
Stability of Hypotensive Activity in Freeze-Dried Preparations of Dinitrozyl Iron Complexes with Glutathione (“Oxacom”) throughout the Period of Storage for 15 Years at Ambient Temperature
Vanin A., Abramov A., Timoshin A., Lakomkin V., Tkachev N.
Effect of the nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor L-NAME on the isolated rat heart after hypokinesia
Sungatullina M., Zaripova R., Ziyatdinova N., Yafarova G., Andrianov V., Gainutdinov K., Zefirov T.
Study of the Effect of Sodium-μ2-Dithiosulphate-Tetranitrosyl Diferrate Tetrahydrate on the Structure of Mitochondrial Membranes Isolated from Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Krikunova N., Vorobyova A., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
The effect of the antioxidant system resveratrol - iron sulfonitrosyl complex sodium-μ2-dithiosulphate-tetrarntrosyl diferrate tetrahydrate on the mitochondria of pea germ epicotyls in vitro
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Content of Nitrogen Monoxide and Copper in the Hippocampus of a Rat Model of Short-Term Cerebral Ischemia Followed by Reperfusion
Gainutdinov K., Andrianov V., Yafarova G., Bazan L., Bogodvid T., Iyudin V., Filipovich T., Shanko Y., Tokalchik Y., Kulchitsky V.
Why gaseous nitric oxide inhalation does not influence on systemic arterial pressure in human and animal organisms?
Vanin A., Abramov A., Vagapov A., Timoshin A., Pekshev A., Lakomkin V., Ruuge E.
High- dose nitric oxide gas inhalation for HIV infection
Pekshev A., Vagapov A., Sharapov N., Vanin A.
Role of nitric oxide and calcium ions in the effects of hydrogen sulfide on contractile activity of rat jejunum
Sorokina D., Shaidullov I., Gizzatullin A., Sitdikov F., Sitdikova G.
Dinitrosyl iron complexes with thiol-containing ligands as sources of universal cytotoxins - nitrosonium cations
Vanin A., Tkachev N.
Therapeutic effects of high-dose inhaled nitric oxide gas against post-covid syndrome, diabetes or AIDS
Vanin A., Pekshev A., Pechyonkin E., Vagapov A., Sharapov N.
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