ERP Parameters of the Formation of the Skill of Distinguishing Short Time Intervals

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A method including registration of an electroencephalogram (EEG) has been developed and tested to study the processes of acquisition/improvement of a skill. The method is based on the Signal Detection Theory. The experimental task was to distinguish of short time intervals. The psychophysiological data of 10 study participants (learning group) from the total sample (N = 28) were analyzed. Typical components of event-related potentials (ERPs) during the presentation of the estimated signal were identified. Time-amplitude characteristics of the components were analyzed. The results obtained are discussed from a system-evolutionary approach.

About the authors

Konstantin Sergeevich Yudakov

State Academic University for the Humanities

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vladimir Viktorovich Apanovich

State Academic University for the Humanities; Institute of Psychology RAS; HSE University

Russian Federation, Moscow

Eric Aramovich Aramyan

Institute of Psychology RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitry Leonidovich Gladilin

Institute of Psychology RAS; Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

Russian Federation, Moscow

Yu. I. Alexandrov

State Academic University for the Humanities; Institute of Psychology RAS; HSE University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Юдаков К.S., Апанович В.V., Арамян Э.A., Гладилин Д.L., Александров Ю.I.

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