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Vol 49, No 1 (2019)


Investigating the Slags of the Metallurgical Plants of Armenia at Fine Grinding

Martirosyan V.A., Sasuntsyan M.E.


In connection with the development of copper and molybdenum production in Armenia, it becomes necessary to develop a technology for processing the slags of the functioning metallurgical plants to extract valuable metals from the slags. It concerns the copper slags of Alaverdi copper-smelting plant with a content of FeO ∼50% and the molybdenum slags of Yerevan Pure Iron Plant with a content of SiO2 ∼80%. These slags are obtained at high temperatures (with obtaining FeO ⋅ SiO2, CaO ⋅ SiO2, Fe3O4) and, therefore, they are less active to be used later. Meanwhile, the mentioned slags are rich in iron and silicon oxides and can serve as a cheap raw material for producing iron silicides. The iron silicides can be used in micro- and nanoelectronics, as well as in metallurgy as an alloying additive in the production of steels of special physical and chemical properties. The production of such valuable silicides from an inexpensive raw material is important for Republic of Armenia and is of not only economic, but also ecological significance. To obtain iron silicides, a method of combined aluminothermal reduction of primarily mechanoactivated copper and molybdenum slags is proposed. The preliminary mechanoactivation allows to purposefully affect the structure of the reaction mixture and the parameters of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), thus ensuring the possibility of regulating the structure and the phase composition of the synthesized silicides. In this work, issues on the impact of transformation and phase formation on the morphology of slags of copper and molybdenum production in the functioning metallurgical plants of Armenia at mechanochemical activation by the method of fine grinding in a vibromill are considered. It is shown that at fine grinding (up to 10 μm), the slags, containing small-reactivity complex compounds of iron and silicon (fayalite, magnetite, quarzite) undergo profound chemical changes, transforming into amorphous oxides. The obtained activated oxides can serve as a raw material for producing iron- and silicon-containing alloys—iron silicides.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

Improving the Gas-Exhaust System at Foundry Electrofurnaces

Eron’ko S.P., Gorbatyuk S.M., Tkachev M.Y., Oshovskaya E.V.


Abstract—Inspection of the gas-exhaust system at arc furnaces of capacity 3–10 t in the casting shops of manufacturing enterprises reveals problems responsible for copious gas and dust emissions in the production buildings, with degradation of the air quality. This is mainly associated with structural shortcomings of the systems for gas and dust evacuation from the furnace chamber through the exhaust channel, working window, and gaps between the housing and roof and also between the edges of the holes in the upper section and the electrodes within the holes. In particular, the moving joints between the rotary hoods and the gas-exhaust lines in such systems do not ensure reliable sealing. Accordingly, an improved design of the hood-rotation mechanisms has been proposed, with two sand barriers preventing the atmospheric emission of harmful emissions between the moving components. In the design of an industrial prototype, a method is developed for calculating the energy parameters of the drive in the improved system. A 1 : 10 scale model of the system is built to check the design and the theoretical equations. By means of a measuring system consisting of a tensoresistive converter, an ac amplifier, an analog–digital converter, and a computer, the load on the model’s drive on switching from the working position to the rest position and back is determined, for two cases: with and without sand barriers to seal the mobile components. The drag in the two sand barriers on rotation of the moving element amounts to 20–26% of the total load on the drive, depending on the angular velocity of the cantilever with the hood. According to the theoretical formulas, this figure is 17–23% for hood-rotation mechanisms in arc furnaces of capacity 3–10 t. Video recordings of the smoke fluxes from the model through the gaps between its housing and the roof during simulations of steel production confirm the reliability of the sand barriers, which ensure complete sealing of joints in the hood-rotation mechanism. Practical use of the proposed design improves gas–dust evacuation from the working zone of smelting furnaces used in the foundry.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):7-12
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Corrosion and Cavitation Resistance of High-Strength Austenitic Nitrogen Stainless Steels in Seawater

Kaputkina L.M., Svyazhin A.G., Smarygina I.V., Kindop V.E.


Abstract—The corrosion and cavitation resistance of high-strength economically alloyed nitrogen-bearing chromium–nickel–manganese austenitic C10Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2N and C09Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2Cu2N stainless steels in seawater is compared experimentally with the properties of chromium–nickel C04Cr18Ni9 and C04Cr18Ni9N steels. The resistance to pitting corrosion is tested by a chemical method in a 100-g/L FeCl3 · 6H2O solution. The overall corrosion resistance is assessed by tests in synthetic seawater (3% NaCl). The cavitation resistance in seawater is tested by means of a high-intensity cavitation system based on a Hielscher Ultrasonic UIP 1000hd ultrasound unit in 3% aqueous NaCl solution (vibration frequency 20 kHz, power 1000 W, amplitude 25 μm) for 8–36 h. After cavitation treatment, the damage and change in microhardness at the sample surface is estimated, as well as the change in phase composition and mass of the samples in the tests. According to the tests, C10Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2N and C09Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2Cu2N steels are free of pits after exposure to seawater and iron-chloride solution. The overall corrosion rate is lower than for chromonickel Cr18Ni9 steel. Ultrasonic cavitation may lead not only to surface damage by erosion and intensification of local corrosion but also to change in the physical and mechanical properties on account of cold working and phase transformations. The resistance to ultrasonic cavitation in seawater is greater for C10Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2N and C09Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2Cu2N steels, containing thermally and mechanically stable austenite, than for chromonickel steels, especially C04Cr18Ni9, which is weaker and less stable. For example, after 36-h cavitational treatment in seawater, significant changes in state are seen in C04Cr18Ni9 and C04Cr18Ni9N steels: considerable damage (etching) and hardening of the surface and also the formation of a small quantity of martensite in C04Cr18Ni9 steel. For C10Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2N and C09Cr19Mn10Ni6Mo2Cu2N steels, the tests indicate only slight change in state of the surface and hardening.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):13-19
pages 13-19 views

Temperature Fields and Thermal Stress in the Solidification of Cylindrical Continuous-Cast Steel Billet

Krayushkin N.A., Pribytkov I.A., Shatokhin K.S.


Abstract—The influence of nonuniform boundary conditions on the cooling rate of stainless steel in continuous casting of cylindrical billet is investigated. Nonuniformity of the boundary conditions over the billet perimeter is assumed. The longitudinal cooling rate is assumed constant within the cooled sector of the billet. The presence of heat fluxes between cooling sectors is assumed. The gradients of the temperature and the thermal stress that develop in the solidifying billet are compared at different cooling rates in the secondary-cooling zone. The thermal stress is compared with the permissible value for each grade of steel, so as to determine cooling conditions corresponding to permissible thermal stress. The results indicate that the cooling rate affects the appearance of external and internal defects in the continuous-cast cylindrical billet. It is also found that the nonuniformity of the boundary conditions affects the temperature fields in the solidifying continuous-cast cylindrical billet. The results are presented in graphical form and analyzed in detail. A mathematical model is developed to calculate the temperature fields in the solidifying billet, on the basis of the nonsteady heat-conduction equation. The thermal stress is calculated by familiar methods that permit the determination of the stress that appears between cooling zones in the solidifying billet. The results may be used to develop cooling conditions that correspond to permissible thermal stress. By that means, the frequency of internal and external defects in the solidifying continuous-cast cylindrical billet may be decreased.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Simulation of the Heating of Oxidizing Metal

Denisov M.A., Chernykh V.N.


Abstract—A method is developed for simulation of the heating of oxidizing metal billet when the billet dimensions and the thickness of the scale layer vary over time. The approach adopted simplifies the use of software to analyze objects with varying geometry and, in consequence, may greatly facilitate the development of mathematical models for metallurgical processes. The oxidation of metal is modeled here on the basis of the equivalent thermal conductivity. This method is verified experimentally, and its applicability in improving the monitoring of industrial heating processes is demonstrated. The method was refined in experiments at stepping-hearth furnace 3 in the 150 mill at Nizhne-Serginsk metalware and metallurgical plant. The thickness of the scale layer, which varies over time, is calculated, and presented in graphical form. ANSYS Multiphysics software is employed to solve the corresponding nonsteady heat-conduction problem with boundary conditions of the first kind. In modeling, a finite-element grid is constructed. This grid is sufficiently detailed to ensure reliable results but may be used on low-power computers. Various simplifications are made: in particular, the computational algorithm assumes that the thickness of the scale layer is uniquely determined by the billet’s surface temperature. The temperature distribution over the billet thickness is determined. To compare the temperature in the metal and the scale layer, graphs and isotherms are plotted. The calculated temperature difference in the scale layer for the chosen furnace conditions is compared with the actual experimental data. A nonsteady problem with changing boundaries is solved here. The object considered is a metal billet (a real body) with scale layer that increases over time. In solving the problem, this real body is replaced by an equivalent (hypothetical) body with constant mean dimensions. Assuming similarity of the thermophysical processes, properties of the equivalent body that vary in accordance with the dimensions of the real body are determined.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Influence of Casting Technology on the Properties of Cast Steel Billet

Chernyshov E.A., Baev I.M., Romanov A.D., Romanova E.A.


Abstract—The influence of the solidification of high-strength moderately alloyed steel on the mechanical properties of the castings is studied experimentally. The low-temperature strength is of particular interest, since it determines the reliability and performance of cast products. The impact strength, work of crack development, and fiber content in the fractures are plotted as a function of the test temperature. Three production technologies for castings are considered: (1) casting in a thin-walled mold with forced water–air cooling that varies over the ceramic-layer height (casting with external cooling); (2) casting in the same conditions with the introduction of solid microcooling particles in the liquid steel (casting with complex cooling); (3) casting in a sand (liquid-glass) mold (the control technology). The results indicate that the impact strength is higher in the first two cases, over the whole temperature range. The variation in impact strength is smoother in those two cases; and the sharp decrease in impact strength seen in the control samples is not evident. The work of crack development Wcd also depends on the casting conditions. Serial curves show that the steel cast in the first two cases is less inclined to brittle failure (greater cold strength). Analogous results are obtained in studying the fiber content of the fractures.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Gas-Dynamic Stability and the Distribution of Gas Flow Rates over the Blast-Furnace Height

Chaika A.L., Kornilov B.V., Lebed’ V.V., Sokhatskii A.A., Shostak V.Y.


Abstract—The distribution of the gas flow rates over the blast-furnace height is studied. The best blast-furnace gas dynamics is determined by the range of gas-flow rates in the batch column—in particular, at the tuyere exit and in the batch-free charging zone. The velocity of the blast and the blast-furnace gas may be used to assess the stability and optimality of the gas-dynamic conditions in smelting.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Fuel Combustion at Blast-Furnace Tuyeres

Lyalyuk V.P.


Abstract—In textbooks on the metallurgy of iron, the chapter regarding the processes in the blast-furnace hearth must be supplemented with information regarding the calculation of the total energy of the composite blast, which determine the size of the combustion zone ahead of the tuyeres; and the total mechanical energy of the hearth gas, which characterizes the penetration depth of the hearth gas with respect to the furnace axis and the temperature at the center of the hearth. Constant monitoring of these total-energy values is required in the blast furnace. Those readings must be compared with the values for the best operating periods.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):39-44
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Sulfur and Gas Removal from Hot Metal by Injecting Disperse Magnesium in a Gas Jet

Vergun A.S., Shevchenko A.F., Kislyakov V.G., Molchanov L.S., Dvoskin B.V.


Abstract—The formation and ascent of gas bubbles when disperse magnesium is injected into hot metal in an argon jet are analyzed. The thermodynamic probability that magnesium will react with oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen during desulfurization of the hot metal is established. Industrial experiments provide information regarding the removal of harmful impurities from hot metal on desulfurization by the injection of disperse magnesium in a gas jet.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Utilization of Manganese in Russian Metallurgy

Zhuchkov V.I., Leont’ev L.I., Dashevskii V.Y.


Abstract—Although Russia has considerable reserves of manganese, the quality of its manganese ore is relatively poor. (Its mean Mn content is 9–23%, with a high content of harmful impurities, primarily phosphorus). In terms of economic security, it is essential to create a Russian source of manganese. This entails enrichment of the lean manganese ore; the development of effective technology for producing manganese ferroalloys from the resulting concentrates; and improved methods of removing phosphorus from manganese concentrates. In the production of manganese ferroalloys from ore, about 50% of the manganese is lost. Numerous byproducts are formed in this process. The processing of such byproducts not only reduces the demand for the initial ore but also increases the efficiency of ore processing and decreases the environmental impact.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Stability Loss and Defects in Coils of Cold-Rolled Strip

Mazur V.L., Timoshenko V.I., Prikhod’ko I.Y.


Abstract—Shape defects in coils of cold-rolled strip are analyzed. An algorithm for assessing the stability loss of coils is proposed, on the basis of a fundamentally new approach to calculating the stress–strain state in strip winding on the drum of the cold-rolling mill. Methods are recommended for preventing the following defects of coils of cold-rolled thin steel sheet: sagging, folded structure, mutual slip of the layers, and telescopic distortion.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Structural Viability of Steel with Stress Concentrations under Uniaxial Tension

Shiyan A.V., Meshkov Y.Y.


Abstract—Two types of mechanical characteristics of structural steel in uniform and nonuniform force fields are presented. In the science of metals and alloys, assignment by type is a fundamental concept. An analytical apparatus is developed for finding relations between the fracture resistance and basic mechanical characteristics of the metal, so as to assess the structural viability of steel in nonuniform force fields with annular stress concentrators, under uniaxial tension. The structural viability of steel with regular stress concentrators is assessed, and their low-temperature embrittlement is estimated.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(1):66-76
pages 66-76 views

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