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No 2 (2024)

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Theory and methodology of history

Media narratives in the social history of medicine: the case study of the 1949 Khabarovsk trial

Nagornykh O.S., Shok N.P.


In the article, the authors explore media narratives of the tribunal held in December 1949 in Khabarovsk over Japanese doctors recognized as war criminals involved in the development and use of bacteriological weapons, as well as conducting medical experiments on humans that are incompatible with the norms of morality and ethics of medicine. The purpose of the article is to explore the Khabarovsk process in the broad context of the social history of science using domestic archival materials, published memoirs of eyewitnesses and participants in the process, as well as periodic publications (mainly regional) as the main historical sources. A comprehensive study of this plot made it possible, through the analysis of media narratives, to supplement historiography with materials from the Far Eastern region, which allowed us to select not only the historical context, but also to restore little-studied aspects of informing Soviet society about the Khabarovsk process, to identify international resonance for this event.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):5-18
pages 5-18 views

“Françafrica” in French power politics: formation, evolution, crisis (1960–2023)

Chernega V.N.


The theme of “Françafrique”, by which the author, following many French and African experts, understands the specific neo-colonial system of relations that emerged in the early 60s, has acquired particular relevance after the sharp weakening of France’s position in recent years in a number of African countries, in particularly in the Sahel region. These changes undoubtedly indicate a crisis in this system. The author analyses its formation under President Charles de Gaulle, its evolution after the latter left office, including as a result of the attempts of his successors to adapt to new trends on the continent, in particular, the growing desire of Africans for greater independence. The author shows the slow and contradictory process of moving away from the corrupt and forceful methods of “Françafrique”, which gave odiousness to this very term and is associated with Jacques Foccart, a close collaborator of Charles de Gaulle. Finally, the President Emmanuel Macron, who advertised an “innovative approach” to Franco-African relations, did not risk using military force after the military coup in Niger in 2023. However, he could not completely abandon the neo-colonial model. France still has a number of factors of influence on the continent; the question is whether this will be enough in the face of growing competition from other powers.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):19-31
pages 19-31 views

Modern history

Academic typography in the history of Russian art and enlightenment in the first half of the eighteenth century. In honour of the 300th anniversary of the russian academy of sciences

Fedoseenkov N.N.


In this article the author explores the formation of the Russian academic printing industry. In accordance with the plans of Peter the Great, a printing house was established in St. Petersburg under the auspices of the newly founded Academy of Sciences, which is the direct predecessor of the modern Publishing House “Nauka”. In the first decades of its existence, the Academic Printing House became not only one of the most advanced enterprises of the time, but also an important educational centre. Its printers were eventually employed by other printing houses both in the capitals and throughout Russia. The Printing House was a subdivision of the Academy of Sciences and, fulfilling its immediate duties, was also involved in the educational process. Due to the lack of centralised art education in Russia at that time, the Printing House and its workshops became an educational institution in this field as well. Working in direct contact with it were the Chambers of Fine Arts, which brought together engravers, draughtsmen, and masters of typography. Prior to the establishment of the Academy of Arts in 1757, the Printing House and the associated Chamber of Drawing and School of Drawing were the most important centres of art education in Russia. The books and periodicals published in the Printing House in the first half of the eighteenth century, when it was the only centre of academic and popular scholarly printing in the Russian Empire, also played an outstanding educational role. The author traces the stages of formation of the Printing House’s traditions and presents its first projects. The author concludes that it was in the Academic Printing House and in those endeavours of the Academy of Sciences, in which the Printing House took an active part, that the foundations of the Russian system of secular education were laid.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Credit history of Nikita Panin (1770–1837)

Aksenova M.D.


Debt relations were an important part of the Russian nobility’s life. About two-thirds of the noble estates were pledged in state credit institutions by the mid-nineteenth century. The significant nobles’ debt burden was formerly connected with their irrational behaviour, but the narrative has changed recently. The reasons for the debt burden of the population can be associated with various factors of the development of society, including its standards of living, well-being, and the degree of inequality. The study of these topics from a historical perspective is currently very popular among researchers, especially international ones. The topic has been partially studied for the Russian Empire history. Yet, some questions are still not answered: how did loans correlat with the nobles’ incomes? did they go into debt, what could urge rich people to borrow money? By answering them one expands one’s understanding of the nobility economic status and the causes and degree of its indebtedness. In this article the author studies these issues using the example of Count Nikita Panin’s economic records for 1792–1820, kept in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, and his published correspondence. According to the documents, as time passed, he began to borrow money mainly from the Board of Trustees, although previously he more actively used private lending. First of all, he regularly paid and serviced his debts to the state credit institution named Board of Trustees. The Count's relatives played an essential role in his debt relations, and at the same time they were the last in the queue when the Count repaid his debts. He paid his debts to them after he paid off his debts to those persons who were not his relatives. Despite of the Count's significant income from estate, he actively borrowed money. The reasons for this could be his need for cash, high inflation, and the necessity to maintain a nobility standard of living. Thus, his debts were mainly driven by external socio-economic factors and the features of the noble rural estates functioning.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):40-53
pages 40-53 views

20th century

Edvard Beneš in American Diplomatic Correspondence, 1945–1948

Zorin A.V.


The second president of Czechoslovakia Edvard Beneš was one of the most prominent but ambiguous politicians of the first half of the twentieth century. His name is associated with the Sudeten Crisis and the Munich Agreement of 1938, the struggle for Czechoslovak independence during the Second World War, alliance with Moscow and the communist’s takeover in 1948. The purpose of the article is to look at Beneš in a new way, the perception of him by American diplomats in the last years of his life, during the period of acute internal political struggle in Czechoslovakia and the emerging geopolitical confrontation between Moscow and Washington. The study is based on diplomatic correspondence and papers of the American ambassador to Prague Laurence Steinhardt, which reveal some new aspects of Beneš’ personality, the history of Czechoslovakia, and US foreign policy in 1945-1948. It is concluded that there was a close and frank relationship between the American diplomats and Beneš. The Czechoslovak president had a reputation as a experienced politician, pragmatist, supporter of Western orientation and an opponent of communism. However, his vision of political issues and forecasts of further development often turned out to be erroneous. His support of closer relations with the USSR and radical reforms caused discontent from the US diplomacy. Nevertheless, Beneš was associated with democratic traditions and the desire to maintain good relations with the United States. The embassy hoped that his authority and popularity would help to prevent the Communists from seizing power in Czechoslovakia. The crisis that broke out in February 1948 and the indecisive actions of Beneš came as a surprise to the State Department. They caused misunderstanding and dissatisfaction of Ambassador Steinhardt. American diplomats considered Beneš’ actions to be explained by his poor health and enormous pressure from the communist Prime Minister Klement Gottwald.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):54-68
pages 54-68 views

The fate of the United Arab Republic project: long-awaited emergence and natural destruction of the pan-arab state

Orlov I.A.


The unification between Egypt and Syria (1958–1961) not only played an important role in the history of these countries, but also had a significant impact on the development of the Arab world in the second half of the twentieth century. Despite its historical relevance, there are almost no detailed studies in Russian historiography that are devoted to the fate of the United Arab Republic (UAR) project. The purpose of this article is to identify the prerequisites for the formation and collapse of the UAR. The main objectives of the study are to reveal the major trends that influenced the course of the historical process in Syria during the period of unification, and to identify the key reasons for the failure of the UAR project. Detailed analysis of English, Russian and Arabic sources allows to draw the following conclusions. The core reasons for the creation of the UAR were Nasser’s will to consolidate his leadership position in the Arab world and the attempt of the Ba’ath Party and a number of higher Syrian officers to prevent the brewing civil conflict in Syria and avoid the establishment of communist power there. While implementing political centralization in the UAR Nasser took several steps to limit the influence of the army, political parties, commercial elite, tribal leaders and trade unions. As a result, former members of the Ba’ath Party who initiated the unification turned their backs on the Egyptian leader. Finally, Nasser had neither social institutions nor political figures in Syria to rely upon, resulting in the military coup and the collapse of the UAR.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):69-85
pages 69-85 views

The socialist choice of east African countries: Moscow’s expectations and reality

Balezin A.S.


The author examines the ideas of African socialism in East Africa – in Zanzibar, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania – and the attitude towards them in the USSR in the 1960s. The original publications of the program documents of the East African countries, including in the Swahili language, are analyzed. When analyzing the reaction of the USSR to these documents, archival sources are used, including recently opened to researchers, as well as recent publications of former senior officials of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with Asian and African Countries, who were directly involved in decision-making on the African policy of the USSR. The closest to Marxist socialism was the course in Zanzibar, but it was corrected by the unification with Tanganyika in 1964, and then the removal from the political arena and even the murder of the leaders of the revolution. In Kenya, Moscow’s hopes for the left-wing opposition of Oginga Odinga collapsed with its defeat. Nyerere’s “Ujamaa” was too pro-Chinese for Moscow. Obote’s “Common man’s Charter” in Uganda had no clear class characteristics. It was only in the 1970s that official Moscow began to really assess the abilities of African countries in implementing socialist ideas.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):86-100
pages 86-100 views

Discussions in “Cheche” magazine and modernisation in Tanzania (1967–1970)

Borkunov N.V.


Today, Africanists are turning their attention to the history of decolonization once again. Intellectual historians and those who study the history of concepts are no exception. The author of this article proposes to consider the discussion on the pages of the radical student magazine Cheche and the birth of USARF (University Student African Revolutionary Front) as an important phenomenon of the intersection of “big” discourses with local vernacular ideas at the very dawn of Tanzania’s political independence (1967–1970). The two main concepts, on the intersection of which, the analyzed discussion arose, are development and modernization and the role of young intellectuals in achieving them. Tracing how these concepts developed during the colonial period, the author draws attention to how their understanding changed and developed with independence. The author then turns to the history of the University of Dar es Salaam and the history of the USARF socialist circle, hypothesizing how local debates may have influenced the public sphere and local notions of development and modernization (maendeleo). How did the vernacular ideas influence the use of these concepts in the discussions, that happened between the members of the ogranizations. And in turn how did they influence the ideas by introducing a new concept of “underdevelopment” (maendeleo duni), which was heavily influenced by works of Walter Rodney?

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):132-143
pages 132-143 views

“The Man from Moscow”: Kenneth Koma and the USSR’s relations with Botswana in the 1960s – the first half of the 1970s

Voevodskiy A.V.


The 1960s were a time of dramatic political changes on the African continent: within a decade, more than two dozen independent states appeared on it. However, in Southern Africa, colonial (Angola, Mozambique) and racist regimes (South Africa, Rhodesia) maintained their positions, which made this region one of the hottest places of the Cold War confrontation. The Soviet Union was closely involved in the struggle for the liberation of African peoples. The purpose of the article is to analyze the USSR’s policy towards Botswana and its contacts with Botswana political parties, primarily with the opposition National Front. The research is based on archival documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GA RF) as well as published documents and memoirs. As a result of the study, it was concluded that despite ideological differences (Botswana adhered to a pro-Western orientation), the USSR, based on pragmatic considerations and the need to use the territory of Botswana by friendly liberation movements in Southern Africa, pursued a pragmatic course of rapprochement with Gaborone. Attempts by the Marxist National Front and its leader Kenneth Koma to establish direct contacts with Moscow ended in vain. The position of the South African liberation movements played a role in the USSR’s orientation, which emphasizes the need to take into account the role of different participants and factors in the development of Soviet policy in Africa during the Cold War.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):101-113
pages 101-113 views

Documents from the archive of foreign policy of the Russian Federation on the position of African countries towards the Nigerian civil war (1967–1970) and on the OAU’s peacemaking

Mazov S.V.


On May 30, 1967 the southeastern provinces of Nigeria attempted to secede as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra. This caused the Nigerian civil war which lasted from July 6, 1967 to January 15, 1970. Biafran army was defeated and capitulated. The international response to the Nigerian crisis revealed an array of positions which were non-bloc, unique, and atypical of the Cold War era. The Soviet Union found out itself in a motley crew of Federal Government’s supporters – Great Britain, Eastern European socialist countries, Arab states. The United States declared neutrality. France, Portugal, the Republic of South Africa, the People’s Republic of China, and Israel were on Biafra’s side, both explicitly and implicitly. Document № 1 shows that the balance of geopolitical interests of the great powers was projected onto Africa. Most of African nations, mainly former British colonies, supported Nigeria’s territorial unity. Some countries sought an equidistant position. Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Zambia, and Tanzania officially recognized Biafra’s independence. Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon retained close ties with France and in their foreign policy followed the former metropolia. The leaders of Zambia and Tanzania have recognized Biafra under the influence of China, which has established itself as one of the key actors in Africa. Documents № 2 and № 3 contain information from the staff of the Soviet Embassy in Ethiopia on the OAU’s attempts to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Nigerian crisis. The OAU succeeded in securing the support of the overwhelming majority of African states for the retaining of Nigeria’s territorial integrity. The OAU’s mediation efforts failed to achieve peace. The Biafra leadership refused to capitulate as long as there were opportunities to resist and the federals was not going to bargain with separatists. The peace talks were used by both sides primarily for propaganda purposes.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):114-131
pages 114-131 views

Modern history

Caliphate and the “dream-memory” of the Islamic state-civilization

Naumkin V.V., Kuznetsov V.A.


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of caliphate in Arab-Muslim political and intellectual history in the context of the theory of state-civilization. Within the framework of the article, this problem is studied through a symbiotic political-historical approach. The political science part of the study is theoretical in nature. It discusses the content, strengths and weaknesses of the theory of state-civilization, criteria for identifying state-civilizations, the links between this concept and the concepts of nation-state and empire. This part is based mainly theoretical works by Zhang Weiwei, Martin Jacques, James Dorsey, Dominic Lieven, Enrique D Dussel. The second, historical, part of the study examines the evolution of the caliphate as an idea and as a form of political organization with a focus on the Middle Ages and Modern history. In the third part we analyze the concept of caliphate at the beginning of the twentieth century and the problem of the future of the Islamic world, discussed at all-Muslim congresses. This part is based on Soviet diplomatic sources, including those related to the participation of Soviet representatives at the All-Muslim Congress in Mecca. The final part of the article shows how this idea of caliphate is perceived today, noting that it can be considered as a “dream-memory” of an Islamic state-civilization, opposed to the idea of a nation-state.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):144-158
pages 144-158 views

Remembering the Apartheid past: the south african student-led protest movement #feesmustfall in the middle of the 2010s

Shalom V.V.


Student-led protest movements swept South Africa in the mid-2010s. Nevertheless, echoes of these demands can still be heard today. The issue of transformation and “decolonization” of higher education is one of the most pressing issues for the young “born free” generation. It touched on the deep-seated problems of post-apartheid South Africa, such as racism, economic inequality, high unemployment, crime. Moreover, the youth argued that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party had failed to deal with the past as promised in 1994. The author reflects on why and how the “born free” give meaning to their country’s past, drawing on Twitter and South African media accounts of the #FeesMustFall protest. In particular, more than 200,000 tweets with the hashtag #FeesMustFall (#FMF) were uploaded using web scraping between 15 and 29 October in March 2023. The relevance of this study lies in the increasing role of South African youth in addressing critical issues in the political and civic life of their country. The scholarly novelty lies in the analyzing the tweets as sources to study the perception of apartheid’s past and its legacy. The main objectives of research are to discover the ways to study #FMF and to determine the strategies for actualizing the past in the student protests. In conclusion it can be argued, that through social media the young generation appealed to the historical events of their country that allowed to demonstrate a willingness of “born free” to become the agents of political transformations. Furthermore, the memory of the colonial era and the apartheid period is the cornerstone of a new South African identity after 1994.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):159-173
pages 159-173 views

Analysing original documents

Liturgy as an instrument of confessional identification: William Laud and the challenge of “foreign churches” in England

Fadeyev I.A., Palamarchuk A.A.


This publication presents the first translation into Russian of a number of documents which portray the religious policy of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, supported by Charles I Stuart, towards foreign Reformed churches in the Province of Canterbury. The documents include royal orders given in various forms, notarial instruments, petitions from Calvinist congregations to both the King and the Archbishop, and excerpts from correspondence between representatives of said congregations. They demonstrate the role of liturgy as an instrument of confessional identification and, consequently, of politico-religious loyalty in seventeenth-century Reformation England. The authors also note the correlation of Laud’s ideas with the transformation of the corporate foundations of English society and the formation of an “individualist” type of relationship between the Crown and its subjects, based on archaic feudal law and the precedents of the classical Middle Ages, the essence of which consisted of personal ties of allegiance between the monarch (his “body natural”) and the subject, rather than between the subject and the “body politic” of the monarch (i.e., the “country”).

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):174-195
pages 174-195 views


Historians in Russia: the structure of a professional community

Sokolov M.M.


The author presents the results of a study of the structure of the professional community of Russian historians conducted jointly by the Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary and the Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education of the European University in St. Petersburg. In the course of its implementation, unique data on the social and intellectual landscape of Russian history, political science, sociology, economics and jurisprudence were collected, worthy of introduction into the academic circuit. Data were collected through a survey of researchers who publish the results of their studies (N-4009, where N is the number of cases), the survey was conducted in November 2022. In this article, the social structure of the Russian historical discipline appears in several senses. On the one hand, its aim is the simplest statistical description of the Russian historical community, namely sociodemographic structure, distribution by thematic areas, etc. On the other hand, the author explores correlations between all these elements, namely how different characteristics of individuals relate to each other. Historians are divided by specialisation in countries and periods (primarily by the division into those researching Russian and World History), as well as by modernist vs postmodernist views on the nature of historical knowledge. Postmodernist views are more widely represented among historians in academic centres (capital cities, leading universities); the opposite is true for the academic periphery. Support for modernism is also declining among younger generations.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):196-214
pages 196-214 views


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Academic life

Conference on fascism and militarism in Voronezh

Bogdashkin A.A., Teplukhin V.V.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2024;68(2):219-221
pages 219-221 views

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