Vol 22, No 2 (2016)


The trans-system polymorbid states and their relationship with social status of patients of therapeutic clinic

Nikolaev Y.A., Shkurupiy V.A., Mitrofanov I.M., Polyakov V.Y., Dolgova N.A.


The article presents result of analysis of indicator of polymorbidity in sampling of 9871 patients of therapeutic clinic of the research institute of experimental and clinical medicine (Novosibirsk)during 2003-2011. The study was carried out using archive method with statistical analysis of all nosologic forms, groups and classes of ICD-10 irrespective of particular diagnosis being main or concomitant. The gender differences of indicator trans-systemic polymorbidity during 2003-2011consisted in that in males its increasing was more dynamic than in females. The trans-systemic polymorbidity is correlated with social economic indicators considering as stressors having significant importance for its occurrence and development. These regularities are more specific for males due to direct correlation between trans-systemic polymorbidity and level of payroll salary in contrast with females. Hence, necessity to take into account impact of social economic factors on development of polymorbid pathology for improving system of secondary and tertiary prevention, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation of concomitant nosologies in patients. The development of new medical economic standards of treatment of patients with polymorbid pathology to implement principles of personified medicine is required.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):60-65
pages 60-65 views

The causes of development of pulmonary hypertension under obesity

Pshennova V.S., Aleksandrov O.V.


The article presents the results of study demonstrating that though evident symptoms of pulmonary hypertension were absent (maximal systolic tension was within standards both in males and females of main group) reliable increasing of blood pressure in pulmonary artery in comparison with control group under increasing of body mass index, waist volume and index waist/hips. At that, in males of main group under obesity degree I and II average blood pressure exceeded limits of standards.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):66-69
pages 66-69 views

The actual problems of immune therapy of pyo-inflammatory diseases

Zemskova V.A., Zemskov A.M., Zemskov V.M., Zoloedov V.I.


The article considers various clinical models of such pyoinflammatory diseases as deep pyoderma, exacerbation of chronic salpingo-oophoritis, chronic pyelonephritis, implemented to establish determining effect of pathogenesis and possibly basic treatment of pathologic processes on character, intensity of immunopathology, effectiveness and mechanisms of action of pharmacological immune correction.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):70-74
pages 70-74 views

The mode of treatment of cervical pregnancy

Dobrokhotova Y.E., Kapranov S.A., Grishin I.I.


The article demonstrates that the mode of treatment of cervical pregnancy consists on one hand in application of super-selective embolization of uterine arteries by means of intra-arterial introduction of micro-spheres Embosphere® with dimensions 700-900 mkm and micro-spheres HepaSphereTM with dimensions 150-200 mkm and 25 mg of methotrexate. On the other hand, it provides vacuum aspiration of fetal ovum. The mentioned operations result in stoppage of blood flow in branches of uterine arteries blood supplying cervix wall.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):75-77
pages 75-77 views

The concept of risk factors in evaluation of «atypical» agents effecting formation of bronchial asthma in children with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis

Zhukova O.V.


The study was carried out to establish relationship between occurrence of «atypical» infections in patients with acute obstructive and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and development of bronchial asthma based on concept of risks. Material and methods. As regards material for study the data of medical histories of patients hospitalized with acute obstructive and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and who were applied analysis for antibodies to «atypical» microflora (796 patients). The time-period of study made up four years from 2008 to 2011. During analyzed period immune enzyme analysis was implemented concerning antibodies to «atypical» microflora (Chlamydia pneumonia, Micoplasma pneumonia, Micoplasma hominis). The concept of risks’ identification was based on identification of ultimate risk in exposed and non-exposed groups, attributive risk, relative risk, population attributive risk. The standard errors and confidence interval for every type of risk were applied. Results. The methodical aspects of detection of relationship between occurrences of «atypical» infections in patients with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and development of bronchial asthma were considered on the basis of concept of risks. The applied analysis demonstrated direct dependence of increasing of number of cases of development of bronchial asthma against the background of «atypical» infections. In the risk group the rate of occurrence makes up to 14,84%, in the control group - 1,67%, risk factor increases probability of development of bronchial asthma on 13,17%. The occurrence of “atypical” infection leads to increasing of cases of development of bronchial asthma up to 8.9 times. The index of potential harm made up to 7.59 i.e. if there are «atypical» infections in patients with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis every eighth exposed individual bronchial asthma is developed.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):77-81
pages 77-81 views

The prognostic factors of unfavorable outcome of acute transient psychotic disorders

Bardensteyn L.M., Aleshkina G.A.


The study was carried out to investigate prognostic factors of outcomes of transient psychotic disorders/ The sampling included 168 patients with psychotic states meeting diagnostic criteria of ICD-10 for the given group of diseases (F 23.0; F 23.1; F 23.2; F 23.3; F 23.8; F 23.9). The clinical psychopathologic, clinical catamnesis, psychometric and statistical methods were applied. The data concerning characteristics of course of various clinical alternatives of acute transient psychotic disorders is presented. A number of characteristics associated with subsequent development of secondary psychotic attack was established. The characteristics indicating lingering course of the first psychotic episode had the most prognostic significance as regards development of relapse of disease.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):81-84
pages 81-84 views

The interchangeability of vaccines against viral hepatitis b for immunization of adults

Khotova T.Y., Snegireva I.I., Darmostukova M.A., Zatolochina K.E., Ozeretskovskiy N.A., Shalunova N.V., Romanov B.K.


The article summarizes the WHO materials, regulations of normative documents, scientific publications’ data from certain foreign countries and Russia concerning interchangeability of vaccines against viral hepatitis B for immunization of adult population. The implemented analysis of data of foreign and Russian studies demonstrated compatibility of vaccine against viral hepatitis B from different manufacturers by parameters of immunological, preventive and epidemiological effectiveness that permits assuming possibility of their equivalent substitute.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):85-90
pages 85-90 views

The advertising: technique of market promoting of pharmaceuticals or source of information about medicines?

Kudryashova A.I., Rostova N.B.


The advertising of medicines has an omnipresent prevalence and it is used by health practitioners as the most accessible source of information. Considering this fact, a study was carried out related to informational fullness of advertisements of pharmaceuticals in popular journals and for medical professionals. The analysis of obligatory sections of information was implemented considering requirements and ethical criteria of the WHO that is necessary for effective application of advertisements as a source of information about pharmaceuticals with the purpose of rational application of medicines.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):91-94
pages 91-94 views

The modern approaches to diagnostic of diastolic cardiac insufficiency: unresolved problems and perspectives

Perutskaya E.A., Perutskiy D.N., Zarudskiy A.A., Proschaev K.I.


According the data of study «EPOCHA-O-CHSN», most of Russian patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency have noncompromised ejection fraction of left ventricle. Therefore, the problem of diagnostic of diastolic chronic cardiac insufficiency seems to be extremely actual. The presented review describes pathogenesis of diastolic dysfunction of myocardium of left ventricle including both hemodynamic and molecular components of this process. It is also related about modern approaches to diagnostic of diastolic cardiac insufficiency. The special emphasis is made on results of Doppler analysis of tissue and stress echocardiography.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):95-98
pages 95-98 views

The neurophysiological aspects of investigation of functional disorders in maxillofacial area

Sorokina N.D., Gioeva Y.A., Selitskiy G.V., Markovtseva M.A.


Nowadays, problem of rendering of neurological and orthodontic care under occurrence of functional, morphological and aesthetic disorders of maxillofacial area is quite actual because of their significant prevalence in population of Russia. The article presents analysis of publications’ data related to various groups of patients with differentiated types of disorders and pain syndromes of maxillofacial area including subsequent implementation of orthodontic correction. The review presents data of different age groups of both children and adults that is very important in neurophysiological clinic of children age. The presented publications’ data can be used in practical activity of orthodontists and specialists in issues of functional diagnostic.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):98-104
pages 98-104 views

The epidemiological and pathogenic aspects of acute pancreatic encephalopathy

Strutsenko A.A., Damulin I.V., Mazurtchik N.V., Ogurtsov P.P.


The article considers particular aspects of epidemiology and pathogenesis of neurological disorders detected in patients with acute pancreatitis. The pancreatic encephalopathy characterizing by various focal neurological symptomatic and sometimes rapid development of dementia is considered as a rare complication of acute pancreatitis developing in 9-35% of patients with diseases of pancreas. Factually, every patient with acute pancreatitis has a risk of development of pancreatic encephalopathy which significantly increases graveness of course and lethality of disease. Therefore, the emphasis is made on development of diagnostic algorithm under pancreatic encephalopathy permitting discovering this complication of acute pancreatitis at as much as possible early even possibly at pre-clinical stage. The comprehensive investigation of pathogenesis of pancreatic encephalopathy with the purpose of elaboration of pathogenetically conditioned therapeutic algorithm considering all parts of pathogenesis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):104-108
pages 104-108 views

The incomplete kawasaki disease in child three moths old with formation of aneurysms of coronary and peripheral arteries

Kamaltynova E.M., Tukhvatulina D.R., Rovitskaya V.A., Belonogova E.G., Karbainova E.A., Saushkin V.V., Kondratyeva T.P.


The Kawasaki disease is a systemic vasculitis of unclear etiology extremely rare occurring in children of the first three months of life. The disease often takes course in incomplete and atypical form and brings high risk of development of such cardio-vascular diseases as aneurysms of coronary and peripheral arteries. The disease progresses in acute form with fever, catarrhal manifestations and results in convalescence and hence it is very often considered as infection pathology. Nowadays, there is no specific diagnostic tests permitting verifying the disease. The article presents clinical case of Kawasaki disease in child of three months age who was not diagnosed timely. As result, up to nine months in boy aneurysms of coronary and axillary arteries were developed. This observation emphasizes complexity of diagnostic of Kawasaki disease in children of early age, absence of diagnostic criteria and high risk of development of aneurysms of arteries under incomplete and/or atypical forms, especially in children prior to age of three months.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2016;22(2):109-112
pages 109-112 views

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