Volume 30, Nº 6 (2022)


Edição completa


On the anniversary of Aleksei Aleksandrovich Koronovskii

Moskalenko O.


Congratulations to Aleksei Aleksandrovich Koronovskii on his anniversary.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):673-675
pages 673-675 views

On existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with complex topology of attractor

Moskalenko O., Evstifeev E.


Aim of this work is to study the possibility of existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in systems with complex attractor topology. Unidirectionally coupled Lorentz systems have been chosen as an object of study, and a modified auxiliary system method has been used to detect the presence of the synchronous regime. Result of the work is a proof of the presence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with a complex topology of attractor. For this purpose, the basins of attraction of the synchronous and asynchronous states of interacting Lorenz systems have been obtained for the value of the coupling parameter corresponding to the realization of the intermittent generalized synchronization regime in the system under study, and the dependence of the multistability measure on the value of the coupling parameter has also been calculated. It is shown that in the regime of intermittent generalized synchronization the measure of multistability turns out to be positive, which is an additional confirmation of the presence of multistability in this case.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):676-684
pages 676-684 views

Dynamics of the Rabinovich-Fabrikant system and its generalized model in the case of negative values of parameters that have the meaning of dissipation coefficients

Turukina L.


Purpose of this work is a numerical study of the Rabinovich–Fabrikant system and its generalized model, which describe the occurrence of chaos during the parametric interaction of three modes in a nonequilibrium medium with cubic nonlinearity, in the case when the parameters that have the meaning of dissipation coefficients take negative values. These models demonstrate a rich dynamics that differs in many respects from what was observed for them, but in the case of positive values of the parameters. Methods. The study is based on the numerical solution of the differential equations, and their numerical bifurcation analysis using the MatCont program. Results. For investigated models we present a charts of dynamic regimes in the control parameters plane, Lyapunov exponents depending on the parameters, attractors and their basins. On the parameters plane, which have the meaning of dissipation coefficients, bifurcation lines and points are numerically found. They are plotted for equilibrium point and period one limit cycle. For both models we compared dynamics observed in the case when the parameters that have the meaning of dissipation coefficients take negative values, with the one observed in the case when these parameters take positive values. And it is shown that in the first case parameter space has a simpler structure. Conclusion. The Rabinovich– Fabrikant system and its generalized model were studied in detail in the case when the parameters which have the meaning of dissipation coefficients take negative values. It is shown that there are a number of differences in comparison with the case of positive values of these parameters. For example, a new type of chaotic attractor appears, multistability that is not related to the symmetry of the system disappears, etc. The obtained results are new, since the Rabinovich–Fabrikant system and its generalized model were studied in detail for the first time in the region of negative values of parameters which have the meaning of dissipation coefficients.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):685-701
pages 685-701 views

Criteria for internal fixed points existence of discrete dynamic Lotka-Volterra systems with homogeneous tournaments

Eshmamatova D., Tadhzieva M., Ganikhodzhaev R.


Purpose of the work is to study the dynamics of the asymptotic behavior of trajectories of discrete Lotka–Volterra dynamical systems with homogeneous tournaments operating in an arbitrary (m − 1)-dimensional simplex. It is known that a dynamic system is an object or a process for which the concept of a state is uniquely defined as a set of certain quantities at a given time, and a law describing the evolution of initial state over time is given. Mainly in questions of population genetics, biology, ecology, epidemiology and economics, systems of nonlinear differential equations describing the evolution of the process under study often arise. Since the Lotka–Volterra equations often arise in life phenomena, the main purpose of the work is to study the trajectories of discrete dynamical Lotka–Volterra systems using elements of graph theory. Methods. In the paper cards of fixed points are constructed for quadratic Lotka–Volterra mappings, that allow describing the dynamics of the systems under consideration. Results. Using cards of fixed points of a discrete dynamical system, criteria for the existence of fixed points with odd nonzero coordinates are given in a particular case, and these results on the location of fixed points of Lotka–Volterra systems are generalized accordingly in the case of an arbitrary simplex. The main results are theorems 5–9, which allow us to describe the dynamics of these systems arising in a number of genetic, epidemiological and ecological models. Conclusion. The results obtained in the paper give a detailed description of the dynamics of the trajectories of Lotka–Volterra maps with homogeneous tournaments. The map of fixed points highlights a specific area in the simplex that is most important and interesting for studying the dynamics of these maps. The results obtained are applicable in environmental problems, for example, to describe and study the cycle of biogens.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):702-716
pages 702-716 views

Hybrid SIRS model of infection spread

Shabunin A.


Purpose of this work is to build a model of the infection spread in the form of a system of differential equations that takes into account the inertial nature of the transfer of infection between individuals. Methods. The paper presents a theoretical and numerical study of the structure of the phase space of the system of ordinary differential equations of the mean field model. Results. A modified SIRS model of epidemic spread is constructed in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations of the third order. It differs from standard models by considering the inertial nature of the infection transmission process between individuals of the population, which is realized by introducing a «carrier agent» into the model. The model does not take into account the influence of the disease on the population size, while population density is regarded as a parameter influencing the course of the epidemic. The dynamics of the model shows a good qualitative correspondence with a variety of phenomena observed in the evolution of diseases. Discussion. The suggested complication of the standard SIRS model by adding to it an equation for the dynamics of the pathogen of infection presents prospects for its specification via more precise adjustment to specific diseases, as well as taking into account the heterogeneity in the distribution of individuals and the pathogen in space. Further modification of the model can go through complicating the function which defines the probability of infection, generation and inactivation of the pathogen, the influence of climatic factors, as well as by means of transition to spatially distributed systems, for example, networks of probabilistic cellular automata.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):717-731
pages 717-731 views

Synchronization of excitation waves in a two-layer network of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with noise modulation of interlayer coupling parameters

Ramazanov I., Korneev I., Slepnev A., Vadivasova T.


The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of synchronization of wave processes in distributed excitable systems by means of noise modulation of the coupling strength between them. Methods. A simple model of a neural network, which consists of two coupled layers of excitable FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators with a ring topology, is studied by numerical simulation methods. The connection between the layers has a random component, which is set for each pair of coupled oscillators by independent sources of colored Gaussian noise. Results. The possibility to obtain a regime close to full (in-phase) synchronization of traveling waves in the case of identical interacting layers and a regime of synchronization of wave propagation velocities in the case of non-identical layers differing in the values of the coefficients of intra-layer coupling is shown for certain values of parameters of coupling noise (intensity and correlation time). Conclusion. It is shown that the effects of synchronization of phases and propagation velocities of excitation waves in ensembles of neurons can be controlled using random processes of interaction of excitable oscillators set by statistically independent noise sources. In this case, both the noise intensity and its correlation time can serve as control parameters. The results obtained on a simple model can be quite general.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):732-748
pages 732-748 views

Nonlinear waves of the sine-Gordon equation in the model with three attracting impurities

Ekomasov E., Samsonov K., Gumerov A., Kudryavtsev R.


Purpose of this work is to use analytical and numerical methods to consider the problem of the structure and dynamics of coupled localized nonlinear waves in the sine-Gordon model with impurities (or spatial inhomogeneity of the periodic potential). Methods. Using the analytical method of collective coordinates for the case of the arbitrary number the same point impurities on the same distance each other, differential equation system was got for localized waves amplitudes as the functions on time. We used the finite difference method with explicit scheme for the numerical solution of the modified sine-Gordon equation. We used a discrete Fourier transform to perform a frequency analysis of the oscillations of localized waves calculate numerically. Results. We found of the differential equation system for three harmonic oscillators with the elastic connection for describe related oscillations of nonlinear waves localized on the three same impurity. The solutions obtained from this system of equations for the frequencies of related oscillation well approximate the results of direct numerical modeling of a nonlinear system. Conclusion. In the article shows that the related oscillation of nonlinear waves localized on three identical impurities located at the same distance from each other represent the sum of three harmonic oscillations: in-phase, in-phase-antiphase and antiphase type. The analysis of the influence of system parameters and initial conditions on the frequency and type of associated oscillations is carried out.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):749-765
pages 749-765 views

To the 70th anniversary of the Department of Electronics, Oscillations and Waves

Grishin S., Rempen I., Perchenko M.


On June 1, 2022, the Department of Electronics, Oscillations and Waves of SSU turned 70 years old. Over the years, the Department has passed a brilliant way. Three of its leaders at different times were rectors of Saratov State University. Graduates and staff of the department are known in the scientific world not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. We pay tribute to the Department of Electronics and remember the events, as well as all those people with whom we were somehow connected within its walls, and whose memory will remain in our hearts for a long time.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):766-784
pages 766-784 views

To the memory of Polina Solomonovna Landa

Rosenblum M.


Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(6):785-787
pages 785-787 views

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