The concept of risk factors in evaluation of «atypical» agents effecting formation of bronchial asthma in children with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis

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The study was carried out to establish relationship between occurrence of «atypical» infections in patients with acute obstructive and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and development of bronchial asthma based on concept of risks. Material and methods. As regards material for study the data of medical histories of patients hospitalized with acute obstructive and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and who were applied analysis for antibodies to «atypical» microflora (796 patients). The time-period of study made up four years from 2008 to 2011. During analyzed period immune enzyme analysis was implemented concerning antibodies to «atypical» microflora (Chlamydia pneumonia, Micoplasma pneumonia, Micoplasma hominis). The concept of risks’ identification was based on identification of ultimate risk in exposed and non-exposed groups, attributive risk, relative risk, population attributive risk. The standard errors and confidence interval for every type of risk were applied. Results. The methodical aspects of detection of relationship between occurrences of «atypical» infections in patients with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis and development of bronchial asthma were considered on the basis of concept of risks. The applied analysis demonstrated direct dependence of increasing of number of cases of development of bronchial asthma against the background of «atypical» infections. In the risk group the rate of occurrence makes up to 14,84%, in the control group - 1,67%, risk factor increases probability of development of bronchial asthma on 13,17%. The occurrence of “atypical” infection leads to increasing of cases of development of bronchial asthma up to 8.9 times. The index of potential harm made up to 7.59 i.e. if there are «atypical» infections in patients with acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis every eighth exposed individual bronchial asthma is developed.

About the authors

Olga V. Zhukova

The Nizhegorodskaia state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, assistant of management and economics of pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology 603104, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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