Pyridine-1-Oxide) Diselenide
Zalepkina S., Smirnov V., Borisov A., Matsulevich Z.
Evaluation of Barley lncRNAs Expression Analysis in Salinity Stress
Karlik E., Gözükırmızı N.
1 - 25 的 27 信息 1 2 > >> 


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