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Vol 54, No 2 (2018)

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

Sarcoglycanopathies: Clinical, Molecular and Genetic Characteristics, Epidemiology, Diagnostics and Treatment Options

Bulakh M.V., Ryzhkova O.P., Polyakov A.V.


Sarcoglycanopathies are a group of autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) caused by mutations in sarcoglycan genes: SGCA (LGMD 2D, MIM 600119), SGCB (LGMD 2E, MIM 604286), SGCG (LGMD 2C, MIM 353700), and SGCD (LGMD 2F, MIM 601287). These genes encode four transmembrane sarcoglycan subunits participating in formation of the large sarcolemmal dystrophin- glycoprotein complex. Clinical symptoms of sarcoglycanopathies resemble the ones in Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy and several autosomal recessive LGMD, which causes difficulties in the differential diagnostics between these diseases. This review covers the main aspects of sarcoglycanopathies, such as etiology, spectrum of mutations, clinical features and diagnostics. In addition, we review the fundamental pathogenesis mechanisms leading to sarcoglycanopathies, which can also help to understand the potential options for treatment for patients with muscular dystrophies.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):129-144
pages 129-144 views

Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms of Evolution and Embryogenesis in a Distorting Mirror of Carcinogenesis

Alekseenko I.V., Vinogradova T.V., Sverdlov E.D.


The article is an attempt to provide an overview of the relationships between the regulatory genetic mechanisms of three fundamental processes of biology, i.e., development, evolution, and cancer. The problems of the evolutionary inevitability of the onset of cancer, the evolutionarily developed systems for protecting the body against tumors, and the general systems of regulation used in evolution, development, and cancer are considered.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):145-156
pages 145-156 views

General Genetics

Peculiarities of Mutation Process in X Chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster Z3314 Line from Zvenigorodka (Ukraine) Natural Population

Koromyslov Y.A., Ilinsky Y.Y., Ivannikov A.V., Zakharov I.K.


The Drosophila melanogaster Z3314 line isolated from a Zvenigorodka (Ukraine) natural population is characterized by the manifestation and emergence of a wide spectrum of molecular aberrations. Among them, two types (the wing venation anomaly and violation of the leg segmentation) were the most represented. It was demonstrated that the frequency of manifestation (penetrance) and the expressiveness of these phenotypic aberrations increase with an increase in the temperature. When the Z3314 line is bred in the laboratory, autosomal visible rase (ra: 3–97.3) mutation, which leads to reduction of a part of dorso-central and scutellaria macrochaetae, was detected (isolated and identified). A number of genetic peculiarities that determined the consistency and prospects of the study were found during the mutation process study in the Z3314 line. The Z3314 line is characterized by a high frequency of the emergence of visible mutations in the X-Z3314 chromosome, which persisted for a long time of the breeding under laboratory conditions (from 2003 to 2011). Locus-specific high genetic instability in the singed locus in the X-Z3314 chromosome persisted from the moment of emergence of the first mutant alleles in 2006 until the end of the study. The emergence of mutations was observed both during the line breeding “inside” (in the case of brother–sister crossings) and after the crossings of the X-Z3314 chromosome carrier males with females of the С(1)DX,ywf/Y laboratory line with linked X chromosomes.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):157-165
pages 157-165 views

Plant Genetics

Analysis of the Distribution of Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. Genetic Material in Common Wheat Varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)

Dobrotvorskaya T.V., Krupnov V.A., Martynov S.P.


The database of the world gene pool of wheat was scanned by pedigree and the participation of genetic material from T. timopheevii in the creation of 3088 varieties of common wheat was established. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the propagation of these varieties was studied. Using the analysis of pedigrees, a diversity of T. timopheevii donors was studied. The specificity of donors of the genetic material T. timopheevii for the regions of wheat breeding was established. The main source of resistance genes for most varieties is accession D-357-1 from the Georgian variety-population of Zanduri. This significantly reduces the diversity of the genetic material of T. timopheevii used in wheat breeding. In 369 varieties and 184 lines, the genes for resistance to pathogens from T. timopheevii were identified. The genes of T. timopheevii are distributed mainly in winter varieties, as well as spring varieties sown in autumn. The value of donors as sources of T. timopheevii genes is ambiguous, despite the fact that most of them come from the same D-357-1 accession. The Sr36 gene is most commonly found in the United States, Western Europe, and Australia; it was transferred from the Wisconsin-245 line through Arthur or TP-114-1965a. The Pm6 gene is distributed in Western Europe; it was transferred from the pre-breeding line Wisconsin 245/5*Cappelle-Desprez//Hybrid- 46/Cappelle Desprez. The gene Lr18 is more common in the United States; it was transmitted by the Blueboy or Vogel 5 varieties from the Coker-55-9 line. The extremely limited set of genes for resistance to pathogens from T. timopheevii used in commercial varieties and the specificity of their geographical distribution are possibly associated with the uniqueness of the G subgenome and plasmon in this species, its low potential for plasticity, and tolerance to drought. In addition, the imperfection of the methods of pre-breeding and recombination breeding prevents the elimination in translocation of close linkage of target genes with undesirable ones.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):166-175
pages 166-175 views

Genetic Diversity of Apple Cultivars Growing in Kazakhstan

Omasheva M.E., Pozharsky A.S., Smailov B.B., Ryabushkina N.A., Galiakparov N.N.


Identification of the varieties is the primary requirement for characterization of the gene pool in agricultural production and implementation of breeding programs. In the present work, a set of six SSR markers was used for identification of cultural material collected on various horticultural farms in Kazakhstan: 30 varieties of Kazakhstani selection, 40 foreign varieties, and 16 Dzhangaliev’s apple clones selected in wild apple populations. Values of expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosity in groups of all analyzed varieties were high: from 0.735 to 0.812 and from 0.661 to 0.721 respectively. Cluster analysis and analysis of genetic distances (STRUCTURE, UPGMA) showed a distribution of all samples into four major groups with a set of small subgroups caused by origin diversity. The first group included Kazakhstani varieties originating from Reneitte Burchardt, the second group included varieties with Aporta in parentage, the third group was represented by subclusters with a majority of foreign varieties, and the last group was composed of Dzhangaliev’s apple clones and Kazakhstani varieties with wild apple as their ancestor. Genotyping revealed inconsistencies in individual samples (and/or parentage) with claimed names. Analysis by markers of the Md-ACS1 and Md-ACO1 genes responsible for ethylene levels in fruits, which according to the literature correlates with fruit hardness and storability, did not reveal among Kazakhstani varieties any ACS1-2/2 homozygotes, the genotype with the highest expression of these traits. A quarter of Kazakhstani varieties and about a half of foreign varieties were heterozygous in ACS1, an indication of medium hardness and relatively long period of fruit storage. In two Kazakhstani and two foreign varieties heterozygous in ACS1, an improvement of the traits is possible owing to homozygosity in ACO1-1/1.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):176-187
pages 176-187 views

ISSR Analysis of Variability of Cultivated Form and Varieties of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from Azerbaijan

Hajiyeva S.V., Akparov Z.I., Hasanov N.A., Mustafayeva Z.P., Hajiyev E.S., Mammadov A.T., Izzatullayeva V.I., Babayeva S.M., Sharifova S.S., Mammadov A.M., Abbasov M.A.


The article presents the results of a study of genetic polymorphism for the first time carried out on pomegranate varieties and forms of Azerbaijan origin using molecular markers. In total, 102 PCR fragments were identified, of which 80 were polymorphic. The high level of polymorphism (75.5%) and the rich genetic diversity were identified among the studied pomegranate collection. As a result of data analysis and on the basis of the values of the basic parameters (PIC, EMR, MI, RP, MRP) determining informativeness of markers, all 14 ISSR primers were suitable for genotyping pomegranate accessions. The most effective markers (UBC808, UBC811, UBC834, and UBC840) were identified among the set of primers tested. A dendrogram was constructed on the basis of the data obtained, which made it possible to group genotypes into 16 major clusters. The genetic similarity index ranged from 0.032 to 0.94. The study of the genetic relationship of different pomegranate varieties confirms the effectiveness of the ISSR method, which makes it possible to determine the level of genetic diversity, as well as to establish the relationship among the studied pomegranate accessions.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):188-197
pages 188-197 views

Evaluation of Barley lncRNAs Expression Analysis in Salinity Stress

Karlik E., Gözükırmızı N.


Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) act important roles in a wide range of biological processes. The regulatory roles of lncRNAs are still poorly understood. One of the major problems of limiting plant productivity is the salinity in the worldwide that barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seems to be relatively well adapted to salinity environments. The aim of this study is the investigation of lncRNAs’ expression levels on four barley genotypes (Hasat, Beysehir 99, Konevi 98 and Tarm 92) to 150 mM salt stress application during 3 days germination. Grains were placed randomly in petri dishes containing filter paper soaked in (a) only H2O (control), (b) 150 mM NaCl for 72 h. RNA extraction were carried out using TriPure® reagent from root and shoot samples obtained after 150 mM salt treatment. Expression levels of CNT0018772 and CNT0031477 were determined by qPCR. Expression analysis demonstrated salinity effected expression levels of CNT0018772 and CNT0031477 on roots and shoots during germination. The expression levels of CNT0018772 for 150 mM salt applied groups were down-regulated raged between (log2–0.52 and–35.65) compared controls on roots and shoot. The expression levels of CNT0031477 in 150 mM salt applied groups were also down-regulated ranged between (log2–10.40 and 33.59) compared controls on roots and shoot except for Tarm 92 variety. On the contrary, expression levels of CNT0031477 were up-regulated on root and shoot of Tarm 92. Comparison of CNT0018772 and CNT0031477 expression levels on roots, there was no significant difference between barley varieties compared to controls (p > 0.05). However, it was found there was statistically significant difference between 150 mM salt treatment and control groups for CNT0031477 expression levels (p < 0.05). It was determined Konevi 98 shoot control expression level was statistically higher than Tarm 92 shoot control. This is the first report about the lncRNAs expression levels of barley under salinity.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):198-204
pages 198-204 views

Animal Genetics

Cytogenetic Analysis of Malarial Mosquitoes of Kaliningrad Oblast

Perevozkin V.P., Bondarchuk S.S., Kormilitsin A.V.


Cytogenetic analysis of malarial mosquitoes is performed in Kaliningrad and its vicinity. Two species of Anopheles with biotopic specialization are identified: An. messeae and An. maculipennis. А relatively low level of inversion polymorphism at the sex chromosome and the right arm of the third autosome is established for An. messeae. This is quite natural for the northwestern peripheral populations of the species range.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Genetic Variation of the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) in Aquaculture

Barmintseva A.E., Mugue N.S.


Genetic variation of aquaculture broodstocks of the Siberian sturgeon of different origin from 13 farms across the Russian Federation was assessed at five tetraploid microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region. At present, in aquaculture stocks of Siberian sturgeon originating from the Lena and Ob rivers, a sharp decline of haplotype diversity is observed. The most part of aquaculture individuals carry two major haplotypes characteristic of the European part of Russia (the Lena aquaculture) and two haplotypes characteristic of the western part of Siberia (the Ob aquaculture). According to the results of the microsatellite analysis, in sturgeon aquaculture stock originating from the Lena River, two genetic clusters can be distinguished. One of these clusters is represented by the stocks composed of inbred individuals and, because of this, is characterized by depleted allelic variation and the loss of rare alleles.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):210-217
pages 210-217 views

Genomic Signatures of Selection between Urban and Rural Populations of Black Garden Ant Lasius niger

Konorov E.A.


Black garden ant L. niger is known as a dominant species of urban ant fauna in Europe. Successful propagation of L. niger in transformed ecosystems was associated with behavioral traits in many surveys; however, molecular and genetic basis of such adaptation was never studied. In the present study, genomes of populations from the city of Moscow and natural habitats of Moscow oblast are compared. Pooled samples from rural and urban habitats are collected and sequenced with Illumina HiSeq. SNP frequency, Tajima’s D, and fixation index are estimated with PoPoolation and Popoolation2 software. SNP frequencies are significantly different in 64 genes according to Fisher’s exact test. Some of these genes are detected as affected by recent selection. Out of 64 genes, 26 encode retrotransposon proteins. The genes of immune response to viral and fungal infections, fatty acid synthases, and elements of the Hippo/Fat pathway have different SNP frequencies between populations. Certain retrotransposon genes also can be under selection. It is important to note that repressors and mediators of RNA polymerase II are significantly different between urban and rural populations of L. niger. These genes can influence retrotransposon mobility.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):218-225
pages 218-225 views

Medical Genetics

Ethnic Features of Genetic Susceptibility to Breast Cancer

Bermisheva M.A., Bogdanova N.V., Gilyazova I.R., Zinnatullina G.F., Bisultanova Z.I., Khusnutdinova E.K.


The results of screening for BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, NBN, CHEK2, PALB2, BLM gene mutations in 1000 breast cancer (BC) patients from the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) are presented. Germline mutations in these genes accounted for 7.5% of breast cancer patients. The wide spectrum of mutations was found in women of Slavic origin, including: c.5266dupC, c.181T>G, and c.4034delA in BRCA1; c.5932G>T in ATM; c.657_661del5 in NBN; c.444+1G>A, c.1100delC, and dele9,10(5kb) in CHEK2; c.509_510delGA and c.172_175delTTGT in PALB2; and c.1642C>T in BLM gene.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):226-234
pages 226-234 views

Polymorphism of Human Thermoreceptor Genes TRPV1 and TRPA1 in Populations of the Altai-Sayan Region and the Far East

Gubina M.A., Orlov P.S., Babenko V.N., Zabiyako A.P., Ivanoschuk D.E., Voevoda M.I.


Genotyping of TRPV1 and TRPA1 genes encoding thermoreceptors in the populations of the Altai-Sayan region and the Far East was conducted. The sample consisted of 15 populations comprising 1482 individuals. The analysis of TRPV1 rs222747 demonstrated that the frequency of M315I was closest to East Asian populations only in Nanais and Koryaks (56 and 64%, respectively). Siberian Tatars, Yakuts, and Evenks were closest to European populations. All populations of the Altai-Sayan region reported an intermediate position between the Caucasoids and the Eastern Mongoloids on the basis of the frequency of M315I. No deviations from the Hardy–Weinberg distribution were observed. The observed heterozygosity exceeded the expected one in eight populations. The analysis of TRPA1 rs13268757 revealed that Chukchi, Yukaghir, Koryak, Tuvinian, Southern Altaian, and Telengit populations were closest to the East Asian populations on the basis of the frequency of R3C substitution (3–7%). At the same time, populations of Siberian Tatars, Nanais, Evenks, Yakuts, Shorians, Khakases, and Kazakhs were intermediate between the Caucasoids (18–23%) and the Mongoloids from East Asia (3–7%) on the basis of the frequency of this polymorphism. A deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg distribution was detected only in the Yukaghir population. The observed heterozygosity was higher than the expected one in nine populations. A trans-association of TRPA1 and TRPV1 gene polymorphisms was carried out in 14 populations via regression analysis. A negative correlation of–0.545 was determined, the number of degrees of freedom (df) was 13, and the P-value was 0.048. The data obtained indicate that the analyzed polymorphisms are correlated, which confirms an earlier conclusion of the TRPA1-dependent inhibition of TRPV1 function. The results may evidence in the co-evolution of analyzed genes.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):235-243
pages 235-243 views

Investigating Dysregulated Pathways in Dilated Cardiomyopathy from Pathway Interaction Network

Shang R., Wang W.


The aim of this study was to identify dysregulated pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) using pathway interaction network analysis. Methods: Transcriptome data of DCM, protein-protein interaction (PPI) data, and pathway data were recruited and preprocessed. Then, the pathway interaction network was constructed based on the gene expression analysis and gene co-expression analysis. Meanwhile, pathway activity analysis was performed, and the pathway with the greatest activity change was defined as the seed pathway. Staring from the seed pathway, the dysregulated pathways that could serve as diagnostic biomarker was extracted from the pathway interaction network using support vector machines. Results: Combining gene expression and co-expression data, we constructed the pathway interaction network, covering 4175 pathway interactions. Via pathway activity analysis, cap-dependent translation initiation with the greatest activity change was defined as the seed pathway. Staring from cap-dependent translation initiation, a total of 21 dysregulated pathways were obtained, which could discriminate DCM samples from controls with the area under the curve value of 0.95. Conclusion: A pathway interaction network was implemented to identify dysrgulated pathways that can best discriminate DCM samples from controls. We identified a total of 21 dysregulated pathways in DCM, which can serve as diagnostic biomarkers for DCM.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):244-249
pages 244-249 views


Use of Genotypes of Common Variants for Genome-Wide Regional Association Analysis

Kirichenko A.V., Zorkoltseva I.V., Belonogova N.M., Axenovich T.I.


Regional association analysis is a new statistical method which simultaneously considers all variants in a selected genome region. This method was created for the analysis of rare genetic variants, whose genotypes are determined by exome or genome sequencing. The gene is usually considered as a region. It was also proposed to use a regional analysis for testing of the association between a complex trait and a set of common variants genotyped by the panels developed for genome-wide association analysis. In this case, overlapping genome regions (sliding windows) are usually considered as a region. Since the size of such regions can be rather large, there is a risk of overestimation (inflation) of the test statistic and an increase in the type I error. In this work, the effect of the size of the region on the type I error was studied for traits with different heritability. The results of simulating experiments demonstrated that the physical size of the region but not the number of genetic variants in it is a limiting factor. The higher the trait heritability, the greater the type I error differs from the declared value. The analysis of a large number of real traits confirmed these conclusions. It is necessary to take into account these results during the interpretation of the results of regional association analysis conducted on large regions using common genetic variants.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):250-258
pages 250-258 views

Short Communications

The Effects of Stress-Related Hormones on the Stress Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster Carrying Mutation in the Dilp6 Gene

Burdina E.V., Adonyeva N.V., Gruntenko N.E., Rauschenbach I.Y.


The heat stress resistance of Drosophila melanogaster females carrying a hypomorphic mutation of the DILP6 insulin-like protein gene (dilp641) under a change in the level of stress-related hormones (juvenile hormone and octopamine) is studied. It is revealed that the dilp641 mutation decreases the heat stress resistance of mature D. melanogaster females. An experimental decrease in the level of juvenile hormone is shown to restore the stress resistance of mutant females to the level of stress resistance observed in wild type Canton S females. These data suggest that the effects of the dilp641 mutation on the stress resistance of females are mediated by an increased level of juvenile hormone. An experimental increase in the octopamine level that causes an increase in juvenile hormone level supports this hypothesis: the resistance to heat stress decreases in females of both lines and this decrease is more significant in mutant females than in the control line. Thus, it is established for the first time that the effect of the hypomorphic dilp6 gene mutation on the heat stress resistance of D. melanogaster females is mediated by juvenile hormone.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):259-261
pages 259-261 views

A Comparative Analysis of Genetic Variability and Differentiation in Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv. and P. ginseng C.A. Meyer Using ISSR Markers

Vasyutkina E.A., Adrianova I.Y., Reunova G.D., Nguyen T.P., Zhuravlev Y.N.


A comparative analysis of the genetic variability and differentiation of rare medicinal ginseng species, Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv. and P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, was carried out using inter-simple sequence repeat markers. It was demonstrated that all the genetic diversity parameters of Vietnamese ginseng were high and considerably exceeded those of P. ginseng. On the contrary, the level of genetic differentiation was higher in true ginseng. It is suggested that the differences in the levels of genetic variability and differentiation of the two ginseng species were influenced by the demographic history, peculiarities of the reproductive system, and human activity.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018;54(2):262-265
pages 262-265 views

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