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№ 12 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Changeability of Content and Storage of Soil Organic Matter: an Analytical Review

Khitrov N., Nikitin D., Ivanova E., Semenov M.


An aim of analytical review is to systematize information about quantitative characteristics of changeability in the content and storage of organic carbon (Corg) in soils. The review considers evaluations of validity and reproducibility of Corg determination, spatial variability and heterogeneity of Corg at different hierarchic levels of soil cover pattern and change them in time. The most powerful factor of Corg changeability in soils is spatial variability. Ascending trend of absolute standard deviation and coefficient of variation for Corg content and storage in soil with the increase in the logarithm of site area has been revealed. However, the values of the indicators of spatial variation of Corg have a wide spread in each narrow range of variation of the plot area, which leads to high uncertainty of the estimates as the area coverage increases. Direct dry combustion method is considered preferable among used methods for determination of Corg content. It allows obtaining valid (i.e. with the least systematic deviations) and well reproducible data. Indirect Turin’s and Walkley-Black’s methods systematically underestimate the Corg content and have reproducibility comparable with amplitude of seasonal dynamics and with minimal values of spatial variability indices within elementary soil area. Obtaining estimates of long-term trend of Corg content strict adherence to stringent monitoring conditions over time intervals of more than 15 years. Spatial variation of Corg storage is stronger than Corg content, which further increases the monitoring requirements.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1493-1521
pages 1493-1521 views

Supraglacial Soils and Soil-Like Bodies: Diversity, Genesis, Functioning (Review)

Mergelov N., Goryachkin S., Zazovskaya E., Karelin D., Nikitin D., Kutuzov S.


In the 21st century, glaciers are percepted as a distinct biome that has taken on special significance in today’s world of retreating ice. Here we review the results of recent studies of organomineral formations on glaciers, their diversity, processes, functioning and the role in the biosphere. The question is raised about the possibility of involving supraglacial organomineral formations in the range of objects of soil science. We review the supraglacial zone as an area of soils and soil-like bodies, which biogeochemical processes affect the glacial biome and its surrounding landscapes. Interpretation of supraglacial organomineral formations from a soil scientist point of view revealed the following processes: accumulation and stabilization of organic matter (OM), its heterotrophic transformation, formation of dark-colored humified OM and accumulation of residual solid-phase products of functioning in situ, fine earth aggregation, and biochemical weathering. Among supraglacial formations, we distinguish pre-soils and soil-like bodies in ice and snow, metastable soil-like bodies on cryoconite and soils with microprofiles under moss communities on ice, as well as relatively stable soils with macroprofiles on fine-earth-detrital deposits with underlying glaciers and dead ice. Labile water-soluble OM, accumulated and transformed in supraglacial soils and soil-like bodies, has a significant impact on the periglacial zone, leading to the reservoir and priming effects. The studies of supraglacial organomineral systems are of fundamental importance for understanding the evolution of ecosystems on Earth as well as for modeling supraglacial formations of extraterrestrial bodies with a vast cryosphere. Supraglacial soil formation is also a model object for studying common soils under conditions of a constant external input of organic and mineral components, which contribution outside the glaciers is no less significant, but is masked by the polymineral substrate of soils and parent rocks.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1522-1561
pages 1522-1561 views

Soil Formation Features in Drained Lake Basins of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra

Kaverin D., Deneva S., Pastukhov A., Yаkubenko S.


The features of the structure, properties, and temperature regimes of soils functioning in two different drained lake basins of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra are characterized. The basins differ significantly in the features of landscape development, the composition of bottom (soil-forming) sediments, and the patterns of the soil and vegetation cover. In a naturally drained basin composed of mineral (sandy and clayey) bottom sediments, soils belonging to the departments Gley, and Poorly developed are formed, which are typical for the watershed landscapes of the region. Soils function as ecosystem-modified permafrost-affected profiles, partially protected from thaw. The soil profile is acidic, not saturated with bases, with moderate carbon content in the mineral horizons. In the artificially drained basin, covered with a layer of silted peat, predominantly peaty permafrost-affected soils were formed, including peat soils of tundra meadows, which are unique for the landscapes of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. Peaty soils of the basin appear to be as ecosystem-protected, i.e. protected from thawing, and they are characterized by high ash content and slightly acidic reaction. A significant differentiation of the studied soil parameters are determined by different basins, which are different according to the composition of parent sediments, the specifics of landscape development, and manifestations of present-day cryogenic processes.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1562-1579
pages 1562-1579 views

Soils of Lakeside Depressions of Pulsing Chloride Lakes of Internal Runoff in Central Asia: Morphology, Physical-Chemical and Geochemical Features

Ubugunova V., Ubugunov L., Zhambalova A., Ayushina T., Ubugunov V.


Data on saline soils of drainless lakeside depressions, which are formed in areas of extra continental climate with a cyclic 25–30-year change in the level of lakes within the arid and humid climatic phases, were obtained first. Different types of soils are shown to be formed on the landscapes adjacent to highly mineralized chloride lakes of southeastern Trans-Baikal Region: on superaqueous–subaqueous positions– gleyic solonchaks (Gleyic Solonchak (Loamic, Chloridic)); on superaqueous – humus–gley saline soils (Calcaric Mollic Gleysol (Arenic, Endosalic, Sodic)); on eluvial-superaqueous – light-humus saline soils (Fluvic Kastanozem (Epiarenic, Amphiloamic, Sodic)). Salinity degree of the soils under the study is different. Salinity chemistry is sodium taking into account cations. Anion content in solonchaks and upper horizon of humus-gley soil is mostly chloride. Soda-chloride and chloride-soda anion composition prevail in other soils. Gleyic solonchaks have strongly alkaline pH values, high content of carbonates, and a sharp dominance of Na+ among exchangeable cations. Many chemical elements are concentrated in the solonchakous horizon (Sr, S, Li, Mg, Ca); a high content of As is a regional feature. The humus-gley saline soil has the same properties as the light-humus saline soil in terms of physico-chemical parameters, and in terms of elemental composition and texture as solonchaks. This is due to it functions periodically in a semihydromorphic or hydromorphic regimes when changing the arid and humid phases. The high level of groundwater contributes to the enrichment of soils with the elements typomorphic for lake waters. The paleohydromorphic stage of development has been established to be recorded in lower layers of light-humus saline soil in the form of a high content of easily soluble salts and carbonates. The geochemical specialization of soil-forming rocks is associated with the significant accumulation of As, as well as concentration of Li, Ba, and Pb. It was also revealed that low Ca/Sr ratio is their geochemical feature. The use of cluster analysis of indicators of soils under the study revealed that both dynamic and stable soil parameters are reflected in humus-gley soil and it is recommended for monitoring of the dynamics of endorheic lakeside ecosystems in Central Asia with cyclic climatic phases.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1580-1595
pages 1580-1595 views

Paleocryolithopedogenesis and Evolution Sod-Podzolic Soils of the Taiga Zone Northeast of the East European Plain

Ovchinnikov A., Khudyakov O., Khokhlova O., Makshanov A.


The results of soil-genetic studies conducted on sod-podzolic soils in the Gryazovetsky district of the Vologda region are presented. The modern soils of the study area are represented by sod-podzolic soils of different variations (Albic Retisols) formed on loamy paleocryogenically transformed soil-forming rocks. The concept of the role of paleocryolithogenic processes that determined the formation and evolution of modern sod-podzolic soils of the north-east of the East European Plain is proposed. The considered set of paleocryolithopedogenic processes in modern zonal sod-podzolic soils allowed us to reconstruct the conditions for the formation of soils located in the periglacial region of the Valdai glaciation. The results obtained have expanded the understanding of the influence of the processes of Late Pleistocene cryogenesis and lithogenesis on the evolution of modern sod-podzolic soils of the northeast of the East European Plain. The obtained data show the processes forming the soils under consideration and for the first time it is proposed to isolate paleocryolithogenic soil combinations in the structure of the soil cover as a result of the combined natural process – paleocryolithopedogenesis.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1596-1611
pages 1596-1611 views


Content and Mobility Metals in Oligotrophic Peat Soils of the Cryolithozone of Western Siberia

Sokolov D., Ivanova I., Siromlya T.


The ongoing climatic changes have the greatest impact on natural ecosystems in high-latitude areas, as warming climate, as well as increasing anthropogenic load associated with the development of Arctic zone, contribute to the degradation of frozen peatlands and an increase in the thickness of seasonally thawed layer of soil. The relevance of studying peat oligotrophic soils (Cryic Histosols) of the northern territories of Western Siberia is associated with the fact that their degradation enriches natural waters by organomineral substances, which containing a large number of chemical elements, including heavy metals, contributing to changes in the hydrogeochemical properties of natural waters of the North. The article describes the main properties of peats sampled from different horizons of soil profiles laid down at key areas covering the territory of YNAO from north to south and from west to east. The chemical composition of soils was analyzed at the IPA SB RAS using standard methods. The concentrations of gross and mobile forms of metals (Fe, Ca, K, Na, Mg, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) were investigated by optical atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry, respectively. It has been determined that a characteristic feature of the distribution of concentrations of chemical elements in peat oligotrophic soils of the northern part of Western Siberia is the presence of two maxima within the soil profile. The first is confined to the upper horizons showing signs of degradation, while the second is confined to the upper part of the permafrost. Statistical analysis using principal component method showed that low ash content, pH and C/N ratio are associated with high mobility of K, Cu, Zn and Mg. The mobility of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, and Cr is associated with an increase in ash content, pH, and Ntotal in the upper part of permafrost organogenic rocks.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1612-1627
pages 1612-1627 views

Organic Matter Content and Standard Material Decomposition Rate in Soils of the High Mountain Plant Communities of the Teberda National Park

Elumeeva T., Makarov M., Kadulin M., Zamaletdinova K., Malysheva T., Gulov D., Akhmetzhanova A., Chepurnova M., Onipchenko V.


Soils of the high mountain areas are very diverse by their organic matter content (SOM), by the factors underlying such diversity are still not fully known. In 16 subalpine, alpine and subnival plant communities of the Teberda national park (the north-western Caucasus) we studied physico-chemical and microbiological soil properties, and estimated parameters of standard material decomposition based on the Tea bag index (TBI): stabilization factor (STBI) and decomposition constant (kTBI). We tested the following hypitheses: (1) the SOM is one of predictors of STBI and kTBI in high mountain zone along with other physico-chemical soil properties; (2) the most of SOM content belongs to high STBI and low kTBI values; (3) the SOM content correlates with below-ground plant productivity. The main gradients of the studied soils are water content (automorphic vs. hydromorphic soils) and the concurrent SOM accumulation, as well as the altitudinal gradient with the decrease of soil basal respiration with elevation. The extent of nitrogen enrichment (e.g. SOM quality) of the labile fraction was the best predictor of the decomposition constant. STBI decreased with the increase of total carbon content and the losses on ignition, while the positive link between kTBI and SOM was observed only in automorphic soils. Thus, the soils rich in organic matter typically have low stabilization factor and relatively high decomposition constant. In the plant communities with herbaceous dominants, the SOM content was positively correlated with fine root production, this stresses the important role of productivity in the accumulation of organic matter.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1628-1643
pages 1628-1643 views


Vertical Moisture Transfer Investigation on Lysimeters Taking into Account Substrates Granulometric Heterogeneity

Salugin A., Balkushkin R.


The issues of soil-hydrophysical support of mathematical models of moisture movement, taking into account the heterogeneity of the soil, due to the spatial change in texture, are considered. The processes of vertical movement of moisture on large-sized lysimeters of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Volgograd) were studied. The influence of statistical heterogeneity of hydrophysical parameters of lysimeter substrates was studied on models of moisture transfer dynamics and formation of gravity flow developed in the environment of the HYDRUS-1D software package. The change in texture along the vertical profile of the lysimeters and the related variability of the main hydrophysical characteristic (WRC) were taken into account. The granulometric heterogeneity of the substrates was estimated by the scaling method, according to the scale factors of the WRC parameters, assuming a normal probability distribution of the logarithms of the pore space capillary radii between soil particles. The effect of texture on water-holding capacity, boundary and initial conditions, intensity of gravity runoff and cumulative accumulation of moisture was studied.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1644-1653
pages 1644-1653 views

Kinetic Assessment of the Biodegradability of Gel-Forming Soil Conditioners in Incubation Experiments with Instrumental Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide

Smagin A., Sadovnikova N., Belyaeva E., Korchagina K., Kokoreva A., Krivtsova V.


A quantitative study of the biodegradability of polymer soil conditioners is necessary for a reasonable prediction of their stability and functioning in soils. For this purpose, we proposed a new methodological approach based on PASCO (USA) equipment, which allows recording continuous kinetic curves of CO2 emission in laboratory experiments on incubation of composite gel-forming soil conditioners. Several characteristic types of respiratory curves have been identified and new physically based models have been proposed for their description with subsequent calculation of the half-lives of composite hydrogels. For the traditionally considered non-biodegradable acrylic superabsorbents of soil water, the possibility of rapid biodegradation was shown for the first time in the case of the introduction of a biologically active compost extract into their liquid phase. With this treatment, which brings laboratory experiments closer to real soil conditions, the half-lives of both the well-known Western superabsorbents Aquasorb and Zeba and the Russian hydrogels Aquapastus decreased by an order of magnitude from the initial values of 2–6 years to 0.1–0.3 years. In practice, this can negatively affect the profitability of using such materials for soil conditioning due to their rapid destruction and loss of functionality. The introduction of silver ions into innovative Aquapastus composite superabsorbents at a dose of 0.1% or 10 ppm in swollen gel structures effectively reduces their biodegradability, prolonging the half-life to 10 years or more, which is twice the German standard DüMV 05.12.12 for the stability of polymer meliorants.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1654-1670
pages 1654-1670 views


Dynamics of the Agroecological State of the Soils of the Central Chernozem Region during Long-Term Agricultural Us (on the Example of the Belgorod Region)

Lukin S.


The paper analyzes the results of eleven survey cycles of arable soils conducted from 1964 to 2022 in the southwestern part of the Central Chernozem region in the Belgorod region. In the steppe zone of the region, ordinary chernozems predominate, in the forest-steppe zone – typical and leached chernozems. During the eleventh survey cycle (2019–2022), the average level of application of mineral fertilizers was 114.4 kg a.i./ha, organic – 9.6 t/ha, liming of acidic soils – 43.8 thousand hectares per year. As a result, the average yield of winter wheat increased to 5.09, sugar beet – up to 45.6, corn for grain – up to 7.15 t/ha. At the same time, the maximum value of the weighted average content of organic matter (5.3%) was recorded in the soils of arable land for the entire observation period. The proportion of acidic soils decreased to 28.6%, including moderately acidic soils, to 3.0%. The value of hydrolytic acidity decreased to 2.7 cmolc/kg. The weighted average content of mobile forms of phosphorus (139 mg/kg) and potassium (161 mg/kg) is the highest in the Central Black Earth region. 85.7% of the surveyed soils belong to the category of low content of mobile forms of sulfur, zinc – 97.2, copper – 92.5, cobalt – 98.8, manganese – 40.1, molybdenum – 21.3%. In terms of the content of mobile forms of boron, 98.2% of the soils are classified as highly rich.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1671-1685
pages 1671-1685 views


Estimation of Carbon Stocks in Soils of Forest Ecosystems as a Basis for Monitoring Climatically Active Substances

Koptsik G., Koptsik S., Kupriianova I., Kadulin M., Smirnova I.


The eluvozems and soddy eluvozems on two-layer deposits dominating in the soil cover of the Zvenigorod biostation of Moscow State University contain, on average, 65–83 t/ha of organic carbon in the litter and a meter-deep layer of mineral strata. Carbon stocks are minimal in the soddy eluvozem of the complex spruce forest (59–68 t/ha), which is characterized by a lighter granulometric composition, and reach 76–92 t/ha in the soils of the birch–spruce and complex pine–spruce forests. At the same time, 3.3–5.8 t C/ha or 4–9% of the total organic carbon reserves are concentrated in the litter, and 64–69% in the upper mineral layer (0–20 cm). Different levels and profile distribution of organic carbon reserves in soils are determined by lithological and granulometric features and the nature of vegetation. The contribution of water-extractable organic carbon compounds to their total content in the upper mineral horizons of soils does not exceed 1.3–1.8%, microbial carbon, 1.7–2.4%. In acidic light loamy soils, the enrichment in calcium and potassium, the cation exchange capacity, the content of exchangeable bases, and the degree of saturation can serve as indicators of the content and reserves of organic carbon at the ecosystem level. The relationship with the content of finely dispersed fractions and oxalate-extractable Al and Fe is manifested to a lesser extent due to the similar origin and properties of soils. The variability of organic carbon stocks in soils is determined to the greatest extent by its content, the influence of which decreases with depth. Accounting for spatial heterogeneity, field measurements of the density and proportion of fine earth, and correct analytical determinations are essential components of the assessment of carbon stocks in soils of forest ecosystems as part of a national monitoring system for carbon pools and greenhouse gas fluxes under development.

Počvovedenie. 2023;(12):1686-1702
pages 1686-1702 views

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