
General Laws and Influence of Various Factors on the Internal Oxidation Mechanism and Kinetics in Alloyed Steels
Korostelev A.
Formation of the Structure and the Properties of Multicomponent Iron-Based Alloys as a Function of Hydrogenated Melt Solidification Conditions
Belyakova R., Polukhin V., Sidorov N.
Phase and structural transformations in hydrogenated titanium
Kollerov M., Runova Y., Zasypkin V., Kudelina I.
Formation of Gradient Structure–Phase States in the Surface Layers of 100-m Differentially Quenched Rails
Gromov V., Yur’ev A., Ivanov Y., Morozov K., Konovalov S., Peregudov O.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
Structure and properties of the layer deposited onto a low-carbon steel and then irradiated by an electron beam
Kormyshev V., Gromov V., Ivanov Y., Konovalov S., Teresov A.
Effect of Additional Hydrogen Alloying on the Structure and the Phase Composition of a VTI-4 Intermetallic Alloy
Skvortsova S., Pozhoga O., Pozhoga V., Ivanov A.
Mechanism and kinetics of reaction diffusion in steels under the conditions of simultaneous external and internal oxidation
Korostelev A.
Evolution of the structure and the phase composition of a bainitic structural steel during plastic deformation
Nikitina E., Glezer A., Ivanov Y., Aksenova K., Gromov V., Kazimirov S.
Composite Membranes Based on Pd–Cu and Pd–Pb Solid Solutions
Ievlev V., Dontsov A., Novikov V., Sinetskaya D., Gorbunov S., Roshan N., Burkhanov G.
Phase Dynamics of Metal Fragmentation during Megaplastic (Severe) Deformation
Khomenko A., Troshchenko D., Metlov L.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Structural Steels
Bannykh O., Sorokin A., Bannykh I., Lukin E.
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