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No 7 (2023)

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Analytical Investigation of a Single-Server Queueing System with an Incoming MAP Event Flow

Gortsev A.M., Nezhel'skaya L.A.


This paper considers a single-server queueing system with an incoming Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) request flow with two states. Explicit expressions are derived for the stationary probability distribution of the states and several numerical characteristics of the system (the probability of idle time of the server, the expected number of requests in the system, and the mean queue length). The resulting numerical characteristics are presented in tables and plotted in graphical form as well. The recurrent MAP flow with two states as a special case of correlated MAP request flows is studied.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):3-22
pages 3-22 views

On Continuous Random Processes with Fuzzy States

Khatskevich V.L.


Continuous random processes with fuzzy states are studied. The properties of their numerical characteristics (expectations and correlation functions) corresponding to those of numerical random processes are established. The results obtained are based on the properties of fuzzy random variables. Applications to the problem of transforming a random signal with fuzzy states by a linear dynamic system are considered.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):23-40
pages 23-40 views

The Guaranteeing Estimation Method to Calibrate a Gyro Unit

Akimov P.A., Matasov A.I.


This paper is devoted to the guaranteeing estimation method with application to the calibration problem of a gyro unit. Mathematical models are constructed to describe the kinematics of the gyro unit on a test bench. The applicability limits and errors of the models are investigated. A numerical solution procedure is developed for guaranteeing estimation problems based on their reduction to l1-approximation problems.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):41-65
pages 41-65 views

Period-Time Parametric Identification Method for Solving Location and Navigation Tasks

Bulychev Y.G., Mozol' A.A.


With regard to location and navigation tasks for single-position passive observer, a bearing-free method for identifying parameters of a polynomial model of object motion has been developed taking into account evolution of the discrepancy between the periodic radiated and received quasi-periodic signal. The passage of a signal in an arbitrary physical environment is considered, at the same time, knowledge of the period of the emitted signal and assessing the current Doppler frequency are not required. The method is based on counting the number of periods of the received signal in a given surveillance intertissue. The issues related to the analysis of the resulting discrepancy by the observability of the method and its accuracy characteristics are considered. Useful practical recommendations and an illustrative context are given.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):66-82
pages 66-82 views

Machine Learning for Diagnosis of Diseases with Complete Gene Expression Profile

Mikhaylov A.M., Karavay M.F., Sivtsov V.A., Kurnikova M.A.


This paper considers the use of machine learning for diagnosis of diseases that is based on the analysis of a complete gene expression profile. This distinguishes our study from other approaches that require a preliminary step of finding a limited number of relevant genes (tens or hundreds of genes). We conducted experiments with complete genetic expression profiles (20 531 genes) that we obtained after processing transcriptomes of 801 patients with known oncologic diagnoses (oncology of the lung, kidneys, breast, prostate, and colon). Using the indextron (instant learning index system) for a new purpose, i.e., for complete expression profile processing, provided diagnostic accuracy that is 99.75% in agreement with the results of histological verification.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):83-92
pages 83-92 views

Method for Unmanned Vehicles Automatic Positioning Based on Signal Radially Symmetric Markers Recognition of Underwater Targets

Shakirzyanov R.M., Shleymovich M.P., Novikova S.V.


The article describes a method for automatically recognizing the target points of the trajectories of unmanned vehicles moving underwater, such as autonomous submarines and flying underwater vehicles of aircraft-like structures. The coordinate of the center of an object with radial symmetry properties is considered a terminal control point. A method for constructing a multiscale weighted image model based on the developed fast radial symmetry transformation and the Hough method is proposed, which ensures noise stability and high speed of calculating the coordinates of the desired point. When the object of interest has a contour of a specific color, a model is based on our proposed chromatic and weight components. As an example of detection, we have given an algorithm for detecting a base underwater station with light markers as a signal luminous ring

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):93-120
pages 93-120 views

Statistical Complexity as a Criterion for the Useful Signal Detection Problem

Galyaev A.A., Lysenko P.V., Berlin L.M.


Three variants of the statistical complexity function, which is used as a criterion in the problem of detection of a useful signal in the signal-noise mixture, are considered. The probability distributions maximizing the considered variants of statistical complexity are obtained analytically and conclusions about the efficiency of using one or another variant for detection problem are made. The comparison of considered information characteristics is shown and analytical results are illustrated on an example of synthesized signals. A method is proposed for selecting the threshold of the information criterion, which can be used in decision rule for useful signal detection in the signal-noise mixture. The choice of the threshold depends a priori on the analytically obtained maximum values. As a result, the complexity based on the total variation demonstrates the best ability of useful signal detection.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):121-145
pages 121-145 views

On Asymptotically Optimal Approach for Finding of the Minimum Total Weight of Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees with a Given Diameter

Gimadi E.K., Shtepa A.A.


We consider the intractable problem of finding several edge-disjoint spanning trees of the minimum total weight with a given diameter in complete undirected graph in current paper. The weights of edges of a graph are random variables from several continuous distributions: uniform, biased truncated exponential, biased truncated normal. The approximation algorithm with time complexity O(n2), where n is number of vertices in graph, is proposed for solving this problem. The asymptotic optimality conditions for constructed algorithm is presented for each considered probabilistic distribution.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):146-166
pages 146-166 views

31.08.1931 - 25.04.2023

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Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(7):167-168
pages 167-168 views

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