
Conical Thecae of Precambrian Macroorganisms
Ivantsov A., Vickers-Rich P., Zakrevskaya M., Hall M.
Prasinophyte green algae Tasmanites and problematic fossils in the Upper Vendian Biota of the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia
Ragozina A., Dorjnamjaa D., Serezhnikova E., Zaitseva L., Enkhbaatar B.
Integrated Study of Microfossils in Stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation, Central Siberia
Litvinova T., Sergeev V.
New microorganisms from the Vendian (Ediacaran) of the Berezovsky Trough, southern Siberian Platform
Kolosov P.
Skeletal Nets of the Ediacaran Fronds
Luzhnaya (Serezhnikova) E., Ivantsov A.
Reconstruction of Charniodiscus yorgensis (Macrobiota from the Vendian of the White Sea)
Ivantsov A.
Trace Fossils from the Vendian-Cambrian Transitional Strata of the Igarka Uplift (Northwestern Siberian Platform)
Korovnikov I., Marusin V., Tokarev D., Obut O.
Cephalonega, A New Generic Name, and the System of Vendian Proarticulata
Ivantsov A., Fedonkin M., Nagovitsyn A., Zakrevskaya M.
Vendian Macrofossils of the Yudoma Group, Southeast of the Siberian Platform
Ivantsov A.
New Vendian Saarinid Microorganisms from the Siberian Platform
Kolosov P., Sofroneeva L.
Stellarossica gen. nov. and the Infragroup Keltmiides infragroup. nov.: Extremely Large Acanthomorph Acritarchs from the Vendian of Siberia and the East European Platform
Vorob’eva V., Sergeev V.
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