
Cyclic-deformation system for the reduction of continuous-cast slabs
Lekhov O., Mikhalev A., Bilalov D., Shevelev M.
Improvement of Rolling Dynamics to Increase Roller Life in Ball Rolling
Shevchenko O., Mironova M., Rubtsov V.
Production of hexahedral pipe blanks from centrifugally cast 04Х14ТЗР1Ф (СЧ82) steel billet for the nuclear industry
Nikitin K., Osadchii V., Kolikov A., Saf’yanov A., Lyakh A., Eremin V.
Electromagnetic Stirring in Continuous-Casting Machines
Shakhov S., Vdovin K.
Influence of the Speed of High-Carbon Steel Billet in the Patenting Unit on Its Final Structure and Mechanical Properties
Chukin M., Koptseva N., Efimova Y., Chukin D., Nikitenko O.
Influence of nonmetallic inclusions in rail steel on the high-temperature plasticity
Simachev A., Oskolkova T., Temlyantsev M.
Piercing of Continuous-Cast Billet on Two-Roller Screw Mills with Liners
Parfenov V., Shelest A., Khesuani Y., Yusupov V., Chepurin M.
Improving Pipe Production on the TPA 220 Piercing Mill
Chernyshev Y., Bolotov A., Starogorodtsev V., Shamilov A., Chechulin Y.
The Technological Improvement for Continuous Casting of Section Steel, and the Measuring Methods for the Temperature during Solidification and Cooling, Report I
Timoshpol’skii V., Trusova I.
Simulation of the Heating of Oxidizing Metal
Denisov M., Chernykh V.
Influence of meniscus fluctuations in the mold on crust formation in slab casting
Smirnov A., Kuberskii S., Smirnov E., Verzilov A., Maksaev E.
Changes in Pipe Geometry in the Course of Sequential Creation of Stresses on the Inner Surface under External Thermomechanical Impacts
Chumanov I., Kozlov A., Matveeva M.
Temperature Fields and Thermal Stress in the Solidification of Cylindrical Continuous-Cast Steel Billet
Krayushkin N., Pribytkov I., Shatokhin K.
Influence of Electrosmelting Conditions on Rail Quality and Production Costs
Umanskii A., Dumova L.
Influence of dendritic crystallization on the structure and properties of continuous-cast pipe blanks
Levchenko G., Borisenko A., Zavgorodnii M., Mos’pan V., Motsnyi V.
Production of Seamless Steel Pipe for Oil and Gas Extraction in Challenging Conditions
Shiryaev A., Chetverikov S., Chikalov S., Pyshmintsev I., Krylov P.
Effects of Decreasing the Initial Rolling Temperature in Three-High Roughing Stands
Smirnov E., Smirnov A., Sklyar V., Belevitin V., Eron’ko S., Pivovarov R.
Defect healing in the axial zone of continuous-cast billet
Smyrnov Y., Skliar V., Belevitin V., Shmyglya R., Smyrnov O.
Study of the Structural Condition of Metal in Billet after Deformation in the Continuous-Casting Line
Smirnov E., Smirnov A., Sklyar V., Mikheev V., Belevitin V., Orlov G., Verzilov A.
Behavior of Structural Defects of Already-Deformed Continuous-Cast Bar on Rolling
Smirnov E., Sklyar V., Smirnov O., Belevitin V., Pivovarov R.
Influence of the Reduction in the First Matched Groove Pair of a Three-High Stand on Billet Damage
Smirnov E., Smirnov A., Sklyar V., Mikheev V., Belevitin V., Pivovarov R.
Producing Structural-Steel Bar from Continuous-Cast Billet
Smirnov A., Smirnov E., Sklyar V., Belevitin V., Pivovarov R.
Production of corrosion-resistant 09ГСФ steel
Safronov A., Movchan M., Dub V., Ioffe A., Bazaev E., Pridein A.
1 - 23 из 23 результатов
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