The modern approaches to diagnostic of diastolic cardiac insufficiency: unresolved problems and perspectives

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According the data of study «EPOCHA-O-CHSN», most of Russian patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency have noncompromised ejection fraction of left ventricle. Therefore, the problem of diagnostic of diastolic chronic cardiac insufficiency seems to be extremely actual. The presented review describes pathogenesis of diastolic dysfunction of myocardium of left ventricle including both hemodynamic and molecular components of this process. It is also related about modern approaches to diagnostic of diastolic cardiac insufficiency. The special emphasis is made on results of Doppler analysis of tissue and stress echocardiography.

About the authors

E. A Perutskaya

The prelate Joasaph Belgorodskaia oblast clinical hospital

308600, Belgorod, Russia

D. N Perutskiy

The prelate Joasaph Belgorodskaia oblast clinical hospital

308600, Belgorod, Russia

Aleksander A. Zarudskiy

The prelate Joasaph Belgorodskaia oblast clinical hospital

MD, PhD, cardiologist 308600, Belgorod, Russia

K. I Proschaev


125319, Moscow, Russia


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