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卷 14, 编号 1 (2021)



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Original researches

Evaluation strength of the supporting apparatus of the lens at combination of age-related cataract with involutional changes in connective tissue

Sorokin E., Belonozhenko Y., Krivko S., Danilov O.


AIM: The clinical evaluation of zonules condition in patients with age-related cataracts without weak zonular support signs against the background of connective tissue somatic involutional changes.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The main group consisted of 70 patients (70 eyes) with connective tissue involutional somatic pathology without concomitant eye pathology, eye injuries, and decompensated systemic diseases; the control group included 60 people (60 eyes) with age-related cataracts without connective tissue involutional pathology. Using ocular echography (Aviso S, Quantel Medical, France) with high resolution (50 MHz) sensor, we estimated the “ciliary processes to lens equator” distance symmetry in 2 main meridians (of 6 and 12 hours). Its equal value in 2 opposite meridians or difference less than 0.3 mm between them was considered as the sign of symmetry; the difference of 0.3 mm and more was a sign of asymmetry.

RESULTS: The presence of “ciliary processes to lens equator” distance asymmetry between the meridians was revealed in 28 eyes in the main group (40%); in 14 of the eyes with asymmetry ranging from 0.4 and more, a 1st degree lens subluxation was revealed intraoperatively.

CONCLUSIONS: The presence of “ciliary processes to lens equator” distance asymmetry indicates subclinical involutional changes in the lens’ ligament apparatus, which has a prognostic value for choosing a model of an intraocular lens to be implanted.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views


Novikov S., Tkachenko N., Frolov O., Seyfeddin A.


前言: 复发性角膜糜烂(RCE)的特点是病情加重和缓解交替出现,大大降低了患者的生活质量,使其日常生活和工作变得困难。在保守治疗效果不佳的情况下,可采用手术方法:金刚石钻针抛光、光学治疗性角膜切削术、前基质层穿刺术、羊膜移植术。每种方法都有其优点和缺点,也有一定的复发率。在这方面,角膜胶原交联(CCL)的使用在寻找RCE手术治疗的替代方法中很有意义。

材料和方法: 18名30至66岁的RCE患者(平均年龄在49.5±10.6岁),在保守治疗无效的情 况下(超过6个月),按照德累斯顿协议在UV X 1000的设备上(IROC INNOCROSS公司(瑞士))进行了CCL。

结果: 在观察期间(1至6年,平均2.6±1.6年),所有患者的RCE症状完全缓解,没有复发。最大矫正视力有轻微但有统计学意义的增加(CCL前0.93±0.09/后0.97±0.07)。

结论: 在中央基质没有混浊的情况下,CCL可能是一种额外的、有效的RCE治疗方法。在未来,最好使用改良的交联技术,控制其影响的深度,以避免对基质角质细胞产生不利 的影响。

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Endpoints selection in registration clinical trials and the needs of real-world clinical practice with the example of anti-VEGF therapy in neovascular age-related macular degeneration

Astakhov S., Plavinskii S.


The issues of endpoints selection for regulatory requirements and real-world clinical practice using the example of anti-VEGF therapy in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) are discussed in the article. New technologies (optical coherent tomography) introduction are shown to change clinical practice but not regulatory requirements on the endpoints. In the same time for regulatory purpose clinical trials design is changed from superiority to non-inferiority. The changes in the approach to primary endpoint selection are not anticipated due to regulator’s conservatism but there is a requirement to the comparison with best treatment alternative (i.e. same class comparator in case of anti-VEGF therapy) due to ethical reasons. To satisfy real-world clinicians need, the secondary endpoints are analyzed, but multiple testing problem appears. Statistical methods developed in recent years allow using specified comparison to be made without inflating Type I error. HAWK and HARRIER clinical trials demonstrated an example how superiority of brolucizumab over aflibercet on anatomical endpoints was reliably found.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Effects of treatment interruption on anatomical and functional status of eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration receiving anti-VEGF therapy

Kharakozov A., Kulikov A., Maltsev D.


AIM: To study anatomical and functional changes in eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) receiving anti-VEGF therapy and experienced treatment interruption during COVID pandemic.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 58 eyes (49 patients, 34 males and 15 females with a mean age of 73.2 ± 9.4 years) with nAMD. Eyes in the first-year treatment group (18 eyes) received up to 7 intravitreal aflibercept injections, eyes in the second-year treatment group (21 eyes) were treated with pro re nata regimen. The treatment interruption period in the first and second-year treatment group was 5.5 ± 0.7 and 5.5 ± 1.0 months, respectively.

RESULTS: Over the treatment interruption period, the first-year treatment group showed no statistically significant differences in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and central retinal thickness (CRT), p = 0.25 and p = 0.09, respectively. At the same time, the second-year treatment group showed a statistically significant decrease in BCVA (p = 0.0004) and an increase in CRT (p = 0.002). Baseline BCVA was positively associated with BCVA at the end of treatment interruption (r = 0.82; p < 0.0001). Presence of sub- and intraretinal fluid (p = 0.015 and p = 0.007, respectively), low BCVA (p < 0.0001), high CRT (p = 0.019), alteration of the ellipsoid zone (p < 0.001) were negatively associated with BCVA at the end of treatment interruption. Age (p = 0.8), gender (p = 0.41), and the number of intravitreal injections (p = 0.5) showed no association with changes in BCVA.

CONCLUSIONS: NAMD patients of the second year of anti-VEGF therapy appear to have a higher risk of functional loss during treatment interruption. Higher CRT and lower BCVA, as well as sub- and intraretinal fluid before treatment interruption, are associated with poorer functional status at the end of the interruption period.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):35-42
pages 35-42 views


Pashtaev N., Grigorieva I.


目的: 评估低温巩膜加固术的有效性。

材料和方法: 对184名中度和高度进行性近视的儿童(313只眼睛)(平均年龄为11.72±3.76岁)进行了低温巩膜加固术(观察组)和Pivovarov’s巩膜加固术(对照组)术前及术后对比。

结果: 根据两年随访期间获得的数据,在低温巩膜加固术后的患者组中,折射球面等效的年均差(∆SEm)和前后轴的平均年梯度(∆APAm)都比较小。在较小年龄亚组(9岁以下)的儿童中,观察组的∆SEm为-0.48±0.45D,对照组为-0.51±0.34D;在较大年龄亚组(9岁及以上),观察组为-0.35±0.31D,对照组为-0.69±0.61D(p=0.047)。观察组9岁以下儿童的∆APAm为0.15±0.11毫米,对照组为0.31±0.14毫米(p=0.016);9岁及以上儿童的∆APAm分别为0.29±0.18毫米和0.34±0.32毫米。

结论所开发的低温巩膜加固术在眼球内部有鼻下侧和颞上侧两个手术入口;巩膜加固术材料 均匀地附着在巩膜上,覆盖眼球的四个象限;固定在眼直肌下;观察期为24个月,显示出良好的稳 定效果。

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views


Matcko N., Gatsu M.


研究目的: 研究诊断预测因素,以优化成年患者发生慢性中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(CSCR)和卵黄样营养不良(VD)的鉴别诊断。在多模态诊断的基础上,确定成人患者慢性CSCR和VD特征最具有参考价值的临床诊断标准,评估其预后。

材料和方法: 该研究包括61名患有长期神经上皮脱落(ND)的患者(90只眼睛)。收集了所有患者的病史和家族史并进行了全面的常规检查:视力测定与最佳矫正视力(BCVA),裂隙灯显微镜和眼底照相,视网膜光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和血管成像(OCT-A),短波自体荧光(SW-AF),视网膜荧光血管造影(FAG),吲哚菁绿色视网膜血管成像(ICGA)。将患者分为2组:VD患者30名(30只眼睛), 慢性CSCR患者31名(31只眼睛)。对所进行的各类检查标准进行了研究,并使用ROC分析评估其预 后价值。

结果: 诊断成人VD最具有参考价值的非侵入性预测因素被定义为:该病的阳性家族史、高荧光(HAF)的亮度和梯度、特征性的«半月形»和«珠状»高荧光、存在大量视网膜下沉积和«钟乳石»沉积。诊断慢性CSCR最具有参考价值的非侵入性预测因素是:主要病灶以外的额外低AF或高AF点,又或是主病灶外的区域,神经上皮的高反射点和脉络膜厚度增加,«双层»症状,脉络膜新生血管的 存在。两组预后价值最高的是对SW-AF的研究。

结论: 获得的结果可以优化VD和慢性CSCR的鉴别诊断。

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views


Ultrasound biomicroscopy in ophthalmology

Tereshchenko A., Erokhina E., Volodin D.


This review presents data on the use of the method of ultrasonic biomicroscopy (UBM) of the anterior segment of the eye in ophthalmological practice in adults and children. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a contact non-invasive method for visualizing structures of the anterior segment of the eye using high-frequency ultrasound in the range from 35 to 100 MHz. Literature data indicate that UBM can be used to visualize almost all structures of the anterior segment, including the cornea, iridocorneal angle, anterior chamber, iris, ciliary body and lens, as well as the peripheral parts of the retina, vasculature and vitreous. There is data on the use of this method in the study of pathogenetic aspects of glaucoma, pseudoecfoliative syndrome, various types of cataracts, post-traumatic injuries of the anterior segment of the eye, meimobium gland dysfunction and other ophthalmopathologies. The use of UBM in children, due to the peculiarities of its implementation, is not widespread, but due to the specificity of the data obtained using it, it is promising. The limited information about the use of UBM in retinopathy of prematurity and the diagnostic capabilities of the method makes its use especially relevant in this severe retinal disease of premature newborns.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):63-73
pages 63-73 views

Non-standard computer perimetry in the diagnosis of some optic neuropathies

Tikhonovskaya I., Simakova I.


Modern computer perimetry is divided into traditional – white stimulus-on-white background, the gold standard of which is perimetry performed by using expert class perimeters Humphrey and Octopus and therefore called standard automatic or automated perimetry (SAP), and non-traditional or non-standard perimetry, which differs, first of all, in a different nature of a stimulus. The article is a review devoted to the assessment of the diagnostic capabilities of non-standard computer perimetry in the form of different variants of perimetry with doubling the spatial frequency (Frequency Doubling Technology Perimetry or FDT perimetry), which is performed by using perimeters of the 1st (Carl Zeiss Humphrey 710 Visual Field / FDT, 1997) and the 2nd (Carl Zeiss Humphrey Matrix / HM 715, 800 Visual Field Analyzer, 2005, 2010) generation. Most authors consider that FDT perimetry is effective in a glaucoma screening and, possibly, in monitoring a glaucomatous process, but only a few authors consider that non-standard perimetry method can be useful in diagnosing optic neuropathies of a different nature.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):75-87
pages 75-87 views

The role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma. Part 1. Connective tissue

Zhuravleva A., Kirillova M., Zueva M., Kadyshev V.


The article presents an analytical review of works devoted to molecular and genetic studies in primary open-angle glaucoma from the perspective of the concept of hereditary inferiority of the connective tissue of the eye (“scleral component”), and the entire body as a whole, as triggers in the development of the disease. The relationship between the main theories of the pathogenesis of glaucoma optical neuropathy and the determining role of molecular and genetic mechanisms of specific changes in the eye tissue is shown. The clinical features of primary open-angle glaucoma in patients with a family history are analyzed. Potentially new directions for preclinical diagnosis of glaucoma and pathogenetically oriented therapy are proposed.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):89-100
pages 89-100 views

Case reports

Optical coherence tomography in the diagnosis of choroidal neovascularization in children

Zhukova S., Samsonov D., Zlobin I.


AIM: Report cases of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in children and describe structural and hemodynamic changes in retina associated with this pathology detected by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and OCT-angiography (OCTA).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 6 children (4 girls, 2 boys) aged from 7 to 17 years with CNV associated with pathological myopia, post-traumatic choroid rupture and optic disc abnormalities were examined. The activity of neovascular complexes was evaluated by ophthalmoscopy, OCT, and OCTA. The maximum follow-up period was 4 years.

RESULTS: 7 cases of CNV were detected. One child had a two-way process. Myopic and posttraumatic membranes were localized sub- and juxtafoveally and were the membranes of type 2. In children with optic disc anomalies of the 1 type membrane and mixed (1st and 2nd) type was located extrafoveally. The decrease in visual acuity was determined by the localization of membranes, the severity of edema, and the severity of dystrophic changes in the retina. On OCT, subretinal fluid and hyperreflective material corresponding to hemorrhages were visualized in the projection of active membranes. OCTA revealed a network of small capillaries with a large number of loops and anastomoses. Intravitreal angiogenesis inhibitors injections were performed in 5 cases. A persistent effect after a single injection was observed in 2 cases. The return of membrane activity in 3 cases allowed us to justify the repeated administration of angiogenesis inhibitors. Along with a decrease in the activity of CNV, progressive dystrophic changes in the pigment epithelium around the membrane were detected.

CONCLUSIONS: High sensitivity of OCT was demonstrated for early detection of structural and hemodynamic retinal disorders, determining the activity of neovascular complexes, predicting outcomes of the disease, and evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. The progression of dystrophic changes in the retinal pigment epithelium in response to therapy with angiogenesis inhibitors requires long-term monitoring of children and determining the optimal strategy for treating CNV in children.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):101-110
pages 101-110 views


Veniamin Vasilievich Volkov (The 100th birth anniversary)

Beldovskaya N., Reytuzovv V., Rubtsova I.


Article is dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored worker of science of RSFSR professor V.V. Volkov. Authors described his life, scientific and pedagogic activity.

Ophthalmology Journal. 2021;14(1):111-118
pages 111-118 views
