Precise Tomography of Qudits

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Multilevel quantum states (qudits) represent a promising platform for scalable quantum comput-ing. In this paper, we present a method for precisely controlling such systems using fuzzy quantum measure-ments. The developed method is used for a precise reconstruction of quantum states under conditions of a significant effect of decoherence and quantum noise. Protocols for quantum measurements based on mutu-ally unbiased bases (MUBs) of various dimensions are considered. The accuracy characteristics of sets of ran-dom states uniformly distributed with respect to the Haar measure are studied.

About the authors

Yu. I. Bogdanov

Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, 117218 Russia

N. A. Bogdanova

Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, 117218 Russia

Yu. A. Kuznetsov

Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, 117218 Russia

K. B. Koksharov

Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, 117218 Russia

V. F. Lukichev

Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, 117218 Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ю.И. Богданов, Н.А. Богданова, Ю.А. Кузнецов, К.Б. Кокшаров, В.Ф. Лукичёв

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