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Vol 52, No 6 (2016)

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

Gene therapy of arthritis

Nepomnyashchikh T.S., Antonets D.V., Shchelkunov S.N.


Gene therapy can offer a new approach to arthritis treatment which acts at an inflammation site. Numerous studies show high efficacy of gene therapy in different models of arthritis in humans. Even a single injection of a recombinant vector results in a stable prolonged expression of a therapeutic gene and a longterm therapeutic effect. In contrast to biologic therapy involving numerous systemic injections of recombinant anti-inflammatory proteins, gene therapy does not produce systemic side effects. Vectors based on retroviruses, adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, and recombinant plasmids could provide delivery of target genes. Of significant importance is the development of noninvasive methods of gene therapy: intranasal and peroral. The current state of research in arthritis gene therapy is discussed in this review.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):543-556
pages 543-556 views

Plant Genetics

Hybridological analysis of inheritance of mosaic nptII gene expression in transgenic tobacco plants

Marenkova T.V., Deineko E.V.


On the basis of the results of hybridological analysis, it was established that significant differences in the stability of manifestation of the nptII gene expression are observed between the Nu5 and Nu6 lines obtained from the same initial Nu21 transformant (in spite of the identical genetic environment). Relatively stable expression of the marker gene is registered in the Nu5 line; the frequencies of detection of mosaic descendants are not high. The Nu6 line is characterized by a high frequency of the appearance of mosaic plants (up to 100%), indicating an increase in the marker gene inactivation in this line. When combining the nptII gene alleles in the hybrid genome, the allele coming from the Nu6 line was manifested as semidominant and had a suppressing effect on the allele coming from the Nu5 line. No transinactivation phenomena at the level of phenotype were detected during the interaction of the nptII gene alleles from the Nu5 and Nu6 lines in diheterozygote with the alleles of homologous genes inactivated at the transcriptional or post-transcriptional levels. During segregation to F2, separation of the Nu21 line progeny into two independent groups with preservation of the different character of the marker gene expression (with a moderate level of appearance of mosaic plants for the Nu5 line and with high level for the Nu6 line) was again registered. Further studies are directed to detection of the mechanisms leading to the mosaic type of the studied gene manifestation in transgenic plants of the Nu5 and Nu6 lines.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):557-564
pages 557-564 views

Current state of the genetic polymorphism in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Russia assessed by the alleles of hordein-coding loci

Lyalina E.V., Boldyrev S.V., Pomortsev A.A.


Starch gel electrophoresis was performed to study the polymorphism of hordeins encoded by the Hrd A, Hrd B, and Hrd F loci in 211 varieties of spring barley. For 41 of these varieties, the genetic formulas were established for the first time. In the two samples of varieties, the comparative analysis of allelic diversity and allele frequencies of hordein-coding loci was carried out. The first sample consisted of 101 spring barley varieties approved for the use on the territory of the Russian Federation in 1999, while the second sample included 160 spring barley varieties that were approved in 2014; 49 of these varieties were common for both samples. It is demonstrated that the current tendency to reduction of the proportion of heterogeneous spring barley varieties is mainly due to the introduction of foreign varieties homogeneous for the hordein-coding loci. At the same time, there is an increase in polymorphism of hordein-coding loci in modern spring barley varieties. The number of alleles for the Hrd A locus increased by five alleles, and for the Hrd B locus, by nine alleles. Along with the alleles recorded earlier in barley landrace populations and varieties bred in 20th century, three novel alleles of the Hrd A locus and four alleles of the Hrd B locus were identified. The number of alleles of the Hrd F locus remained unchanged (four), and the changes in their frequencies were small. At the same time, the changes in frequency observed for some alleles of the Hrd A and Hrd B loci were statistically significant. All newly identified alleles of hordein-coding loci were found with low frequencies (from 0.003 to 0.006), so despite the increased number of alleles, no statistically significant increase in genetic diversity in terms of μ and PIC indices was observed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):565-577
pages 565-577 views

Animal Genetics

Spatial and temporal variations of the chromosomal inversion frequencies across the range of malaria mosquito Anopheles messeae Fall. (Culicidae) during the 40-year monitoring period

Stegniy V.N., Pishchelko A.O., Sibataev A.K., Abylkassymova G.


The analysis of personal and published data on the frequency dynamics of chromosomal inversions within the range of Anopheles messeae obtained during the period from 1974 through 2014 is presented. The results showed that, in general, across the species range, during the 40 years of genetic monitoring, there was a steady (stationary) clinal distribution of inversions in the first decade (1974–1985). Then, over the period of five years (1986–1990), there was a considerable change in the inversion frequencies in favor of southwestern chromosomal variants (particularly strongly fixed in the Tomsk population), and from 1992 to the present time, these changes remained and were relatively stably reproduced in most parts of the range. It was noted that the jump in warming during the winter of 1981–1982 led to a correlated jump of the southwestern chromosomes in the Tomsk population. In connection with the general tendency toward the increase in average winter temperatures, a sharp decrease in the 2R1 chromosome frequency in the Siberian region and Syktyvkar in the period from 1992 to the present time was observed. There is reason to assume that, over the past decade, the northern boundary of the An. messeae range moved northward to the tundra zone.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):578-584
pages 578-584 views

Genetic polymorphism, haplotype distribution, and phylogeny of Daphnia (Cladocera: Anomopoda) species from the water bodies of russia as inferred from the 16S mtDNA gene sequencing

Zuykova E.I., Bochkarev N.A., Sheveleva N.G.


The data on the genetic polymorphism of the most widespread Daphnia species occupying different water bodies of Russia are presented. The phylogenetic relationships between the examined species were established, and the haplotype networks were constructed. A fragment of the 16S mitochondrial DNA gene was used as a genetic marker. The results of molecular phylogenetic analysis generally coincided with modern concepts in the systematics of the genus Daphnia. The representatives of the divergent mitochondrial lineages within the D. longispina, D. pulex, and D. magna complex remain poorly investigated morphologically. For D. dentifera, a new habitat on the territory of Russia, namely, the water bodies of the Lake Baikal basin, was identified. A conclusion was made that the 16S mtDNA gene could be successfully used in phylogeographic analysis of the genus Daphnia.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):585-596
pages 585-596 views

Chromosomal polymorphism in the populations of malaria mosquito Anopheles messeae (Diptera, Culicidae) in the Volga region

Gordeev M.I., Moskaev A.V.


We studied the species composition and chromosomal variability of malaria mosquitoes in the Volga Basin (Upper, Middle, and Lower Volga regions). We investigated larvae karyotypes of sibling species of the Anopheles maculipennis group. We calculated the frequencies of chromosomal inversions in the local populations of the dominant species An. messeae. We discovered that karyotypic structure of An. messeae populations depends on landscape-climatic zones. Populations of the Upper, Middle and Lower Volga differ in frequency of chromosome inversions XL, 2R, 3R, and 3L.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):597-602
pages 597-602 views

Human Genetics

Two novel mutations in gene SPG4 in patients with autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia

Akhmetgaleyeva A.F., Khidiyatova I.M., Saifullina E.V., Idrisova R.F., Magzhanov R.V., Khusnutdinova E.K.


Hereditary spastik paraplegias (HSP) are a group of neurodegenerative disorders with primary lesion of the pyramidal tract. The most frequent autosomal dominant form of the disease in Europeans is HSP associated with mutations in the spastin gene (SPG4). Analysis of the gene SPG4 was carried out in 52 unrelated families with HSP from Bashkortostan by SSCP and following sequencing. Previously undescribed frameshift mutations c.322del29 (p.Val108SerfsX18) and c.885del10 (p.Thr295ThrfsX16) were detected in two unrelated families. Clinical studies have shown that, in both families, the disease corresponds to an uncomplicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, a main feature of which is the lower spastic paraparesis without any other symptoms.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):603-607
pages 603-607 views

Polymorphism of CD209 and TLR3 genes in populations of North Eurasia

Barkhash A.V., Babenko V.N., Voevoda M.I., Romaschenko A.G.


The DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-3-grabbing non-integrin) and TLR3 (toll-like receptor 3) proteins are key effectors of the innate immunity and particularly play an important role in the organism’s antiviral defense as pattern-recognition receptors. Previously, we demonstrated that certain genotypes and alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2287886 (G/A) in the promoter region of the CD209 gene (encoding DC-SIGN) and rs3775291 (G/A, Leu412Phe) in the exon 4 of the TLR3 gene are associated with human predisposition to tick-borne encephalitis in the Russian population. In the present work, the distribution of genotype and allele frequencies for these SNPs was studied in seven populations of North Eurasia, including Caucasians (Russians and Germans (from Altai region)), Central Asian Mongoloids (Altaians, Khakass, Tuvinians, and Shorians), and Arctic Mongoloids (Chukchi). It was found that the CD209 gene rs2287886 SNP A/A genotype and A allele, as well as the TLR3 gene rs3775291 SNP G/G genotype and G allele (the frequencies of which in our previous studies were increased in tick-borne encephalitis patients as compared with the population control (Russian citizens of Novosibirsk)), are preserved with a high frequency in Central Asian Mongoloids (who for a long time regularly came in contact with tick-borne encephalitis virus in places of their habitation). We suggested that predisposition to tick-borne encephalitis in Central Asian Mongoloid populations can be predetermined by a different set of genes and their polymorphisms than in the Russian population.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):608-614
pages 608-614 views

Aggression and empathy as genetic differentiation factors of urban population

Atramentova L.A., Luchko E.N.


Permanent residents of Kharkiv (637 men and 856 women at the age of 45–65 years) are tested on the level of aggression and empathy. The average aggression level (41.7 points) is higher in migrants (born outside Kharkiv) than in indigenous people (36.3 points); the average empathy level is lower in migrants (3.2 points) than in indigenous people (5.5 points). The average values of the aggression and empathy indices are not associated with ethnicity and degree of miscegenation. The correlation between spouses (r) by these personal features is within 0.20–0.31; the marriage conjugation index (K) is 0.13–0.18. Genotyping of the married couples for the rs2235186 SNP of X-linked monoaminooxidase (MAO-A) gene detected a positive marriage assortativeness: the C × CC and T × TT pairs are developed more frequently than during panmixia; the C × TT and T × CC pairs, less frequently. The T allele is coupled with increased aggression level and decreased empathy level. The phenotypes of heterozygous women indicate the intermediate inheritance of these traits.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):615-621
pages 615-621 views

Short Communications

Polymorphism C366G of gene GRIN2B and verbal episodic memory: No association with schizophrenia

Alfimova M.V., Golimbet V.E., Korovaitseva G.I., Lezheiko T.V., Abramova L.I., Kaleda V.G.


The present study searched for associations between gene GRIN2B (glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl-D-aspartate, subunit 2B) and component processes of verbal episodic memory in schizophrenic patients. The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) as a part of a large neuropsychological battery was administered to 302 patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders (sample PI). Also, 285 patients (sample P2) and 243 healthy controls (sample C2) performed the “10 words” test that measures short-term memory. The GRIN2B rs7301328 (C366G) polymorphism was genotyped for each subject. There were no associations between the polymorphism and any measure of the RAVLT either in the whole PI sample or in a subsample of patients with a severe cognitive deficit. The GRIN2B influenced immediate recall and proactive interference in the “10 words” test in the control group: homozygotes CC recalled fewer words and showed a lower effect of proactive interference than carriers of other genotypes. The results suggest that the C366G polymorphism could influence verbal episodic memory in the general population, but this influence is absent in schizophrenic patients.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):622-625
pages 622-625 views

Gene dilp6 regulates octopamine metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster

Burdina E.V., Adonyeva N.V., Gruntenko N.E., Rauschenbach I.Y.


The effect of strong hypomorphic mutation of the insulin-like protein gene (dilp6) on metabolism of octopamine (one of the main biogenic amines in insects) was studied in Drosophila melanogaster males and females. The activity of tyrosine decarboxylase (the key enzyme of octopamine synthesis) and the activity of octopamine-dependent N-acetyltransferase (the enzyme of its degradation) were measured. It was demonstrated that the activity of both studied enzymes is decreased under normal conditions in the dilp641 mutants (as we previously demonstrated, this is correlated with an increased level of octopamine). It was also found that hypomorphic mutation of the dilp6 gene decreases the intensity of tyrosine decarboxylase response to heat stress. Thus, it was demonstrated for the first time that insulin-like DILP6 protein in drosophila influences the level of octopamine (regulating the activity of the enzyme degrading octopamine).

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):626-629
pages 626-629 views

Sequencing and analysis of the resistome of Streptomyces fradiae ATCC19609 in order to develop a test system for screening of new antimicrobial agents

Vatlin A.A., Bekker O.B., Lysenkova L.N., Korolev A.M., Shchekotikhin A.E., Danilenko V.N.


The paper provides the annotation and data on sequencing the antibiotic resistance genes in Streptomyces fradiae strain ATCC19609, highly sensitive to different antibiotics. Genome analysis revealed four groups of genes that determined the resistome of the tested strain. These included classical antibiotic resistance genes (nine aminoglycoside phosphotransferase genes, two beta-lactamase genes, and the genes of puromycin N-acetyltransferase, phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase, and aminoglycoside acetyltransferase); the genes of ATP-dependent ABC transporters, involved in the efflux of antibiotics from the cell (MacB-2, BcrA, two-subunit MDR1); the genes of positive and negative regulation of transcription (whiB and padR families); and the genes of post-translational modification (serine-threonine protein kinases). A comparative characteristic of aminoglycoside phosphotransferase genes in S. fradiae ATCC19609, S. lividans TK24, and S. albus J1074, the causative agent of actinomycosis, is provided. The possibility of using the S. fradiae strain ATCC19609 as the test system for selection of the macrolide antibiotic oligomycin A derivatives with different levels of activity is demonstrated. Analysis of more than 20 semisynthetic oligomycin A derivatives made it possible to divide them into three groups according to the level of activity: inactive (>1 nmol/disk), 10 substances; with medium activity level (0.05–1 nmol/disk), 12 substances; and more active (0.01–0.05 nmol/disk), 2 substances. Important for the activity of semisynthetic derivatives is the change in the position of the 33rd carbon atom in the oligomycin A molecule.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):630-635
pages 630-635 views

Microsatellite analysis of clonality and individual heterozygosity in natural populations of aspen Populus tremula L.: Identification of highly heterozygous clone

Politov D.V., Belokon M.M., Belokon Y.S., Polyakova T.A., Shatokhina A.V., Mudrik E.A., Khanov N.A., Shestibratov K.A.


Aspen Populus tremula L. (Salicaceae) is the fast-growing tree species of environmental and economic value. Aspen is capable of reproduction by both seeds and vegetative means, forming root sprouts. In an adult stand, identification of ramets of one clone among the trees of seed origin based on their morphology is difficult. A panel of 14 microsatellite loci developed for individual identification of aspen was applied for the clonal structure analysis in four natural aspen stands of the European part of Russia: Moscow and Voronezh oblasts, the Mari-El Republic, and the Republic of Tatarstan. In 52 trees from the Moscow sample, 41 multilocus genotypes were identified; in the Voronezh sample, among 30 individuals, 25 different genotypes were detected; and in the sample from Mari-El, 32 trees were represented by 13 genotypes. In the stand from Sabinsky Forestry, Tatarstan, all of the examined 29 trees were represented by a single genotype. The ancestral tree carrier of this genotype which was the most heterozygous (0.929) among all studied aspen individuals (sample mean, 0.598) obviously has spread over a large territory during several cutting and reproduction cycles, currently occupying the area of 2.2 ha. For aspen, usually suffering from Aspen trunk rot, such high viability is evidence of resistance to the main pathogens. The revealed superclone deserves further study with karyological methods and flow cytometry to determine ploidy level and analysis of the growth rate and the quality of wood for possible use in plantation forest production.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(6):636-639
pages 636-639 views

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