Criteria for internal fixed points existence of discrete dynamic Lotka-Volterra systems with homogeneous tournaments

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Purpose of the work is to study the dynamics of the asymptotic behavior of trajectories of discrete Lotka–Volterra dynamical systems with homogeneous tournaments operating in an arbitrary (m − 1)-dimensional simplex. It is known that a dynamic system is an object or a process for which the concept of a state is uniquely defined as a set of certain quantities at a given time, and a law describing the evolution of initial state over time is given. Mainly in questions of population genetics, biology, ecology, epidemiology and economics, systems of nonlinear differential equations describing the evolution of the process under study often arise. Since the Lotka–Volterra equations often arise in life phenomena, the main purpose of the work is to study the trajectories of discrete dynamical Lotka–Volterra systems using elements of graph theory. Methods. In the paper cards of fixed points are constructed for quadratic Lotka–Volterra mappings, that allow describing the dynamics of the systems under consideration. Results. Using cards of fixed points of a discrete dynamical system, criteria for the existence of fixed points with odd nonzero coordinates are given in a particular case, and these results on the location of fixed points of Lotka–Volterra systems are generalized accordingly in the case of an arbitrary simplex. The main results are theorems 5–9, which allow us to describe the dynamics of these systems arising in a number of genetic, epidemiological and ecological models. Conclusion. The results obtained in the paper give a detailed description of the dynamics of the trajectories of Lotka–Volterra maps with homogeneous tournaments. The map of fixed points highlights a specific area in the simplex that is most important and interesting for studying the dynamics of these maps. The results obtained are applicable in environmental problems, for example, to describe and study the cycle of biogens.

About the authors

Dilfuza Bakhromovna Eshmamatova

Tashkent State Transport University

1-House of Temiryulchilar street of Mirabad District of Tashkent City

Mohbonu Akram khizi Tadhzieva

Tashkent State Transport University; National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Rasul Nabiyevich Ganikhodzhaev

Tashkent State Transport University; National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


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