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Vol 58, No 1 (2024)

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Modern taxonomy and approaches to the identification of the genus Talaromyces (Trichocomaceae, Eurotiales)

Antonov Е.А., Aleksandrova A.V., Antonova I.I.


Talaromyces is a monophyletic genus of microscopic fungi which contain a large number of species, including clinically and biotechnologically significant ones. Since 2011 when species of Penicillium subg. Biverticillium were transferred to a Talaromyces, interest in the genus has grown significantly, a large number of new species have been described from various regions, especially Asia and North America. According to the generalized literature data on the 2023 year a genus Talaromyces have a 198 species. This paper provides an overview of the history and changes in the genus system, discusses the difficulties in identifying both using morphological and molecular characters, and gives information about genetic regions that are most convenient for the DNA barcoding procedure. Separately, provides a data about regions and substrates.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):3-18
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Aspergillus tabacinus as a producer of antithrombotic proteases

Lavrenova V.N., Osmolovskiy A.A.


Microfungi of the genus Aspergillus are well-known as producers of fibrinolytic and plasminogen activating proteases. But for development of new antithrombotics we should use strains which extracellular proteases correspond to these criteria: 1) demonstrate anticoagulant, fibrinolytic and plasminogen activating activities at the same time; 2) have narrow substrate specificity; 3) are able to hydrolase substrates of two following each other proteins of hemostasis system. According to these criteria Aspergillus tabacinus was chosen. Maximal activities of culture liquid of this strain grown in optimal conditions were 87 Е × 10–3 with activated protein C substrate S-2366 and 73 Е × 10–3 with thrombin substrate Chromozym TH. Fibrinogenolytic activity of lyophilized enzyme preparation after ammonium sulfate precipitation and dialysis was 779.1 Е/mg of protein.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):19-26
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Aspergillus niger АМ1 strain as causative agent for oil and petroleum products biodegradation

Mindubaev A.Z., Babynin E.V., Babaev V.M., Tutuchkina V.V., Minzanova S.T., Mironova L.G., Karaeva Y.V.


The biodegradation of oils by the strain Aspergillus niger AM1 VKM F-4815D was studied. Visual observation and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that oil is subject to partial destruction, but cannot serve as the only source of carbon — the culture medium must contain glucose. An interesting fact is the change in consistency and hardening of oil under the influence of A. niger. This allows us to consider the possibility of using the strain for the bioremediation of soils and waters contaminated with oil. No less interesting is that, even earlier, the ability of the strain to metabolize a number of toxic phosphorus compounds, including even white and red phosphorus, was established. However, most organic solvents have a noticeable toxic effect, inhibiting growth in the presence of glucose and not becoming carbon sources in the absence of glucose.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):27-35
pages 27-35 views


Antagonistic potential of bacterial strains of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas and fungi of the genus Trichoderma isolated in Uzbekistan against Phytophthora infestans

Azimova N.S., Khamidova H.M., Khalilov I.M., Elansky S.N., Chudinova E.M., Karimov H.H., Mamanazarova K.S., Kobilov F.B.


Studies have been carried out on strains of bacteria and fungi isolated in Uzbekistan, which can be used in the biological control of potato late blight. Testing was carried out on two strains of Phytophthora infestans — TVKT-1 and 4MSLK 26 — isolated from affected potato in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan and in the Moscow region of Russia, respectively. In relation to these strains, the antagonistic activity of strains of fungi belonging to the genus Trichoderma and bacteria of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas isolated in Uzbekistan was studied. The maximum antagonistic activity was shown by the Bacillus safensis 3/11 strain, which inhibited the growth of the mycelium of the TVKT-1 strain by 61.9% and 4MSLK 26 by 50%. The strains B. licheniformis 6/25 and Pseudomonas alcaliphila 2/18 were also quite effective. All studied strains of fungi of the genus Trichoderma showed high antagonistic activity; the most active strain was T. asperellum Uz-A4, which inhibited the growth of mycelium of strains TVKT-1 and 4MSLK 26 by 77.1 and 73.1%, respectively.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Comparative study of the efficiency of inducers of cotton resistance to verticillium wilt

Akhmedzhanov I.G., Khotamov M.M., Merzlyak P.G.


The effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with immunostimulant Bisol-2, red light and low frequency electromagnetic field on the content of fungitoxic substances of phenolic nature – phytoalexins (isohemigossypol and gossypol-equivalent) in infected etiolated cotton seedlings of S-4727 cultivar infected with Verticillium wilt pathogen was studied. It was found that photostimulation of seeds by red light induces phytoalexin formation in cotton tissues infected by the pathogen 1.5–2 times more effectively in comparison with Bisol-2 preparation or inducer of electromagnetic nature. The correlation between the content of phytoalexins in the tissues of seedlings, parameters of induction curves of chlorophyll fluorescence and the number of plants with signs of wilt lesions grown from treated and untreated seeds with inducers was revealed. This indicates the possibility of using red light and weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields as factors contributing to the intensification of phytoalexin formation in response to Verticillium wilt infection of cotton.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):44-53
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Distinction of Fusarium temperatum and F. subglutinans in the F. fujikuroi species complex

Gagkaeva T.Y., Gavrilova O.P., Orina A.S.


Fusarium strains isolated from the different plant hosts and formerly identified as Fusarium subglutinans s. l. according to morphological characteristics were analyzed in detail. Based on phylogenetic analysis of three loci (TEF, tub, and RPB2) two strains isolated from stem of wheat and root of rape were re-identified as F. temperatum. This is first report of rape and wheat as a novel plant host for F. temperatum that mainly associated with maize. This is also the first detection of F. temperatum in Russia. Other strains turned out to be F. subglutinans s.str. The examination of morphological characters has not revealed remarkable variation between the species: the features of F. temperatum and F. subglutinans are sufficiently similar to exclude confidence in identification based on visual assessment. Two F. temperatum strains possess alternate MAT idiomorphs, whereas the both F. subglutinans strains contain only MAT-1 idiomorph. Fertile crossings were observed between two F. temperatum strains in the laboratory conditions. Both F. temperatum strains produced beauvericin in high amounts of 1665 and 6106 μg kg-1 in contrast to F. subglutinans strains. Additionally, one F. temperatum strain produced 3407 μg kg-1 moniliformin. No one from the analyzed strains produced the fumonisins. The differentiation of the F. temperatum and F. subglutinans species is possible only with the involvement of molecular genetics and chemotaxonomic methods.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):54-68
pages 54-68 views


Experimental infection of small-diameter trees with chaga (Inonotus obliquus) in a postagrogenous birch forest

Paramonov S.G., Perelygin V.V., Zharikov M.V.


In Plyussky district of the Pskov region, an experiment was carried out to infect birch trees with the Chaga pathogen Inonotus obliquus in an 18-year-old postagrogenic birch forest. After 10 years of the experiment, sterile bodies of Chaga were found on six out of ten trees, swelling of the bark was found in one tree, and one tree died from Phellinus nigricans. Infected trees continued to grow at a rate no different from the rest of the forest. Sterile growths were mainly located above the inoculation site. The study showed that the production of Chaga raw materials can be considered as an additional form of forest management in the Non-Black Earth Region of Russia.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):69-73
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Taxonomy of the Typhula ishikariensis complex in Russia

Tkachenko O.B., Hoshino T., Matsumoto N.


The purpose of this publication is to show the history of the taxonomy of the Typhula ishikariensis complex and to provide more detailed geographical descriptions of those fungi in Russia. Three features on the description of this complex species are noted: morphological, crossing and molecular. Often, species described on different host plants have been recognized as synonyms of another previously described species, for example, T. humulina isolated from hop rhizomes and T. graminearum from first year seedlings of Pinus sylvestris and grass weeds have been synonymized with Typhula idahoensis. The latest work by Hoshino et al. distinguished four taxa (three species) based on dendrograms obtained by ITS and ribosomal DNA sequencing, crossing results, morphological and physiological characters: T. ishikariensis var. ishikariensis, T. ishikariensis var. idahoensis, T. hyperborea, and T. canadensis. T. ishikariensis var. idahoensis was found only in North America, and the last two species (T. hyperborea and T. canadensis) mainly in areas with extreme winter conditions. In Russia, Typhula ishikariensis var. ishikariensis, was recorded in the European part of Russia beyond the Arctic Circle: Apatity (Kola Peninsula), in places with a temperate climate: Moscow, St. Petersburg, the republics of Chuvashia and Mari El; and in Asia with a more severe climate: Sverdlovsk Region, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk Region (Hamar-Daban) and Sakhalin. T. canadensis and, presumably, the oldest T. hyperborea, inhabit mainly in areas with unstable and severe winter climates. T canadensis in Russia was noted by us in Asia in the Baikal region in the Ice Age refugium Khamar-Daban, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, and T. hyperborea in Asia in the Sverdlovsk region, Novosibirsk, Kamchatka and Chukotka (Anadyr), along with the European regions of Russia with a temperate climate in the Volga republics of Mari El and Tatarstan. These areas are characterized frequent autumn frosts, which promoted competition with another snow mold pathogen, the necrotroph Sclerotinia borealis. Underground damage of plant tissues, such as tulip bulb bases and roots, and hop rhizomes by T. ishikariensis var. ishikariensis occurred only in Russia. Perhaps the diversity in winter climate evolved and preserved diverse taxa, including ancestral forms. Obviously, such climatic fluctuations evolved organisms capable of survival under unstable stressful conditions, especially when climatic conditions change.

Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):74-81
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To the 90th anniversary of Lidiya Vasilyevna Garibova

Dyakov M.Y.
Mycology and Phytopathology. 2024;58(1):87-88
pages 87-88 views

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