Avtomatika i telemehanika

ISSN (Print): 0005-2310ISSN (Online) 2413-9777

Media registration certificate: № 0110164 от 04.02.1993

Founders:  Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the RAS; Institute of Control Sciences of the RAS; Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Editor-in-Chief: Galyaev Andrey Alekseevich , corresponding member of RAS, Institute of Control Sciences of the RAS

Number of issues per year: 12


Translated version: Scopus, Web of Science.

The journal is published under Department of Energy, Mechanics, Engineering and Management Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences at V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS. Co-founder of the journal is A.A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS.

The journal is one of the oldest periodicals in the world devoted to the problems of control sciences. The journal publishes the results in the field of theory and practice of automatic control.

Journal “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” is published in Russian and translated in English as «Automation and Remote Control». It is distributed in print both in Russian Federation and worldwide.

Articles submitted to the journal must be written in Russian. There is no publication fee for authors.


Publisher's imprint and related links

Journal name:

  • Автоматика и телемеханика (in Russian),
  • Avtomatika i Telemekhanika (trasliteration),
  • Automation and Remote Control (title of translated in English version).

Abbreviation: АиТ (in Russian), AiT (transliterated), ARC (English title)
Abbreviation in reference lists:

  • Avtom. i Telemekh. (transliterated or Russian version reference),
  • Autom. Remote Control (English title).


In English references please do not use transliteration (for issues since 1956), but rather refer to translated issues under title “Automation and Remote Control”. Its content is freely available on Springer web-site since 2001.


Citation databases and metrics

Journal “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” (in Russian) is listed in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals, where main results of PhD dissertations and Doctor of Science dissertations should be published prior defence, see http://vak.minobrnauki.gov.ru - in Russian

Being fully translated in English as title “Automation and Remote Control”, the journal is listed in Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection.
In Web of Science Automation and Remote Control has Impact Factor (IF) 2022: 0.538,
In Scopus 2021: H-index 37, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 0.325.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Print journal and mail subscription

Journal publisher is Akademizdatcenter “Nauka” RAS.
The certificate of registration of mass media No. 0110164 issued 04.02.1993.
Print issues volume is around 320 copies.
Periodicity 12 issues per year annually (monthly).
Average issue volume is around 15.6 conventional printed sheets.
Printer's sheet format is 70х100 1/16.
Language of the journal is Russian.

Print issues may be ordered via subscription index No. 70001 in Russan mail catalogue in post-offices.


Translation into English language

All scientific articles of the journal “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” are being translated in English since 1956 and are being published under title “Automation and Remote Control”, with print ISSN 0005-1179, online ISSN (eISSN) 1608-3032.

Currently translation and publishing are performed by the English Editor board of the journal. Subscription is provided by Springer (electronically or in print)

As title “Automation and Remote Control” the journal is listed in main citation databases and listed in Web of Science Core Collection (see WoS Master Journal List) and Scopus (see Scopus Source List).

Current Issue

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Access granted  Restricted Access Subscription Access

No 12 (2023)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Open Access Open Access
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Restricted Access Subscription Access


pages 3-5 views
Adaptive Control Algorithm for Unstable Vertical Plasma Position in Tokamak
Mitrishkin Y.V., Ivanova S.L., Mukhtarov K.S.

The problem considered includes the development and modeling of an adaptive control algorithm for unstable vertical plasma positioning in a vertically elongated tokamak. At each iteration, a new PID controller is automatically synthesized for the evolving plasma
model identified using the least squares method. The parameters of the feedback controller were computed based on the desired placement of the poles of the closed-loop control system in the left half-plane of the complex plane. The initial control system model utilized was a robust system synthesized using Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT). The system was simulated on a real-time digital test bed (https://www.ipu.ru/plasma/about).

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):6-17
pages 6-17 views
Structural Spectral Methods for Solving Continuous Lyapunov Equations
Yadykin I.B., Galyaev I.A.

For linear multivariable continuous stationary stable control systems with a simple spectrum, presented in the form of a canonical diagonal form, controllability and observability forms, a method was developed and analytical formulas for spectral decompositions of gramians in the form of various Xiao matrices were obtained. A method and algorithm for calculatin  generalized Xiao matrices in the form of the Hadamard product for multiply connected continuous
linear systems with many inputs and many outputs have been developed. This allows us to calculate the elements of the corresponding controllability and observability gramians in the
form of products of the corresponding elements of the multiplier matrices and a matrix that is the sum of all possible products of the numerator matrices of the matrix transfer function of the system. New results are obtained in the form of spectral and singular decompositions of the inverse gramians of controllability and observability. This makes it possible to obtain invariant decompositions of energy functionals and formulate new criteria for the stability of linear systems taking into account the nonlinear effects of mode interaction.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):18-37
pages 18-37 views
Probabilistic Assessment of a Pentapeptide Composition Influence on Its Stability
Mikhal'skiy A.I., Novosel'tseva Z.A., Anashkina A.A., Nekrasov A.N.

The influence of the arrangement of amino acid residues in a pentapeptide on its stability is being studied. A forecast of pentapeptide stability is made using the gradient boosting method, which allows one to evaluate the influence of each feature on the stability of the pentapeptide. Combinations of amino acid arrangements in the pentapeptide have been identified that make a significant contribution to its stability. It has been shown that the use
of such combinations reduces the amount of data required to obtain a reliable prediction of pentapeptide stability.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):38-48
pages 38-48 views
Models and Methods for Checking the Attainability of Goals and Feasibility of Plans in Large-Scale Systems Using the Example of Goals and Plans for Elimination of the Consequences of Flood
Tsvirkun A.D., Rezchikov A.F., Kushnikov V.A., Dranko O.I., Bogomolov A.S., Selyutin A.D.

Models and methods have been developed to verify the achievability of goals and the feasibility of plans implemented when managing large-scale systems in their development. An algorithm for analyzing the achievability of a set of goals and plans implemented when managing these systems is proposed and justified. Statements and hypotheses that make it possible to machine-check the feasibility of plans have been generated. A model example is given that confirms the possibility of checking the feasibility of plans for eliminating the consequences of a flood using the developed models and methods. In managing large-scale systems development, it is advisable to use control loops that check the achievability of set goals and the feasibility of plans over a selected time interval. In the absence of this verification, the chosen trajectory of development of a large-scale system at specific points in time may turn out to be unrealizable,
which will lead to disruption of the work being carried out, as well as to significant costs of the human, financial, technical and other types of resources for the implementation of obviously impracticable plans.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):49-63
pages 49-63 views
Zadachi i metody upravleniya zapasami v ierarkhicheskoy sisteme skladov
Khobotov E.N., Aver'yanova E.E.
Рассматриваются задачи управления многономенклатурными запасами в иерархических системах складов при постоянном спросе в условиях ограниченной вместимости складов. Снабжение системы складов может производиться несколькими поставщиками. Для решения этих задач предлагаются модели и методы, позволяющие в соответствии с имеющимся спросом определять время и величину пополнения всех складов, находящихся на различных уровнях такой системы складов.
Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):64-79
pages 64-79 views
Zadachi i metody postroeniya raspisaniy rabot dlya predpriyatiy so stapel'noy sborkoy vypuskaemykh izdeliy
Khobotov E.N.
Рассматриваются задачи построения расписаний работ для предприятий со стапельной сборкой изделий. В состав таких предприятий может входить несколько производственных подразделений, в которых изготавливаются комплектующие, предназначенные для сборки из них на стапелях выпускаемых изделий. Для решения рассматриваемых задач предлагаются методы, позволяющие строить согласованные расписания работ для всех производственных подразделений предприятия.
Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):80-95
pages 80-95 views
Optimization of Group Incentive Schemes
Burkov V.N., Burkova I.V., Kashenkov A.R.

This paper considers the problem of motivating the reduction of project duration. The duration cuts of project works and the corresponding costs are given. A group incentive scheme is used to compensate for the costs. In this scheme, all works are partitioned into groups and a unified incentive scheme is applied for each group. Two types of unified incentive schemes are studied for groups, namely, linear and jump ones. The problem is to partition all project
works into groups and choose an appropriate incentive scheme for each group by minimizing the total incentive fund. Solution algorithms are proposed based on determining the shortest
path in the network. Special cases are also analyzed (partition with the minimum number of groups and partition with the maximum number of groups).

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):96-105
pages 96-105 views
Comparison of Distribution Procedures in Blended Finance
Shchepkin A.V.

This paper is devoted to the blended (joint) finance mechanism of a megaproject consisting of several projects. One part of the megaproject budget comes from the megaproject manager and the other part from project contractors. When distributing this budget,
the megaproject manager considers information about the amount of the contractor’s internal funds allocated to project implementation. Project contractors seek to get more funds from the megaproject manager; in turn, the megaproject manager is interested in attracting more funds from project contractors. To achieve this goal, the megaproject manager applies different procedures to distribute the budget. Project contractors use the information reported to the
megaproject manager to increase the funds allocated to them. Straight and reverse priority distribution procedures in the blended finance mechanism are analyzed. A distribution procedure is determined that stimulates project contractors to allocate more of their internal funds to the project in a Nash equilibrium.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):106-119
pages 106-119 views
An Attracting Cycle in a Coupled Mechanical System with Phase Shifts in Subsystem Oscillations
Tkhay V.N.

This paper considers the set of reversible mechanical systems with single-period oscillations and individual phase shifts in them. The problem of aggregating a coupled system with an attracting cycle is solved. The approach developed below is to choose a leader (control)
system that acts on the other (follower) systems through one-way coupling control: in an aggregated system, there are no links between follower systems. Universal coupling controls are used. Particular attention is paid to conservative systems. Possible scenarios for the operation of the aggregated system are presented.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):120-132
pages 120-132 views
An Interval Observer-Based Method to Diagnose Discrete-Time Systems
Zhirabok A.N., Zuev A.V.

This paper proposes a method for diagnosing linear dynamic systems described by discrete-time models with exogenous disturbances based on interval observers. Formulas are derived to construct an interval observer producing two values of the residual as follows: if zero is between these values, then the system has no faults to be detected by the observer. The case where zero does not belong to the interval between these values is qualified as the occurrence
of a fault. The theoretical results are illustrated by an example.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):133-145
pages 133-145 views
Planirovanie mnogoetapnoy deyatel'nosti intellektual'nym robotom v usloviyakh neopredelennosti
Melekhin V.B., Khachumov M.V.
Показана актуальность создания интеллектуальных роботов различного назначения, способных эффективным образом решать сложные многоэтапные задачи целенаправленной деятельности в априори неописанных проблемных средах. Предложены оригинальные по содержанию элементы продукционной модели представления знаний безотносительно к конкретной предметной области. Построенная таким образом модель представления знаний позволяет интеллектуальным роботам автоматически планировать целенаправленную деятельность в условиях неопределенности, опираясь на обобщенное описание возможных закономерностей проблемной среды. Разработаны процедуры автоматического синтеза графа “видимости”, определяющего формальным образом воспринимаемый интеллектуальным роботом участок проблемной среды. Это, в свою очередь, позволяет роботу автоматически формировать локально-оптимальный маршрут целенаправленного перемещения в априори неописанных условиях функционирования. Синтезированы процедуры автоматического планирования интеллектуальным роботом целенаправленной деятельности, связанной с преобразованием текущей ситуации проблемной среды в заданную целевую ситуацию в условиях неопределенности.
Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(12):146-168
pages 146-168 views

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