The interchangeability of vaccines against viral hepatitis b for immunization of adults

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The article summarizes the WHO materials, regulations of normative documents, scientific publications’ data from certain foreign countries and Russia concerning interchangeability of vaccines against viral hepatitis B for immunization of adult population. The implemented analysis of data of foreign and Russian studies demonstrated compatibility of vaccine against viral hepatitis B from different manufacturers by parameters of immunological, preventive and epidemiological effectiveness that permits assuming possibility of their equivalent substitute.

About the authors

Tatyana Yu. Khotova

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

research scientist of Department of Safety of Biological Medicinal Products 127051, Moscow, Russia

I. I Snegireva

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia

M. A Darmostukova

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia

K. E Zatolochina

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia

N. A Ozeretskovskiy

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia

N. V Shalunova

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia

B. K Romanov

The research center of examination of means of medical application of Minzdrav of Russia

127051, Moscow, Russia


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