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卷 44, 编号 6 (2023)



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Theoretical and metodological problems in psychology

Status and Development Prospects Methodologies of the Russian History of Psychology (Based on the Materials of the Seminar “Arzamas Readings – 5”)

Оleynik Y., Tikhonova E.


An analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of theoretical and methodological problems in the Russian history of psychology is given. It is concluded that the modern methodology of the Russian history of psychology is characterized by uneven attention of members of the historical and psychological community to its problems. It is substantiated that the greatest attention of scientists is focused on issues of methodology and methodological approaches when conducting historical and psychological research, the development of theoretical and methodological concepts that can be used as the basis for ongoing historical and psychological developments. A range of priority methodological problems that require prompt development is indicated: a comparative analysis of the actual normative requirements for historical and psychological research, features of targeted work on the criticism of sources used in historical and psychological research as a factor in increasing the objectivity of the results obtained, principles and tools for distinguishing the ideas of the studied personalities from their “deployment” in the context of modern research, etc.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Psychology of professional activity

The Development of General and Pedagogical Psychology in Cooperation WIth the Academic Philosophy of Ensuring Creative Professionalism (to the 100th Anniversary of N. V. Kuzmina)

Semenov I.


The article analyzes the interaction of the St. Petersburg and Moscow scientific schools of psychological and pedagogical study and the development of professionalism from the standpoint of its systemic-acmeological concept developed by the elder of Russian human studies N.V. Kuzmina in cooperation with one of the founders of Russian social psychology E.S. Kuzmin. In connection with the centenary of the author of this concept, the article for the first time characterizes the main milestones of the life of the outstanding Russian scientist N.V. Kuzmina and summarizes the fundamental and applied and organizational and pedagogical achievements of her activities from the standpoint of the interaction of subject-activity and institutional-personological approaches to the study of scientific creativity. The constructive contribution of N.V. Kuzmina to the socio-pedagogical study of the actual problems of the development of professionalism by such innovative means as psychological and acmeological knowledge and methods of psychodidactics developed by her is shown.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):16-25
pages 16-25 views

Professional Formation of the Subject and Dynamics of Updating Environmental Conditions as Resources

Tolochek V.


The purpose of the study: to study the links between the dynamics of the subject's professional development throughout the working life and the conditions of the social environment, which are updated as resources. Hypotheses: 1. The conditions of the social environment, updated as resources at different stages of the subject's professional development, can change the strength of influence and valency (sign). 2. In different professional fields, environmental conditions as resources of the subject differ. 3. Individuals with different success of the “vertical career” have different environmental conditions as the resources of the subject. 4) The connections between the dynamics of formation and updated resources are different for representatives of fields of activity with a “high” and “flat hierarchy” of job promotion. The author's technique “Dynamics of professional life style” was used. Respondents assessed in points — from 0 to 8 — the conditions of the social environment as “professionalism factors”, the dynamics of their professionalism from 20 to 65 years (retrospectively and prospectively), recorded their socio-demographic and service-official characteristics. 567 people were interviewed — 306 men and 261 women aged 30–50 years — 132 civil servants, 221 managers, 129 engineers and heads of departments of industrial enterprises, 85 teachers holding positions from an ordinary specialist to a deputy minister). The features of the actualization of the conditions of the social environment as intersubjective and extrasubjective resources were analyzed; descriptive statistics, t-comparison for independent groups and multiple regression analysis (MRA), Forward method (direct) were used. Results. Representatives of the four groups (civil servants, engineers, managers, teachers) were similar in terms of their socio-demographic characteristics — by age (M = 40.7, SD = 9.8), work experience (M = 19.8, SD = 10.1), management experience (M = 7.7, SD = 8.7), 424 people. were married (75 %), the average number of children was 1.3; they held positions from an ordinary specialist to a deputy minister (in the questionnaire scores — from 3 to 8; M = 3.7, SD = 1.5); the characteristics of their parental family were also similar; their assessments of the subjective significance of environmental conditions as “professionalism factors” ranged from 0 to 8 for most of the analyzed variables. The dynamics of the professional development of the subject (PSS) was characterized by an increase in the level of professionalism up to 50 years and its subsequent decrease with moderate inter-individual variability, which differed among representatives of different professional groups. The environmental conditions updated by them differed more pronouncedly as resources from 20 to 65 years. Conclusions: 1. During the working life of a person, the conditions of the social environment are selectively updated as resources, at different stages of the formation of professionalism, they change the strength of influence and valence (sign). 2. The selective (and not total) impact of environmental conditions as resources differs among representatives of different professional fields, different social groups. 3. Representatives of fields of activity with a “high hierarchy” — a large number of positions of promotion (civil servants, engineers of industrial enterprises, managers of commercial organizations) and a “flat hierarchy” — a limited number of positions (teachers) have different connections between the dynamics of their professional development and the updated conditions environment as resources; such connections also differ among individuals with different success in the “vertical career” (specialists and managers).
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):26-36
pages 26-36 views


Stability of Analyticity and Holism Indicators During Acute Ethanol Administration

Sukhino-Homenko E., Apanovich V., Gorkin A., GRECHENKO T., Alexandrov I., Yaaskelainen I., Alexandrov Y.


The results of the study of assessing the contribution of the acute alcohol administration factor to the indicators of analyticity–holism on the AHS scale are presented. The study was conducted on a sample of the Russian-speaking culture subjects (N = 59). Analyticity–holism is considered as an indicator reflecting the mentality type. Given that there is data on selective suppression of the neuronal activity of the most differentiated systems by ethanol in animals and humans, the alcohol administration factor is considered by us as a temporary dedifferentiation of the individual experience actualized in behavior. As a result, it was shown that there were no significant changes in the indicators of analyticity–holism during acute alcohol administration. Also, correlation analysis showed that the distribution of individuals on analyticity–holism is reproduced under experimental conditions compared to control ones. The conclusion is made that analyticity and holism are basic psychological characteristics related to an individual's experience as a whole, rather than its individual components.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):37-47
pages 37-47 views

ERP Parameters of the Formation of the Skill of Distinguishing Short Time Intervals

Yudakov K., Apanovich V., Aramyan E., Gladilin D., Alexandrov Y.


A method including registration of an electroencephalogram (EEG) has been developed and tested to study the processes of acquisition/improvement of a skill. The method is based on the Signal Detection Theory. The experimental task was to distinguish of short time intervals. The psychophysiological data of 10 study participants (learning group) from the total sample (N = 28) were analyzed. Typical components of event-related potentials (ERPs) during the presentation of the estimated signal were identified. Time-amplitude characteristics of the components were analyzed. The results obtained are discussed from a system-evolutionary approach.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):48-60
pages 48-60 views

Methodes and procedures

Big Orientation Test: Development and Evaluation of Psychometric Properties

Aliev D., Kashirsky D., Urozhenko V.


The results of evaluation of psychometric properties of the newly developed questionnaire “Big Orientation Test” (BOT) are presented. The standardization sample consisted of college students, university students, doctorate students, and adults (N=1648) aged 16–63 (M=19.35; SD=6.52), women — 76%. The study provides data on construct validity — convergent and discriminant validity, and on reliability of the measure. The analysis carried out allows to conclude that the assessment tool is suitable for both for research purposes and for solving a wide range of applied problems in various areas of social practice — business, education, politics, medicine, jurisprudence, etc.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):61-76
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Emotion Differentiation Measuring Methods: Comparative Analysis

Suchkova E., Lyusin D.


Emotion differentiation is a construct that expresses the fragmentation of a person’s emotional experience, in other words, how well a person distinguishes between his emotions. The importance of studying emotion differentiation is due to the fact that it is associated with emotion regulation and psychological well-being. Several methods for measuring emotion differentiation have been proposed, but it is not known how comparable their results are. The purpose of this work was to develop Russian-language versions of three methods for measuring emotional differentiation, adapt them and analyze the extent to which their results are comparable with each other. Two methods (SRT and PED-task) were laboratory, one was based on repeated measurements of emotional state over 10 days. Using these methods, data were collected on 107 participants aged 18 to 44 years (M=24.22; SD=6.35), of whom 85 were women and 22 were men. The reliability of all obtained indicators was satisfactory (from 0.50 to 0.78). Indicators of laboratory methods are positively related to each other, but practically do not correlate with indicators obtained using the method of repeated measurements. It is concluded that these two types of methods measure different aspects of emotional differentiation or even different constructs. A method based on multiple measurements seems to be more preferable, since it has higher ecological validity and also allows one to obtain rich additional information about the general emotional background and the variability and dynamics of emotional states.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):77-85
pages 77-85 views

Psychology and society

Russian Reformers of the 1990s. (Biographical Research Experience)

Simonyan R.


In recent history, the triumph of the philosophical law on the increase of the subjective factor in social development is becoming particularly evident. In these conditions, psychology is becoming more and more in demand. The article examines the psychological mechanisms of appointment by the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin of the head of the economic department of the newspaper “Pravda” E. Gaidar to lead the implementation of economic reforms in Russia. A psychological portrait of Gaidar and his associates is presented on the basis of the biographical method with the involvement of a wide source and factual materials. It is shown that the results of the Russian economic reforms carried out in the 1990s are a consequence of the human qualities of reformers — professional competence, value orientations and attitudes.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):86-95
pages 86-95 views

Scientometric inpsychology

Bibliometric Analysis of Works of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Seminar “Actual Problems of Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics” (2009–2021)

Belopolsky V., Zhuravlev A., Kostrigin A.


In the article, the authors examine a perspective object of quantitative research in the history of psychology — scientific events (conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc.). The research material is the collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian scientific-practical seminar “Actual problems of labor psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics”, which was held at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences since the end of 2007 and the materials of which were published in 10 volumes. Bibliometric, thematic and linguistic indicators of chronological subcorpuses of the seminar publications are determined. The conclusion is made about the active development of the research community in the psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics on the basis of the seminar and the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The prospects for the use of quantitative methods in the study of the functioning of research communities based on scientific events are shown.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):96-108
pages 96-108 views


To the Problem of Creating a System-Network Psychological Thesaurus in the Context of Metamodern

Zelenkova T.


The presented article is devoted to the problem of developing a system-network organization of modern concepts of psychology, presented in a series of articles by A.L. Zhuravleva and E.A. Sergienko. The importance of the new approach for the integration of psychological knowledge is emphasized. We analyze the concept of mapping psychic reality presented by the authors from the perspective of the three principles of metamodern. The principles of non-exclusion, holarchic association, inclusion of the subject and the primacy of social practices make it possible to consistently combine the largest number of research positions. We discuss the introduction of new “over-integrated” concepts of individual and collective subjects, which demonstrate, along with “umbrella” concepts, the optimal combination of network and hierarchical approaches. The author notes that the optics of the proposed organization of the conceptual system allows you to take a fresh look at both the known classes of mental phenomena and highlight previously unknown ones. Our main thesis is that the system-network model, while maintaining the principle of historical continuity, has all necessary and sufficient integration qualities.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):109-113
pages 109-113 views

Modern Concepts of Psychology: Evolution of Understanding the Logic of their Organization

Plyshch A.


A post-nonclassical methodology was used, within which simple, complex, self-developing systems are considered. In accordance with the methodology, the system of concepts is considered as a set of autonomous terms, on the basis of which theories are constructed, which are part of the semiotic space of their authors. Semiotic space as a microcosm of individual meanings and meanings, formed in the process of life, serves as a model of the world, an instrument of self-organization of the subject, and a potential mechanism for joint development. Considering that the mental organization of the researcher and the organization of his social context are interdependent and linked by circular causality, the complexity of their organization turns out to be conjugate. The same principle applies to the collective subject of science. Science as a social institution of society reproduces the complexity of the organization of society, and the complexity of the mental instrument of scientists becomes associated with the complexity of the organization of their scientific community and the problems of society that it solves. In the history of science, there is an evolution of basic metaphors for understanding scientific knowledge from an archive of knowledge and a network tool for researchers to a quantum compass, which indicates the directions of development of society based on joint activities in building the future, suggesting the possibility of its self-development in this process. The system of concepts as a fragment of the mental tool of researchers in understanding its development reproduces the logic of the evolution of scientific knowledge. Understanding the organization of a system of concepts, depending on the methodology of researchers, is transformed from the classification of concepts to their system-network organization, and from them to the hypertext of a self-developing collective subject of science.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):114-123
pages 114-123 views

The Inner World of Man: is the Subject of Psychology the Unified (Invitation to Discussion)

Sergienko E.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of the inner world of a person, which is positioned as a possible unified subject of psychology. The concepts of the inner world and the subjectivety are compared in the context of modern concepts. It is argued that the inner world is rather an integrative concept that reflects current trends towards general models. The issue of possible allocation of a unified subject of psychology and the creation of a universal methodology is considered. The possibilities of implementing the basic principles and tasks of the integrative-communicative approach are considered. It is shown that postulating a unified subject of psychology — the inner world of a person, his architectonics (three levels: individual, subject of activity, personality), the cardinal problems of the relationship between biological and social, the psychophysiological problem, do not find their consistent solution. It seems that the concept of the inner world of a person, as well as a subject, is a reflection of the trend in the development of modern concepts towards more and more integrative ones, compressed into a system-network organization, implicitly containing many other conceptual constructs. Various points of view on this issue are given and the impossibility of reducing the whole variety of approaches and theories to a unified methodology is demonstrated. This does not mean that only integrative concepts should become a unified subject of psychological science. The evolutionary changes taking place both in the development of modern concepts and in the development of scientific schools and approaches testify to the significant dynamics taking place in our science, the desire for dialogue and understanding, that the key to the development of science is rather the diversity and diversity of subjects, methods, approaches, assuming a common interest in the exchange of opinions and the search for scientific criteria of knowledge. This creates a general landscape for the development of science both in the “tree” and in the “bush”, becoming the driving force behind the development of science. This work raises controversial issues, inviting to their discussion and dialogue.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):124-134
pages 124-134 views

Scientific life

National Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of A.V. Brushlinsky and the 300th Anniversary of the Founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Man, Subject, Personality: Perspectives of Psychological Research”

Vilenskaya G.


On October 12–14, 2023, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) hosted the National scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of A.V. Brushlinsky and the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of sciences. More than 150 reports on 15 areas of work were made at the conference, as well as 8 plenary reports, the authors of which traced the links between the ideas of A.V. Brushlinsky and current elaborations and approaches in psychology. Following the results of the conference, an electronic collection of conference materials was released. The conference showed that Russian psychological science is actively developing, strives to respond to the demands of society and correspond to modern world science.
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2023;44(6):135-141
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