The prognostic factors of unfavorable outcome of acute transient psychotic disorders

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The study was carried out to investigate prognostic factors of outcomes of transient psychotic disorders/ The sampling included 168 patients with psychotic states meeting diagnostic criteria of ICD-10 for the given group of diseases (F 23.0; F 23.1; F 23.2; F 23.3; F 23.8; F 23.9). The clinical psychopathologic, clinical catamnesis, psychometric and statistical methods were applied. The data concerning characteristics of course of various clinical alternatives of acute transient psychotic disorders is presented. A number of characteristics associated with subsequent development of secondary psychotic attack was established. The characteristics indicating lingering course of the first psychotic episode had the most prognostic significance as regards development of relapse of disease.

About the authors

Leonid M. Bardensteyn

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology 127473, Moscow, Russia

G. A Aleshkina

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

127473, Moscow, Russia


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