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Vol 53, No 2 (2017)

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

Control of the gene activity by polycomb and trithorax group proteins in Drosophila

Chetverina D.A., Elizar’ev P.V., Lomaev D.V., Georgiev P.G., Erokhin M.M.


Combinatorial expression of the genes in multicellular organisms leads to the development of different cell types. The important epigenetic regulators of higher eukaryotes are the Polycomb group (PcG) and Trithorax group (TrxG) proteins. These factors control the transcription of a large number of genes involved in various cellular processes. Dysregulation of PcG and TrxG systems leads to developmental abnormalities and cancer. This review focuses on the main characteristics and properties of the Drosophila PRE elements. Furthermore, we summarize the information on the protein components of the PcG and TrxG groups and their functional activities and discuss the main aspects of competition between the proteins of these classes as well as their possible mechanisms of action.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):157-177
pages 157-177 views

Molecular Genetics

Coactivator complexes participate in different stages of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 gene transcription

Mazina M.Y., Derevyanko P.K., Kocheryzhkina E.V., Nikolenko Y.V., Krasnov A.N., Vorobyeva N.E.


The objective of this study was to identify transcriptional coactivators participating in transcription elongation of the hsp70 gene induced by heat shock. We found that all investigated coactivator complexes participate in transcription of this gene, as significant level of them were present at the gene promoter in its active state. For most of the coactivators (except for p300/CBP, Set2, and Mediator complex), we also observed a considerable increase of their binding level at the coding region of the gene after activation of its transcription by heat shock. We assume that coactivators CHD1, ISWI, Brm, Kismet-L, INO80, Mi-2, Gcn5, Lid/KDM5, Set1, DART1, DART4, SSRP1, PAF1, and Fs(1)h/Brd4 bind to the promoter of the active hsp70 gene and migrate to its coding region together with elongating RNA polymerase II. It can be suggested that some of these coactivators play an important role in stimulating the transition of the RNA polymerase II complex from transcription initiation to elongation stage.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):178-186
pages 178-186 views

Genetics of Microorganisms

Histone-like protein H-NS as a negative regulator of quorum sensing systems in gram-negative bacteria

Melkina O.E., Goryanin I.I., Zavilgelsky G.B.


The effects of histone-like protein H-NS on transcription of promoters of the Quorum Sensing regulated operons from marine luminescent mesophilic bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri and psychrophilic Aliivibrio logei, as well as from pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are studied. In the present work, the plasmids carrying DNA fragments with the promoters Pr1f (upstream of the luxICDABEG operon from A. fischeri), Pr1l (upstream of the luxCDABEG operon from A. logei), Pr2l (upstream of luxI gene from A. logei), PluxCf (upstream of luxC gene from A. fischeri), and PlasI (upstream of lasI gene from P. aerugenosa) are used. In these plasmids, promoter-operator regions are transcriptionally fused to the reporter genes cassette luxCDABE from Photorhabdus luminescens. Here we have shown that the transcription of the QS-regulated promoters in E. coli hns::kan cells increases 100 to 1000 times. Furthermore, transcription of the QS-regulated promoters in E. coli hns+ cells increases 10 to 100 times in the cells transformed with the plasmid carrying gene ardA ColIb-P9 encoding DNA mimic antirestriction protein ArdA, inhibitor of the type I restriction-modification systems.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):187-194
pages 187-194 views

The role of remodeling complexes CHD1 and ISWI in spontaneous and UV-induced mutagenesis control in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Evstiukhina T.A., Alekseeva E.A., Fedorov D.V., Peshekhonov V.T., Korolev V.G.


Chromatin remodulators are special multiprotein machines capable of transforming the structure, constitution, and positioning of nucleosomes on DNA. Biochemical activities of remodeling complexes CHD1 and ISWI from the SWI2/SNF2 family are well established. They ensure correct positioning of nucleosomes along the genome, which is probably critical for genome stability, in particular, after action of polymerases, repair enzymes, and transcription. In this paper, we show that single mutations in genes ISW1, ISW2, and CHD1 weakly affect repair and mutagenic processes in yeast cells. At the same time, there are differences in the effect of these mutations on spontaneous mutation levels, which indicates certain specificity of action of protein complexes ISW1, ISW2, and CHD1 on expression of different genes that control repair and mutation processes in yeast.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):195-201
pages 195-201 views

Plant Genetics

Polymorphic sites in transcribed spacers of 35S rRNA genes as an indicator of origin of the Paeonia cultivars

Punina E.O., Machs E.M., Krapivskaya E.E., Rodionov A.V.


Region ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 is sequenced in 27 varieties of cultivated ornamental peonies, ten of which presumably originate from Paeonia lactiflora, one from P. officinalis, 13 from hybridization of P. lactiflora and P. peregrina, or P. officinalis, and three are Itoh hybrids. Comparative analysis of distribution patterns of polymorphic sites (PS) for the obtained DNA sequences and data from GenBank is carried out. Hypotheses of origin of the studied varieties, except for two, which, as previously assumed, originate from hybridization of P. lactiflora and P. peregrina, are confirmed. It is shown that the sequence ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 is a good genetic marker for cultivars of the P. lactiflora group and Itoh hybrids, and that the PS distribution patterns in these sequences can provide valuable information on the kinship and origin of individual varieties. However, insufficient knowledge of wild species from the P. officinalis kinship group limits the use of this marker in the study of varieties obtained through interspecific hybridization within the Paeonia section.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):202-212
pages 202-212 views

Analysis of microsatellite loci variability in rare and endemic species Allium regelianum A.K. Becker ex Iljin

Trifonova A.A., Kochieva E.Z., Kudryavtsev A.M.


SSR analysis of rare and endemic species Allium regelianum, which grows in the south of Russia, was performed for the first time. Variability analysis of 88 accessions of A. regelianum was carried out using four highly polymorphic microsatellite loci (PIC value ranged from 0.55 to 0.72). SSR-analysis made it possible to revealed polymorphism within and among the populations of A. regelianum from Volgograd region. Analysis of Wright’s F-statistics and the analysis of molecular variance showed that more than 90% of total genetic variation of the species was attributed to the differences within the populations and less than 10% of the differences were found among the populations. Cluster analysis of 46 accessions of A. regelianum from three populations of Volgograd region and principal coordinate analysis of all accessions did not reveal differentiation among the populations.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):213-220
pages 213-220 views

Animal Genetics

Fish growth hormone genes: Divergence of coding sequences in salmonid fishes

Pankova M.V., Kukhlevsky A.D., Brykov V.A.


Comparison of coding nucleotide sequences of the paralogous GH1 and GH2 genes, as well as of the growth hormone amino acid sequences, in the species of closely related salmonid genera Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus, and Salmo was performed. It was demonstrated that, in different groups of salmonids, the amino acid substitution rates were considerably different. In some cases, an obvious discrepancy between the divergence of growth hormone genes and phylogenetic schemes based on other methods and approaches was revealed. These findings suggest that the reason may be multidirectional selection at duplicated genes at different stages of evolution.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):221-232
pages 221-232 views

The genetic diversity of burbot (Lota lota L., 1758) of Western Siberia (the analysis of the mtDNA control region polymorphism)

Khrunyk Y.Y., Bogdanov V.D., Yalkovskaya L.E., Koporikov A.R., Rakitin S.B., Sibiryakov P.A., Borodin A.V.


The genetic variability of burbot (Lota lota L., 1758) inhabiting the Ob-Irtysh and Taz river basins in Western Siberia has been studied based on the polymorphism of the hypervariable fragment of mtDNA control region (407 bp). The analysis of 134 fish samples revealed 30 haplotypes, 23 of which were new. Among haplotypes, previously detected in Eurasia and North America, EB30 was the most frequently found in Western Siberia (45.5% frequency). The results of our study are in agreement with previous research pointing to the genetic differentiation of two burbot subspecies, L. l. lota and L. l. maculosa, and indicate that burbot inhabiting the Ob-Irtysh and Taz river basins belong to the Eurasian-Beringian clade (nominative subspecies L. l. lota). However, a high genetic diversity of burbot in Western Siberia, along with a relatively high differentiation of burbot groups within studied territory, points to a regional specificity of burbot population.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):233-241
pages 233-241 views

Genetic diversity of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in the western part of the Chukchi Sea

Shitova M.V., Kochnev A.A., Dolnikova O.G., Kryukova N.V., Malinina T.V., Pereverzev A.A.


We study 117 Pacific walrus samples from three rookeries within the western part of Chukchi Sea (Cape Vankarem, Cape Serdtse-Kamen, and Kolyuchin Island). We analyze the variability of nuclear (20 microsatellite loci) and mitochondrial DNA (three fragments). Two microsatellite loci which are described as microsatellites for the first time are used in this study: repeated sequences within introns of Coro1c and Plod2 genes. A high degree of genetic diversity is demonstrated for both nuclear and mitochondrial markers compared to Atlantic walrus. A high degree of genetic diversity is preserved within populations of Pacific walrus, despite a strong decline in the recent past. We discover the absence of significant differentiation for microsatellite loci and the presence of weak differentiation for mtDNA (mainly for a D-loop fragment). Walrus specimens that use the rookeries of the western part of Chukchi Sea are thought to belong to a single reproductive group.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):242-251
pages 242-251 views

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Diacyclops and Acanthocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from Lake Baikal based on COI gene

Mayor T.Y., Galimova Y.A., Sheveleva N.G., Sukhanova L.V., Kirilchik S.V.


Lake Baikal is inhabited by a relatively large number of cyclopid species, many of which are endemics. Two genera, Diacyclops Kiefer, 1927 and Acanthocyclops Kiefer, 1927, are the most specious in the lake. Taxonomic discrimination of the majority of representatives of these genera is difficult owing to their high morphological similarities and poor standard description. In this study, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Lake Baikal members of the Diacyclops/Acanthocyclops group is performed on the basis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. It is shown that a fragment of COI 1000 bp long is sufficient for intragenus discrimination of the cyclopids of Lake Baikal. The issues of Diacyclops/Acanthocyclops taxonomy are reflected in the obtained molecular data. Two distinct phylogenetic groups of Diacyclops genus with uncertain taxonomic status are revealed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):252-258
pages 252-258 views

Assessment of the genetic distances between some species of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata)

Snegin E.A., Sychev A.A., Grebennikov M.E., Snegina E.A.


On the basis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci and the nucleotide sequences of nuclear (18S and ITS-1) and mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S), a phylogenetic analysis of the three species of terrestrial mollusks of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata), Bradybaena fruticum Müll., Bradybaena schrencki Midd., and Bradybaena transbaicalia Shileyko, was conducted to clarify their taxonomic status. The analysis showed that Br. fruticum was far apart from the other two species (Br. schrencki and Br. transbaicalia). The genetic distance between the latter puts in doubt their status as distinct species. It is suggested that the species Br. transbaicalia can be treated as a form of Br. schrencki var. transbaicalia.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):259-266
pages 259-266 views

Genetic divergence and allelic-specificity in relation to expression of voltinism in silkworm using ISSR and RAPD fingerprinting

Haghighi M.T., Jagadeesh Kumar T.S.


The silkworm B. mori is a multicellular organism revealing genetic resources which makes an ideal model for lepidoptera for the present investigation. With the objective of targeting distinctive markers for utilization in future breeding programmes, Bivoltine and Polyvoltine silkworm strains were used by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic-DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting to detect their genetic versatility and volatility. Six ISSR primers generated 99 markers, of which 76.76% were found to be polymorphic with an average number of observed alleles (Na) (1.86 ± 0.40), an effective number of alleles (Ne) (1.43 ± 0.30) as well as six RAPD primers that produced a total of 95 bands, developing 61.05% polymorphism with Na (1.93 ± 0.51) and Ne (1.18 ± 0.30). The dendrogram produced by UPGMA analysis, based on Dice’s coefficient, clustered four races into two major groups which accurately segregated them according to their inheritance of voltinism. In this research, the ISSR markers were more accurate than the RAPD markers and ISSR also displayed better polymorphism. The outcome showed that the bivoltine strains exhibited higher allelic expressions with ISSR primers when compared to the polyvoltine strains. Despite exhibiting their unique race by certain DNA markers, most of the primers represented voltinism-specificity. Hence molecular marker amplification is a beneficial approach to reveal genetic divergence among closely related strains, and molecular characterization of phylogenetic relationships in addressing evolutionary evidences of individuals.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):267-274
pages 267-274 views

Human Genetics

Developing forensic reference database by 18 autosomal STR for DNA identification in Republic of Belarus

Tsybovskii I.S., Veremeichik V.M., Kotova S.A., Kritskaya S.V., Evmenenko S.A., Udina I.G.


For the Republic of Belarus, development of a forensic reference database on the basis of 18 autosomal microsatellites (STR) using a population dataset (N = 1040), “familial” genotypic dataset (N = 2550) obtained from expertise performance of paternity testing, and a dataset of genotypes from a criminal registration database (N = 8756) is described. Population samples studied consist of 80% ethnic Belarusians and 20% individuals of other nationality or of mixed origin (by questionnaire data). Genotypes of 12346 inhabitants of the Republic of Belarus from 118 regional samples studied by 18 autosomal microsatellites are included in the sample: 16 tetranucleotide STR (D2S1338, TPOX, D3S1358, CSF1PO, D5S818, D8S1179, D7S820, THO1, vWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, F13B, and FGA) and two pentanucleotide STR (Penta D and Penta E). The samples studied are in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium according to distribution of genotypes by 18 STR. Significant differences were not detected between discrete populations or between samples from various historical ethnographic regions of the Republic of Belarus (Western and Eastern Polesie, Podneprovye, Ponemanye, Poozerye, and Center), which indicates the absence of prominent genetic differentiation. Statistically significant differences between the studied genotypic datasets also were not detected, which made it possible to combine the datasets and consider the total sample as a unified forensic reference database for 18 “criminalistic” STR loci. Differences between reference database of the Republic of Belarus and Russians and Ukrainians by the distribution of the range of autosomal STR also were not detected, corresponding to a close genetic relationship of the three Eastern Slavic nations mediated by common origin and intense mutual migrations. Significant differences by separate STR loci between the reference database of Republic of Belarus and populations of Southern and Western Slavs were observed. The necessity of using original reference database for support of forensic expertise practice in the Republic of Belarus was demonstrated.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(2):275-284
pages 275-284 views

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