
Lessons of soviet psychology
Sergienko Е.
Main directions of A.I. Galaktionov's engineering-psychological studies (To the 100th Anniversary of Birth)
Zhuravlev А., Trofimov E., Kostrigin A.
Problems of the psychology of trust and distrust in the works of a. B. Kupreichenko
Zhuravlev A., Kostrigin A.
Economic Mentality in the Context of Historical and Psychological Analysis
Zhuravlev A., Kitova D.
Quantitative Analysis of the Publications of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Scientific Direction of Psychology of Morality in 2002–2021. Part I. Bibliometric Analysis
Zhuravlev A., Kostrigin A.
Development of Social-Psychological Problems in Scientific Activity of IP RAS Laboratory: Historical-Psychological Research
Drobysheva T.
Bibliometric Analysis of Works of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Seminar “Actual Problems of Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics” (2009–2021)
Belopolsky V., Zhuravlev A., Kostrigin A.
Scientific Heritage of Professor O.M. Tutunjyan (to the 105th Anniversary of Birth)
Aguzumtsyan R.
The Development of General and Pedagogical Psychology in Cooperation WIth the Academic Philosophy of Ensuring Creative Professionalism (to the 100th Anniversary of N. V. Kuzmina)
Semenov I.
Problems of Research of Abilities in Modern Russian Psychology: In Search of a New Theory
Mazilov V., Slepko Y., Ushakov D., Shadrikov V.
The Image of Peter I in the Russian Mind
Zhuravlev A., Kitova D.
In Search of the Essence of Self-Consciousness of the Chinese Nation
Sun Y., Ju Y.
Problems of Research of Abilities in Modern Russian Psychology: in Search of a New Theory
Mazilov V., Slepko I.
Development of Organizational Social Psychology at St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University
Pochebut L., Chiker V., Zhuravlev A.
Sergey V. Kravkov as a psychologist and psychophysiologist: milestones of scientific biography (to the 130th anniversary of the birth)
Noskova O.
Results of the XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Psychology of Human Attitude to Life: Problems and Prospects”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of V.N. Myasishcheva (July 11-13, 2023)
Zobkov A.
National Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of A.V. Brushlinsky and the 300th Anniversary of the Founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Man, Subject, Personality: Perspectives of Psychological Research”
Vilenskaya G.
Past and Present of V.N. Myasishchev's Creative Achievements (for the 130th Anniversary of his Birth)
Karpova E., Isurina G., Zhuravlev A.
Social Optimism of Russians in a Crisis: Results of a Longitudinal Study
Nestik T.
Quantitative Analysis of the Publications of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Scientific Direction of Psychology of Morality in 2002–2021. Part II. Scientometric Analysis
Zhuravlev A., Kostrigin A.
The Problem of Correlation of Concepts in a System-Network Approach to Psychological Knowledge
Kornilova T.
Approbation of the Russian Version of Transportation Scale (TS)
Kubrak T., Starostina A.
The Great Psychologist: K.D. Ushinsky as a Methodologist of Psychology
Mazilov V.
The history of Psychology as a Sphere of Professional Interests of A.L. Zhuravlev (to the 75th Anniversary of his Birth). Part I. Scientometric Analysis of Publications
Оleynik Y.
Intentions and Expectations of Men and Women, Partners in Couples WIth Different Status of Close Relationships
Poddubnyy S., Pozniakov V.
Network and Transdisciplinary Approaches as an Opportunity to Expand the Conceptual Composition of Psychology
Popov L., Ustin P.
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