
Changes in the Structure of Asphaltene Molecules in the Process of Initiated Cracking of Tars
Goncharov A., Krivtsov E.
Composition and Structure of the Asphaltene Components of Bituminous Oils
Kovalenko E., Sagachenko T., Min R., Ogorodnikov V., Perevezentsev S.
Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Oil Residue and Its SARA Fractions in the Presence of Vegetable Oil
Boyar S., Kopytov M.
Low- and High-Molecular-Weight Oxygen-Containing Compounds of the Organic Matter of Oil Shale from the Dmitrievskoe Deposit (Kuzbass)
Kovalenko E., Sagachenko T., Min R., Patrakov Y.
Influence of In Situ Formed Nickel- and Cobalt-Containing Catalysts on the Mechanism of Conversion of Heavy Oil Asphaltenes
Urazov K., Sviridenko N.
Influence of Heat Treatment Conditions on the Composition of Cracking Products of Oil Shale from the Kashpir Deposit
Mozhayskaya M., Pevneva G., Krivtsov E., Pantilov P.
Transformation of Heavy Oil Components in the Process of Initiated Cracking
Sviridenko N., Pevneva G., Voronetskaya N., Korol I.
Study of the Thermal Stability of Heavy Oil Resins and Asphaltenes by Thermogravimetry
Pevneva G., Voronetskaya N., Kopytov M.
Influence of Acid Reagents on Oil Sediment Formation
Prozorova I., Yudina N.
Changes in the Composition of Heavy Oil and the Structure of Asphaltenes upon Treatment with Isopropyl Alcohol
Korneev D., Osnitskii E., Voronetskaya N., Pevneva G., Klimenko L.
Composition and Structure of the Oil Sediments of Resinous Oil
Loskutova Y., Prozorova I., Volkova G., Yudina N.
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