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Vol 69, No 2 (2024)

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Preparation of strontium hexaferrite based materials by solution combustion: the effect of charges arising in precursors and an external magnetic field

Ostroushko A.A., Gagarin I.D., Kudyukov E.V., Zhulanova T.Y., Permyakova A.E., Russkikh O.V.


The formation of electric charges during the synthesis of complex oxide materials based on strontium hexaferrite SrFe12O19, including doped with lanthanum and cobalt ions, via the combustion of nitrate-organic precursors has been established. Precursors included polyvinyl alcohol or glycine as organic component. The intensity of charge generation was lower for precursors containing a larger amount of organic component. Data on the magnetic characteristics of the samples were obtained: magnetization, coercive force. The influence of an external magnetic field during the synthesis of hexaferrites significantly affected the coercive force of the samples and allowed to increase its values due to the formation of extended ensembles of nanoparticles. At the same time, such an effect on samples with a relatively low level of charge generation during precursor combustion was more effective. The relationship between the factors influencing the formation of extended aggregates is analyzed. The Sr0.8La0.2Fe11.8Co0.2O19 samples had the maximum coercive force. One of the techniques for increasing the coercive force is a two-stage thermomagnetic treatment, including a low-temperature stage. The formation of branched extended structures at the macro- and micro-levels was found during the combustion of glycine-containing precursors.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):143-154
pages 143-154 views

Effect of superstoichiometric amounts of sodium and phosphorus on the phase composition and ionic conductivity of zirconium and sodium silicophosphates (NASICON)

Grishchenko D.N., Podgorbunsky A.B., Medkov M.A.


Using the method of pyrolysis of solutions in a melt, the phase formation of sodium and zirconium silicophosphates Na1+xZr2SixP3–xO12 was studied depending on the concentrations of sodium and phosphorus in the precursors. The influence of the content of these components, as well as firing conditions on the change in the ionic conductivity of NASICON was studied. Methods of X-ray phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy, full-profile Rietveld analysis, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used. The specific values of grain conductivity (σb) and grain boundaries (σgb) of the samples were calculated. It was found that the reason for the change in ionic conductivity is a change in the composition of NASICON with increasing concentrations of sodium and phosphorus in the precursor. The main condition for high conductivity of the material is the formation of a crystalline phase corresponding to the composition Na3Zr2Si2РO12, as well as a minimum amount of impurities and glass phase. The conductivity of the NASICON sample (x = 2) under certain processing conditions is ~ 1 · 10-3 S/cm.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):155-165
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Synthesis and alloying of zinc sulfide in a homogeneous system based on dodecane, its identification and optical properties

Zarudskikh M.A., Ilina E.G., Mankevich A.S., Smagin V.P.


Zinc sulfide doped with Mn2+ ions was synthesized in a homogeneous dodecane medium by the method of emerging reagents. By methods of chemical and X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, electron microprobe microscopy, identification of products was carried out, photographs of the surface of powder particles (SEM) were recorded. Based on the totality of the results, a conclusion is made about the formation of nanoscale objects having a polytype structure with a predominance of distorted cubic crystals forming agglomerates up to 10 microns in size in ZnS powder and up to 100 microns in ZnS–Mn powder. The formation of nanoscale ZnS particles is confirmed by spectral data. The effect of manganese ions on the photoluminescence (FL) of the powder is manifested by a change in the type of the descending branch of the ZnS–Mn FL band, it is associated with recombination processes at the levels of defects formed by Mn2+ ions in the ZnS structure at their low concentration.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):166-176
pages 166-176 views


Solid solutions of pyridinium halobismuthates

Buikin P.A., Zhavoronkov A.S., Ilyukhin A.B., Kotov V.Y.


Solid solutions of pyridinium bromo-iodobismutates were isolated from aqueous solutions and structurally characterized. The composition of the resulting solid solutions [HPy]BiX4 and [HPy]3Bi2X9 (X = Br, I) was found to depend on the ratios of pyridinium/bismuth and bromine/iodine in the initial solution. The existence of five polymorphic modifications in the system for [HPy]BiX4 compounds was shown. Two different polymorphs were found for iodobismuthate [HPy]BiI4.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Alkaline Metal Fluoroxalatouranylates: Structure and Some Properties

Serezhkin V.N., Grigoriev М.S., Sukacheva М.V., Losev V.Y., Serezhkina L.B.


Crystal structure Na3[UO2(C2O4)F3] · 4H2O (I), K3[UO2(C2O4)F3] (II), K3[UO2(C2O4)2F] · 3H2O (III) and Cs[UO2(C2O4)F] · H2O (IV) first studied by X-ray diffraction. Uranium–containing structural units are complexes [UO2(C2O4)F3]3ˉ (for I and II), [UO2(C2O4)2F]3- (III) and [UO2(C2O4)F]- (IV), accordingly with crystal chemical formulas А(В01)M13, А(В01)2M1 and А(Q02)M1, where A = UO22+, B01 or Q02 = C2O42-, and M1 = F- . In all compounds U(VI) atoms implement pentagonal-bipyramidal coordination, at that in IIII uranyl complexes have single–core structure, and in IV crystals–chain structure which is similar for the well — known for [UO2(C2O4)(H2O)] · 2H2O. The obtained results suggest that a sharp increase in the solubility of uranyl oxalate trihydrate in aqueous solutions with the addition of fluorides is due to the well-known effect of structural depolymerization of coordination polymers of d- or f-metals in the presence of fluoride ions. Semi-empirical calculation and comparison of calculated and experimental oscillation frequencies in IR spectra II and IV are carried out.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):183-192
pages 183-192 views

Zinc(II) complexes with thiadiazole derivatives-1,3,4

Khusenov K.S., Umarov B.B., Turgunov K.K., Bakhranova O.Z., Aliev T.B., Ibragimov B.T.


Zn(II) complexes of the composition [ZnLn2X2] and [ZnLn3(NO3)2] were synthesized, where n = 1, 2; X=Cl, Br, I; L1=2-aminothiadiazole-1,3,4, L2=2-amino-5-methylthiadiazole-1,3,4. The obtained complexes were studied by elemental analysis methods, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The structure of the [ZnL22Br2] complex was determined by the RSA method (CIF file CCDC No. 2251742). The ligand molecules of 2-amino-5-R-thiadiazoles-1,3,4 (R = –H, –CH3) are coordinated monodentately by an endocyclic nitrogen atom located in the α-position to the amino group. The polyhedron of the central atom of halide complexes is a slightly distorted tetrahedron, in the coordination sphere of which two halide atoms and two endocyclic nitrogen atoms are located. During complexation in the spectrum of the solution of the [ZnL22Br2] complex, coordinated L2 ligands undergo amino-imine tautomerization into a heterocyclic amine with a nitrogen atom in a heterocycle. The polyhedron of the central atom for nitrate complexes is a slightly distorted trigonal bipyramide, in the coordination sphere of which three nitrogen atoms of ligands are located in the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms of two nitrate anions in the axial position.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):193-202
pages 193-202 views

Copper(II) complexes with mono- and doubly reduced forms of 3,5-di-tert-octyl-o-benzoquinone

Trofimova O.Y., Maleeva A.V., Arseniev M.V., Kocherova T.N., Cherkasov A.V., Yakushev I.A., Dorovatovski P.V., Piskunov A.V.


Copper(II) complexes on the basis of 3,5-di-tert-octyl-o-benzoquinone (3,5-tOc-Q) have been synthesised. Derivatives of the composition: (3,5-tOc-SQ)2Cu (I), (3,5-tOc-Cat)Cu(Phen) (II), (3,5-tOc-Cat)Cu(DPQ) (III) and (3,5-tOc-Cat)Cu(DPPZ) (IV), where 3,5-tOc-SQ is the anion radical of 3,5-di-tert-octyl-o-benzoquinone, 3,5-tOc-Cat is the dianion of 3,5-di-tert-octyl-o-benzoquinone, Phen is phenanthroline, DPQ is dipyrido[3,2-d: 2′,3′-f]quinoxaline, DPPZ — dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazine. The molecular and crystal structures of complexes I and II were established by X-ray diffraction. The spectral characteristics of the synthesised copper(II) derivatives have been investigated by electronic absorption spectroscopy. Crystallographic data for compounds I and II have been deposited in the Cambridge Structural Data Bank (No. 2291614 for I and No. 2279045 for II).

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):203-212
pages 203-212 views


Application of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to quantify the chemical composition of igneous rocks

Pechenkina E.N., Krenev V.A., Fomichev S.V., Kondakov D.F., Berbekova E.I., Mikhaylov A.A.


The possibility of using the method of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for quantitative assessment of the chemical composition of igneous rocks without their transfer into solution is considered. Statistical processing of the measurement results was carried out and the error of the method in comparison with the inductively coupled plasma spectrometry method was shown.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):213-218
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Interaction of iron(III) with succinic acid and CERTAIN amino acids

Skorik N.A., Vasilyeva O.A., Lakeev A.P.


The interaction in double and ternary systems containing Fe3+ ions and biologically active substances – succinic acid and/or one of the amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid) has been studied by spectrophotometry, photometry, pH-metry and solubility techniques. The composition and stability constants of homo- and mixed-ligand complexes were determined at ionic strength I = 0.3; iron(III) succinate with the composition of Fe2Suc3 ∙ 3H2O was isolated, its solubility constant was determined according to solubility data, lgKS = –27.74 ± 0.12. The redox process in the iron(III)–succinate-anion system was noted over time.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):219-228
pages 219-228 views

Extraction Of Actinides And Lanthanides From Nitric Acid Solutions With Mixtures of 1,5-N,N′- Bis[(Diphenylphosphoryl)Acetyl(Hexyl)Amino]Pentane And New Asymmetrical Phosphonium- And Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquid

Turanov A.N., Karandashev V.K., Sharova E.V., Artyushin O.I.


A new dicationic ionic liquid 1-methyl-3-(4-(tributylphosphonio)butyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium di[bis(trifluoromethanesulfonul)imide] [ImP][Tf2N]2, characterized by high hydrophobicity (solubility in water 9.2 × 10-4 mol/l) was synthesized. The extraction of U(VI), Th(IV), and lanthanides(III) from nitric acid solutions with mixtures of 1,5-N,N’-bis[(diphenylphosphoryl)acety(hexyl)amino]pentane (L), containing two bidentate fragments Ph2P(O)CH2C(O)N(Hex)- interconnected by pentamethylene spacer through amide nitrogen atoms, and [ImP][Tf2N]2 in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) was studied. During the extraction of metal ions in this system, a significant synergistic effect is observed. The influence of the composition of the aqueous and organic phases on the efficiency of the extraction of metal ions into the organic phase is considered, and the stoichiometry of the extracted complexes is determined. The synergistic effect at the extraction of Ln(III) from 3 M HNO3 solutions with a mixture of L and [ImP][Tf2N]2 in DCE is an order of magnitude higher than in the L[C8mim][Tf2N]DCE system.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):229-237
pages 229-237 views


Extraction of Pb2+ Ions By Sodium Aluminosilicates Synthesized From Rice Straw

Kholomeydik A.N., Panasenko A.E.


Samples of sodium aluminosilicates obtained by hydrolytic deposition using rice straw of different varieties as silicon-containing raw materials were studied. The morphology of the particles was determined by scanning electron microscopy, the specific surface area (362–470 m2/g) was measured, IR spectra were recorded, and the chemical and phase composition of the samples was determined. The sorption properties of the obtained materials with respect to lead ions have been studied, the sorption capacity is 199–550 mg/g. An organic component was found and isolated in the samples, which is formed as a result of the deposition of aluminosilicates from rice straw hydrolysates, its composition was determined by thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy. The effect of the organic component on the sorption capacity of plant-derived aluminosilicates has been investigated. The proposed sorption mechanism has been established. The approach used makes it possible to obtain aluminosilicates with a high sorption capacity, as well as safely dispose of rice straw.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):238-244
pages 238-244 views

Synthesis of copper(II) oxide nanoparticles by anion-exchange resin precipitation and production of their stable hydrosols

Pavlikov A.Y., Saikova S.V., Samoilo A.S., Karpov D.V., Novikova S.A.


Copper (II) oxide nanoparticles are promising materials for applications in catalysis, biomedicine and photovoltaics. It is also possible to use them for the preparation of nanocomposites and hybrid nanoparticles. This work presents a new method for the synthesis of CuO nanoparticles, which allows their one-step preparation without washing and heating. The proposed anion-exchange deposition method is simple, fast and easily reproducible under normal laboratory conditions. It is shown that anion-exchange precipitation of copper in the presence of the polysaccharide dextran-40 from copper chloride and sulphate solutions produces well crystallised hydroxychloride Cu2Cl(OH)3 and hydroxysulphate Cu4(SO4)(OH)6, respectively, and from copper nitrate a weakly crystallised Cu(OH)2 phase. In the absence of polysaccharide, copper oxide nanoparticles are formed irrespective of the nature of the anion of the parent salt. The obtained materials were used to obtain hydrosols with high aggregation and sedimentation stability over a wide pH range (from 5 to 11). These sols are stable for more than 3 months at a concentration of 2 g/l (the average hydrodynamic diameter of the particles is 245 nm; the average ζ-potential is -31.1 mV). Based on the study of the optical and electronic properties of the obtained hydrosols, it was found that they could be of interest for photocatalysis and application in optoelectronic devices.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):245-257
pages 245-257 views

Optimisation of nickel ferrite production conditions for the preparation of magnetic composite photocatalysts

Nemkova D.I., Saikova S.V., Krolikov A.E., Pikurova E.V., Samoilo A.S.


Ferrites of non-ferrous metals are promising magnetic catalysts that can be easily separated from the reaction mixture after use by applying a magnetic field. However, these materials have a fast electron-hole relaxation time, which reduces their activity in photoreactions. This problem is overcome by creating hybrid nanostructures based on ferrites, for example with zinc oxides. The catalytic activity of such structures depends highly on the method of their synthesis. In this work, the alkaline co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Ni2+ ions, which have similar values for hydroxides, was used to obtain stoichiometric and homogeneous nickel ferrite precursors. The influence of the reaction parameters on the purity of the nickel ferrite phase and the size of the particles was studied using the experimental design technique. Spherical nanoparticles 15.9 ± 1.1 nm in diameter were produced under the optimal conditions identified. Based on the obtained material, NiFe2O4/ZnO magnetic composites of different quantitative compositions were prepared. The photocatalytic activity of the hybrid structures was demonstrated by photodegradation of crystal violet dye.

Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):258-267
pages 258-267 views


About the scientific heritage of V. P. Danilov

Frolova E.A., Kirilenko I.A., Kondakov D.F.
Žurnal neorganičeskoj himii. 2024;69(2):268-268
pages 268-268 views

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