
Методы ИК-Фурье-спектроскопии в комплексном анализе осадочных пород
Таныкова Н.Г., Петрова Ю.Ю., Спасенных М.Ю., Козлова Е.В., Леушина Е.А., Костина Ю.В.
Сульфосодержащие гетарилформазаны как перспективные реагенты для гибридных тест-систем
Маслакова Т.И., Первова И.Г., Мельник Т.А., Маслаков П.А.
Possibilities and limitations of various variants of the X-ray fluorescence analysis method in the study of the chemical composition of ancient ceramics
Chubarov V.M., Pashkova G.V., Maltsev A.S., Mukhamedova M.M., Statkus M.A., Revenko A.G.
Новое в методологии химической идентификации
Мильман Б.Л., Журкович И.К.
Rapid determination of some cephalosporins using immobilized para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
Zolotareva N.I., Grazhulene S.S.
Practical training in analytical chemistry for pharmacist students of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov: new approaches and tasks
Monogarova O.V.
Развитие способов пробоподготовки и ввода проб в источники возбуждения и ионизации для комбинированных методик атомно-эмиссионного и масс-спектрального анализа
Медведев Н.С., Сапрыкин А.И.
Автоматизированное микроэкстракционное выделение свинца из растительных масел для определения методом атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии
Шишов А.Ю., Булатов А.В.
Chemical sample preparation of plant materials in tunnel-type microwave digestion systems for elemental analysis
Shabanova E.V., Zak A.A., Vasil’eva I.E.
A Comparison of the Peak-to-Background Method and an Empirical Correction of the Results in the Energy-Dispersive Electron Probe Quantitative Analysis of Powder Materials
Pukhov D.E.
Methodological Aspects of the Group Analysis of Organic Substances
Vershinin V.I.
Определение 15 биомаркеров функционального состояния в моче человека методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием
Ленинский М., Савельева Е., Беляков М., Каракашев Г., Самченко Н.
Prospects for the Development of Methods for the Analysis of High-Purity Volatile Substances
Sozin A.Y., Krylov V.A., Chernova O.Y., Sorochkina T.G., Bulanov A.D., Kotkov A.P.
Analysis of Small-Mass Biological Samples by ICP MS Using Microwave Acid Digestion of Several Samples in the Common Atmosphere of a Standard Autoclave
Kolotov V.P., Dogadkin D.N., Zaichik V.E., Shirokova V.I., Dogadkin N.N.
S,N-Containing Sorbents for Analyzing Rare Earth Element Compounds by Arc Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Arkhipenko A.A., Doronina M.S., Korotkova N.A., Shevchenko A.S., Baranovskaya V.B., Dalnova Y.S.
Determination of Glyphosate, Its Metabolite, and Glufosinate in Products of Plant Origin by Chromatography–Mass-Spectrometry
Sorokin A.V.
Identification and Authentication of Milk Using Digital Colormetry of Indicator Test Systems, Smartphone, and Chemometric Analysis
Amelin V.G., Shogah Z.A., Bol’shakov D.S., Tret’yakov A.V.
Tunable Diode Lasers for Analytics and Diagnostics
Bolshov M.A., Kuritsyn Y.A., Liger V.V., Mironenko V.R., Ponurovskii Y.Y.
Determination of 6-Nitro-7-(4'-Nitrophenyl)-5-Ethyl-4,7-Dihydropyrazolo[1,5-a]Pyrimidine-3-Carboxylate as a Potential Antitumor Agent by Voltammetry
Mozharovskaia P.N., Ivoilova A.V., Terekhova A.A., Tsmokalyuk A.N., Ivanova A.V., Kozitsina A.N., Rusinov V.L.
Isolation of Nanoparticles from Soil and Dust and Their Study by Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Ermolin M.S., Fedotov P.S.
Sequential Injection Amperometric Determination of Glucose in Saliva Using a Screen-Printed Electrode Modified with a Gold–Cobalt Binary System
Shaidarova L.G., Chelnokova I.A., Gafiatova I.A., Gedmina A.V., Budnikov G.K.
Experience of the Determination of Fluorine in Rocks by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Kuz’mina T.G., Romashova T.V., Troneva M.A., Khokhlova I.V.
Gas-Chromatographic Identification of Unusual Unstable Products of the Partial Hydrolysis of Tetraethoxysilane
Zenkevich I.G., Baranov D.A.
Behavior and Fractionation of Low-Volatile Impurities in a DC Arc in the Analysis of Zirconium by Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Zolotareva N.I., Grazhulene S.S.
Voltammetric Determination of 7-Ethylthio-3-Nitro-1,2,4-Triazolo[5,1-c]-1,2,4-Triazin-4-One Dihydrate Sodium Salt as a Potential Antiviral Drug
Mozharovskaia P.N., Ivoilova A.V., Dem’yanovich (Selyanina) T.V., Balin I.A., Malakhova N.A., Ivanova A.V., Kozitsina A.N., Matern A.I., Rusinov V.L.
Complex Coulometric Evaluation of the Antioxidant Properties of Beer
Matveeva S.Y., Ziyatdinova G.K.
Using Smartphones in Chemical Analysis
Shogah Z.A., Bolshakov D.S., Amelin V.G.
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry: Current Status and Prospects of Development
Revenko A.G., Pashkova G.V.
Rapid Gas-Chromatographic Determination of Phenol and Cresols in Water by Extractive Freezing-Out
Bekhterev V.N.
1 - 29 of 29 Items

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