
Oxidation of Aluminum Melts with Rare-Earth Metals
Ganiev I., Ganieva N., Eshova D.
Oxidation Kinetics of an Al–6 wt % Li Alloy Modified by Cerium
Nazarov S., Ganiev I., Eshov B., Ganieva N.
Solid-State Oxidation Kinetics of a Lanthanum-Modified Al + 6% Li Alloy
Nazarov S., Ganiev I., Calliari I., Berdiev A., Ganieva N.
Solid-state oxidation kinetics of an yttrium-containing AK1M2 alloy
Berdiev A., Ganiev I., Niezov K.
Elemental Composition and Microhardness of the Coatings Prepared on Faced Aluminum Alloys by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in a Silicate–Alkaline Electrolyte
Kolomeichenko A., Kravchenko I.
Effect of Coatings on the Heat Resistance of VT-41 and VIT1 Alloys during Isothermal Oxidation
Abraimov N., Ivanova A.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in a Multicomponent Melt in an Inert Atmosphere
Barbin N., Kobelev A., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Effect of the electrolyte composition on the corrosion of 12Kh17 steel in molten alkali metal carbonates
Nikitina E.
General Laws and Influence of Various Factors on the Internal Oxidation Mechanism and Kinetics in Alloyed Steels
Korostelev A.
Determination of the Oxygen Content in the Complexly Alloyed Nickel Melts during Vacuum Induction Melting Using Oxygen Probes
Rigin V., Sidorov V., Kosenkov O.
Effect of Cathodic Polarization on the Depassivation of Oxidized Nickel
Kuznetsova O., Levin A., Tsybin O., Sevost’yanov M., Bryukvin V., Bol’shikh A.
Effect of silicon and yttrium on the structure and properties of diffusion coatings on nickel alloys
Abraimov N., Romashov A., Lukina V., Kotel’nikov G., Zubarev K.
High-Temperature β-NiAl + γ'-Ni3Al + γ-Ni Alloys of the Ni–Al–Co System
Povarova K., Bazyleva O., Drozdov A., Morozov A., Antonova A., Sirotinkin V., Bulakhtina M., Arginbaeva E., Alad’ev N.
Increasing the Efficiency of the Recycling of Propylene—Polyethylene Raw Materials
Belokon’ T., Kurganova Y., Bragin D., Kovalev M.
Oxidation resistance and strength of a molybdenum fiber–oxide matrix composite material
Mileiko S., Novokhatskaya N., Prokopenko N., Kolchin A., Mitskevich A., Chumichev V., Novikov I.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in Molten Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 in a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alexeev S.
Adhesion energy in the metal/oxide system for the case of high-temperature oxidation of nickel-based superalloys
Moskvichev V., Sukhodoeva N., Fedorova E., Popov A.
High-Temperature Interaction in the ZrSi2–ZrSiO4 System and Its Mechanism
Astapov A., Lifanov I., Prokofiev M.
Mechanism and Kinetics of the Thermal Oxidation of Natural Sphalerite
Gulyaeva R., Selivanov E., Pikalov S.
Structural heat-resistant β-NiAl + γ′-Ni3Al alloys of the Ni–Al–Co system: II. Oxidation
Povarova K., Drozdov A., Bazyleva O., Morozov A., Antonova A., Arginbaeva E., Alad’ev N., Sirotinkin V.
Machining of the Ceramic Oxide Coating Formed by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Kuznetsov Y., Kravchenko I., Goncharenko V., Glinskii M.
Physicochemical Fundamentals for the Synthesis of Zinc Oxide in Molten Chlorides
Rozdyalovskaya T.
Mechanism and kinetics of reaction diffusion in steels under the conditions of simultaneous external and internal oxidation
Korostelev A.
Near-Surface Layer during the Heterogeneous Heterophase Oxidation of Metals and Alloys and the Related Chemical and Technological Aspects
Pozhidaeva S., Ivanov A.
Combined Coatings for Gas Turbine Blades
Abraimov N.
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