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Том 164, № 4 (2018)


Pumping Function of Heart Ventricles in Different Mammalian Species under Conditions of Electrical Cardiostimulation

Kibler N., Nuzhny V., Nuzhny P., Rogachevskaya O.


Pumping function of the heart ventricles under conditions of electrical stimulation was examined in adult dogs and rabbits. Pacing induced different changes in intracardiac hemodynamics manifested in impairment of pumping function of the right ventricle, which is largely determined by the functional state of the left ventricle. Initially high HR in rabbits more deeply limited functional reserve of the myocardium in response to electrical stimulus and was accompanied by more pronounced disturbances of pumping function of both ventricles.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):409-412
pages 409-412 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Cellular Composition of the B- and T-Cell-Dependent Areas in the Small Intestine during the Post-Stress Period (Experimental Study)

Koplik E., Ivanova E., Pertsov S.


A quantitative study of lymphoid cells in the B- and T-cell-dependent areas of intestinal lymphoid nodules and mesenteric lymph nodes in behaviorally passive and active rats was performed at various periods after acute stress on the model of 1-h immobilization with simultaneous electrocutaneous stimulation. Stress exposure is accompanied by a decrease in the number of lymphoid cells in immunogenic structures of the gastrointestinal tract. Post-stress changes in the cytoarchitectonics of B- and T-cell-dependent areas in mesenteric lymph nodes of animals are less pronounced than in lymphoid nodules. Quantitative changes in lymphoid cells of B-cell-dependent areas in the small intestine of rats are greater than in T-cell-dependent areas. Changes in the cellular composition of immunogenic structures in the digestive system are most significant at the early stages of the post-stress period (1st week). Passive rats are characterized by significant changes in the cytoarchitectonics of B- and Tcell-dependent areas in the small intestine after extreme exposure, which illustrates functional exhaustion of the lymphoid tissue in stress-predisposed specimens.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):413-419
pages 413-419 views


Effect of Physical Rehabilitation on Echocardiographic Parameters in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Volodina K., Linchak R., Achkasov E., Alaeva E., Bulgakova O., Puzin S., Buvalin N.


Echocardiographic parameters were assessed in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, who underwent emergency percutaneous coronary intervention followed by various outpatient physical cardiac rehabilitation programs. The patients underwent physical rehabilitation for 3 months under conditions of diagnostic centre in the rehabilitation unit according to the standard program including in treadmill or bicycle exercise in the exercise therapy room or with Nordic walking in the main training block. After rehabilitation course, the left ventricular mass index significantly decreased and systolic volume and left ventricular ejection fraction significantly increased in both groups. Nordic walking training for 3 months non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome induced similar positive shifts in the parameters of intracardiac hemodynamics, as standard treadmill or bicycle training program, which allows considering it as an alternative cardiac rehabilitation method.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):420-424
pages 420-424 views

Changes in Activity of Cysteine Cathepsins B and L in Brain Structures of Mice with Aggressive and Depressive-Like Behavior Formed under Conditions of Social Stress

Zhanaeva S., Rogozhnikova A., Alperina E., Gevorgyan M., Idov G.


We studied activity of lysosomal cysteine proteases, cathepsins B and L, in brain structures (frontal cortex, caudate nucleus, hippocampus, and hypothalamus) of C57Bl/6J mice with aggressive and depressive-like behavior formed under conditions of chronic social stress (repeated experience of victories and defeats within 20 days). Mice with depressive-like behavior showed increased activity of cathepsin В in the hypothalamus and nucleus caudatus and increased activity of cathepsin L in the hippocampus compared to control animals not subjected to agonistic confrontations. In mice with aggressive behavior, protease activity in the studied brain structures was not changed. In 4 h after immune system activation with LPS (250 μg/kg), cathepsin L activity in the hippocampus of control mice increased in comparison with mice receiving saline. In contrast to control animals, LPS caused a decrease in activity of the enzyme in the caudate nucleus and frontal cortex of aggressive mice and in the hippocampus of mice with depressive-like behavior.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):425-429
pages 425-429 views

Sex Differences in the Production of SLC5A5, Thyroid Peroxidase, and Thyroid Hormones in Pubertal Rats Exposed to Endocrine Disruptor Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) during Postnatal Ontogeny

Yaglova N., Sledneva Y., Nazimova S., Obernikhin S., Yaglov V.


Sex differences in the expression of iodide transporter SLC5A5 and thyroid peroxidase in thyroid follicular epithelium and thyroid serum profile were assessed in pubertal rats exposed to endocrine disruptor DDT starting from the first postnatal day. It was found that exposure to DDT reduced expression of SLC5A5 in peripheral regions of thyroid lobes in males and in central regions in females. The most pronounced sex differences were observed in thyroid peroxidase expression that remained sensitive to thyroid stimulating hormone regulation in males and lost sensitivity to pituitary stimulation in females after exposure to disruptor, which determines more pronounced hypothyroidism in females.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):430-433
pages 430-433 views

Experimental Simulation of the Effects of Essential and Toxic Trace Elements on Thyroid Function

Barysheva E.


The effects of essential (I, Se, and Zn) and toxic (Pb and Cd) trace elements on the thyroid function were studied experimentally. The protective effects of iodine, zinc, and selenium on thyroid tissue and antithyroid effects of toxic trace elements promoting a decrease in the levels of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) and imbalance of pituitary hormones (TSH) were detected. Addition of toxic trace elements to the ration of experimental rats led to their accumulation in the thyroid (0.051 μg/g Pb and 0.190 μg/g Cd). Negative correlations between the levels of toxic and essential trace element accumulation in the organ were detected. Essential trace elements zinc and selenium involved in thyroid hormone metabolism promoted normalization of the thyroid function. A complex of essential trace elements (I, Se, and Zn) was recommended for correction of mineral metabolism under conditions of iodine deficiency and thyroid hypofunction and in exposure to toxic trace elements.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):439-441
pages 439-441 views

α-Tocopherol Reduces Morphological Changes and Oxidative Stress during Gentamicin-Induced Acute Renal Failure

Stojiljkovic N., Ilic S., Veljkovic M., Todorovic J., Mladenovic M.


We studied the effect of α-tocopherol on gentamicin-induced morphological and functional changes in the kidneys of Wistar rats. Special attention was paid to the ability of α-tocopherol administered in combination with gentamicin to correct ultrastructural changes in the glomerular basal membrane and tubules. Combined treatment with α-tocopherol (100 mg/kg) and gentamicin (100 mg/kg) led to correction of histopathological and biochemical changes and oxidative injury to the kidneys induced by this antibiotic.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):442-445
pages 442-445 views

Expression of Adhesion Molecules in Activated Endothelium after Interaction with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Zhidkova O., Andreeva E., Buravkova L.


The studied the expression of intercellular adhesion molecules and transcription of the corresponding genes in intact and activated endothelial cells both in monoculture and during interaction with mesenchymal stromal cells. It was found that the levels of integrin-α1 and VE-cadherin mRNA increased during co-culturing. TNFα-induced activation of endothelial cells enhanced expression of integrin-α1 both at the mRNA and protein synthesis stages and had no effect on the level of VE-cadherin. Direct contact with mesenchymal stromal cells did not eliminate the effect of endothelial cell activation, but expression of integrin-α1 and VE-cadherin in activated endothelial cells tended to decrease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):453-455
pages 453-455 views

Analysis of IL-1α, bFGF, TGF-β1, IFNγ, MMP-1, and CatD Expression in Multinuclea Macrophages In Vitro

Il’in D., Arkhipov S., Shkurupy V.


The incidence of mono- and multinuclear cells and their expression of pro- and antifibrotic factors were studied in cultured peritoneal macrophages from intact and BCG-infected mice. Generally, the expression of factors increased with an increase in the number of nuclei per cell. However, the expression was higher in macrophages from BCG infected mice, except the cells with 3 and more nuclei, extremely rarely expressing IL-1α in cultures from intact and BCG-infected animals. The number of macrophages with 3 and more nuclei, expressing CatD, was comparable with the number of mono- and binuclear macrophages. Presumably, this was determined by various mechanisms of formation of multinuclear (3-5 and more nuclei) macrophages, for example, by amitosis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):456-458
pages 456-458 views

L-Lysine-α-Oxidase: Acidovorax citrulli Bacterium Inhibitor

Smirnova I., Karimova E., Shneider Y., Volina E.


Studies of the effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai F-180 culture fluid concentrate containing L-lysine-α-oxidase antitumor enzyme produced by the fungus and the homogenous enzyme, on ultrahazardous bacterium Acidovorax citrulli demonstrated the antibacterial activity of the concentrate. Trichoderma harzianum Rifai F-180 producing L-lysine-α-oxidase was cultured in a technological device at G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and. Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences. Activity of L-lysine-α-oxidase in the resulted culture fluid concentrate was 0.54 U/ml, activity of the homogenous enzyme was 50 U/mg.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):459-461
pages 459-461 views

Role of Endogenous Melatonin in the Regulation of Th17/Treg Balance during Pregnancy

Glebezdina N., Olina A., Nekrasova I., Kuklina E.


We studied the role of endogenous melatonin in the development and functioning of T cells that produce IL-17 (Th17) and regulatory T cells (Treg) during pregnancy. The study was performed ex vivo and in vitro with auto-serum as the source of endogenous melatonin under conditions of blockade of melatonin-dependent signaling. Participation of the hormone in the regulation of differentiation of both CD4+RORγt+ and CD4+FoxP3+T cells and their key products IL-17A and TGF-β was demonstrated. It is known that the normal gestational process is accompanied by a decrease in Th17/Treg ratio due to hormonal changes. The sensitivity of the studied subpopulations to melatonin during pregnancy can affect its outcome.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):462-465
pages 462-465 views

Studying the Phenotypic and Genotypic Expression of Antibiotic Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni under Stress Conditions

Efimochkina N., Stetsenko V., Bykova I., Markova Y., Polyanina A., Aleshkina A., Sheveleva S.


Specific features for the development of resistance in Campylobacter jejuni strains were studied after treatment with antibiotics of 6 pharmacological groups. Populations of 18 native strains of C. jejuni (isolated from raw poultry products) and their subcultures (obtained after 2-3-fold stress exposures to antimicrobial agents in subinhibitory doses) were examined to evaluate the expression of phenotypic antibiotic resistance. Genotypic properties of strains were studied by the PCR with primers that detect the presence of genes for resistance to aminoglycosides (aphA-1, aphA-3, and aphA-7), tetracyclines (tetO), and quinolones (GZgyrA). The majority of test strains of C. jejuni exhibited a high resistance to nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline, which reached the maximum value after numerous passages. The expression of antibiotic resistance was greatest in the presence of nalidixic acid and tetracycline. Ciprofloxacin resistance of 33% strains, which were initially resistant to this antibiotic, was increased after 2-3-fold treatment. We revealed a high degree of correspondence between phenotypic and genotypic profiles of antibiotic resistance in food isolates of Campylobacter. One, two, or more genes of aphA were identified in 85% strains phenotypically resistant to aminoglycosides. The tetO gene was found nearly in all strains resistant to tetracycline. Studying the biofilm matrix in C. jejuni after culturing with antibiotics in subinhibitory doses showed that quinolones (particularly nalidixic acid) and tetracyclines potentiate the formation of biofilms and increase the tolerance of Campylobacter to stress exposures. The intensity of biofilm growth was shown to depend little on the effect of macrolides and aminoglycosides. Therefore, the presence of these agents in residual concentrations is associated with a lower risk for the development of antibiotic resistance in C. jejuni populations.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):466-472
pages 466-472 views

Experimental Evaluation of the Effects of Low-Dose Heparin on the Behavior and Morphofunctional Status of the Liver in Wistar Rats with Posttraumatic Stress Disorders

Kondashevskaya M.


Posttraumatic stress disorders were induced in Wistar rats by modeling predatory stress. Animals tested in elevated plus-maze demonstrated signs of high anxiety and difficulties in space orientation. Behavioral disorders were paralleled by degenerative changes in hepatocytes. A course of low-dose high-molecular heparin after stress exposure promoted effective adaptation and normalization of behavioral and morphofunctional disorders. Analysis of the results indicated good prospects of heparin as an effective drug under conditions of exposure to extreme factors of psychotraumatic type.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):488-492
pages 488-492 views

Changes in Canonical β-Catenin/Wnt Signaling Activation in the Adrenal Cortex of Rats Exposed to Endocrine Disruptor Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) during Prenatal and Postnatal Ontogeny

Tsomartova D., Yaglova N., Yaglov V.


Prenatal and postnatal exposure to low doses of the endocrine disruptor dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) leads to delayed activation of the canonical β-catenin/Wnt signaling in zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex in rats, which changed the rate of their postnatal development. Suppression of the Wnt pathway in zona fasciculata promotes its regeneration after DDT-induced blood circulation disorders and cell death.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):493-496
pages 493-496 views

Peculiarities of Cyto- and Chemoarchitectonics of Human Entorhinal Cortex during the Fetal Period

Zykin P., Moiseenko I., Tkachenko L., Nasyrov R., Tsvetkov E., Krasnoshchekova E.


We studied peculiarities of the structure of human entorhinal cortex at weeks 20-26 of gestation (10 hemispheres). The samples were Nissl-stained and immunohistochemically treated with antibodies to parvalbumin, calretinin, calbindin, and cytoskeleton proteins (MAP2 and N200). 3D-reconstruction of the entorhinal cortex from serial sections was performed, caudomedial and rostrolateral areas were isolated. Parvalbumin+ cells in layer I, discrete distribution of layer II cells with colocalization of MAP2 and calretinin at the border with layer I, and two sublayers Va and Vb with MAP2+ neurons were typical for the caudomedial area. Rostrolateral area was characterized by the homogenous layer II with big amount of cells, high density of MAP2+ neurons only in layer III, and the unique layer V. Reelin+ Cajal—Retzius cells and N200+ fiber plexus in layer I were observed in the caudomedial and rostrolateral areas of the entorhial cortex. Layer IV was represented by a cell-free desiccant.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):497-501
pages 497-501 views

Effect of Vitrification on Functional Morphology and Viability of the Ovarian Tissue

Yuzhakov V., Malinova I., Kiseleva M., Fomina N., Bandurko L., Komarova E., Sevan’kaeva L., Ingel’ I., Yakovleva N., Kaprin A.


The results of a complex morphofunctional study with markers of proliferation (PCNA and Ki-67), angiogenesis (CD31 and CD34), and structural integrity of mesenchymal cells (vimentin) suggest that the pool of primordial follicles was well preserved in vitrified ovarian tissue and that viability of its cellular components can be rapidly restored during incubation at 37°C within 4 h after thawing.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):502-507
pages 502-507 views

Intracellular Reorganization of Cardiomyocytes in Dyslipidemic Cardiomyopathies

Lushnikova E., Semenov D., Nikityuk D., Koldysheva E., Klinnikova M.


The study examined the myocardial ultrastructural alterations in rats maintained on various atherogenic diets. It revealed the complex ultrastructural alterations of cardiomyocytes and endotheliocytes (including the lytic and destructive changes of the intracellular organelles, upregulation of the autophagocytosis in the cardiomyocytes, and necrobiosis with apoptosis of endotheliocytes) reflecting the cytopathic features of circulating cholesterol and lipoproteins, whose elevation determined the intensity of destructive processes. The revealed peculiarities in the changes of lipid inclusions (their osmiophilic transformation) in cardiomyocytes can be provoked by entry of cholesterol into the cells and its further metabolic modifications. During moderate dyslipidemia, the cardiomyocytes demonstrated the ultrastructural signs of induction of intracellular regeneration (marked with the clusters of polysomes in the intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal spaces with appearance of neogenic myofilaments) and upregulated pinocytotic activity. In all cases, up-regulated autophagocytosis in cardiomyocytes was accompanied by accumulation of myelin- and vacuole-like structures in the intercellular spaces and capillary lumens paralleled with appearance of activated forms of macrophages and fibroblasts in the myocardium.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):508-513
pages 508-513 views

Analysis of Dynamic Geometric Configuration of the Aortic Channel from the Perspective of Tornado-Like Flow Organization of Blood Flow

Zhorzholiani S., Mironov A., Talygin E., Tsyganokov Y., Agafonov A., Kiknadze G., Gorodkov A., Bokeriya L.


Analysis of the data of morphometry of aortic casts, aortography at different pressures, and multispiral computer tomography of the aorta with contrast and normal pulse pressure showed that geometric configuration of the flow channel of the aorta during the whole cardiac cycle corresponded to the conditions of self-organization of tornado-like quasipotential flow described by exact solutions of the Navier—Stokes equation and continuity of viscous fluid typical for this type of fluid flows. Increasing pressure in the aorta leads to a decrease in the degree of approximation of the channel geometry to the ratio of exact solution and increases the risk of distortions in the structure of the flow. A mechanism of evolution of tornado-like flow in the aorta was proposed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):514-518
pages 514-518 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Nootropic Activity of a Novel (-)-Cytisine Derivative (3aR,4S,8S,12R, 12aS,12bR)-10-Methyl-2-Phenyloctahydro-1H-4,12a-Etheno-8,12-Methanopyrrolo[3’,4’:3,4]Pyrido[1,2-a] [1,5]Diazocine-1,3,5(4H)-Trione

Makara N., Sapozhnikova T., Khisamutdinova R., Tsypysheva I., Borisevich S., Kovalskaya A., Petrova P., Khursan C., Zarudii F.


We performed screening of nootropic properties of 10 new derivatives of quinolizidine alkaloid (-)-cytisine. Compounds with β-endo stereochemistry were more active than α-endo-isomers. Under stress conditions (3aR,4S,8S,12R,12aS,12bR)-10-methyl-2-phenyloctahydro-1H-4,12a-etheno-8,12-methanopyrrolo[3’,4’:3,4]pyrido[1,2-a] [1,5]diazocine-1,3,5(4H)-trione enhanced memory and had a positive effect on cognitive functions of rats. According to molecular docking data, the nootropic activity of the compound can be associated with its affinity for the glutamate-binding subunits GluK1 and GluR2 of the kainate and AMPA receptor, respectively.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):434-438
pages 434-438 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Co-Culturing of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells with Autological and Allogenic Lymphocytes

Kapranov N., Davydova Y., Gal’tseva I., Petinati N., Bakshinskaitė M., Drize N., Kuz’mina L., Parovichnikova E., Savchenko V.


We studied the effect of autologous and allogeneic lymphocytes on multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in co-culture. It is shown that changes in multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and in lymphocytes did not depend on the source of lymphocytes. Contact with lymphocytes triggers expression of HLA-DR molecules on multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and these cells lose their immune privilege. In multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, the relative level of expression of factors involved in immunomodulation (IDO1, PTGES, and IL-6) and expression of adhesion molecule ICAM1 increased, while expression of genes involved in the differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells remained unchanged. Priming of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells with IFN did not affect these changes. In turn, lymphocytes underwent activation, expression of HLA-DR increased, subpopulation composition of lymphocytes changed towards the increase in the content of naïve T cells. These findings are important for cell therapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):446-452
pages 446-452 views


Comparative Analysis of Polyethyleneimine Efficiency for Improvement of Plasmid DNA Bioavailability

Ustinova T., Yuidin M., Vengerovich N., Stepanov A., Gadzikovskii S.


We studied the influence of the type and structure of polyethyleneimine on bioavailability and expression of plasmid DNA carrying IGF-1 gene. Polymers with different molecular weights (2.5, 10, 25, and 60 kDa) of linear and branching structure were studied. It was found that the time of polyplex circulation in the blood did not exceed 24 h and the maximum concentration of plasmid DNA was attained with complexes with a molecular weight of 60 kDa. Analysis of liver samples showed that administration of 60-kDa branched polyethyleneimine complex provides DNA protection from degradation for 4 h; in 24 h from the start of the experiment, its concentration was significantly higher than the concentration of other studied polyethyleneimines. The expression of plasmid IGF-1 DNA for this complex attained maximum in 4 h and was equal to 15.50 (7.98; 21.98) arb. units/ml. These results allow us to recommend using polyethyleneimines with branched structure and a molecular weight of 60 kDa for improving plasmid DNA protection and bioavailability.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):473-477
pages 473-477 views


Induction of Alternative Splicing and Inhibition of Activity of Telomerase Catalytic Subunit by Apoptotic Endonuclease EndoG in Human T, B, and NK Cells

Zhdanov D., Gladilina Y., Pokrovskaya M., Aleksandrova S., Grishin D., Podobed O., Sokolov N.


The effect of apoptotic endonuclease EndoG on alternative splicing of mRNA of human telomerase catalytic subunit hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase) and telomerase activity in normal human lymphocytes were studied. Human CD4+, CD8+, B, and NK cells were transfected with a plasmid pEndoG-GFP containing EndoG gene or control plasmid pGFP. The levels of mRNA of EndoG or hTERT splicing variants were analyzed by real-time PCR. Protein content was assessed by Western blotting. Telomerase activity was measured by the telomere repeats amplification protocol. EndoG overexpression reduced the expression of active full-length hTERT and increased the expression of inactive splice variant. Shifted balance of hTERT splice variants in cells led to a significant decrease in telomerase activity within 72 h after transfection.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):478-482
pages 478-482 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in the Development of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Cardiomyopathy

Koldysheva E., Klinnikova M., Nikityuk D., Ivleva E., Listvyagova N., Lushnikova E.


Immunohistochemical assay was employed to determine localization of MMP-2 in cardiomyocytes of WAG rats and changes in MMP-2 expression during modeled cardiomyopathy induced by single intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamide (125 mg/kg) alone or in combination with preventive intraperitoneal administration of an equal dose of asparcam-L (potassium-magnesium asparaginate) 30 min prior to the cytostatic. In the myocardium of control and experimental rats, MMP-2 was mostly located in cardiomyocyte nuclei. During the development of cyclophosphamide-induced cardiomyopathy (in 3 days after injection), the index of MMP-2-positive cardiomyocyte nuclei increased by 76%. In contrast to control hearts, MMP-2 was also expressed in the cardiomyocyte sarcoplasm. Preventive injection of asparcam-L moderated the cardiotoxic effect of cyclophosphamide, which manifested in less pronounced increase in the volume density of cardiomyocytes with lytic changes (by 42%) and index of MMP-2+ cardiomyocyte nuclei (by 23%) in comparison with the rats exposed to cyclophosphamide alone.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):483-487
pages 483-487 views


Infrared Fluorescent Angiography during Experimental Trachea Transplantation

Akopov A., Papayan G., Efimov A., Nikityuk D., Yaprintsev V., Magruk M.


Indocyanine green fluorescence was used for evaluation of the degree of trachea revascularization after its autotransplantation in rabbits (transplantation of 1- and 2-cm segment of the trachea). Intravenous administration of indocyanine green was followed by a significant fluorescence of the substance in microvessels of the trachea over 30-40 sec. Immediately after surgery, fluorescence in the implanted segment was absent, but within 7 days it was completely restored in rabbits receiving transplantation of a 1-cm segment. After transplantation of 2-cm segment of the trachea, fluorescence did not recover, which corresponded to the clinical picture and autopsy results. Thus, fluorescent angiography is an informative method for evaluation of trachea revascularization.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):519-522
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Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine

Preparation of Human Olfactory Ensheathing Cells for the Therapy of Spinal Cord Injuries

Voronova А., Stepanova O., Valikhov M., Chadin A., Dvornikov А., Reshetov I., Chekhonin V.


We developed an optimal protocol for preparing and culturing of olfactory ensheathing cells from human olfactory mucosa. Using this protocol, we obtained a culture enriched with human olfactory ensheathing cells. Immunofluorescence analysis by simultaneous expression of GFAP and p75NTR markers showed that the content of ensheathing cells was maximum in passage 3 and 4 cultures (94 and 89.5%, respectively). The developed protocol can be recommended for obtaining autologous preparations of human ensheathing cells for cell therapy of spinal cord injuries.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):523-527
pages 523-527 views

Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine)

Measuring of Adhesion Force in the Cell—Cell System Based on Atomic Force Microscopy Technology

Skorkina M., Shamray E., Sladkova E.


We developed and tested a method for fabrication of a biosensor chip based on native human whole blood lymphocyte and a titanium tipless cantilever. The biosensor can be used for measuring intermolecular adhesion forces in the cell—cell system by using atomic force spectroscopy. The developed biosensor chip was applied for measuring adhesion force between lymphocyte and granulocyte and between lymphocyte and erythrocyte in healthy individuals and in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (before treatment, during standard treatment, and during relapse). It was found that adhesion force between lymphocyte and granulocyte and between lymphocyte and erythrocyte increased almost twice during relapse, which is an important diagnostic marker of early cytological abnormalities indicating progression of the disease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):528-529
pages 528-529 views

KrioBlastTM as a New Technology of Hyper-fast Cryopreservation of Cells and Tissues. Part I. Thermodynamic Aspects and Potential Applications in Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine

Katkov I., Bolyukh V., Sukhikh G.


Kinetic (dynamic) vitrification is a promising trend in cryopreservation of biological materials because it allows avoiding the formation of lethal intracellular ice and minimizes harmful effects of highly toxic penetrating cryoprotectants. A uniform cooling protocol and the same instruments can be used for practically all types of cells. In modern technologies, the rate of cooling is essentially limited by the Leidenfrost effect. We describe a novel platform for kinetic vitrification of biological materials KrioBlastTM that realizes hyper-fast cooling and allows overcoming the Leidenfrost effect. This opens prospects for creation of a novel technology of cell cryopreservation for reproductive and regenerative medicine.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):530-535
pages 530-535 views

Isolation and Characterization of Human Myoblast Culture In Vitro for Technologies of Cell and Gene Therapy of Skeletal Muscle Pathologies

Tabakov V., Zinov’eva O., Voskresenskaya O., Skoblov M.


We analyzed cultures of 5 independent myoblast lines from human skeletal muscles. It was shown that the content of desmin-positive cells in cultures at early passages exceeds 90%. Typical morphofunctional signs of myogenic differentiation disturbances were identified and their dynamics was studied. Signs of alternative adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of cells were revealed. Based on these data, limitations for the use of myoblast cultures of certain passages for biomedical research and cell therapy were evaluated.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):536-542
pages 536-542 views

In Vitro Modeling of Co-Transplantation of Multipotent Stromal Mesenchymal Cells from Orbital Fat Pad and Lipoaspirate of Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Organ Culture in Collagen Gel

Borzenok S., Afanas’eva D., Gushchina M., Ostrovskii D., Domogatsky S., Osidak E.


The interplay of multipotent stromal cells derived from the orbital fat pads and cells of the lipoaspirate from the subcutaneous adipose tissue was studied using in vitro co-transplantation model in an organ culture in a collagen gel. Microscopy findings and intensity of apoptosis and cell proliferation in cultures of lipoaspirate with and without multipotent stromal cells showed that the cells maintained their viability, proliferation capacity, and cytokine secretion activity. Higher proliferatitive activity of cells in cocultures promotes renewal of fat transplant cells and can help to maintain its stable volume in delayed terms after transplantation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):543-549
pages 543-549 views

Matrix Metalloproteinases MMP-1 and MMP-9 and Their Inhibitor TIMP-1 as Markers of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Patients of Different Age

Antonov I., Kozlov K., Pal’tseva E., Polyakova O., Lin’kova N.


We studied the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and inhibitor TIMP-1 in myocardial autopsy samples from subjects of different age and in cardiomyocyte cultures in the norm and in dilated cardiomyopathy. In autopsy samples of normal myocardium and in cardiomyocyte cultures, expression of molecules involved in extracellular matrix remodeling did not change during aging. In dilation cardiomyopathy, expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 and their ratios in autopsy material and in cultures was elevated by 1.5-9 times. Remodeling of extracellular matrix plays an important role in the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy. MMP-2, MMP-9, and their inhibitor TIMP-1 and the MMP/TIMP ratios can be regarded as promising predictors of dilated cardiomyopathy and used for evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of this conditions in patients of different ages.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):550-553
pages 550-553 views

Some Peculiarities of Local Distribution of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells after Their Injection into Intact Muscle Tissue in Experiment

Maiborodin I., Morozov V., Anikeev A., Maslov R., Figurenko N., Matveeva V., Maiborodina V.


Changes in the muscular tissue after subcutaneous injection of autologous bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells transfected with GFP gene and additionally stained with cell membrane dye Vybrant CM-Dil in the projection of ligated femoral vein were studied by light microscopy with luminescence. Stromal cells injected through the skin can appear not only in the damaged tissue where acceleration of regeneration processes is required, but also in intact structures located in superficial or deeper layers. In intact muscular tissue, stromal cells spreading in the perivascular tissue initiate inflammation and migration of macrophages, activate and even trigger sclerotic processes due to differentiation into connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) and stimulation of proliferation and collagen synthesis by host fibroblasts. Injected multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells are gradually phagocytized by macrophages.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):554-560
pages 554-560 views

Analysis of the Basic Characteristics of Osteogenic and Chondrogenic Cell Lines Important for Tissue Engineering Implants

Astakhova N., Korel’ A., Shchelkunova E., Orishchenko K., Nikolaev S., Zubairova U., Kirilova I.


We isolated and characterized cultures of bone and cartilage tissue cells of laboratory minipigs. The size and morphological features of adherent osteogenic and chondrogenic cells were specified. During long-term culturing under standard conditions, the studied cultures expressed specific markers that were detected by immunohistochemical staining: alkaline phosphatase and calcium deposits in osteoblasts and type II collagen and cartilage extracellular matrix in chondrogenic cells. Proliferative potential (mitotic index) of both cell types was 4.64% of the total cell number. Cell motility, i.e. the mean velocity of cell motion was 49 pixels/h for osteoblasts and 47 pixels/h for chondroblasts; the mean migration distance was 2045 and 2118 pixels for chondroblasts and osteoblasts, respectively. The obtained cell lines are now used as the control for evaluation of optimal biocompatibility of scaffold materials in various models. Characteristics of the motility of the bone and cartilage tissue cells can be used for modeling and estimation of the rate of cells population of 3D scaffolds made of synthetic and biological polymers with different internal structure and physicochemical properties during designing in vitro tissue implants.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):561-568
pages 561-568 views

Monocytes with Oncogenic Mutation JAK2 V617F as a Tool for Studies of the Pathogenic Mechanisms of Myelofibrosis

Silyutina A., Gin I., Prikhod’ko S., Zhuk S., Butylin P., Zaritskii A.


We analyzed previously generated stable monocyte-derived cell line carrying mutation JAK2 V617F. Evaluation of the expression of pro- and antifibrotic factors revealed changes in the production of MMPs and their inhibitors, growth factors, galectin-3, and pentraxin 3 in cells carrying mutation JAK2 in comparison with control non-modified cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):569-575
pages 569-575 views

Survival of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Different Methods of Nebulization

Aver’yanov A., Konoplyannikov A., Antonov N., Osipova G., Vasil’eva O., Sakharova M., Tatarskii A., Kobylyansky V.


We compared survival of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells after compressor, ultrasound, and mesh nebulization of the cell suspension over 10 min. Viability of stromal cells was best preserved after compressor nebulization (72%). Cell survival after ultrasonic nebulization was significantly lower (20%). After mesh nebulization, no live cells were found. Thus, compressor nebulization is the most preferable method of the production of cell aerosol for their delivery to the lower respiratory tract.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):576-578
pages 576-578 views

Specificity of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Biomedical Cell Products

Tulina M., Pyatigorskaya N.


The article describes special aspects of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for biomedical cell products (BMCP) that imply high standards of aseptics throughout the entire productio process, strict requirements to donors and to the procedure of biomaterial isolation, guaranty of tracing BMCP products, defining processing procedures which allow to identify BMCP as minimally manipulated; continuous quality control and automation of the control process at all stages of manufacturing, which will ensure product release simultaneously with completion of technological operations.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(4):579-582
pages 579-582 views

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