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Vol 52, No 4 (2018)

Search for New Drugs

Synthesis and Infarction-Limiting Properties of Peptide Agonists of Opioid Receptors

Tsibul’nikov S.Y., Mukhomedzyanov A.V., Maslov L.N., Ovchinnikov M.V., Sidorova M.V., Kudryavtseva E.V., Bushov Y.V., Lishmanov Y.B., Khaliulin I.


Three structurally different peptide agonists of opioid receptors, i.e., gludalan, deltolei, and dalargin, were synthesized and assessed for infarction-limiting effects in rats with coronary occlusion (45 min) and reperfusion (2 h). The opioid peptides dalargin and gludalan (0.1 mg/kg) and deltolei (0.03, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg) were injected 5 min before reperfusion. It was found that gludalan and deltolei at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg decreased the ratio of infarction size to the area at risk (IS/AAR) whereas dalargin did not affect the IS. The infarction-limiting effect of deltolei disappeared if the peptide dose was decreased (0.03 mg/kg) or increased (0.2 mg/kg). The opioid receptor antagonists naltrexone (5 mg/kg) or naloxone methiodide (5 mg/kg), which does not penetrate the blood—brain barrier, eliminated the infarction-limiting effect of gludalan.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):291-293
pages 291-293 views


Vasopressor Properties of Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor T1059. Part I: Synthesis, Toxicity, NOS-Inhibition Activity, and Hemodynamic Effects Under Normotensive Conditions

Filimonova M.V., Shevchenko L.I., Makarchuk V.M., Chesnakova E.A., Surinova V.I., Shevchuk A.S., Filimonov A.S., Kryzhanovskii S.A., Shevchenko T.F., Bugrova A.E., Kalamkarov G.R.


Compound T1059 (1-cyclohexanecarbonyl-2-ethylisothiourea hydrobromide) was found to be water soluble, moderately toxic (i.p. LD16 and LD50 of 274 and 380 mg/kg), and capable of competitively inhibiting nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) activity with significant selectivity toward inducible and endothelial isoforms (IC50 for nNOS, iNOS, and eNOS of 60.3, 1.8, and 3.2 μM, respectively). T1059 was rapidly absorbed after a single i.p. injection (dose range 10 – 30 mg/kg) and distributed in tissues, causing pronounced suppression of endogenous NO production. T1059 at a dose of 10 mg/kg in normotensive anesthetized Wistar rats produced long-term vasoconstriction. The observed changes in vascular tone did not influence inotropic heart function but were accompanied by weak bradycardia.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):294-298
pages 294-298 views

Water-Soluble Form of 1-Alkyl(Aryl)Imidazole-4,5-Dicarboxylic Acids. Structure and Anticonvulsant Activity of the Triethanolammonium Salt of 1-Propylimidazole-4,5-Dicarboxylic Acid

Brusina M.A., Nikolaev D.N., Fundamenskii V.S., Gurzhii V.V., Zolotarev A.A., Selitrenikov A.V., Zevatskii Y.É., Potapkin A.M., Ramsh S.M., Piotrovskii L.B.


Water-soluble forms of a series of 1-alkyl(aryl)imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acids were prepared. Anticonvulsant activity of 1-propylimidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid and its triethanolammonium salt was studied using the NMDA-induced convulsion model. The triethanolammonium salt of 1-propylimidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid was shown to possess anticonvulsant activity whereas the acid itself was a convulsant. The change of pharmacological profile was related to the formation of ion pairs or associates even in polar physiological media. The ability to associate was confirmed using conductivity measurements. An x-ray crystal structure analysis was performed for the triethanolammonium salt of 1-propylimidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):299-303
pages 299-303 views

Synthesis and Tuberculostatic Activity of 2-Alkyl-5-Aryltetrazoles

Ishmetova R.I., Tolshchina S.G., Ignatenko N.K., Kravchenko M.A., Skornyakov S.N., Rusinov G.L., Charushin V.N.


2-Substituted 5-aryltetrazoles containing alkyl and aminoalkyl fragments were synthesized using alkylation and Mannich reactions. The tuberculostatic activity of the synthesized compounds against strain M. tuberculosis H37Rv was studied. Pronounced tuberculostatic activity (MIC ≤ 1.5 ìg/mL) was found for tetrazoles containing N(2) dimethyl- and diethylaminoethyl fragments.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):304-307
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Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Daunorubicin Conjugates with Sesquiterpene Lactones

Anikina L.V., Semakov A.V., Afanas’eva S.V., Pukhov S.A., Klochkov S.G.


The anthracycline antibiotic daunorubicin was modified by alantolactone, isoalantolactone, and alloahntolactone, i.e., sesquitapene lactones from Inula helenium L. The antiproliferative properties of the synthesized conjugates were studied using tumor and normal cell lines. It was found that the conjugate of daunorubicin with alantolactone possessed more pronounced antiproliferative properties than daunorubicin for several tumor cell cultures without increasing the toxicity for normal cells.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):308-311
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Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of N-Decylpyridinium Salts with Inorganic Anions

Zhuravlev O.E., Voronchikhina L.I.


Salts of N-decylpyridinium with various inorganic anions were prepared. Their structures and compositions were confirmed using IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Their antimicrobial activity against several strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeast-like fungi was studied. All tested compounds possessed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. The antimicrobial activity increased if chloride was replaced by the investigated inorganic anions.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):312-315
pages 312-315 views

Computer Analysis of the Structure–Activity Relationship for Immunoactive Thiazolo[3,2-a]Benzimidazole Derivatives

Dianov V.M., Alekhin E.K., Tyurina L.A., Aleksandrova E.L.


Computer analysis of the structure–activity relationship and purposeful design of effective immunomodulators among thiazolo[3,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives was performed. A mathematical recognition model was formulated. Immunomodulating activity of condensed azoles was predicted (80 – 100% learning recognition). Potentially active structures were generated. Their activities were predicted. Theoretical and experimental results agreed. The tested thiazolo[3,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives exhibited the predicted activities.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):316-319
pages 316-319 views

Antifungal Activity of Various Species and Strains of Turmeric (Curcuma SPP.) Against Fusarium Solani Sensu Lato

Hou D., Akter J., Amzad Hossain M., Sano A., Takara K., Zahorul Islam M.


Turmeric (Curcuma spp.) are rhizomatous perennial herbs with broad spectrum of pharmacological actions. There are more than 80 species of turmeric and 70 varieties/strains of Curcuma longa, which may have different chemical properties and biological activities. Hence, we compared the major active components (curcuminoides) and antifungal activity of three Curcuma longa strains (Ryudai gold (RD), Okinawa ukon, and BK2), C. xanthorrhiza, C. aromatica, C. amada, and C. zedoaria against Fusarium solani sensu lato (FSSL). The content of curcuminoides was determined by HPLC and the antifungal activity was measured by the diameter of colonies grown on Petri dish, microscopic observation, and CLSI microdilution methods. The BK2 turmeric contained highest concentration of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin followed by RD, C. xanthorrhiza, Okinawa ukon, and C. aromatica. These compounds were not detected in C. amada and C. zedoaria. All turmeric species inhibited fungal growth in a concentration-dependent manner. The order of IC50 against FSSL was RD (78 to 92 μg/ml) > BK2 (89 to 101 μg/ml) > C. xanthorrhiza (98 to 114 μg/ml) > C. aromatica (183 to 204 μg/ml) > C. amada (183 to 206 μg/ml) > Okinawa ukon (191 to 216 μg/ml) > C. zedoaria (354 to 385 μg/ml). The results showed a correlation between the antifungal activity and curcuminiods contents of turmeric. Curcumin itself showed marked antifungal activity against FSSL (IC50 = 23 to 25 μg/ml) followed by demethoxycurcumin (IC50 = 25 to 27 μg/ml), while the antifungal activity of bisdemethoxycurcumin was extremely low (IC50 = 216 to 238 μg/ml). However, C. amada and C. zedoaria had no curcuminoids but showed antifungal effects which indicated that other compounds could also inhibit the growth of FSSL. The obtained results demonstrated that turmeric species C. longa (strains Ryudai gold and BK2) and C. xanthorrhiza had higher content of curcuminoids and showed excellent antifungal activity against FSSL.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):320-325
pages 320-325 views

Cytotoxic Effect of Fusarium Equiseti Fungus Metabolites Against N-Nitrosodiethylamine- and CCL4-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats

Hawas U.W., Farrag A.R., Ahmed E.F., Abou El-Kassem L.T.


Fusarium equiseti, an endophytic fungus isolated from the marine alga Padina pavonica, displayed in vitro potent cytotoxicity and selectivity against liver cancer (HEP-G2) cells. This endophyte was therefore submitted to large-scale liquid fermentation to isolate 11 bioactive constituents. The cytotoxic effect of the extract against in vivo hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was evaluated in rats with HCC induced by single intraperitoneal injection of N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) followed by subcutaneous injections of CCl4. After the injection of carcinogen, the fungal extract was orally administered in 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg doses once a day for 10 weeks. The high levels of liver injury and liver cancer markers after NDEA administration were significantly decreased by this treatment with the total fungal metabolites. Histological observations of the liver tissues of rats treated with NDEA and fungal extract co-administered at 100 mg/kg are correlated with the biochemical observations. These findings confirm that F. equiseti total metabolites could restore the activity of hepatic marker enzymes of NDEA-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in rats.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):326-333
pages 326-333 views

Two New Antioxidative Geniposides (Ulmoside C, Ulmoside D) and 10-O-Acetylgeniposidic Acid from Eucommia Ulmoides

Xi Z., Khan S., Jichuan Z., Ullah H., Khan H., Zhang L.


Eucommia ulmoides leaves were phytochemically and biologically studied for their antioxidant properties. Two new geniposides (ulmoside C and ulmoside D) and one known compound (10-O-acetylgeniposidic acid) were isolated from E. ulmoides. Evaluation of their free-radical scavenging activity with respect to DPPH, ABTS, and superoxide anions showed that ulmosides C and D possess outstanding properties with IC50 values of 6.5 ± 0.20 and 7.5 ± 0.01 μM (DPPH), 2.1 ± 0.007 and 3.5 ± 0.31 μM (ABTS), and 8.1 μ0.17 and 10 ± 0.09 μM (superoxide anion), respectively.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):334-338
pages 334-338 views

Development and Validation of an Express Technique for Isolation and Quantitative Determination of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Roots of Taraxacum Officinale Wigg.

D’yakova N.A., Slivkin A.I., Samylina I.A., Gaponov S.P., Myndra A.A., Shushunova T.G.


An express technique for isolation and quantitative determination of water-soluble polysaccharides from roots of Taraxacum officinaleWigg. was developed and allowed the assay time to be shortened to 3.5 h. The developed technique was validated for precision, accuracy, robustness, and linearity and was demonstrated to be precise under repeatable conditions, accurate, and robust. The precipitate mass was strictly linearly dependent on the analyzed raw-material mass for gravimetric determination of water-soluble polysaccharides from roots of T. officinale. The technique could be used for express quality control of T. officinale roots and for commercial production of inulin from this raw material.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):343-346
pages 343-346 views

Phytochemical Investigation, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Assays of Algerian Plant Calamintha baborensis Batt.

Seraoui R., Benkiniouar R., Akkal S., Ros G., Nieto G.


The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of some increasing polarity soluble fractions of hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Algerian Lamiaceae Calamintha baborensis Batt., including hexanoic (Hex), chloroformic (Chlor), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanolic (n-BuOH) and four subfractions (A, B, C, D) resulting from fractionation on a polyamide column. The EtOAc and n-BuOH extracts of the plant gave the highest values of antioxidant power by different methods: ABTS, percentage inhibition of 68.9/81.7%; DPPH, 27.6/80.99%; ORAC/FRAP, 37.28/28.47 and 21.73/19.52 μM/mL, respectively; IC50 values, 23 and 53.5 ppm. In addition, they were evaluated for their total phenolic content. The antibacterial activity of extracts showed good results with hexanoic and chloroformic fractions against E. coli (19 mm and 19.2 mm diameter of inhibition zone and MIC values about 43 and 43.4 μg/mL, respectively.) Apolar fractions from the leaves of C. Baborensis Batt. were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The main components of the essential oil of C baborensis Batt. are eugenol (27.04%) and 3-methoxy acetophenone (26.4%).

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):347-356
pages 347-356 views

Granulation of Effervescent Ingredients for Optimization of Gastroretentive Properties of Floating Proroxan Prolonged-Release Tablets

Nifontova G.O., Krechetov S.P., Dolotova O.V., Buyukli S.R., Akhmetzyanova A.R., Krasnyuk I.I.


Research results supporting the manufacturing technology for floating prolonged-release oral tablets based on a hydrophilic matrix with the nonselective α-adrenoblocker proroxan are presented.Wet granulation of the effervescent ingredients with the matrix produced tablets with the required buoyancy lag-time, float time, and proroxan release kinetics.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):361-365
pages 361-365 views

Development of an HPLC-MS/MS Method for Quantitative Determination of Rivaroxaban in Human Blood Serum

Rodina T.A., Mel’nikov E.S., Aksenov A.A., Belkov S.A., Sokolov A.V., Prokof’ev A.B., Ramenskaya G.V.


An HPLC-MS/MS method for determination of rivaroxaban in human blood serum was developed. Sample preparation included protein precipitation by MeOH followed by centrifugation and dilution with deionized H2O. The developed procedure had simple sample preparation, a short analysis time, and a wide analytical range (1.00 to 1,000.00 ng/mL). The procedure was convenient for routine bioanalytical studies, in particular, for therapeutic drug monitoring.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):372-377
pages 372-377 views

A Stability-Indicating LC-MS Method for Determination of Perindopril and its Process Related Impurities

Kumar N.S., Sreenivasulu V., Ramachandra B., Asif M., Ibrahim A.A.


Perindopril erbumine belongs to the member of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors group used in the treatment of heart failure and hypertension. Asimple and highly sensitive LC-MS method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of three process-related impurities (L-norvaline, L-norvaline ethyl ester HCl, and (S)-indoline-2-carboxylic acid) in perindopril. Samples were separated using 5 mM ammonium formate (A) and acetonitrile/methanol (B) as the mobile phase on a Symmetry C18 column (75 mm × 4.6 mm, 3.5 μm) using gradient elution mode at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines and can be used for quality testing of perindopril and determining its process-related impurities in pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):378-383
pages 378-383 views

Medicinal Plants

Plant Juices and Related Medicinal Preparations: Issues of Standardization and Quality Control

Olefir Y.V., Sakanyan E.I., Tereshina N.S., Lyakina M.N., Shishova L.I.


The potential of using juices to produce medicinal preparations is demonstrated. The current market conditions for medicinal preparations prepared from juices of fresh medicinal plant raw material are characterized. The urgency to develop draft General Pharmacopoeial Monographs “Juices” and “Determination of juice content in fresh medicinal plant raw material” is emphasized. Quality indicators characteristic of the “Juice” dosage form are formulated. Four methods for determining the juice content in fresh medicinal plant raw material used to produce juice are proposed and include two methods for determining juice in raw material for allopathic medicines and two methods applicable to production of homeopathic matrix tinctures.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):339-342
pages 339-342 views

Drug Synthesis Methods and Manufacturing Technology

Development of Dosage Forms Containing a Solid Dispersion of Diclofenac

Krasnyuk I.I., Ovsyannikova L.V., Stepanova O.I., Belyatskaya A.V., Krasnyuk I.I., Grikh V.V., Kosheleva T.M., Skovpen Y.V., Kozin D.A.


Technology development for solid dosage forms with a solid dispersion of diclofenac is a crucial problem in pharmaceutical science and practice. The goal of the work was science-based and experimental technology development for tablets containing a solid dispersion of diclofenac with improved biopharmaceutical indicators as an equivalent to the substance. The obtained granulates and tablets had indicators that met the corresponding standards of the Russian SP XIIIth Ed. Almost 100% of the diclofenac was released from the developed tablets. This was 1.3 times greater than from commercial tablets. The recommended shelf life under these conditions is two years. The proposed technology could not only increase the bioavailability of the slightly soluble non-salt form of diclofenac but also facilitate further development of new medicinal preparations with improved bioavailability.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):357-360
pages 357-360 views

Structure of Chemical Compounds, Methods of Analysis and Process Control

Standardization of Thrombaptanib Drug Substance for Residual Organic Solvents

Petukhov A.E., Petrykina E.A., Tereshkina O.I., Ramenskaya G.V., Antipova O.M., Turashev A.D., Zav’yalova E.G., Golovin A.V., Pavlova G.V., Kopylov A.M.


Results from experiments conducted for the parameter Residual Organic Solvents during the course of developing a draft regulation for the drug substance of the innovative pharmacological agent thrombaptanib are reported. The structure of the compound is given. Its pharmacological action is described. A list of potential residual organic solvents was compiled by analyzing the synthetic scheme and manufacturing technology. A separate part of the work describes in detail a developed GC-MS procedure for determining residual organic solvents. Validation results of the procedure for Specificity, Linearity, Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility are presented. The validation protocol for the procedure at the time of the studies followed domestic guides for validation that were written based on existing international documents because there was no existing GPM for validation in the current edition of the SP RF. A test sample of thrombaptanib was analyzed using the developed procedure for Residual Organic Solvents. The developed procedure was included in the Residual Organic Solvents section of the draft regulation.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2018;52(4):366-371
pages 366-371 views

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