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Vol 52, No 11 (2016)

Molecular Genetics

The miRNA aberrant expression dependence on DNA methylation in HeLa cells treated with mitomycin C

Tarasov V.A., Boyko N.V., Makhotkin M.A., Shin E.F., Tyutyakina M.G., Chikunov I.E., Naboka A.V., Mashkarina A.N., Kirpiy A.A., Matishov D.G.


The dependence of expression of miRNAs and their precursors (pre-miRNAs) on the DNA methylation level in HeLa cells 8 days after mitomycin C treatment was studied. A massive parallel DNA sequencing method was applied to analyze miRNA expression. 5-Azacytidine (DNA methylation inhibitor) was added to the medium 6 days after mutagenic agent exposure. The results indicated that the change in expression for some mature miRNAs (39 of 61) was accompanied by the change in the expression of their pre-miRNAs, while there were no significant changes in the expression of pre-miRNA for other mature miRNAs (22 of 61). The aberrant expression was maintained by 8 of 61 mature miRNAs and 6 of 55 pre-miRNAs in the induced HeLa cells after 5-azacytidine treatment. In addition, the expression of more than 90% of miRNAs, which indicated a significant change in expression after mitomycin C treatment, does not depend or depends slightly on the DNA methylation level in HeLa cells without mitomycin C treatment. The results suggest that mitomycin C induces aberrant DNA methylation which affects maintenance of changes in the miRNA expression in cell generations after mutagen treatment.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1117-1123
pages 1117-1123 views

General Genetics

The length of chromatin loops in meiotic prophase I of warm-blooded vertebrates depends on the DNA compositional organization

Sizova T.V., Karpova O.I.


In meiotic prophase I, chromatin fibrils attached to the lateral elements of the synaptonemal complexes (SC) form loops. SCAR DNA (synaptonemal complex associated regions of DNA) is a family of genomic DNA tightly associated with the SC and located at the chromatin loop basements. Using the hybridization technique, it was demonstrated that localization of SCAR DNA was evolutionarily conserved in the isochore compositional fractions of the three examined genomes of warm-blooded vertebrates—human, chicken, and golden hamster. The introduction of the concept of the comparative loops (CL) of DNA that form of chromatin attach to SC in the isochore compositional fractions provided the calculation of their length. An inverse proportional relationship between the length of CL DNA and the GC level in the isochore compartments of the studied warm-blooded vertebrate genomes was revealed. An exception was the GCpoorest L1 isochore family. For different compositional isochores of the human and chicken genomes, the number of genes in the CL DNA was evaluated. A model of the formation of GC-rich isochores in vertebrate genomes, according to which there was not only an increase in the GC level but also the elimination of functionally insignificant noncoding DNA regions, as well as joining of isochores decreasing in size, was suggested.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1124-1130
pages 1124-1130 views

Genetics of Microorganisms

Nucleotide sequence and structural analysis of cryptic plasmid pBL90 from Brevibacterium lactofermentum

Novikov A.D., Ryabchenko L.E., Shustikova T.E., Beletsky A.V., Mardanov A.V., Ravin N.V., Yanenko A.S.


The nucleotide sequence of cryptic plasmid (designated as pBL90) detected in the cells of Brevibacterium lactofermentum DSM 1412 was determined. The length of plasmid DNA is 67826 bp. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of pBL90 with known plasmid sequences showed no long regions of significant homology. Computer analysis of the plasmid DNA revealed 29 open reading frames (ORFs). The amino acid sequences of 15 ORFs (approximately 25% of plasmid length) have a high (>70%) level of identity to proteins from different plasmids of Corynebacterium representatives, including replicative proteins. Unusual in pBL90 is the presence of replicative genes from two different families and types of replication.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1131-1136
pages 1131-1136 views

Plant Genetics

Induced expression of Serratia marcescens ribonuclease III gene in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. SR1 tobacco plants

Zhirnov I.V., Trifonova E.A., Romanova A.V., Filipenko E.A., Sapotsky M.V., Malinovsky V.I., Kochetov A.V., Shumny V.K.


Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. SR1 plants, characterized by an increase in the level of dsRNA-specific hydrolytic activity after induction by wounding, were obtained. The Solanum lycopersicum anionic peroxidase gene promoter (new for plant genetic engineering) was for the first time used for the induced expression of the target Serratia marcescens RNase III gene. Upon infection with the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), the transgenic plants of the obtained lines did not differ significantly from the control group in the level of TMV capsid protein accumulation. In general, no delay in the development of the infection symptoms was observed in transgenic plants as compared with the control group. The obtained transgenic plants represent a new model for the study of the biological role of endoribonucleases from the RNase III family, including in molecular mechanisms of resistance to pathogens.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1137-1141
pages 1137-1141 views

Genetic diversity and differentiation of Siberian spruce populations at nuclear microsatellite loci

Kravchenko A.N., Ekart A.K., Larionova A.Y.


The results of the study of 21 populations of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) from different parts of the species natural range by microsatellite (SSR) analysis of nuclear DNA are presented. Using nine loci developed for Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea glauca (Moench) Voss and detecting variation in Picea obovata, the parameters of intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity, as well as the degree of population differentiation, were determined. It was demonstrated that the population of Siberian spruce in the study was characterized by a relatively high average level of intrapopulation variability (Ho = 0.408; He = 0.423) and low interpopulation differentiation (Fst = 0.048, P = 0.001) at this class of DNA markers. The genetic distance between populations ranged from 0.009 to 0.167, averaging 0.039. The isolated Magadan population, located in the extreme Northeast of Russia at a considerable distance from the main species range and characterized by the lowest genetic diversity among the studied populations, was maximally differentiated from the rest of the spruce populations. In addition, the steppe Ubukun population from Buryatia and the population from the Bogd Khan Uul Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia, were considerably different in the genetic structure from most populations of Siberian spruce, although to a lesser extent than the Magadan population. These findings are consistent with the results of previous studies of this species carried out using allozyme and microsatellite loci of chloroplast DNA and point to the prospects of using nuclear microsatellites as DNA markers to analyze the population genetic structure of Siberian spruce.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1142-1148
pages 1142-1148 views

SSR polymorphism of modern cultivars and autochthonous forms of the pear tree from North Caucasus

Suprun I.I., Tokmakov S.V., Bandurko I.A., Ilnitskaya E.T.


Genetic similarity and relatedness within the set of pear genotypes including autochthonous Circassian cultivars from North Caucasus, European cultivars, accessions of Pyrus caucasica Fed., and modern Russian cultivars were estimated on the basis of analysis of SSR loci. The level of polymorphism for the studied loci varied from 11 to 15 alleles per locus in the set of 29 samples of pears. A higher level of allelic polymorphism of SSR loci was revealed for a set of P. caucasica samples in comparison with modern cultivated cultivars: from 9 to 12 alleles for P. caucasica and from 6 to 8 alleles for modern cultivars. Specific alleles for the mentioned groups of pears were identified. UPGMA clustering revealed two distinct groups: one includes P. caucasica accessions and autochthonous Caucasian cultivars and the other group includes all cultivated European and Russian pear cultivar. The results support the hypothesis of an isolated gene pool formation of autochthonous pear cultivars of the North Caucasus and their probable origin from the wild P. caucasica.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1149-1156
pages 1149-1156 views

Expression of the stilbene synthase genes in the needles of spruce Picea jezoensis

Kiselev K.V., Ogneva Z.V., Suprun A.R., Zhuravlev Y.N.


Stilbenes are valuable plant phytoalexins, the biosynthesis of which is characteristic of different groups of phylogenetically unrelated plants. It is believed that all the stilbenes are the derivatives of resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) or compounds close to it (pinosylvin or piceatannol). The last stage of the resveratrol biosynthesis takes place with the involvement of stilbene synthase or resveratrol synthase (STS). The family Pinaceae is characterized by the presence of the derivatives of pinosylvin (genus Pinus) and piceatannol (genus Picea), the biosynthetic pathways of which are scarcely examined. Previously, in different species of the genus Picea, only two stilbene synthase genes were described. On the basis of RNA isolated from the needles of spruce Picea jezoensis, the full-length cDNAs of the four stilbene synthase genes, PjSTS1a, PjSTS1b, PjSTS2, and PjSTS3, were obtained. Then, using the clone frequency analysis and real-time PCR, expression of the PjSTS1a, PjSTS1b, PjSTS2, and PjSTS3 genes was examined in the needles of P. jezoensis accessions of different age and sampled in different seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Among the analyzed transcripts, the PjSTS1a and PjSTS1b genes were the most frequent, indicating their higher level of expression compared to other STS genes. The highest level of PjSTS1a and PjSTS1b expression was observed in autumn, while the level of PjSTS2 and PjSTS3 expression was the highest in spring and winter. Moreover, the highest PjSTS expression was detected in the young tissues of P. jezoensis in autumn, which may indicate a higher level of stilbene biosynthesis in these tissues.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1157-1163
pages 1157-1163 views

Phylogeny of firs (genus Abies, Pinaceae) based on multilocus nuclear markers (AFLP)

Semerikova S.A., Semerikov V.L.


To study the phylogenetic relationships, evolutionary history, and molecular systematics of firs (genus Abies), the phylogenetic reconstruction, based on nuclear multilocus markers—amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)—was conducted. Using seven combinations of selective primers, 84 samples of 39 taxa were genotyped for 553 polymorphic AFLP loci. A comparison with our earlier chloroplast and mitochondrial phylogenies of the genus (in 2014) shows that the nuclear phylogeny generally is more congruent to the chloroplast tree. Most of the clades resolved by the chloroplast phylogeny were supported also in the AFLP tree. Employing the nuclear DNA-based tree, we revealed the presence of new groups and the differences in the topology of several clades. AFLP confirmed the monophyly of Asian species of section Balsamea and their sister position in relation to the American group of species of this section. As shown by the tree of chloroplast DNA, Asian species of section Balsamea do not form a monophyletic group, but belong to the clade comprising the majority of Asian species. Phylogenetically mitochondrial DNA data to a large extent are not congruent to the nuclear and chloroplast DNA trees, and are more in line with geographical distribution of species. Conflicts between nuclear and cytoplasmic phylogeny were analyzed. Taking them into account, we consider the hypothesis of a hybrid origin of particular groups of firs, including ancient hybridization in section Balsamea. A comparison of molecular data with traditional taxonomy of the genus is discussed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1164-1175
pages 1164-1175 views

Genes encoding hevein-like antimicrobial peptides WAMPs: Expression in response to phytohormones and environmental factors

Istomina E.A., Korostyleva T.V., Rozhnova N.A., Rogozhin E.A., Pukhalskiy V.A., Odintsova T.I.


We investigated the role of genes of hevein-like antimicrobial peptides of the WAMP family in the protection of wheat plants against biotic and abiotic stress. The semiquantitative RT-PCR method was used to examine the expression of wamp genes in wheat seedlings in response to infection by pathogens and exposure to phytohormones and ions of a heavy metal ion—cadmium. We discovered that wheat germ contamination by harmful fungi significantly increases expression of genes of the wamp family, and the primary transcript is wamp-2. We determined that salicylic acid, rather than methyl jasmonate, induces expression of genes of the wamp family. We showed that abiotic stress induced by cadmium ions inhibits expression of wamp genes in the roots with no effect on their expression in shoots. The results support the protective role of wamp genes in the response of wheat plants to infections by pathogens. In turn, the resistance to abiotic stress induced by cadmium ions does not appear to be associated with expression of genes of the wamp family.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1176-1185
pages 1176-1185 views

Animal Genetics

Metaphase and meiotic chromosomes, synaptonemal complexes (SC) of the lizard Zootoca vivipara

Safronova L.D., Kupriyanova L.A.


Somatic mitotic and meiotic chromosomes at the pachytene and at the metaphase I of the males of the viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823), from northwestern Russia, belonging to the Russian form of Z. v. vivipara, are examined. The spreading of synaptonemal complexes (SC) of their chromosomes are obtained and analyzed for the first time. Eighteen SC are observed, including SC of the Z1Z1 (pairs 5 or 6) and the Z2Z2 (pair 13) sex chromosomes. Characteristics of SC are compared with the number and the shape of bivalents and with those of the karyotype structure. In the studied Russian form of Z. v. vivipara, the length ratios of bivalents correlate with that of mitotic chromosomes (2n = 36); however, some specificity in the morphology of SC of the Z1Z1 sex chromosomes is reported in this article.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1186-1191
pages 1186-1191 views

Human Genetics

The analysis of association between type 2 diabetes and polymorphic markers in the CDKAL1 gene and in the HHEX/IDE locus

Khodyrev D.S., Nikitin A.G., Brovkin A.N., Lavrikova E.Y., Lebedeva N.O., Vikulova O.K., Shamhalova M.S., Shestakova M.V., Mayorov M.Y., Potapov V.A., Nosikov V.V., Averyanov A.V.


The increase in diabetes was noted at the turn of the 21st century. Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) make up the majority of patients. Diabetes is a multifactorial disease. It arises from adverse effects of environmental factors on the body of genetically susceptible peoples. According to modern concepts, T2DM is a polygenic disease. Each of the involved genes contributes to the risk of developing of this disease. In our study, the association between polymorphic genetic markers rs7756992, rs9465871, rs7754840, and rs10946398 in the CDKAL1 gene and rs1111875 in the HHEX/IDE locus and T2DM in the Russian population were studied. Four hundred forty patients with type 2 diabetes and 264 healthy individuals without any signs of the disease were examined. The comparative analysis of distribution of genotypes and allele frequencies points to an association between polymorphic genetic markers rs7756992, rs9465871, and rs10946398 in the CDKAL1 gene and this disease. For the other polymorphic genetic markers (rs7754840 in the CDKAL1 gene and rs1111875 in the HHEX/IDE locus), no statistically significant associations are found. On the basis of these data, we can conclude that the CDKAL1 gene is associated with development of T2DM. For the HHEX/IDE locus, such an association is absent.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1192-1199
pages 1192-1199 views


A simple and effective method for assessing chromatin diminution values in copepods using qPCR

Teterina V.I., Galimova Y.A., Sheveleva N.G., Sukhanova L.V., Mayor T.Y., Zaitseva A.N., Kirilchik S.V.


The value of chromatin diminution (CD) in different species of freshwater cyclopoid copepods can differ significantly. The biological and evolutionary roles of these differences remain unclear. To expand the knowledge on CD distribution and magnitude in this group of copepods, a quick method for its evaluation was required. This study proposes a simple approach for CD assessment in copepods using quantitative realtime PCR (qPCR). The magnitude of changes in the genome size was assessed by comparing fluorescence curves of qPCR fragments of target genes for pre- and post-diminution materials. The method was tested on four cyclopoid copepods species. In Cyclops kolensis, CD was assessed as 95.3 ± 1.2; in Acanthocyclops vernalis it was assessed at 94.6 ± 0.8%; at C. insignis, it was 82.3 ± 5.2%; and for the first time, CD was found in Megacyclops viridis at 91.1 ± 2.6%. The advantages of our approach are its rapidity, simplicity and minimal requirements of materials studied.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1200-1203
pages 1200-1203 views

Short Communications

Insulators can disrupt weak transcription derived from the white gene enhancer in Drosophila transgenic lines

Kyrchanova O.V., Postika N.Y., Parshikov A.F., Georgiev P.G.


Increasing evidence suggests that noncoding RNA transcribed from the enhancers play an important role in the regulation of gene transcription. Insulators are the regulatory elements that limit the activity of enhancers and form independent transcriptional domains. Using a transgenic lines, we show that the Fab-7 insulator of the bithorax complex and the MDG4 (gypsy) insulator are able to disrupt weak transcription derived from the enhancer regulating the white gene expression in the eyes. The ability of insulators to disrupt weak transcription may play a role in the enhancer-blocking activity.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1204-1207
pages 1204-1207 views

Genetic diversity of charrs of the Commander Islands based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA

Soshina V.A., Pavlov S.D., Zelenina D.A.


Nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (CytB) gene fragment and the control region (D-loop) of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) from the Commander Islands and the Kol River of the Kamchatka Peninsula were examined. A high level of genetic variability of island populations comparable to that of the mainland population of western Kamchatka was demonstrated. The belonging of the Commander Islands chars to the genetic lineage of northern Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma malma was confirmed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1208-1213
pages 1208-1213 views

The insulin-like receptor gene expression in the tissues synthesizing gonadotropic hormones at sexual maturation of Drosophila melanogaster females

Andreenkova O.V., Adonyeva N.V., Eremina M.A., Gruntenko N.E., Rauschenbach I.Y.


The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of the synthesis of insect gonadotropic hormones, juvenile (JH) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). We carried out the immunohistochemical analysis of the insulin receptor (InR) expression in the corpus allatum (the JH-producing gland) and in the ovarian follicular cells (a site for the synthesis of 20E precursor, ecdysone) in the process of sexual maturation of D. melanogaster females and examined the influence of exogenous JH on the InR expression in these tissues. For the first time, it was demonstrated that InR was expressed in follicular cells and that its expression in corpus allatum and follicular cells of Drosophila females was stage-specific, i.e., the expression intensity in young females greatly exceeded that in mature individuals. We also found a negative feedback loop in the regulation of JH levels by the insulin signaling pathway in Drosophila adults: the experimental increase in the JH titers in young females dramatically reduced the InR expression intensity in corpus allatum and follicular cells.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(11):1214-1217
pages 1214-1217 views

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