Vol 48, No 5S (1999)


The influence of hormonal replacement therapy on immune system in patients with hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency

Abashova E.I., Poteen V.V., Rulev V.V., Selkov S.A., Grigorjeva V.V.


Objective: To study the influence of steroid hormones on interferon (IFN) status indices and cytotoxic activity of natural killer (NK)-cells index in patients with hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):20-20
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ABO-isoimmunization prognosis

Abdrahmanova L.R., Sadykov B.G., Turunovskaya M.V.


Objective: predelivery prognosis of immunoconflict in the course of clinical observation of ABO-incompatible pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):20-20
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Effects of estrogen/progestin therapy in women with ovarian insufficiency associated with weight loss

Abdulkadyrova Z.K.


Objective: To study the influence of estrogen/progestin therapy on the hypothalamic-hypophysial-ovarian system in patients with hypogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency associated with weight loss.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):21-21
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Sandoglobulin in prophylaxis and treatment of septic complications after cesarean section

Abramchenko V.V.


Objective: To compare the efficacy of different types of IgG using in prophylactic and treatment of septic complications after Cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):21-21
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Antioxidants and adaptation in gestosis pathogenesis in pregnant women

Abramchenko V.V., Kostyushov E.V., Scherbina L.A.


Objective. The purpose of the study was to estimate functional state changes of separate antioxidant system components in serum and whole blood in women with physiologic pregnancy in their I, II, III trimesters and in pregnant women with different clinical forms of gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):22-22
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The effect of benzodiazepin tranquilisators on the psychosomatic status of the high risk group of pregnant women

Abramchenko V.V., Kaplun I.B.


Objective. The purpose of the study was to regulate the contractile activity of the uterus through the central nervous system and to have some psychotrophic effect.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):22-22
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Experimental study of the sensitivity pregnant and nonpregnant uterus to the bradykinin and parmidin

Abramchenko V.V., Dvalishvili M.G., Schvarts G.


Objective. The purpose of the present study was to examine the sensitivity of isolated nonpregnant and pregnant rat uterus to spasmogenic action of bradykinin and effect of antibradykinin agent - pyridonolcarbamat (Parmidin).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):23-23
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Primary antiphospholipid syndrome: therapeutic management during pregnancy

Agadjanova A.A., Sidelnikova V.M., Abubakirova A.M.


Objective: To test hypothesis that plasmapheresis could be effective in complex therapy of primary antiphospholipid syndrome in women with recurrent pregnancy losses during pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):23-23
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The changes of the level of blood antioxidant and prooxidant action of metalloproteins in normal pregnants

Aghajanova L.M., Simonian M.A.


From the blood of normal pregnant women, it was isolated, purified and determined the quantitative changes of the antioxidant (Cu, Zn-SOD, catalase, ceruloplasmin, transferrin) and recently discovered new prooxidant action metal lipoproteins (cytochromes B558III, B558IV, obtained from membranes of erythrocytes, and suprol-superoxide producing lipoprotein, obtained from blood serum), as well as cytochrome B5 soluble fraction of erythrocytes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):24-24
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Problems of antenatal diagnostics of intrauterine infection

Ailamazyan E.K.


Materials that define the present situation of the teaching on intrauterine infections, of solved and unsolved problems of their diagnostics in mother and fetus are summed up in the report.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):24-24
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Changes in parameters of platelet-vessel haemostasis in pregnants with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)

Ailamazyan E.K., Petrishchev N.N., Mozgovaya E.V.


Objective: To study the parameters of platelet-vessel link of haemostasis in pregnants with IDDM.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):25-25
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Peculiarity of adaptation of neonates and placenta in the case of genital chlamydiosis in mothers

Ailamazyan E.K., Evsyukova I.I., Koroleva L.I.


Objective: To assess condition of newborns in early neonatal period in comparison with results of immunomorphological investigation of placenta in mothers with genital chlamydiosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):25-25
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Maternal risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity - a population-based study

Akhmadeyeva E.N., Saidacheva E.I.


Objective: Evaluation of possible perinatal risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):26-26
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Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in pregnants

Akopian T.E., Tioutiounnik V.L., Zaidieva Z.S.


Objective: The aim of the research is the investigation of the microbiological characteristics of bacterial vaginosis (BV) in pregnant women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):26-26
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Humoral and mucosal immunity in uncomplicated and complicated EPH-gestos of pregnants

Aleksandrova M.O., Tchebotkevitch V.N.


Objective: to study the humoral and mucosal immunity in uncomplicated and complicated EPH-gestos of pregnants.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):27-27
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The effect of virolex and immunoglobulin therapy on the specific antiviral neonatal immunity with herpes-virus infection

AIeksandrovsky A.V., Kudashov N.I., Vanko L.V.


Objective: the outcomes of researches conducted in Center by the employees of the department of neonatal pathology and the lab of clinical immunology have shown that the herpes-virus infection in the neonates develops on a background of immunodeficiency. The severity of infection clinical manifestations correlated with a decrease of specific antiviral antibodies level and the deficit of cells, inherings to T-helper subpopulation. The aim of the given research was the analysis of the specific humoral immunity condition in the neonates with a herpes-virus infection on a background of therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):27-27
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Effect of extractum eleutherococci fluidum on the prolactin basal level in the blood of the women during lactogenesis

Alekseev N.P., Omelyanjuk E.V., Talalaeva N.E., Molchanov A.A.


Objective: To explore the effect of extractum eleutherococci fluidum (EEF) on secretion prolactin (PRL), 8 breastfeeding women (experimental group) were treated with oral EEF (5 ml, four times daily) during 8 days after delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):28-28
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Nitric oxide donors for treatment of preterm labor

Ananyeva V.V., Kuzminikh T.U., Abramchenko V.V.


Objective: To estimate the effect of nitric oxide donors on prolongation of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):28-28
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Laparoscopic hysterectomy for obese patients

Andreyev A.L.


Objective: Traditional gynecological operations, especially hysterectomy, for obese patients are very difficult, traumatic and often have complications. The aim of the study was to identify a feasible and safe technique of laparoscopic hysterectomy for these patients and to investigate the results of its application.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):29-29
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Excretion of nitrites, nitrates and oligopeptides in newborns urine under intrauterine infections

Andreeva A.A., Oparina T.I., Evsyukova I.I., Arutjunyan A.V.


Objective: It is known that inflammatory process induced by infection increases nitric oxide (NO) synthesis as a result of cytokine activation of macrophages and endothelium cells. Oligopeptides as a products of protein catabolism usually appear in the urine due to intoxication of organism. The goal of the present work was to analyze the level of nitrites and nitrates (final products of NO metabolism) and oligopeptides excretion in intrauterine infected (IUI) newborns simultaneously with investigation of clinic status in early neonatal period.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):29-29
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Features of early adaptation at newborn high infectious risk

Antipova I.I., Aksenov A.N., Kuzmenko L.E., Bashakin N.F.


With the purpose optimization of tactics conducting was surveyed 156 newborns from the mothers with chronic infectious diseases (ChlD). Was established, that ChlD of the mother renders serious adverse influence on a condition of a fetus and current of early adaptation at newborn, resulting to development hypoxic, infectious and toxic defeats of brain (49,6%), intrauterine hypotrophy (29,4%), intrauterine and postnatal infection (30,4%).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):30-30
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Disturbances in hypothalamic regulation of reproductive function under the influence of xenobiotics

Arutjunyan A.V., Stepanov M.G.


Objective: The experimental study of the mechanism of non-specific character of the female reproductive system responce to xenobiotics possessing a neurotoxic (toluene, dioxane) or gonadotoxic effects (formaldehyde).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):30-30
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The effect of the number of fetuses on pregnancy outcome after in-vitro fertilization

Arzhanova O.N., Korsak V.S., Paikatchova Y.M.


Objective: The multiple pregnancy rate after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is about 28.2%. It is widely known that multiple pregnancy is one of the risk factors for mother and fetus. We studied the duration and outcomes of pregnancies in 2 groups of women, one group had one fetus, the other - two fetuses.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):31-31
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Hepatodepressive syndrome caused by pregnancy

Atayants K.M., Sevostiyanova O.Y.


Insolvency of hepatocyte’s reserve possibilities, characterized by decrease of its synthetic function followed by qualitative and quantitative inner link of hemostasis defects, is one of the variants of organisms disadaptation for pregnancy and it is called “hepatodepressive syndrome” (HDS). This research was aimed to the investigation of dynamics of hemostasiological and bioëchemical parameters of blood, peculiarities of pregnancy, labour and perinatal outcome, developed in women with diagnosed laboratory markers of HDS beginning from the first or the second trimester of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):31-31
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Quality development in maternal care - Special Cardioobstetrical Department

Babaeva H., Gracheva E., Usenko V., Miftachova R., Lineva O., Tsourkan S.


Special Cardioobstetrical Department (SCD) was organized in Samara region in 1994 aimed at improving the quality management in obstetrics, associating with cardiovascular pathology. Collaboration obstetrician with other specialists (cardiologist, cardiosurgion, neonatologist) and rational use of modern medical technology and equipment gave the possibility to achieve good results in medical, social and economic fields.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):32-32
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Pregnancy and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome - maternal and fetal outcome

Babaeva H., Tsourkan S., Lineva O., Sharaphutdinova J.


Objective: to correlate the frequency of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) in cases of WPW syndrome with gestational complications, fetal and newborn status.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):32-32
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Intrauterine growth retardation: CTG, ultrasound biometrics and Doppler blood flow

Babayan A., Akounz K., Vartanyan J., Schmidt W.


Intrauterine fetal growth retardation (IUGR) is still a problem in obstetrics. The IUGR plays an important role in the perinatal morbidity and mortality. IUGR is a multifactorial process having heterogeneous causes. A causal treatment is not yet available. At the Hamburg University Hospital, the incidence of IUGR in premature babies and newborns was 19,1% over five years (1993-97).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):33-33
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Hormonal background in women with secondary ovarian sclerocystois in hyperplastic processes of endometria

Beglaryan G.A., Avakiyan M.E., Haroutjunyan A.G.


We have observed the hormonal background in 160 patients with endometric hyperplasia on the background of the secondary ovarian sclerocystosis. The investigation has been carried out in the proliferatic stage of the menstrual cycle. It should be mentioned, that if the disease didn’t exceed 3 years, the data showed the affection of hypothalamic-hypophyseal system, which was accompanied with the increase of gonadotropic secretion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):33-33
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Early preventive maintenance of bone basin deformation in girls of different age

Beglaryan G.A., Akunts N.G.


Among the teenagers the group of risk on scoliosis makes 2%. This pathology in girls of different age can become the reason of deformation of a bone basin and number of obstetrics complications in reproductive age. We carried out inspection and treatment of 125 patients of 10-15 years old, suffering by a curvature of a backbone (I-IV-degree scoliosis).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):34-34
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Hyperbaric oxygenation as a method of intensive therapy of posthypoxic disturbances of cerebral bloodflow in neonates

Baiborodov B.D.


Objective: To assess effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in intensive therapy of posthypoxic disturbances of cerebral bloodflow (DCB) in neonates.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):34-34
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Differential diagnostics of pelvic actinomycosis with advanced gynaecological cancer

Bakhidze E.V., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Mirzabalayeva A.K., Dolgo-Saburova J.V., Shashkova N.G.


Objective: Actinomycosis is filamentous gram-positive anaerobic bacterium. Clinically, actinomycosis can mimic malignancy. The differential diagnosis with carcinoma is difficult. The aim of our exploration is definition of history's clinical pathological and biological analyses' significance.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):35-35
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Early ovarian cancer’s potentials and limitations of organ - preserving treatment

Bakhidze E.V., Hulo E.I., Maximov S.I.


Objective: The number of the cases of early ovarian cancer is determined with improvement of diagnostic methods, so working up of organ-preserving treatment is actual. The is no common opinion for managing of early ovarian cancer as yet.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):35-35
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Factors of early ovarian cancer’s prognosis

Bakhidze E.V., Maximov S.J., Hederim M.N., Chepik O.P.


Objective: Dethe-rate from ovarian cancer is very high taking the first place among other localizations of gynecological cancer and the fifth place among all possible reasons of women’s death in develop countries in spite of development of modern diagnostics’ methods of early ovarian cancer (sonografy, magnetic resonance, computer tomography is not exclude that histological polymorphism of ovarian cancer can be one from other showings of pathogenesis factors, determining variety of clinical showings and disease’s course and influencing by this on the prognosis. Exploration of factors’ influence on early ovarian cancer’s prognosis present in this abstract.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):36-36
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Course and outcome of pregnancy in patients with infectious hypersecretory diarrhea

Balan B., Beliayeva T.V.


Objective: To characterize the peculiarity of the course of pregnancy and labor in patients with hypersecretory diarrhea of infectious nature.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):36-36
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Acute fatty liver of pregnancy: a report of 25 cases

Belokobylskiy V.P., Semyatov S.M., Gagaev C.G., Yermolova N.P.


To develop an optimal algorithm of early diagnostics of acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) an analysis was carried out of 25 prospectively detected cases of AFLP in 1985-1997 yrs. The age of patients was 21-40 years, among them 16 — nulliparas, 9 — multi paras.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):37-37
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Gestosis and obstetrical bleeding as a cause of maternal mortality

Barinov S.V., Beznostchenco G.B., Neverovskii O.A., Kravchenko E.N., Nadykto V.I., Boutikov V.V.


Objective. The aim of our investigation was the elaboration and introduction of the system of correlation conditions of threaten maternal mortality from Gestosis /G/ and Obstetrical bleeding /OB/.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):37-37
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Analysis of perinatal mortality rate in Lublin district between years 1982-1997

Bortosiewicz J., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Laskowska M., Pietros G., Oleszczuk J.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to analysis of the structure of perinatal deaths in Lublin district between years 1982-1997.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):38-38
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Treatment of endometriosis in the presence of ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum

Baskakov V.P., Zazerskaya I.E., Dyachuk A.V., Molodykh A.S., Gavrish N.A., Shuliko L.A., Solomko D.V.


In case an endometriosis patient has concomitant ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, it is necessary to exclude oral administration of hormones. Ignoring this recommendation leads to ulcer disease exacerbation; if the stomach is affected and treatment lasts for long (years), some unpleasant oncology sequels may occur.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):38-38
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Treatment of endometriosis in the presence of varicose disease

Baskakov V.P., Zazerskaya I.E., Dyachuk A.V., Molodykh A.S., Gavrish N.A., Shuliko L.A., Solomko D.V.


Complicity of the situation is stipulated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of drugs used for endometriosis treatment cause a shift in the clotting system towards hypercoagulation. Releasing gonadotropines, first of all Zoladex and Decomeptyl-Depo, present an exception to the rule.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):39-39
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Prenatal diagnosis and fetal gene therapy today and tomorrow

Baranov V.S.


Availability of foetal tissues at any stage of human embryonic development, started with fertilized oocyte supplemented by tremendous progress in molecular and cytogenetical techniques resulted in almost ultimate and efficient solution of all major problems concerned with PD of inherited disorders (ID). The treatment of ID should be considered as a next logic step in this direction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):39-39
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The aetiological aspects of endocervicitis

Besaeva T.P., Panina O.B., Sichinava L.G., Krasnopolskaya K.V., Grigoryan S.S., Klimenko P.A.


Objective: To evaluate cervical infection in patients with endocervicitis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):40-40
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Parameters circulation in arteria cerebri anterior at newborns with perinatal pathology

Bashakin N.F., Aksenov A.N., Antipova I.I., Troickaj'a M.V.


With the purpose of definition of parameters cerebral circulation (CC) we used transcranial ultrasonic dopplerometria artery cerebra anterior (АСА) at 40 term infants in the age of 1-6 day (the scanner Aloka- 650, transducer 5 MHz) at children with the complicated current of the perinatal period (basic group - 32 children with neurology diseases, hypotrophia, infants of diabetic mothers) and control group (8 healthy newborns).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):40-40
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Prophylaxis of fetoplacental insuffiency in the 1 trimester of pregnancy

Bashmakova N.V., Sevastyanova O.J., Mitseva S.B.


It is known that permanent threatening abortion in the 1 trimester is the reason of early fetoplacental insufficiency and fetal intrauterine growth retardation.

Aim: To evaluate the possibility of dydrohesterone use for prophylaxis of fetoplacental insufficiency in women with the history of habitual abortion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):41-41
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State of central hemodynamic as result of respiratory dystress syndrom (RDS) in premature infants

Batylova T.V.


Objective. To reveal a specialty of central hemodynamic in development respiratory disorders in premature infants.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):41-41
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Proinflammatory cytokines are markers of fetal growth retardation

Belokrinitskaya T., Vitkovsky Y.


Objective: To investigate the immune interrelationships between mother and fetus in chronic placental failure which leads to intrauterine fetal growth retardation (IUGR).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):42-42
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Interleukin-8 is an indicator of intraamniotic infection

Belokrinitskaya T., Vitkovsky Y.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between asymptomatic intrauterine infection and levels of proinflammatory cytokines in amniotic fluid, maternal and fetal blood.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):42-42
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Histocompatibility antigens in primary chronic placental failure

Belokrinitskaya T., Zagorodnaya E.


Objective: To study compatibility of married couples according to the HLA antigen system in normal and complicated by primary chronic placental failure pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):43-43
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Elevated level of proinflammatory cytokines is an early symptom of endometritis after partus caesarius

Belokrinitskaya T., Vitkovsky Y.


Objective: Postoperative endometritis in puerperium is a grave risk factor to mother’s invalidization and mortality. Preventive application of antibiotics leads to asymptomatic onset of the disease and delay of the full value complexive therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):43-43
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Pathogenetic aspects of hormonal therapy in early climacteric disorders

Beskrovniy S.V., Kira E.F., Tsvelev Y.V.


The regularities of large pulses of LH and FSH in serum of patients with the typical climacteric syndrome (CS) in pre- and early postmenopause, with postovarioectomic syndrome and women with the physiological menopause studied in the speaker of examination and treatments. The beginning of these pulses together with increasing basal level of both gonadotropins is already found out in normally cycling premenopausal women. The frequency and amplitude of hormonal fluctuation was higher in pathological menopause.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):44-44
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Hysterectomy: reality & perspectives

Beznochsenko G.B., Mar'enko A.S., Lasarev V.W., Bogdanova E.A.


Purpose: to improve immediate and distant results of surgical treatment in women with myoma of uterus combined with genital endometriosis and/or endometrial hyperplasia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):44-44
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High frequency oscillatory ventilation in respiratory treatment of neonates with severe respiratory distress-syndrome

Bondarev V.V., Mostovoy A.V., Narimanbecov I.O.


The respiratory distress syndrome most commonly defines the severity of condition in neonates, especially in prematures. In this situation the conventional ventilation may have low efficacy and can be followed by enough severe complications. As the alternative to conventional ventilation we used high-frequency oscillatory ventilation provided by Sensor-Medics 3100A ventilator.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):45-45
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Colored and pulsed doppler scanning in diagnosing of benign and malignant ovarian tumors

Borodenko M.V., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Zeldovicht D.R., Tsipurdeeva A.A., Khudyakova T.G.


Objective: We report our experience to determine value of colored and pulsed Doppler sonography in diagnosing between benign and malignant ovarian tumors.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):45-45
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Using of the proteins of human reproductive system in diagnostic of generative health’s disorders in couples with perinatal mortality of child

Borzova N.Y., Posiseyeva L.V., Malychkina A.I., Sidorov A.N.


Objective: to study the concentration of the specific (SAMG-2 - specific alpha-microglobulin-2) and nonspecific (SAL-2 - soluble antigens of leucocytes-2) proteins in menstrual blood and sperm in parents with perinatal losses in order to estimate the state of generative health.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):46-46
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Immunologic resistance syndrome

Bougrova O., Kira E.


A comparative study of the immune status of the inhabitants of the plain with the maritime climate being changed to the continental one (the Kaliningrad, Alma-Ata regions) and the natives of highlands (Zailijskij Alatau and the Pamirs) has boon undertaken.

The indices of the immune status for the Kaliningrad and Leningrad region inhabitants were found to be the following: SD3 content equals 45,3±1,6%, SD4 — 20,2±1,2%, SD8 ±14,7±0,9%, SD16 ±9,1%, SD4/SD8 relationship makes up 1,4±0,13. The relevant values for the foothills and highlands inhabitants showed more considerable fluctuations due to the climatic discomfort.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):46-46
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Metotrexate in postoperative treatment in the patients after laparoscopic tubotomy

Breusenko V.G., Zatonskikh L.V., Shtyrov S.V., Krasnova I.A., Solomatina A.A., Bourdigina O.V.


Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of METOTREXATE in postoperative treatment in the patients after laparoscopic tubotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):47-47
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Histological investigation of the fetal liver after propyphenazone administration

Burdan F., Siezieniewska Z.


Objective: Propyphenazone one of the pirazolon derivatives is widely used analgesic and antipyretic medicine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate propyphenazone effect on fetal liver after administered to maternal animal model.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):47-47
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Comparative study of propyphenazone and paracetamol on fetal development

Burdan F.


Objective: Paracetamol and propyphenazone are the active ingredients in over the counter oral antipyretic and analgesic drugs. The effects of paracetamol and propyphenazone, alone and in combination have been assessed in experimental animal model.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):48-48
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Vitaminic and erythropoietinic background of pregnancy anemia

Burlev V.A., Konovodova E.N., Spirichev V.B., Ilyasova N.A., Pavlovitch S.V., Sokur T.N., Cheldieva A.A.


Objective: to make a comparison of vitamins (VIT) and erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations between pregnants with and without anemia. 18 anemic pregnants were included to the main group. The control group consisted of 20 pregnants without anemia. The serum immunoreactive EPO was measured using the ProCon EPO 24 set (St.- Petersburg, Russia). Serum levels of VIT: retinol (A); tocopherol (E); ascorbic acid (C); riboflavin (B2); pyridoxin (B6); в carotin (в Car.); S carotinoids(S Car.) were measured.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):48-48
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Anemia in pregnants with recurrent miscarriage

Burlev V.A., Sidelnicova V.M., Konovodova E.N., Vodolazskaya T.I., Cheldieva A.A.


Objective: to make a comparison of pregnancy course and terminations between pregnants with and without anemia Level of hemoglobin lower than 110 g\l was a criterion of anemia. Retrospective analysis of archives files of 152 pregnants with recurrent miscarriage included character of clinic & somatic status, menstrual function, reproductive history, pregnancy course & termination, state of newborns. 80 anemic pregnants treated with iron & vitamins formed the main group. The control group consisted of 72 pregnants without anemia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):49-49
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N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in high risk pregnancy and lipid spectrum changes

Bourlev V.A., Pavlovitch S.V., Zaidieva Z.S., Konovodova E.N.


Objective: to study the changes in lipid levels in high-risk pregnant supplemented with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):49-49
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Central and peripheral hemodynamics at pregnant women with IDD

Buzurukova P.S.


Objective: To study the central and peripheral hemodynamics at patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) at III trimester of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):50-50
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Condition of platelet part of hemostasis in diabetic mothers and their neonates

Bystrickaya N.V.


Objective: To evaluate clinical condition and platelet hemostasis in diabetic mothers and their neonates.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):50-50
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The possibilities of improvement of post-partum contraception

Chardikov A.V., Gazazyan M.G., Kenya A.N.


Objective: Our purpose was to improve the system of post-partum contraception in agricultural regions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):51-51
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Effect of intraoperational reinfusion of blood on lactional function of parturients after operation of cesarean section

Chernouhka E.A., Kochieva S.A., Korotkova N.A., Dragun I.E.


Objective: To study the effect of intraoperational reinfusion on the onset and duration of lactation in parturient after an operation of cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):51-51
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Perinatal aspects of cesarean section

Chernuha E.A., Komissarova L.M., Mourachko A.V.


Objective: To evaluate influence of cesarean section on perinatal outcome.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):52-52
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Role of clinically contracted pelvis in the structure of indications for caesarean section

Chernouha E.A., Volobujev A.L., Puchko T.K., Kurinov S.B.


Pregnant women with the contracted pelvis belong to the «high risk» group of perinatal pathology. Anatomically and clinically contracted pelvis is one of the frequent indications for cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):53-53
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Expediency of prophylactic use of frozen plasma in pregnant with disadaptation of hemostase system during cesarean section

Chernuha E.A., Komissarova L.E., Babicheva T.V., Mourachko A.V.


Objective: To evaluate necessity of frozen plasma use for prophylaxis of bleeding in patients with disadaptation of hemostasis system during cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):53-53
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Hormonal analysis of the menstrual cycle among infertile women with ovarian endometriosis

Czekala D., Mielnik J.


Aim: The main aim of the study was hormonal analysis of the menstrual cycle among infertile women with endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):54-54
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The aplication of arabin pessar ia the treatment and prophylactic of incompetent os

Czekanowski R., Pieta W., Pabich J., Rogiewic W., Herbich M., Michalewski K.


Isthmocervical insufficiency is one of the most important problems in modern perinatology because in many patients it leads to abortion or premature labor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):54-54
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Characterization of uterine papillary serous carcinoma: Clinical and morphological aspects

Dikareva A.V., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Neishtadt E.L., Zeldovicht D.R.


Objective: Endometrial cancer are shown is nonequallical by histotypical structure, differented adenocarcinoma were observed in most of ones. The aim of our data was to investigate one of the rarest form of endometrial cancer such as uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):55-55
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Permeability of erythrocyte membranes and sorption abilities of erythrocytes in neonates, born in asphyxia

Dodkhoyev J.S.


Objective: To study features of a permeability of erythrocyte membranes and sorption ability of erythrocytes in neonates, born in asphyxia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):55-55
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Revealing combined pathology of genitals, mammary and thyroid glands with sonographic screening

Domansky V.Y., Tsvetkova N.V., Kulyushina E.A., Dmitriev S.G.


Objective. To study revelation rate of a combined pathology of genitals, thyroid and mammary glands among the conditionally healthy women with sonographic screening.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):56-56
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Mechanism of fertilization after intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Dozortsev D.


Recently a substantial progress in understanding of the mechanism of fertilization during ICSI has been made. The following sequence of events leading to the zygote formation has been identified.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):56-56
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Mother’s mortality from gestosis in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region for 10 years (1989-1999)

Egorova A.T., Amostaeva L.V., Boitzhuk N.V.


Purpose: To carry out an expertise of prior medical documents died from gestosis to reveal modern clinical aspect of gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):57-57
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Mothers' mortality in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region for the period of 1986-1998

Egorova A.T., Amostaeva L.V.


Purpose: To hold an expert analyze of mother's mortality for last 10 years and to define the way to reduce it.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):57-57
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Non-medicamental treatment of inflammatory complications caused by intrauterine device

Efremova L.D., Abubakirova A.M., Dubnitskaya L.V., Foteeva T.S.


Objective: Intrauterine device (IUD) is the most popular method of female contraception. The aim of this study is the quest of new treatment modality, contrary to routine antibacterial method.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):58-58
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Methods of limitation of reproductive function in modern conditions in Russia

Efremova L.D., Rusanova N.E.


Objective: Today the most important demand for the family planning methods is their accessibility, safety, harmlessness and guaranty of reproductive function restoration in necessary time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):58-58
pages 58-58 views

Pregnancy and nephrogenic hypertension syndrome

Emelianova A.I., Tioutiounnik V.L.


Objective: The necessity to study nephrogenic in pregnancy is mandated by a continuing increase of number of patients affected by that disorder.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):59-59
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Modern management of premature labor

Erkkola R.U.


Objective: Preterm labor is the leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity in the developed world. The purpose of this report is to analyze the current knowledge to prevent the preterm delivery and its practical management.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):59-59
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How many cesareans are justified?

Erkkola R.U.


Objective: Rising rates of cesarean sections (C.S.) in many countries have been of a wide concern. The objective of this report is to analyze the current knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of abdominal delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):60-60
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Magnetic resonance imaging in profound diagnosing of the cancer of uterine cervix

Eutiuckina A.N., Meshkova I.E.


Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic value of MRI in cervical cancer patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):60-60
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The role of chlamydial infection in perinatal pathology

Evsyukova I.I.


Objective: To evaluate the frequency, the peculiarities of the course of early neonatal period and the results of the treatment newborn infants infected with Chlamydia trachomatis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):61-61
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Spontaneous abortus caused by activation of cytomegaloviral infection: Therapeutic approaches and issues

Evtushenko I.Р., Zhankov A.I.


Objective. Immunotherapy of spontaneous aborts in women with long-term reactivation of cytomegalovirus infection - CMVI (positive serum anti-CMV IgM in repeated ELISA during more than one year).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):61-61
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The clinical early outcomes of treatment of premature babies

Fedorova L.A., Pulin A.M., Fomina N.V., Yasevich A.U.


The development of technology to care of very low birth-weight infants is the cause of survival of these patients. In intensive care the mortality of premature infants’ unit with birth weight <1000 was decreased from 64% to 40% and with birth weight 1001-1500g was decreased from 40% to 27%. But it is known, that decrease of mortality in some group of this patients creates other serious problem - the quality of future life. The purpose of this study was to determine how low grade of prematurity would influence on rate intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), retinopathy of premature (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):62-62
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Cardiointervalogram in healthy full-term newborn babies at the first 24 hours of life

Fedorova M.V.


Objective. To reveal a specialty of cardiointervalogram (CIG) in healthy full-term newborn babies at the first 24 hours of life.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):62-62
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Neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy with cisplatin for treatment of advanced cervical cancer

Feltmann K., Dresel V., Beck E., Rinas N., Tulusan A.H.


Objective: Patients with primarily inoperable, advanced cervical cancer- should be brought into an operable stage. Selective angiography and preoperative application of cisplatin into both artery uterine is a therapeutic option with low risks and side effects by this intraarterial application a significant higher intratumoral cisplatin concentration can be reached in comparison to systemic application of cisplatin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):63-63
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Histology investigation of placenta in different types of retardation reflector-tonic reaction in newborns

Fomenko B.A., Parusov V.N.


Objective: To specify influence of placental pathology on following CNS function retardation in newborns.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):63-63
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Immunohistochemical alterations in placenta at gestosis

Gabelova K.A., Oparina T.I.


Objectives: The goal of the present work was to analyze the role of immune complexes and NO-synthase activity of placenta in pathogenesis of gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):64-64
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The possibility of placental insufficiency prognostication in the first trimester

Gazazyan M.G., Ponomaryova N.A., Ivanova O.Y.


Objective: prognostication of the development of placental insufficiency in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):64-64
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Diagnostic symptoms of endotoxicosis during pregnancy as a prognostic of sepsis

Gazazyan M.G., Ponomaryova N.A., Lebedev A.S., Sarukhanov V.M., Angaleva E.N., Ivanova O.Y.


Objective: The work was aimed at the elaboration of the diagnostic criteria of endotoxicosis during pregnancy, previous to the development of postnatal sepsis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):65-65
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The early diagnostics of obstetric sepsis

Gazazian M.G., Ponomareva N.A., Saruhanov V.M., Krasikova L.I.


Objective: the research aimed at the working out the syndrome diagnostics of the progress of pregnancy endotoxemia into sepsis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):65-65
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Some ways of improvement of pathological uterine bleeding causes diagnostics in women of reproductive age

Gazazyan M.G., Ivanova T.S., Kchutzishvili O.S., Lunjova I.S.


Objective: improvement of pathological bleeding causes diagnostics (PBS) in women of the reproductive age.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):66-66
pages 66-66 views

Strong preference for “genetic sonography” as non-invasive option of prenatal diagnosis in patients with pregnancies following intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Geipel A., Gembruch U., Ludwig M., Germer U., Schwinger E., Dormeier A., Diedrich K.


Objective: The option of prenatal diagnosis with nuchal translucency measurement at 10-14 weeks of gestation and second trimester targeted ultrasound including fetal echocardiography (genetic sonography) is reported in patients after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):66-66
pages 66-66 views

Humerospinous distance is not of use to predict shoulder dystocia

Geirsson R.T., Klaij F.A., Hreinsdottir M., Nielsen H., Haraldsdottir K.R.


Objective: To evaluate if the humerospinous distance as an indicator of shoulder width could be used to predict shoulder dystocia at term.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):67-67
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Hypertension in pregnancy: a danger for now and later

Geirsson R.


Objective. Hypertension in pregnancy presents as a syndrome with several phenotypic forms which variously affect a variety of organs, such as the vascular endothelium, blood pressure control, the coagulation system, renal glomeruli and the placenta. Through a number of studies, it has been documented that there is a common familial form. Several genetic defects have been associated with expression of the disease in these families. The syndrome may cause or be pan of a pathophysiological mechanism that leads to an increased chance of cardiovascular disease in later life.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):67-67
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The St. Vincent targets for diabetes and pregnancy can be met

Geirsson R., Hreidarsson A.B., Helgason T., Helgason H.


Objective. To assess if the criteria for perinatal mortality and outcome of diabetic pregnancy had been met in a small and well-developed island society, Iceland. The aim of the St. Vincent declaration of WHO is that the same pregnancy outcome for diabetic and поп-diabetic women should be achieved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):68-68
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Postterm pregnancy: fetal surveillance and management

Gintautas V.


The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of fetal surveillance on postterm pregnancy management. The study population consisted of 267 uncomplicated patients delivered at gestational age of 38-40 weeks and 279 postterm patients with good dating criteria at or beyond 287 days. The latter group was followed expectantly with twice-weekly NSTs with AFV/BP assessment, and with weekly physical examinations. Evaluation of outcome parameters was undertaken in control and study group. Statistical significance for the differences between groups was determined by Student’s t test at p<0.05.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):68-68
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Norplant preparation application results

Gogayeva E.V.


Objective: To investigate the impact of the subdermal contraceptive Norplant on the condition of hormonally dependent organs (cervix of the uterus, mammary glands, endometry) in women of various ages and acceptance rates.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):69-69
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Ultrasound examination with color doppler ultrasonography in patients with ovarian apoplexy

Golova J.A., Yevseev A.A., Breusenko V.G., Paukova O.U.


Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the value of ultrasound (US) examination with Color Doppler (CD) in patients with ovarian apoplexy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):69-69
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Microvillous relief of endometrial epitheliocytes and infertility in peritoneal endometriosis

Gorbushin S.M., Savitsky G.A., Scopichev V.G.


Objective. To estimate the role of hormone-dependent changes of the microrelief of endometrial epitheliocytes in pathogenesis of infertility associated with peritoneal endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):70-70
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Occurence of nontoxic goiter in patients with mastopathy

Goryushina O.G.


Objective: To reveal the occurrence of nontoxic goiter in patients with mastopathy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):70-70
pages 70-70 views

The study of types and titers of anti-cardiolipin antibodies in women with adverse pregnancy outcomes

Gromiko G.L., Zubgitskya L.B., Starovoitov V.A.


Objective: Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (aCL) associated with various obstetric complications and subject to thrombosis of placental vessels. aCL associated with thrombosis does not directly bind to CL itself, but to b2-glycoprotein I (b2-GP I) which attached to CL. Our purpose was to study the actions of aCL and anti-cardiolipin b2-glycoprotein I complex antibodies (anti-CEb2-GP I) on pregnancy outcomes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):71-71
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Delivery at Danderyd Hospital - the current concept

Gross-Witkow D., Nyman M.


The current perinatal mortality, 0.47%, at Danderyd Hospital, and the low perinatal and maternal mortality in Sweden, is mainly connected to the maternal health programme, that was introduced in the 1940s. Also, the improved health status of the mothers has had a great impact. Information to the mothers, surveillance of the pregnancies, and identification of high risk pregnancies, is important. Parental education nowadays plays an important role.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):71-71
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Transdermal estradiol in the treatment of hypergonadotropic and normogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency patients

Gzgzian A.M., Potin V.V., Niaouri D.A., Tkachenko N.N.


Objective: to investigate influence of the transdermal estrogen — CLIMARA on clinical, hormonal and sonographic features in hypergonadotropic and normogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):72-72
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Sonographical and clinical aspects of hepatobiliary system in patients with adenomyosis and endometrioid ovarian cysts

Iashvili T.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of hepatobiliary system in patients with endometrioid ovarian cysts and adenomyosis for developing the treatment strategy for this patient population.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):72-72
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Thyroid and mammary glands abnormal in women with pelvic masses

Iashvili T.


Objective: The purpose of this study was evaluating the role of dishormonal diseases of the thyroid and mamma in patients with pelvic masses and adenomyosis to developing the treatment strategy for this patient population.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):73-73
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Distribution of HLA - antigens among patients with endometriosis

Ioseliani T.G., Bubnova L.N., Bercos M.V., Bercos A.S.


Objective: To study the occurrence of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) in patients with endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):73-73
pages 73-73 views

Prophylactic of postoperative septic complications by meksidol

Ivanyan A.N., Krukovski S.B., Gustovarova T.A., Vybornova I.A., Ivanyan A.A., Bejlin V.S.


Objective: to value efficiency of septic complications after sectio Caesarea and episiotomy prophylactic by local application of meksidol.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):74-74
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Molecular studies of CF in Russia

Ivaschenko T.E., Bakay M.A., Mikhailova E.G., Baranov V.S.


Objective. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common autosomal recessive disorders affecting about 1 in 2 500 live births in Western and 1 per 6000 live births in Eastern Europe populations.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):74-74
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Oncoplastic variations in operative treatment in pT2 - mammacarcinomas

Jungnickel K.T., Kohls A.


We retrospectively reviewed 156 cases of pT2-mammacarcinomas (Tumor size 2-5 cm) who were treated between 01.01.93 and 01.10.97 in our hospital. We evaluated in how main cases and with the usage of which techniques we were able to perform breastconserving surgery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):75-75
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The use of dopamine for treatment of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Kamilova D.P., Korneeva I.E., Volkov N.J., Kovalev V.F., Stygar D.A.


Objective: To assess the performance of low-close dopamine treatment for severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):75-75
pages 75-75 views

The operative hysteroscopy experience

Kappusheva L.M.


Objective: to access the possibilities of operative hysteroscopy. Many hysteroscopic operations make it possible to avoid hysterectomy thus preserving menstrual and reproductive functions. Besides medical problems intrauterine (IU) hysteroscopic surgery helps to improve psychoemotional status of these patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):76-76
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Prognostic significance of HCG measurement in IVF program

Kascheeva T.K., Korsak V.S., Paykacheva Y.


Objective. HCG measurement as pregnancy test as a highly precision method allows to detect the earliest pregnancy (7—9 days). The correlation between HCG concentration at the first measurement (12-14 day after embryo transfer) and the pregnancy outcome were investigated retrospectively.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):76-76
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Diagnostic significance of carboxyhemoglobin (CoHb) among older primapara

Kayupova L.S.


A change of the level of (CoHb) in blood of pregnant women is one of the factors of obstetrics and perinatal complications. Influence of CoHb level on the emergence of fetoplacental deficiency was proved in experiments on the chronic hypoxia model (Nazyrov A.T., Israilova M.Z.).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):77-77
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Bacterial vaginosis as manifestant of women’s immunodeficiency

Khanamova T.A., Pleskanovskaya S.A., Yagmurova G.R., Annaeva G.A., Babakhova G.G.


Objective: The immune status of fertile women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) in depending of the clinical features and treatment effectivity has been studied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):77-77
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The application of the peptide bioregulators for the treatment of the barren marriage

Kira E.F., Dolgov G.V., Khavinson V.H.


In this work are presented the dates about the improvement of the treatment efficiency for the barren couples by the application to the composite therapy the peptide bio-regulators: medicinal preparations (timaline, timogene) and biology-active additions to the food (prostalamine, testolamine).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):78-78
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Particularities of clinic and treatments of postovarioectomic syndrome

Kira E.F., Tsvelev Y.V., Beskrovniy S.V., Rud S.A.


The particularities of the current postovarioectomic syndrome (POES) studied in 32 women after the total ovariectomy in transitional age (after 45 years) on the background of preserved cycle. The syndrome frequency has formed 78% (25 women). Distinctive was a faster development in the comparison with the age menopause as early, so late climacteric disorders. In the structure of first prevailed the vegetative symptoms: hot flushes - 100%, profuse sweating - 64%, headache - 24%, palpitations - 32% of women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):78-78
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Peculiarities of the psychological status of women with sexually transmitted diseases

Kira E.F., Tsvelev Y.V., Bondarev N.E.


Objective: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are shown are the most frequent causes of inflammatory form of urogenital system and some patients with STD have psychological problems, which are required consultation of psychiatrist. Than 30 non-pregnant women with STD were tested to detected of peculiarities of psychological status.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):79-79
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Probability labour activity after opioid analgesia in the preliminary period

Kiselev A.G., Lopatin D.A., Kulichkin Y.V., Kolodnitsky T.E.


Objective: The basic purpose of the given work was the experimental and clinical proof of influence opioid analgetics on the contractility of myometrium and labour.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):79-79
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Efficiency of opioid analgesia in labor

Kiselev A.G., Zaitcev A.A., Kulichkin Y.V., Kolodnitsky T.E.


Objective: Labor is a unique physiological process accompanying with a pain. Hence adequate analgesia in labor is the important factor of regulation of delivery. However, despite of physiologically substantiated opioid analgesia the efficiency in labor is small. The purpose of work was the definition of the factors influencing efficiency opioid analgesia of different groups.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):80-80
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Direct deletion analysis and carrier detection in D/BMD families

Kiselev A.V., Ivaschenko T.E., Baranov V.S.


Objective. Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy (D/BMD) is an X-linked lethal disorder which affects 1 in 3,500 boys. The reported study summarizes the results of our molecular studies in D/BMD families.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):80-80
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I. Ductus venosus and inferior vena cava blood flows during normal pregnancy

Kogan I.J., Polyanin A.A., Novikova A.V., Prokhorova V.S., Mikhailov A.V.


Objective: To compare dynamic of S/D ratio in ductus venosus (DV) with one in inferior vena cava (IVC) during normal pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):81-81
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II. Ductus venosus and inferior vena cava blood flows during normal pregnancy

Kogan I.J., Polyanin A.A., Novikova A.V., Prokhorova V.S., Mikhailov A.V.


Experimental studies have shown that inferior vena cava blood passes through the right atrium mainly to the right ventricle. Ductus venosus blood, which contains well-oxygenated umbilical blood, passes through the foramen ovale to the left atrium and left ventricle. Thus, S and D wave of DV waveforms could reflect the hemodynamic status of the left ventricle whereas S and D wave IVC waveforms could reflect the hemodynamic status of the right ventricle.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):81-81
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Preoperative preparation of gynecologic patients

Korkan I.P., Gichieva R.D., Zhailova A.Z., Salehov R.A.


The value of the quality of intestine preparation was conducted on 70 patients with different gynecologic diseases needed for operative intervention. All patients were divided on 2 groups by the methods of preparation. 1 group — traditional methods (37 patients); 2 group — with using of Macrogo I 4000 (Fortrans) (33 patients).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):82-82
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Diagnostic value of detecting products tissue distruction in puerperae with endometritis after cesarean section

Konovodova E.N., Burlev V.A., Gurtovoi B.L., Tioutiounnik V.L., Zaidieva Z.S.


67 puerparae after cesarean section (CS) were followed up. 20 of these were controls in whom the puerperium ran an uncomplicated course and 47 with endometritis after CS were the main group. In addition to the general clinical studies, the pool of acid-extracting components of nucleic acids and medium-mass molecules (МММ) in blood serum and lochia were at least three times measured over the course of puerperium in all examinees.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):82-82
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Progestogenic activity of new analogues of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone

Korkhov V.V., Lesik E.A., Petrosyan M.A.


Objective: To estimate progestogenic activity of new synthetic compounds - analogues of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone and their capable to maintain the pregnancy in the rabbits experiments.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):83-83
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Pathogenesis of perinatal pathology in mothers with genital chlamydia trachomatis infection (GCTI)

Koroleva L.I.


Objective: To evaluate the state of humoral immunity disturbances in pathogenesis of perinatal pathology in pregnant women with GCTI.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):83-83
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Postoperative complications risk after multifetal pregnancy reduction

Koroteev A.L., Talantova O.E., Novikova A.V., Prokhorova V.S., Mikhailov A.V.


Objective: To study postoperative complications risk after multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):84-84
pages 84-84 views

Type of placentation as a criterion of fetal selection before multifetal pregnancy reduction

Koroteev A.L., Talantova O.E., Novikova A.V., Prokhorova V.S., Mikhailov A.V.


Objective: to study the possibility of using the type of placentation as a criterion of fetal selection before multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):84-84
pages 84-84 views

Effects of endometrial thickness and uterine blood flow on IVF outcome

Korsak V.S., Isakova E.V., Kamenetsky B.A., Kirsanov A.A., Korshunov M.Y.


Objective and methods. Research was undertaken aiming at determining what effect the condition of the endometrium on the day of the HG injection has on the results of the IVF.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):85-85
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The influence of chronic stress on the course of pregnancy and labor of women with deficiency body weight

Kosheleva N.G., Dodhoeva M.F., Komarov E.K., Konstantinova N.N., Shogiradze L.D.


Objective: To investigate the influence of chronic stress on the course of pregnancy and labor of women with deficiency body mass.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):85-85
pages 85-85 views

Level of magnesium in the maternal serum, the umbilical serum and in the amniotic fluid

Kosheleva N.G., Buzurukova P.S., Ghamrawi R.J., Mahnova E.V., Horoshilova G.M.


Objective: To explore the level of magnesium in the maternal serum, the umbilical serum and the amniotic fluid in the third trimester of pregnancy and during the C-section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):86-86
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Differences in the pathogenesis of the uterine cervix cancer

Kosnikov A.G., Maximov S.J., Bakhidze E.V.


Objective: The purpose of the research was the analysis of a number of factors, characteristic for an arrangement of the uterine cervix cancer in exocervix or endocervix for a substantiation of a hypothesis about pathogenetic heterogeneity of this disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):86-86
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New method of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disorders in neonates

Kosov M.N.


Objective: To investigate the possibility of using capnography for pre-clinical diagnostics of pathophysiological mechanisms of respiratory disorders.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Peculiarities of damage of CNS functional state and cerebral hemodynamic at the children with consequences perinatal encephalopathy

Kozshushko N.Y., Matveev Y.K., Kudzilov D.B., Fyodorova M.A.


Influence of natal cerebrospinal traumas on ischemia of a developing brain, especially under action press is known. The special importance is given to infringements circulation vertebrobasilar region (VBR). Changes of CNS functional state (on data EEG) at disturbance cerebral hemodynamic (on data rheoencephalography) in VBR and carotid artery region was investigated. We investigated 92 children in the age from 5 to 9 years (mean 7,0±2,1) with the complaints to head pain, parasomnia, tiredness and difficulty in training.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Alternative delivery (results and prospects)

Krasnopolsky V.I., Logutova L.S.


The purpose of our study: summarizing the results of an operating delivery for last 20 years. During last 20 years in Russia the frequency of cesarean section under the perinatal indications was increased almost twice. However, analysis, conducted by us, has not revealed a correlation between frequency of an operating delivery and both levels of perinatal mortality and morbidity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):88-88
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Ultrasonic predictors of a condition of a fetus and newborn for the pregnant woman with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Krasnopolsky V.I., Kovalenko T.S., Petruchun V.A., Titchenko L.I., Kotov Y.B.


For 140 pregnant women were conducted an ultrasonic fetometry and research of a fetus hemodynamics. The following results were obtained in different firms of gestation we have found the changes of umbilical artery blood flow velocity in 92% of cases and in a fetal aorta - in 80% of cases and these values exceeded on 15-30% of the control values.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):88-88
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The optimization of anesthesia in gestosis patients during labor

Krasnopolsky V.I., Mazurskaya N.M., Shepatov V.V., Ermolaeva E.E., Logutova L.S.


With the purpose of optimization of anesthetization in gestosis patients during labor the parameters of central hemodynamic and cerebral blood flow has been investigated. The patients have been compared in anesthesiology methods during labor and deviated in 3 groups.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):89-89
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Surgical correction of stress incontinence

Krasnopolsky V.I., Popov A.A., Gorski S.L., Manannikova T.N., Shaginian G.G., Machanskite O.V.


Objective and methods: 126 patients were operated for stress incontinence since 1994 using different methods of surgical correction: Ls Burch - 62 patients, Ls MESH - 39, by Pereyra - 11 and Min. Sling -14. In 102 cases surgical correction of urine incontinence were performed together with surgical treatment of pathology of internal genital organs including genital descent. The surgical method varied according to the type of urine incontinence, the age of the patient and the presence of internal genital organ diseases. In type I urine incontinence (by McUuir) among patients of mean age group the best operation was Ls Burch, in the older age group - Pereyra. Among patients of the mean age group with type II urine incontinence - Ls MESH vaginopexy, in older patients - operation Pereyra. Colporrhaphy was done according to indications. In type HI incontinence the min. sling operation was carried out.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):89-89
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Termination of midgestation pregnancy using laminaria or intracervical prostaglandin E(2) followed by prostaglandin analogues

Kravchenko N.F., Gurtovoi B.L., Ordzhonikidze N.V., Tioutiounnik V.L.


Objective: The optimal regimen of medical termination of the second trimester pregnancy is still under development, but it likely to be characterized by a short induction-to-abortion interval, low incidence of side-effects and high acceptability.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):90-90
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Results of randomized controlled trial of levenorgestrel versus the Yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception

Kristesashvili J., Khomassuridze A.


Objectives. Randomized double-blind investigation has been carried out in 21 centers of the World comparing levonorgestrel with Yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):90-90
pages 90-90 views

Influence of Mildronatum on the “mother-placenta-fetus” system circulation with different degrees of its disorder

Krivtsova E.I., Pavlova N.G.


Objective: Investigation of the influence of Mildronatum on hemodynamics in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system with different degrees of its circulatory disorders in 21 women in the III trimester of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):91-91
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Sexual development of girls - survivors of neonatal surgery and intensive care

Kulichkin Y.V., Gordeev V.I., Alexandrovich Y.S., Kiselev A.G., Doroschuk R.E., Kolodnitsky T.E.


Objective: The study of sexual development of children is an actual task of pediatrics. In survivors of neonatal surgery and intensive care such studies are the initial point in designing the effective and goal-oriented programs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):91-91
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Color doppler assessment of the intervillous circulation in all trimesters of pregnancy

Kurjak A.


Color Doppler sonography can be successfully used for the assessment of the intervillous circulation throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy. The first trimester pregnancies were assessed by the transvaginal route while second and third trimesters pregnancies were evaluated using transabdominal route. Color flow mapping was used for visualization of the outlets of the spiral arteries into the intervillous space and the blood flow inside it. Pulsatile, arterial-like intervillous flow signals and spiral arteries signals were assessed by the use of pulsed Doppler and expressed by resistance (RD and pulsatility (PD indices, peak systolic velocity (PSV), end-diastolic velocity (EDV), and temporal averaged maximum velocity (TAMV). Velocities of blood flow of pulsatile signal in the intervillous space increased significantly towards the mid-pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):92-92
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Combined color doppler and 3-D ultrasound study of fetal abnormalities

Kurjak A., Kupesic S.


Considerable progress in sonographic techniques and the introduction of transvaginal sonography in particular have enabled detailed studies to be carried out on early embryonic development. Moreover, Doppler techniques can provide a wealth of information on the physiology and pathology of both the embryonic and the maternal circulation. This non-invasive modality allows analysis of hemodynamic patterns of fetal adaptation to hypoxemia and/or the presence of a severe reduction of oxygen supply to fetal blood and organs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):92-92
pages 92-92 views

Role of a fine-needle transvaginal aspiration with the control of US in diagnostics and treatment of ovarian cysts

Kustarov V., Troik E., Sergeeva I.


The treatment of ovarian cysts remains one of the main problems in gynecology, the densities of unjustified surgical interventions is still high. The results of treatment 588 patients (average age 38,5 years) which the puncture of ovarian formations under the control of US are given. The indications to realization of intervention were the combinations of an oothecoma to infringements of a menstrual cycle and/or by a pain set of symptoms in the genesial period; with the expressed adhesive process of a small basin after cavitary operations and high risk of postoperative complications; with a serious extragenital pathology in postmenopause.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):93-93
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Prophylactic use of Lioton-1000 in postpartum period in patients with chronic venous insufficiency

Kulakov V.I., Kirienko A.I., Chernuha E.A., Mourachko A.V., Bogachev V.J.


Objective: To evaluate efficacy of prophylactic use of Lioton-1000 in postpartum period in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of lower extremities.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):93-93
pages 93-93 views

Phenotypical characteristic of endometrial immunocompetent cells during polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) hormonal therapy

Kulakov V.I., Sukhikh G.T., Makarova O.V., Gadieva F.G.


Objective: To prepare the endometrium to stimulation ovulation cyclic hormonal therapy was administered to infertile women with POS: the 1-st group of patients (n=6) received glucocorticoids; the 2-nd group (n=9) received gestagens; the 3-rd group (n=5) received both gestagens and glucocorticoids. Thirteen patients with POS who didn’t get any therapy were considered as a comparison group (4-th group) and 5 fertile women became a control group.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):94-94
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Malignant tumors of female genital tract in children and adolescents

Kutusheva G.F., Kolygin B.A., Ourmantcheeva A.F.


Objective: Tumors of female genital tract in children and adolescents are shown are rare and have specific morphological peculiarities connected with stages of embryonic evolution of tissues.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):94-94
pages 94-94 views

Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders in North-West Russia: a survey of 3440 cases

Kuznetzova T.V., Baranov V.S.


Objective: our original strategy for PD of chromosome disorders includes analysis of direct chromosome preparations from CVS as the basic step, supplemented with CBL cultures for karyotyping of the fetuses with abnormal or ambiguous CVS results.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):95-95
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Morphological features of endometrial cancer: connection with insulin resistance and type of fat topography

Kvatchevskaya J., Gamajunova V., Chepik O., Tsyrlina E., Kovalenko I., Maximov S., Tchernobrovkina A., Ourmantcheeva A., Berstein L.


Objective: Insulin resistance was postulated to be a factor which might promote stimulation of tumor growth in endometrial cancer. The main task of this presentation was to evaluate connections of blood insulin level and type of fat topography (as indirect signs of insulin resistance) and morphological features of endometrial cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):95-95
pages 95-95 views

Metabolic control in pregnant women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and the neonatal body weight

Lantseva O.E., Potin V.V., Kovaleva T.G., Kuptsov G.D.


In order to outline factors affecting the neonatal weight we analyzed the course and outcome of 227 pregnancies in women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) who gave birth to liveborn babies in 1989-1997years. Mean age of patients was 24.9±0.3 years, mean duration of diabetes 10.5±0.4 years. In 88 women (38.8%) microvascular diabetes complications were present. The transition from conventional to intensive insulin therapy took place on the average at 13.6±1.2 weeks of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):96-96
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Thyroid gland function at the pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus

Laricheva I.P., Budikina T.S., Burumkulova F.F., Petrukhin V.A., Gurieva V.M.


High prevalence (15%) of polyglandular disturbances in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) were by the basis for analysis of a thyroid gland (TG) function at the diabetic pregnant woman.
Objective: 334 women with insulin-dependent DM (IDDM), 35 women with non-insulin-dependent DM and 56 women with gestational diabetes (GD) were enrolled in the study. The control group consisted of 250 pregnant women without an endocrine pathology and high-gravity complications of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):96-96
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Prevention of RDS in prematurely born very low birth weight infants

Laskowska M., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Poniedziaiek-Czajkowska E., Oleszczuk J.


Objective: to evaluate the influence of antenatal thyrotropin-releasing hormone and glucocorticoids therapy for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome and for survival rate in group of prematurely born very low birth weight infants (<=1500g).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):97-97
pages 97-97 views

The new possibilities of extraperitoneal cesarean section application

Lebedev A.S., Ponomareva N.A., Luneva I.S.


Objective: to provide the delivery for women with severe septic complications at up to 30 weeks of gestation the extraperitoneal cesarean section was applied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):97-97
pages 97-97 views

Laparoscopic treatment of uterine myomas - long-term results and pregnancy outcome

Lehmann-Willenbrock E., Mettler L., Jonat W.


When uterine myomas are enucleated by pelviscopy (laparoscopy), it is more difficult to find all myomas and to close the hysterotomy than in laparotomy. It has been proposed that later pregnancies are more prone to complications, in particular uterus rupture, and that amelioration of symptoms is inferior. Since 1988, we have performed more than 95% of the myomectomies in our clinic by pelviscopy. In the years 1995-1999, we sent questionnaires to 1143 patients who had undergone an enucleation of uterine myomas at least 2 years previously.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):98-98
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Sperm morphology as a reliable method of male fertility evaluation

Leontjeva O.A., Vorobjeva O.A.


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate accuracy of sperm morphology and correlation with IVF rate.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):98-98
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Gynecological morbidity of schoolgirls in Irkutsk-city

Lisack L.I., Kolesnikov S.I., Meriacry V.S., Kuzmina N.I.


Objective: to study the gynecological morbidity of schoolgirls and to compare it with the data of the other regions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):99-99
pages 99-99 views

I. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - development of the lung

Liubsys A.


Despite dramatic improvement in the three past decades in the perinatal care hyaline membrane disease and RDS continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality of premature babies accounting 28-70% of neonatal deaths. Immaturity of the lungs is the main predisposing factor for development of chronic lung disease in as many as 20% of survivors. Therefore, maturation of the lungs is still a primary concern for the obstetrician who is taking care of the pregnant women as well, as for the neonatologist responsible for the care of the newborn baby.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):99-99
pages 99-99 views

II. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective-surfactant, assess of lung maturation

Liubsys A.


Surfactant. In 1957 Clements isolated from lung tissue a surface-active material which he called surfactant. It is composed of phospholipid with small amounts of neutral fat, cholesterol, and protein. The primary active molecule is saturated dipalmytoyl phosphatidylcholine. Other components of surfactant, including unsaturated phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol, are important in making surfactant more fluid and facilitating re-spreading. Surfactant lowers surface tension by adsorbing to surface and displacing water molecules. In the lung, the presence of surfactant counteracts the tendency of the lung to collapse at the end of breath, allowing a functional volume of gas to remain in the lung at the end of expiration (functional residual capacity).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):100-100
pages 100-100 views

III. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - could we influence the fetal lung maturity?

Liubsys A.


Could we influence the fetal lung maturity? Many experimental and clinical studies can give us a positive answer. It is well known that fetal lung maturation is affected by a number of hormones and pharmacological agents, including adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), glucocorticoids, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), and tri-iodothyronine (T3); agents influencing the intracellular content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), such as beta-adrenergic agonists and aminophylline; substances increasing intracellular calcium or acting on protein kinase C, etc.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):100-100
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IV. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - postnatal care of the immature lung. Surfactant therapy

Liubsys A.


Postnatal care of the immature lung. There are two principal goals in postnatal care of immature lung: 1) to replace an endogenous surfactant deficit; 2) to maintain adequate ventilation (effective lung recruitment) with minimal damage of the immature lung.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):101-101
pages 101-101 views

V. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - maintenance of adequate ventilation

Liubsys A.


Maintenance of adequate ventilation. Nasal CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy in infants with RDS improves oxygenation, decreases oxygen requirements, reduces the need of intubation, mechanical lung ventilation, and mortality. Earlier application of the CPAP therapy is beneficial. Combination of early surfactant administration with CPAP therapy seems a promising approach to treatment of the tiny baby.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):101-101
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Very low-birth-weight babies - philosophy of care

Liubsys A.


The majority of a very low-birth-weight (VLBW) babies (<1500 g) due to their immaturity need special support and often intensive care. The main problems of the VLBW babies are primarily related to the varying degree of physiological immaturity of several organ functions. These premature infants may be particularly vulnerable to stressful effects of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) environment. In addition, acutely ill premature infants have a little ability to cope with stressful experiences because of their immaturity and lack of physiological reserves.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Peculiarities of newborn adaptation after extraperitoneal cesarean section depending on fetus condition and arid period duration

Logutova L.S., Aksenov A.N., Vitushko S.A., Kapustina M.V., Lukashenko S.Y.


Extraperitoneal cesarean section (ECS) is an operation with a high infectious risk case. The important characteristic of ECS outcome is the child’s health and adaptation in early neonatal period. We have analyzed the features of adaptation for 56 newborns: 15 - after urgent and 41 - after planned ECS. The X- square statistical criterion was used.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):102-102
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The role of IVF in treatment of infertile marriage

Lokshin V.N., Djusubalieva T.M.


The infertile marriage represents the serious medical-social problem. The development of the modem methods of diagnosis permits to determine the main causes of infertility and to solve the problem of the choice of treatment method in time. The structure and main causes evoking the aphoria on patients of dispensary group in Center of human reproduction, definition of couple's group can be treated by IVF method were the main purposes of research.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):103-103
pages 103-103 views

Endogenous inhibitors of the Na, K-ATPase in preeclampsia

Lopatin D.A., Ailamazian E.K., Dmitrieva R.I., Fedorova O.V., Kolodkin N.I., Bagrov A.Y.


Objectives: Previously we have shown, that mammalian tissues contain a steroidal inhibitor of Na, K-ATPase which is similar to Amphibian vasoconstrictor hormone, marinobufagenin (MBG). The mammalian MBG is implicated in plasma volume dependent forms of hypertension. We compared plasma levels of MBG, in normotensive pregnancy and in preeclampsia with that of ouabain-like compound (OLC), and characterized the partially purified MBG immunoreactive factor from preeclamptic plasma.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):103-103
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Endometritis and metroendometritis caused by chlamydia trachomatis

Luchko N.A., Omelianiyk E.V., Bashmakova M.A.


Objective: To study a microbial spectrum at the development of endometritis and metroendometritis in early and late postpartum periods.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):104-104
pages 104-104 views

The neonatal urgent care system in St. Petersburg

Ljubimenco V.A., Simachodski A.S., Kogan A.V.


The creation of modern neonatal urgent care (NUC) system of St-Petersburg was stared in 1978, when she first neonatal intensive care unit was opened in Children’s Hospital #1. Simultaneously, specialized ambulance sub-station #20 was organized, including resuscitative-consulting neonatal teams (RCNT).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):104-104
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The prevention of pelvic inflammation after induced abortion by alternative medicine

Lysaya T.N., Astakhova T.M., Gatina T.A.


Objective: The different methods such as medical, physiotherapeutic and others use for prevention of postabortion complications in modern gynecology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Histological study after administration of estrogens and acetylsalicylic acid on breast tissue

Madej B., Radzikowska E., Maciejewski R.


Objective: The latest years showed the great increase of incidence of the breast cancer. Simultaneously the agents which play role in neoplasmatic processes are not clear. We have taken under considerations the fact that the numerous of patients who take estrogen preparations and the preparations of the acetylsalicylic acid is still increasing. We examined the influence of these preparations on the histological structure of the breast. Estrogen hormones are often used by young women as contraceptive preparations and by older women as replacement hormone therapy. The acetylsalicylic acid is a component of many analgetic and antipyretic drugs and it used in prevention of the cardiac infarct and in any other diseases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Morphological changes in parenhyma of the liver of rats during long-term estrogen therapy

Madej B., Maciejewski R., Radzikowska E.


Objective. Oral steroid contraceptives were marketed in the United States in 1960s. They became one of the most widely used methods of reversible contraception in developing countries. Oral contraceptives are being used every day by more than 50 mln women around the world for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy as well as by women in replacement therapy. Estrogen replacement offers significant benefits to many postmenopausal women. The benefits and risks as they pertain to each individual patient should be reviewed with her in details. The aim of this study was to establish the influence of estrogen therapy on parenchyma of liver. The first descriptions of a relationship between Replacement Hormonal Therapy (RHT) use and the development of benign hepatic lesions were reported in early 1970s. Histopathologic diagnosis of benign liver tumors has been reported as focal nodular hyperplasia adenoma, solitary hyperplastic nodule and focal cirrhosis. Investigation of the possible relationship between HRT and liver cancer has provoked considerable controversy. Synthetic sex steroids are believed to potentate cholestasis, hypervascularity, microsomal enzyme induction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):106-106
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The peculiarities of reproductive health in couples with perinatal losses stipulated by intrauterine infection

Malychkina A.I., Posiseyeva L.V., Borzova N.Y., Sidorov A.N.


Objective: To study the state of reproductive health in couples with perinatal losses stipulated by intrauterine infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):106-106
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HRT using in women undergone hysterectomy with ovarian conservation at the reproductive age

Makarov O.V., Dobrochotova Y.E., Lyubchenko N.V.


Objective: Our purpose was to study the hysterectomy influence (in women of reproductive age) to the ovarian function, lipid metabolism and the possibility to corregate the complaints using HRT.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):107-107
pages 107-107 views

Prophylaxis of uterine inertia

Mamedalieva N.M., Aimbetova A.R.


We used stimulation of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis for prophylaxis of uterine inertia. There have been used “Lipostabil-forte”, which composed of complex diglyceride ethers of choline phosphotic asid with the prevalence of unsaturated fatty acids that precede of prostaglandin synthesis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):107-107
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Diagnosis of persistent infection pregnants with habitual abortion

Mamedalieva N.M., Isenova S.S.


To diagnose persistent infection, we used transcervical chorion biopsy (generally accepted method) with the following bacteriology of bioptates of 70 patients with habitual abortion in 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):108-108
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Daily monitoring of blood pressure of pregnants with gestosis

Mamedalieva N.M., Khamzina G.A.


We used daily monitoring of blood pressure at 60 patients with gestosis by Meditech — 04 (Hungary) for early diagnostic and control an effectiveness of treatment. Measurement of blood pressure has been made each 15 minutes day time and each 30 minutes at night.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Surveillance and etiological studies - a prerequisite for optimization of management of infectious gynecological conditions

Mardh P.А.


In order to allocate adequate resources for health care of gynecological infections (G.I.), a reliable surveillance program, is mandatory. Also, to be able to propose screening programs and to be able to calculate the cost-effectiveness of such initiative (which may even gain money to the society) even in a short-term perspective. To be able to recommend therapy in syndrome-based management of G.I. and to propose a reasonable battery of tests to work-up cases consulting with symptoms that can be assumed to be caused by such infections, etiologically studies should be performed at regular intervals in each hospital (or regional) catchment area.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):109-109
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Eubiotic preparations in the forming of vaginal microbiocenosis in women during the puerperal period

Martikainen Z.M., Koroliuk A.M., Derkach O.I., Golovacheva S.N., Zatsiorskaya S.L., Omelyaniuk E.V., Savitcheva A.M.


Objective. To study a period of the vaginal microbiocenosis recovery in puerperants taking eubiotic preparations (bifidumbacterin and lactobacterin).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):109-109
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Lymphatic cysts resulting extended surgical treatment for uterine and cervical cancer

Maximov S.I., Simonov N.N., Oleinik V.V.


Objective: The study analyzes the incidence and management of postoperative lymphatic cysts.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):110-110
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Neoadjuvant and systemic platinum containing chemotherapy in locally advanced and recurrent carcinoma of the cervix uteri

Maximov S.J., Katyshev A.V., Guseinov K.D.


Objective: Locally advanced or recurrent cervical cancer is highly responsive to treatment. Radiation therapy is the mainstay of treatment for patients with this cancer. The role for chemotherapy is as yet unproved and is currently under investigation in the management of these conditions. The rational for neoadjuvant chemotherapy is to induce sufficient tumor response and volume reduction before the tumor vascular supply is compromised by extensive radiation. It is also hoped that it would help reduce and control distant metastases. Also often the only possible treatment available for patients who have recurrent disease or those who present with primary metastatic disease is systemic chemotherapy. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapy in these patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):110-110
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The parameters of central hemodynamics and cerebral blood flow in puerperas with gestosis

Mazurskaya N.M., Schepatov V.V., Durova A.A., Levashova I.I.


The parameters of central hemodynamic and cerebral blood flow have been investigated in 40 health puerperas and in 125 puerperas with gestosis. 35 with light degree nephropathy (1 group), 40-with middle degree (2 group), 50-with grave nephropathy (3 group). The investigated has been realized on 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10 days after delivery. In most cases (80%) the delivery was spontaneous, in 20% of cases the delivery was proceed by the cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):111-111
pages 111-111 views

Morbidity of gynecologic cancer in St. Petersburg

Merabishvili V.M., Popova S.P., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Safronnikova N.R.


Objective: 1600 cases of female genitalia tumors are annually registered in St. Petersburg, 15,8% of all malignant tumors. The most common tumors are cancer of uteri (40,9%), ovary (29,7%) and cervical cancer (22,9%).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):111-111
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Premedication of pregnant women at risk of developing abnormal labor activity with vasoactive and metabocally active substances

Mengal E.V., Abramchenko V.V.


Objective: To study the efficiency of Instenon (preparation consisting of 3 substances possessing vasoactive and metabolically active properties: ethophylline, hexobendine and etamivane) used for antepartum preparing pregnant women of a risk group for the development of abnormal labor activity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Venous return to the fetal heart from the fetal brain

Mikhailov A.V., Kogan I.J., Polyanin A.A., Novikova A.V., Prokhorova V.S., Konstantinova N.N.


Objective. To compare venous return from fetal low body and venous return from fetal brain.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):112-112
pages 112-112 views

The influence of multifetal pregnancy reduction on venous circulation of intacted fetuses

Mikhailov A.V., Koroteev A.L., Kogan I.Y., Prokhorova V.S., Novikova A.V., Talantova О.E.


Objective: To establish the possible influence of multifetal pregnancy reduction on venous circulation in fetuses continued their development.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):113-113
pages 113-113 views

The use of infrared laser irradiation for chronic adnexitis treatment

Mikhnina E.A., Orlova O.O.


Objective: To estimate the effectiveness of infrared laser therapy in treatment of a chronic adnexitis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):113-113
pages 113-113 views

Formation of thermoregulation in sleep state in early human ontogenesis

Minitcheva T.V., Evsjukova I.I., Petrova О.P.


Objective. Formation correlation between thermoregulation and cyclic state organization in healthy infant and in infants with perinatal pathology were studied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):114-114
pages 114-114 views

The efficacy of glycosaminoglycan sulodexide in the therapy of vascular complications in pregnants with IDDM

Mozgovaya E.V., Ailamazyan E.K., Petrishchev N.N.


Objective. The use of pathogenetic approach to treatment of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus during pregnancy by low-molecular-heparin therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):114-114
pages 114-114 views

The efficacy of recombinant FSG ovulation induction in normogonadotropic infertile women

Nazarenko T.A., Durinyan E.R., Chechurova T.N.


Objective: To study the efficacy of recombinant FSH ovulation induction in normogonadotropic infertile women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):115-115
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Features of thermoregulatory reaction of the rabbit fetus, developing in reduced utero-placental blood flow conditions

Nazarova L.A., Petrova O.P., Konstantinova N.N.


Rabbit fetus with intact (control) and reduced utero-placental blood flow (exsperimental) (mass 39,1±2 gr. and 33,5±1,9 gr. correspondingly P<0,05) was investigated in the end of its intrauterine development (28- 29 days of pregnant) during physiologycal conditions and with myorelaxant (arduan) injection by its.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):115-115
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Clinical and immunological effects of local therapy with cycloferon liniment in patients with vaginal infections

Nesterov I.M., Ajlamazyan E.K., Kovalenko A.L., Galkina O.V., Totolian A.A.


Objective: This communication describes the role of immunotherapy in management of vaginal infectious diseases. We tested the effects of local treatment with Cycloferon-liniment (synthetic interferon inducer, Russia) in patients with vaginal candidosis, nonspecific bacterial vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):116-116
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Diagnostic importance of uteral sonography in amenorrheic patients

Niaouri D.A., Gzgzian A.M.


Objective: To obtain the sonographic criteria for assessment of endometrial hormonal reaction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):116-116
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Efficiency of gestagenic preparation “Primolut” in the treatment of patients with endometrial hyperplasia

Nikanorova S.A., Pavlova N.G.


Objective: To study the efficiency of treating dysfunctional uterine bleedings in patients of premenopausal period by Primolut-nor (Germany), each tablet of which contains 5 mg or 10 mg of noretysterone. 74 patients were observed at the age of 40-52 years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):117-117
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Metabolic effects of oral contraceptives in women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Nikitin S.V.


Objective: To evaluate the effects of oral contraceptives on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and hemostasis in women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):117-117
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Mode of delivery according to fetal and maternal status

Nyman M., Gross-Witkow D.


At Danderyd Hospital, the deliveries amount to around 5 000 per year. The delivery department is divided into two sections. In the section for normal deliveries there are six labour rooms. The patients, who go to that part, are carefully selected: women with uncomplicated pregnancies between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation, and a normal start of labour. In the other section, comprising 8 delivery rooms, all other patients are tended to. The midwives alternate between both sections, usually for one year at a time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):118-118
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Parvovirus B19 - a cause of non-hydropic third trimester intrauterine fetal death

Nyman M., Broliden K., Skjuldebrand-Sparre L., Wahren B.


Objective: Parvovirus В19 or fifth disease is a common viral disease. Clinical symptoms are rash, fever, and sometimes arthralgia. The virus can also affect bone marrow, liver, and heart muscle. — In pregnancy, the virus can cause fetal anaemia, hydrops, and fetal death, mainly during the second trimester. In a prospective study of pregnant women В19 antibodies were found in 60% as a sign of previous infection. One of the women, with no antibodies for Parvovirus В19, suffered an intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) at 37 gestational weeks (GW). There were no hydropic changes. Parvovirus В19 DNA was found in the placenta and in maternal serum at delivery as well as three weeks before the fetal demise. In Danderyd Hospital an extensive protocol for investigation of IUFD has been in use for many years. By this protocol approximately 45% of the IUFDs can be explained.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):118-118
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Infection and preterm labor

Nadisauskiene R., Vaitkiene D.


Preterm birth is one of the greatest unsolved problems in modem obstetrics. It has been showed that intraamniotic infection (IAI) from microorganisms found in the lower genital tract are implicated both in the etiology and in the complications of preterm birth. In Lithuania this problem is particularly severe, since the prevalence of genital and particularly sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is high. At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Kaunas Medical University Hospital, a tertiary-care perinatal referral center, the studies on preterm labor and infection were performed during period 1992 - 1996.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):119-119
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Functional activity of thyroid gland of women with physiological pregnancy and with combination late gestosis

Olshevskaya E.V., Miroshnikova T.S.


Objective. The aim of the work was the investigation of functional activity of thyroid gland of women with physiological pregnancy and the nature of disorders of functions of thyroid gland of pregnant women with late combination gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):119-119
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Regulation of women’s milk lipids, proteins, carbohydrates secretion: effects of placental lactogen, progesterone, estriol

Olshevskaya E.V., Zolotukhin N.S., Miroshnikova T.S., Ukrainsky D.Y.


Biological qualities of women's milk promote fast adaptation of born to extrauterine existence. Placental lactogen (PL) influences the receptors of prolactin to support high level of carbohydrates in milk. The synthesis of proteins and lipids of milk is made under the stimulating influence on mamma estriol (E3) and progesteron (PG).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):120-120
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Correction of pathologic changes in the system of antioxidant protection in pregnants with pyelonephritis

Omelianyk E.V., Kostyshov E.V., Djanashia M.M.


Objective. The purpose of the present work was to reveal changes in the system of antioxi-dant protection in pregnant women with pyelonephritis and clinical features of current pregnancy in conditions of antioxidant therapy (unithiol, ascorbinic acid, tocoferol acetat).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):120-120
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Expirience of using angioprotector Gincor Fort in the obstetric practice

Ordzhonikidze N.V., Gurtovoi B.L.


Objective: To study the efficacy of Ginkor Fort (“Beaufour”, France) in treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in 40 pregnants with viral and/or bacterial infection in the 3rd trimester of gestation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):121-121
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Special features of chronic placental insufficiency treatment in pregnancy complicated by varicose vein disease

Ordzhonikidze N.V., Gurtovoi B.L.


Objective: To determine the Ginkor Fort efficacy (“Beaufour”, France) in combined treatment of chronic placental insufficiency in pregnant women with varicose vein disease.

Present data analysis shows that chronic placental insuffiency in pregnacy complicated by viral and/or bacterial infection is often accompaned (64,1%) by chronic placental incufficiency (CPI).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):121-121
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Uterine sarcomas. Diagnostics and treatment

Ourmantcheeva A.F., Kutusheva G.F., Zeldovicht D.R.


Objective: Sarcomas of uteri are rare tumors, 0,7 cases among 100 000 female population. Developing interstially tumors is characterized by early and rapid metastatic spread. Than we identified clinical and pathological specialties of diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and prognosis form patients with sarcomas of uteri.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):122-122
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The influence of fertility proteins upon lymphocyte activation in decidua

Panova I.A., Sotnikova N.Y., Posiseeva L.V., Kudryashova A.V., Kroshkina N.V., Chelyshev O.L., Astraukh N.V.


Objective: The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of pregnancy proteins SP-I and aMGF upon parameters of activation of decidual lymphoid cells in normal pregnancy and gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):122-122
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The basic critical points of fetal health determined by mathematical modeling of ontogenesis periodization

Papitashvili A.M., Gogoberidze N.V.


In our earlier study (Gogoberidze N. V., Papitashvili A.M. «School of Fundamental Medicine Journal», 1996, v.2, N1, 92-93) using mathematical theory of information, we have defined based on the mathematical modeling the informative theory of ontogenesis periodization. There was get answer of equation concerning ontogenesis periodization.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):123-123
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TNF-alpha and IL-I secretion in macrophage cultures obtained from placentas in various pregnancy outcomes

Pavlov O.V., Selkov S.A., Arzhanova O.N., Selutin A.V., Shamugia M.S., Ananyeva V.V.


Objective: To investigate the role of inflammatory cytokines TNF-a, IL-I a and IL-I 13 in term and preterm parturition at different gestational ages.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):123-123
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Complex diagnostic method of placental insufficiency by pregnant in gestosis

Philipchenko T.I., Ivanyan A.N., Pokusaeva V.N., Nikiforovich I.I.


Objective: fetus conditions diagnostic optimization by pregnant in gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):124-124
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Using of decapeptyl in IVF program

Polumiskov V.E., Lokshin V.N., Badelbaeva L.A.


The main purpose of this research to value the efficacy of the different schemes of superovulation stimulation in IVF program. The analysis of IVF efficacy was conducted to 200 matrimonial couples with infertility. The average age of patients was 32.5 years, the average duration of infertility — 8.5 years. The primary sterility was presented in 34,5% of patients, secondary — in 65,5%. The tubal-peritoneal sterility was in 58% of cases, endocrine — in 10%, associative — in 32%.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):124-124
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The newborn of diabetic mother

Poniedziaiek-Czajkowska E., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Laskowska M., Oleszczuk J.


Objective: To analyse obstetrical and perinatal outcomes in newborns of diabetic mothers in Perinatal Center for Diabetic Pregnant Women in Lublin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):125-125
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Laparoscopic surgery in obstetrics

Popov A.A., Levashova I.I., Logutova L.S., Gorski S.L., Manannikova T.N.


Objective and Methods: 18 patients with pregnancy ranging from 14 to 24 weeks gestation and in the postpartum period underwent laparoscopic surgery during the period 1994-1998. Indications for surgery during pregnancy were: ovarian cysts and benign tumors in 9 cases - cystectomy was done in 7 cases and adnexectomy in 2 cases; in the postpartum period indications for surgery were acute PID-3 (removal of the focus of infection with drainage of the pelvis), acute abdomen - I and surgical sterilization - 5.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):125-125
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Laparoscopic surgery in the preparation of patients for assisted reproductive technology

Popov A.A., Gorski S.L., Krosnopolskaya K.V., Manannikova T.N., Shaginian G.G., Machanskite O.V.


Objective and methods: Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy were carried out in 37 patients following unsuccessful attempts at IVF since 1995. The following abnormalities were diagnosed: bilateral sapingitis - 18 cases, external genital endometriosis - 15, endometrial pathology - 10, uterine myoma - 5 and combined pathology - 24.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):126-126
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Rehabilitation of male generative health in couples with reproductive losses with using of termopulsation

Posiseyeva L.V., Borzova N.Y., Malychkina A.I., Boyko E.L., Sidorov A.N.


Objective: To investigate the possibility of using of thermopulsation in rehabilitation of male reproductive health in couples with reproductive losses (spontaneous abortion in I trimester of pregnancy, perinatal mortality of child in asphyxia and with rough developmental disorders).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):126-126
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The modern methods of emergency contraception

Prilepskaya V.N.


Objective: Efficacy and tolerance of levonorgestrel and combine estrogen-gestagen oral contraceptive regimen of emergency contraception (EK) in fertile women was studied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):127-127
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Processes of free redical oxidation in placenta at premature labor

Prokopenko V.M., Frolova E.V., Ananieva V.V., Burmistrov S.O.


Objective. To elucidate the importance of free radical processes in the mechanism of pathogenesis of premature delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):127-127
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Extraembryonic structures and perinatal complications

Radzinskiy V.Y., Kondratjeva Y.N., Gagaev C.G., Orazmuradov A.A., Avramenko S.A.


The pathology of extraembryonic structures (ES) (placental bed (PB), placenta, amniotic fluid (AF), umbilical cord (UC) and their influence on perinatal outcomes remains poorly understood, despite of the priority role they play in maintenance of fetoplacental system (FPS) homeostasis from nidation until delivery. The intensive study of placenta and its insufficiency (PI) in 70-80th was basically dedicated to investigation of its structure and function in II-III trimesters and has not revealed structural and metabolic features of interrelations ofphysiological and pathological changes of ES and its influence on maternal and fetal status. In this message the results of long-term investigations of adaptational and homeostatic characteristics of ES are submitted.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):128-128
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Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Epirubicin / Cyclophosphamid high dose in locally advanced breast cancer (T2-T4/NO-N2/MO)

Dresel R.V., Feltmann K., Tulusan A.H.


Objective: The timing of chemotherapy (CHT) in relation to surgery has recently been the subject of intensive investigations. The response of the primary tumor is a reliable prognostic factor and can in addition be regarded as an “in vivo” chemosensitivity test Is it possible to achieve a higher rate of breast conserving therapy (UCT) on locally advanced breast cancer by neoadjuvant treatment? The efficiency on the primary tumor and on the lymphatic nodes will be presented.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):128-128
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The meaning of natural oestrogens in the IVF protocol

Repina M.A., Kornilov N.V., Krapivina E.G., Shlykova S.A., Kornilova J.A.


In many respects, the results of the IVF crucially depend on the joint condition of an endometrium and a uterus at the moment of embryo implantation. The influence of the most significant among them, for example, of endogenic oestradiol, may be unsufflcient. That is what have been confirmed by the results of ultrasound testing. To increase the readiness of endometrium for the embryo implantation and further supplementation of early pregnancy we have used the medicine, analogous of the native oestradiol, Estrofem T (Novo Nordisk, Denmark). 

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):129-129
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New approaches to the prevention of vascular damages at peri-postmenopausal women

Repina M.A.


As it’s known, vascular system damages are stimulated by the loss of ovarians function. In order to estimate the heavity of microcirculatory infringements we have investigated primary and secondary hemostasis, anticoagulant blood system and lipoproteins spectrum at 112 patients of the age 42-69 years, who received the assistant hormonal treatment by preparations, registered in Russian Federation (Femoston T, Climen T, Cyclo-Proginova T, Trisequens T, Cliogest T, etc.).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):129-129
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Plasmapheresis and blood ultra-violet radiation in pre-operative preparation for cesarean section

Repina M.A., Vetrov V.V., Voinov V.A., Lukina E.L., Krilova T.V.


Plasmapheresis, being one of the extracorporal therapy methods, was included to comprehensive preparation of 24 pregnant women for cesarean section operation. Therapy tactics was selected due to according pathology and its severity. Instead of plasma being removed the patients were administered crystalloid solutions. Donor blood drugs (plasma, albumin) were not used.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):130-130
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Clinical trials of human lung surfactant from amniotic fluids in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

Rosenberg О.А., Antonov A.G., Volodin N.N., Volchkov V.A., Milenin O.B., Rumina I.I., Tsybulkili E.K.


Objective: Estimation of the efficiency, tolerance and safety of «Surfactant-HL» (ST-HL) (CRIRR, St. Petersburg, Russia) for treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) was performed in 5 Russian neonatal departments in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):130-130
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The comparison of effectiveness Estrofem, Kliogest, and Trisequens in women with surgical menopause

Roubchenko T.I., Krasnopolsky V.I., Lukashenko S.Y., Laricheva I.P.


The menopause is accompanied by changes of lipid profde and some parameters of hemostasis. These changes are results of estrogen deficiency and aging. Some women become menopausal in younger age, in premenopausal or reproductive period of their life, by surgical removal of ovaries with or without hysterectomy. We evaluate the serum concentrations of gonadotropins, sex steroids, cholesterol, triglicerids, LDL, HDL, fibrinogen in 66 women with surgical menopause and effectiveness of hormone replacement with estrofem, kliogest and trisequence. We used combined (continuous and sequential) therapy in those women after hysterectomy who underwent surgery because of endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):131-131
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The role of prenatal screening in prophylaxis of fetoinfantile losses

Rudakova E.B., Dolgih T.L., Elgina L.P., Shugol S.A., Fadeeva N.V., Panova O.Y.


Objective: The aim of the research was to study the dependence of the fetoinfantile losses’ indices from use of prenatal screening on the congenital pathology and the intrauterine infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):131-131
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Diffuse non-toxic goitre and femaile reproductive function

Ryzhova I.A., Vasilieva T.N.


Objective and Methods. 150 women with diffuse non-toxic goitre (DNG) age 19-42 and 80 healthy women of the same age were examined with ultrasonic determination of thyroid volume, colpocytology, basic thermometry, serum levels of gonadotropins, prolactine, thyroid hormones, estradiol, progesterone by immunofermentic method.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):132-132
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Pentaglobin influens on immunoglobulin serum and trachea levels in ventilated newborn infants with respiratory distress syndrome

Ryumina I.I., Kushnareva M.V., Prochorova J.G.


Objective. The immune deficiency of preterm infant, the low rate of passively acquired maternal antibodies, is one of the main reasons of pneumonia in the ventilated newborn infants with respiratory distress syndrome.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):132-132
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Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility and the ovarian function

Rulev V.V., Abashova E.I.


Objective: To study the influence of laparoscopic treatment of pelvic endometriosis on the ovarian function.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):133-133
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Therapeutics aspects diathermy of surgery of cervix uterus

Safronova M.M.


Objective: The solution of oncogynaecological problems provides duly diagnostics and appropriate treatment of background condition of cervix uterus. The correct approaches to a solution of this problem help to prevent dysplasia and crawfish of ecto- and endocervix. The definition of the indications to operation and choice of a method of treatment according to patient’s age is actual.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):133-133
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Prenatal factors influential in becoming reproductive system of young girl with big birth weight

Samorodinova L.A., Ukvalberg M.E.


Objective: To reveal the unfavorable factors in prenatal period influential in becoming menstrual function of the girl with big birth weight.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):134-134
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Perinatal technologies in antenatal evaluation of fetus

Saprikin V.B., Popova L.V., Mourachko A.V.


Objective: To evaluate perinatal technologies in finding antenatal pathology of fetus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):134-134
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Lithuanian women’s reproductive health

Sadaliskas V.


Method: Analysis the changes of reproductive women’s health in Lithuania is performed in this abstract. For this reason, are used official statistical data and references.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):135-135
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Endo-miometrial vaporization in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding

Sarcisov S., Azieva A., Khujokova I., Mushiakov D.


Today one of the most effective methods of the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women is transcervical resection of endometrium (TCRE). However, using of this technology associates with high risk of developing itraoperative complications, such as: 1) intraoperative bleeding; 2) perforation of the uterus; 3) distention medium hazards. Therefore, we researched opportunity of the using of technology of vaporization of the uterus tissue to destruct endometrium and supeficial portion of miometrium. We performed transervical vaporization using continuous-flow system. All patients received uterine preparation prior to surgery within 2 months by Danazol or GnRG agonists.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):135-135
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Increased phenotype frequencies of human leukocyte antigenes class II via a possible mechanism of relative risk of endometrial adenocarcinoma

Safina N.S., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Zubareva T.S., Bubnova L.N.


Objective: Previous data have shown association between HLA phenotype and cervical cancer. The aim of our study was whether identify of HLA class II alleles to correlate with relative risk of endometrial adenocarcinoma (EA).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):136-136
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Perinatal fetal care: still actual problem

Savelyeva G.M., Sichinava L.G., Panina O.B., Kurtzer M.A.


Current demographic situation in Russia is characterized by low birth and high mortality rates. In this situation reduction of the perinatal mortality and morbidity that are still high have to be of great importance. There are more than 4500 deliveries per year in Moscow Center of Family Planning and Reproduction (obstetrical clinic of Russian State Medical University) with gradually decreasing perinatal mortality rate (1997 — 3,0%, 1998 — 1,87%). We believe that only well organized pre-, ante- and intranatal care, intensive care of the neonates can provide the decrease ofperinatal morbidity and mortality — the main goal of perinatologists.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):136-136
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Genital HPV - infection in women of reproductive age

Savitcheva A.M., Bashmakova M.A., Maksimov S.Y., Shaimardanova G.I., Shipitsina E.V., Ribina E.V.


Objective. To reveal HPVs of high risk for the development of cervical carcinoma in women of reproductive age.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):137-137
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Diagnostic possibilities for the determination of chlamydial infection in fetuses and newborn infants

Savitcheva A.M., Shalepo K.V., Ukleyeva G.V., Shipitsina E.V., Ribina E.V.


Objective. The finding of C. trachomatis in perinatally lost fetuses and in newborn infants born by natural route or by cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):137-137
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Sexual dysfunction in gynecologic patients with chronic pelvic pain

Scheglova I.Y.


The purpose of this study was the next: first, to investigate the association between chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and sexual distress in gynecologic patients, second, to correlate the history of sexual abuse and somatization in groups of women with CPP and without pain. The Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (MHQ) and structured sexual interview were administered to 63 gynecologic patients, who already underwent the necessary operative treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):138-138
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Can antibiotics be teratogenic?

Sek A.


Objective: Gestation is a very special period for women. One of the threats at this time is bacterial infection. The presented experiment aimed to evaluate influence of two marketed antibiotics: Timentin (beta lactam carboxypenicillin combined with beta-lactamase inhibitor) and Adriblastin (doxorubicin hydrochloride), antibiotic cytostatic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):138-138
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Cervical pathology in women infected with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus

Selkov S.A., Vedeneeva G.N., Ourmancheeva A.P., Lisyanskaya A.S., Riskevich S.I., Kutueva F.R., Yephimova I.A., Danchenko L.M., Babkin P.O.


Objective: We determined frequency and nature of cervical pathology in women infected with oncogenic types of Human Papillomavirus (ОТ HPV).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):139-139
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Early diagnosis and stage-related therapy as major factors for preventing disability in children with perinatal cerebral pathology

Serganova T.I., Kosiy S.N., Lisov N.S., Frantzuzova Z.M.


The study was carried out on the basis of St. Olga CPH. The aim of the study was to establish methods of early diagnosis of cardinal CNS function disorders in children during their first three years and to estimate the approaches to stage-related therapy of children with cerebral palsy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):139-139
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The doppler researches of ovary and uterus arteries of woman suffering from habitual miscarriages

Serova O.F., Titchenco L.I., Shapovalenco S.A.


Objective: The purpose of the study was to the state of blood flow in the ovary and uterus arteries of woman suffering from habitual miscarriages with the chronic inflammatory diseases of genitals.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):140-140
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Phatomorphological diagnostics etiology of missed abortion

Serova O.F., Melovanov A.P.


Among different form early of habitual miscarried greed important is missed abortion. The purpose of the study was to discover the main reason of missed abortion on the basis of the hystologycal analysis of the abrasion cave uteri materials.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):140-140
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Immunologic factors of spontaneous abortion

Serova O.F., Poletaev A.B., Fedorova M.V.


Objective. The purpose of the study was to researches of contents\affinities autoantibodies (a-AB) of IgG class, which pass placenta barrier freely in blood of woman suffering from habitual miscarriages.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):141-141
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Immune system and preeclampsia

Sevostyanova O.l., Cherdantseva G.A., Chistyakova G.N.


It is known, that there are two different ways of development of immunocompetent cells by the activation of immune system. The first way is the proliferation and differentiation cells with their following capacity to realise of effeators functions, the second way is programm death of cells - the apopthosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):141-141
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Ecology and allergic pathology of newborns

Shamova A.G., Stepanova A.N., Malanicheva T.G.


Continuous study of 3000 children in the age of 0-14 years was carried. Studied children were the inhabitors of Kazan, with zones, differing in quantitative and qualitative air pollution characteristics. Air pollution degree was estimated on a conditional parameter P (Р=ЦеКi) which found to be 20.1 in the first, the most polluted zone; 14.8 in second, 8.2 in third, and 1.5 in control zone.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):142-142
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The use of variable frequent modulations for correction of urogenital disturbances at women in menopausal period

Shangin A., Bezhenar V., Kira E.


In perimenopausal period the most expressed changes occur in urogenital system. The frequency of urogenital disturbances at women of age 45-55 years reaches 50-70%. As far as the most of these symptoms (vaginal dryness, dispareunia, itching, relapse of vaginal and urogenital infection, senile colpitis, urine stress incontinence, disuria) are in direct consequence with atrophic urogenital tract changes and essentially worsen patients’ quality-of-life, the urogenital disturbances treatment in women in perimenopause is an urgent problem.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):142-142
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Labor activity in daily life and at execution during pregnancy. Its influence for a health of infant

Shapkaitz V.


The aim of the following investigation is to determinate the interaction between work place of mother during pregnancy and the development in future of chronical desease of its infant. In case such interaction does exist, it might be referred towards one more mechanism of interaction of growing generation with negative social conditions and poverty. By plain comparison of pregnancy outcomes for working women and for unemployed women the fact of caring out house work and child care were not taken into consideration.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):143-143
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Fetal plasma ACTG, cortisol and C-peptide levels and fetal lung maturity in insulin-dependent diabetic pregnancies

Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Borodina V.L., Oparina T.I., Konstantinova N.N.


Objective: Maternal diabetes has been associated with an increase risk of fetal pulmonary immaturity. The maternal hyperglycemia which result fetal hyperinsulinemia and other endocrinology changes in fetus in diabetic pregnancies may be responsible for the delayed lung maturation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):143-143
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Umbilical blood gases, fetal glycemia and fetal-placental haemodynamics in pregnancies complicated by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Rusina E.I., Konstantinova N.N.


Objective: Fetal acidaemia and hypoxemia may be the result of placental insufficiency as well as the metabolic effect of maternal diabetes mellitus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):144-144
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Fetal adrenal function in normal and insulin-dependent diabetic pregnancies

Shelaeva E.V., Mikhailov A.V., Borodina V.L., Konstantinova N.N.


Objective: The functional role of fetal adrenal gland in processes of prenatal and postnatal adaptation is known. Fetal endocrine responses in normal pregnancy and pregnancy, complicated by maternal insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDD) were examined in this study.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):144-144
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The level of CA 125 antigen in serum from women with uterine myoma

Shevchukova N.F., Kramareva N.L., Kashcheyeva T.K.


Objective: The literature data on the prognostic role of blood CA 125 concentration in the patients with uterine myoma are rather different.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):145-145
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Indices of the natural killer cells cytotoxic activity and interferon values in patients with uterine myoma

Shevchucova N.F., Seikov S.A., Kramareva N.L., Pigina T.V.


Objective: The state of the system of immunological is of great importance for pathogenesis of uterine myoma as of any process of tumors growth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):145-145
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Term newborns’ condition after selective operative delivery

Saprikin V.B., Gudimova V.V., Mourachko A.V.


Objective: To reveal the reason of asphyxia in term newborns after selected cesarean section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):146-146
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Variants of normal and pathological postpartum involution of the uterus

Shlepakov V.M.


Objective: High frequency of disorders in the process of postpartum involution demands corrective therapy. A process of non-induced involution was studied in dynamics in 115 patients after spontaneous delivery at 36-40 weeks.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):146-146
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Peculiarities of clinical course, tactics of conduct and the outcome of pelvic hematomas in the puerperal period

Shlepakov V.M.


Objective: Supravaginal hematomas make up about 20% of total quantity of postpartum hematomas. Peculiarities of clinical picture, tactics of management and the outcome in 25 cases (8 of them after cesarean section, 15 — spontaneous delivery, 2 — forceps delivery) are analyzed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):147-147
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Automatic blood pressure monitoring during pregnancy

Sidelnicova V.M., Vodolazskaya T.L., Tupicina N.V.


Objective: To study the haemodynamics parameters using 24-hours blood pressure monitoring during pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):147-147
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Influence of immunotherapy on antisperm antibodies in women

Shliakhtenko T.


Objective. Antisperm antibodies (ASA) in women’s sera have been implicated as a causative factor of infertility, pregnancy wastage and early recurrent spontaneous abortion. It was reported that approximately 50% of women with this pathology were positive for ASA. The problem of overcoming this situation is very actual for planned pregnancy and associated reproduction technology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):148-148
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Correlation of serum cytokine determination with pregnancy outcome in women with habitual abortions

Sidelnikova V.M., Tetrouachvili N.K., Sukhikh G.T.


Objective: To test the hypothesis that disturbance of the cytokine balance during human pregnancy may initiate spontaneous abortion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):148-148
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Determination of ecological situation in a region by indices of the female reproductive function in the premenopausal period

Shutova I.A.


Objective: To evaluate clinical, echographic and hormonal features of premenopausal period in connection with ecological peculiarities of a region.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):149-149
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Extended and combined surgery for gynecological cancer

Simonov N.N., Maximov S.J., Aksenov A.V.


Objective: The amount of patients in St.-Petersburg, Russia primarily diagnosed for local and advanced gynecological cancer is annually increasing. 5-year survival rate in stage IV changes in depend on sites of lesion from 10 to 15% and in stage III does not exceed 20%. The aim of the study to analyze the results of the treatment of those patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):149-149
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I. Cesarean section or vaginal delivery

Sjoberg N.


Optimal cesarean section rate is a compromise between the lowest possible number of cesarean sections compatible with the best clinical outcome. However, there is today a fear that the obstetrician will not be sued for having petformed a cesarean section but by not performing cesarean section. It is important to remember that the preoperative complication rate in cesarean section is about 11%, the majority of complications occurring in conjunction with emergency cesarean section, and taking the form of injection of hemorrhage. The risk of maternal death is 9-12 times greater after cesarean section than after vaginal delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):150-150
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II. Cesarean section or vaginal delivery

Sjoberg N.


Achieving an appropriate national level of the cesarean section rate entails the investment of considerable resources in continuous education at the local level, and perinatal audit systems permitting daily review of all cases scheduled for cesarean section. At a national (or international) level, maintaining awareness of current policy and knowledge regarding cesarean section also entails the regular participation of consultants and postgraduate students at national and international meetings and workshops. Such initiatives can cultivate in obstetric staff an awareness of prevailing trends and of advances in our knowledge.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):150-150
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High activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in trophoblast tissue during spontaneous abortion

Skorupski P., Bogusiewicz M., Gogacz M., Jerzak M., Polak G., Tomaszewski J., Rechberger T.


Objective: Extracellular matrix degrading enzymes — matrix metalloproteinases are responsible for many aspects of tissue remodelling. Both matrix metalloproteinase type 2 (MMP-2) and matrix metalloproteinase type 9 (MMP-9) are involved in human implantation and placentation. These enzymes play a crucial role in some pathological processes occurring in the early pregnancy. Low activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 during trophoblast invasion could lead to the development of preeclamsia. Also, the process of spontaneous abortion may be mediated by increased activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):151-151
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Use of mathematical techniques for prognosis of large fetus weight in the third trimester of pregnancy

Slabinskaya T.V.


Aim: Prognosis of intrauterine fetus weight in case of macrosomia in the third trimester of pregnancy in order to optimize date and method of birth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):151-151
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Antigonadotropic effect of high doses cyproterone acetate

Soboleva E.L., Poteen V.V.


Objective. To study the therapeutic effect of antiandrogenic preparation Androcur (cyproterone acetate) in patients with severe hirsutism.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):152-152
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Neurotoxic xenobiotics induce the alterations in neurotransmitter regulation of gonadoliberin circadian rhythms

Stepanov M.G., Korenevsky A.V., Kerkeshko G.O., Arutjunyan A.V.


Objective. Experiments on chronic inhalation of various xenobiotics (toluene, dioxane, formaldehyde) dosed in both maximal permissible concentration and limited chronical range have been carried out on female rats to discover their effects on biogenic amines system in brain structures related to gonadoliberin (GnRH) synthesis and secretion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):152-152
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The role of nitroglicerin in obstetrics

Scherbina L.A., Abramchenko V.V., Nikitin S.V., Kuzminykh T.Y., Nikitin A.V., Kruchko M.


Objective: Discovery of the nitric oxide role as messenger of smooth muscle relaxation mechanism (myometrium too) is evristical. Several cases of nitroglycerin administration relaxation as a method of choice in removal of remained placenta as well as in cesarean section were described.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):153-153
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Regional chemotherapy and transcatheter embolization of iliac arteries in the treatment of endometrial cancer

Stolyarova I.V., Vinokurov V.L.


Objective: To estimate the efficacy of regional chemotherapy and transcatheter embolization in the treatment of patients with endometrial cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):153-153
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Congenital and perinatal infections

Stray-Pedersen B.


A large number of microorganisms is capable of crossing the placenta and infecting the ferns with diverse results. If a mother acquires a primary infection during pregnancy, the outcome may vary from spontaneous abortion to fetal death, premature birth or congenital disease. In addition, some sexually transmitted pathogens and also normal cervical-vaginal bacteria may infect the fetus by ascension from the lower genital tract or by direct contact during delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):154-154
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Uterine myoma: electrocorrection of postoperative hemodynamic disorders

Strugatski V.M., Arslanyan K.N., Omarova M.R., Yarotskaya E.L.


Uterine myoma is often accompanied by arterial hypertension (AH), which may become more severe after surgery for the gynecologic disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):154-154
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The age aspects of pathogenesis of polycystic ovaries in patients with neuro-endocrine hypothalamic syndrome in conditions of goiter endemia

Suturina L.V., Kolesnikova L.I., Zibina V.D., Danusevich I.N., Darjaev Z.U., Sholochov L.F.


Objective: To study the age aspects of pathogenesis of polycystic ovarii (PO) in the girls with pubertal hypothalamic syndrome (HS) and women with HS.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):155-155
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Management of ectopic pregnancy in Tallinn Central Hospital Women’s Clinic (Estonia). How to swich to minimal invasion

Szirko F., Таmmemde L., Varvas M.


During last two years the management of ectopic pregnancy in Tallinn Central Hospital Women's Clinic underwent a considerable change. The majority of cases are treated laparoscopically, by means of direct methotrexate injection or expectantly. The aim of this retrospective descriptive study is to show the trends of management of ectopic pregnancy in our hospital during last two years. To show the trends we divided the mentioned period into four parts — September 1996 — April 1997, May 1997 — December 1997 and January 1998 — August 1998, September 1998 — January 1999.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):155-155
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Comparative study of Prostenoon-geel & vaginal tampons with prostenon solution for cervical ripening and labor induction

Szirko F.


Objective: To compare the effect of the application of Prostenoon-geel (Img Prostenonum/dose, KEVELT Ltd, Estonia) (Pg-J) and prostaglandin solution tampons (Sol. Prostenoni spirituosa 0,1%- 1ml, Estonia) (Pg-T).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):156-156
pages 156-156 views

Fetal cells in maternal circulation

Takabayashi H., Takahashi H., Ozaki M., Kita M., Kuwabara S., Ukita T., Yamafuji K., Ikawa K.


Advances in molecular genetics have led to prenatal DNA diagnosis. Molecular geneticists are currently using either an invasive or noninvasive approach for prenatal diagnosis. The research has been focussed in the last few years on the development of non-invasive techniques which do not harm the fetus. One such approach would be to isolate fetal cells from the maternal circulation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):156-156
pages 156-156 views

Serum lipoprotein changes in women over the age of 35 years using combined oral contraceptives

Tarasova M.A., Soukhorukova A.V., Bodul A.S.


The reduction of steroid dose has led to the increase in safety of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) use. Since then modern “low-dose” formulations of COCs have been widely recommended not only for young women but also for women of late reproductive age.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):157-157
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Effects of combined oral contraceptives on hemostasis in women of late reproductive age

Tarasova M.A., Ryabceva I.T., Grigorieva V.A., Shapovalova K.A.


Objective: To investigate the effects of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) on hemostasis in women of late reproductive and perimenopausal age.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):157-157
pages 157-157 views

Interferon therapy of herpes virus infection in pregnant women

Tareeva T.G., Malinovskaya V.V., Vitushko S.A., Kotov Y.B.


The purpose: Determination efficiensy of interferon therapy in pregnant women with herpes infection (Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):158-158
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New approaches to treatment of mixed virus infection combined with autoimmune reactions in gravidae

Tareeva T.G., Fedorova M.V., Tkacheva I.I., Shumina A.V., Antipova I.I.


Examination has carried out in 344 gravidae with mixed virus infection (Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus). The patients have screend for specific antiviral antibodies, antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and lupus anticoagulant (LA). We have studied interferon status (IFS) and cellular immunity parameters to select optimum schemes for nonspecific antivirus therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):158-158
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Placental a1 - microglobulin and fertility a1 - microglobulin in diagnosis intrauterine infections

Tchounaeva M.B., Strizhova N.V.


Objective: To assess the clinical significance placental proteins in diagnosis of intrauterine infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):159-159
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Diagnostic and correction treatment of male immune infertility

Ter-Avanesov G.V., Kulakov V.I., Goloubeva E.L., Korotkova I.V.


Objective: Study of immune causes of male infertility and new treatment methods is one of the main directions in andrology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):159-159
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Prevalence of mycoplasma hominis & ureaplasma urealyticum in pregnant of high-risk group

Tereshina L.P., Glazkova L.K.


Obiective: To estimate the prevalence of Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma Urealyticum in pregnant of high-risk group.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):160-160
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The significance of fetal echocardiography and dopplerography of cerebral vessels in evaluation of intrauterine fetal status

Titchenko L.I., Vlasova E.E., Novikova C.V., Gasparyan N.D., Dub N.V.


The retrospective assessment of fetal cardiac flow patterns and cerebral circulation parameters with various degree of fetal distress syndrome was made in 150 pregnant women with different obstetrical and extragenital abnormalities. The examinations were done in the 3rd trimester of gestation on «Acuson 128 XP/IO» ultrasound system. The conclusion was made: the type and the degree of severity of fetal condition were determined by the changes of fetal cardiac and cerebral flow.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):160-160
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A comparative assessment of uteroplacental circulation in fetal distress syndrome

Titchenko L.I., Vlasova E.E., Novikova C.V., Gasparyan N.D., Dub N.V.


A retrospective assessment of systolic-diastolic ratio (S/D) of uterine, spiral and umbilical arteries was done in 78 pregnant women with various obstetrical and extragenital pathology. The studies were made in the third trimester of pregnancy on «Acuson 128 XP/IO» ultrasound system. The conclusion was made: systolic-diastolic ratio in both uterine arteries higher than 2.6 in 59% cases were accompanied with the evidence of fetal distress syndrome.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):161-161
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Significanse of laparoscopy in diagnostics of preclinical reccurence of ovarian cancer

Tsipurdeeva A.A., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Zeldovicht D.R., Kutusheva G.F., Shushania M.S.


Objective: Ovarian cancer is the most frequently cause of death of women with malignant tumors in Russia which is considered not only with diagnostics of advanced ovarian cancer but also belated diagnostics of recurrences.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):161-161
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Laparoscopy as method of early revealing of ovarian cancer

Tsipurdeeva A.A., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Zeldovicht D.R., Borodenko M.V.


Objective: It's difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer in early stages because of unremarkable symptomatology. Than we investigated patients with small pelvic tumors which would be suspicious by cancer of ovary by clinical admission or ultrasonography (US).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):162-162
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Thirty years experience of a national program for resuscitation of asphyctic new-born infants in Sweden

Tunell R., Palme-Kilander C., Thornberg E.


In 1970 a national program for resuscitation of new-born infants was established. This has than been revised 3 times last in the year 1997. The fundamental principles of the program have however remained unchanged. These are: Restricted use of oropharyngeal suction, in case of absent spontaneous breathing assisted ventilation is started 30-60 sec after birth by bag and mask ventilation using a soft round face mask and a selfexpanding bag. Assessment of the effectiveness of assisted ventilation is made by recording heart rate. In case heart rate is > 100 beats / min. the ventilation procedure is unchanged and continued until regular spontaneous breathing occurs. Only in cases with persistent bradycardia more than 2 min. after birth ventilation using endotracheal intubation is used.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):162-162
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Perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with pathogen of cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex detected in preterm placenta

Tioutiounnik V.L., Zaidieva Z.S., Bubnova N.I., Akopian T.E.


Objective: 182 cases of women with herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus infections were examined to study the peculiarity of their pregnancy, delivery, status of fetus and neonates in comparison with functional condition of fetal placental complex and morphologic changes in afterbirth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):163-163
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Placental insufficiency treatment in patients with herpes virus infection

Tioutiounnik V.L., Ordzhonikidze N.V., Zaidieva Z.S., Kravchenko N.F.


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of immunocorrective therapy in complex treatment of placental insufficiency in pregnant women with herpes virus infection (herpes simplex virus infection and cytomegalovirus).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):163-163
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A rate of perinatal infections in the structure of fetus mortality

Tzhai V.B.


Purpose: To determine the rate and meaning of perinatal infections in the structure of mortality.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):164-164
pages 164-164 views

Syndrome approach to diagnostics and treatment of the late postdelivery pyo-flammatory complications of organs and tissues of small pelvis after delivery and cesarean section

Usanov V.D.


Objective. To determine clinical syndromes and principles of treatment on the basis of up-to-date diagnostic technologies.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):164-164
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Edwards Syndrome: Echographic picture, prenatal screening in decrease of population frequency

Veropotvelyan N.P., Kodunov L.A.


Introduction: Edwards Syndrome (ES) is the second most frequent one among all chromosomal aneuploidyes (ChA) after Dawn Syndrome. The population frequency of ES averages 1/7000 newborns.

Objective: To study US-screening efficiency in diagnosis of trisomy +18 in fetuses.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):165-165
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Retrospective analysis to state the results of treatment and labor outcome with intrauterine infections

Volkov N.A., Tzhai V.B., Golubtzov P.S., Bazina M.I.


201 pregnant women were delivered by cesarean section with intrauterine infections: 86 of them (42,7%) were early diagnosed and took 2 courses of medical treatment, 115 (57,3%) of late infection diagnostic and they took only one treatment course. 75 pregnant women with infections joined the first group and delivered at once; 28,6% of women had prior treatment and were operated by ceserean section. To discuss the outcome of labor one took into consideration the rate of disorder of functional fetus position (ultrasound scanning, CTG, doppler, hormone tests).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):165-165
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Laparoscopic assisted mini laparotomy in uterin surgery

Volkov N.N., Savitsky G.A.


Objective: Elaboration of new technology in uterine surgery based on laparoscopic assisted median minilaparotomy and combined the benefits of operating laparoscopy and laparotomy and minimized their drawbacks.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):166-166
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The spread of HPV among young women with cervical pathology

Volkov V.G., Zakharova T.V.


Objective: To study spread level of HPV 16/18 types among sexually active young women with different cervical pathology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):166-166
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Preoperative preparation with using of the Zoladex in combined treatment of uterine myoma in women with infertility

Volkov N.I., Korneeva I.E., Kornilova D.P.


Objective: The study of the efficiency of the Zoladex in combined treatment of uterine myoma in women with infertility.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):167-167
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Ecology and perinatology

Volodin N.N.


Objective: Dynamic assessment methods improvement in high-risk pregnants. Complex of prophylactic measures development aimed to create optimal conditions for in utero fetus development and perynatal pathology decrees.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):167-167
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New approach to the combined treatment of endometrial cancer

Vinokurov V.L., Stolyarova I.V.


Objective: One of pathognomistic symptoms in endometrial cancer is an appearance of genital blood-streaked discharge in menopause. Some times the uterine bleeding is so profuse, accompanied by fall of hemoglobin in peripheral blood, that the performance of operative intervention is impossible.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):168-168
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Factors influencing embryo development in-vitro

Vorobjeva O.A.


Objective: The aim of this study was to summarize the results of the experimental data about factors influencing embryo morphology, the cleavage rate and early compactization in our program of assisted fertilization.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):168-168
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Age distribution of cervical cancer in Saint Petersburg

Vorontsova A.E., Ourmantcheeva A.F., Merabishvili V.M.


Objective: From 1980 to 1996 years, incidence of cervical cancer (CC) decreased from 13,10/0000 to 8,220/0000 increased indices (9,50/0000) were registered at 1997 year in St. Petersburg. The main aim of our study was to identify the age distribution of cervical cancer (CC) in St. Petersburg at 1997.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):169-169
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Pathophysiology of increased nuchal translucency in chromosomally abnormal fetuses

Von Kaisenberg C.S., Nicolaides K.H., Jonat W., Brand-Saberi В.


Objective: In about 80% of fetuses with trisomies, 21, 18 or 13 and Turner syndrome there is increased collection of fluid in the neck region that can be visualized sonographically at 10-14 weeks of gestation as increased nuchal translucency thickness. The pathophysiology of this common phenotypic expression of different chromosomal abnormalities is uncertain but there is some evidence that the underlying mechanism may be cardiac failure, possibly due to abnormalities of the heart and great arteries, and altered composition of the skin. The latter may be due to a gene dosage effect of the three, rather than the normal two copies of genes, found in trisomies causing an alteration of the extracellular matrix in the skin or abnormal development of the heart and great arteries.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):169-169
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Problems of defense of Russian citizens interests in partnership of insurance companies with health care institutions

Yantyuraeva M.A.


Objective: In the period of 1999-2001 to develop and to implement a target insurance program “Safe maternity, strong child” based on the study of social and economic factors, sickness rate statistics in obstetrics, gynecology and paediatrics, health care situation in Saint-Petersburg under new conditions of market economy.

To develop an efficient cooperation to protect interests of citizens and to provide the best service in obstetrics, gynecology and paediatrics with health care institutions network.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):170-170
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New approaches to immunomodulating therapy in patients with pelvic endometriosis

Yarmolinskaya M.I., Selkov S.A., Grigorjeva V.V.


Objectives: To evaluate efficiency of immunomodulating therapy in patients with pelvic endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):170-170
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Indicators of interferon system in patients with acute pelvic inflammatory diseases

Yevseev A.A., Denisova H.N., Breusenko V.G., Boginskaja L.N.


Objective. The aim of the investigation was to study interferon status in 81 patients with acute pelvic inflammatory diseases (APIT).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):171-171
pages 171-171 views

Transvaginal ultrasonography as the screening method for endometrial pathology in postmenopausal women with uterine fibroids

Yusupov K.F.


Objective: The postmenopausal women with uterine fibroids are considered of high risk for endometrial pathology such as hyperplasia and cancer. For early diagnostics in this group the transvaginal sonography may be most effective.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):171-171
pages 171-171 views

Primary herpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy outcomes

Zaidieva Z.S., Tioutiounnik V.L., Bubnova N.I.


Objective: The study of herpes virus infection during pregnancy is necessary because of high rate of perinatal losses and birth of babies with severe brain damages. It's well known that most severe fetal diseases take place in the first episode of genital herpetic infection during current pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):172-172
pages 172-172 views

About significance of the endotelial dysfunction indicators in evaluation of the condition of intrauterine fetus in toxemia of pregnancy

Zaiynulina M.S., Niaury D.A.


Objective: The aim of the present research was the verification of the dependence between of indicates of the intrauterine fetuses state and the marks of mothers endothelial dysfunction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):172-172
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Patogenesis-based effect of magnesium - sulfate in toxemia of pregnancy

Zaiynulina M.S., Niaury D.A.


Objective: The universal significance of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of toxemia of pregnancy doesn’t exclude the necessity of the correct pathogenesis - based proves. Nowadays it is believed to be justified to consider the development of toxemia of pregnancy in connection with endothelial dysfunction. That is why the purpose of this research is studying the influence of the treatment with magnesium sulfate on the indicates of intravascular - platelet hemostasis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):173-173
pages 173-173 views

The assesment of the reproductive function in women with bone loss

Zazerskaya I.E., Niayri D.A., Diachyk A.V., Mazyrenko O.G.


It is known that cessation of estrogen secretion is well-accepted to have a major role in pathogenesis of bone loss. The aim of the study is to analyes the state of reproductive system of examined patients with osteopenia and great rist for fractures. We examined 150 histories of women patients with osteopenia and great risk for fractures. The average age of patients is 41,2+0,4 years. All the women were diagnosed using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Tscore of bone mineral content is -2,13+0,07 SD in the zone L1-L4. The patients have the beginning of menstrual function at age 14,3+0,2 year. 6 % of them have disorders of menstrual cycle such as unregular menses, olygomenorrhea. The amount of pregnancies resulted in delivery is 1,8+0,3, resulted in abortions is 5,6+0,05.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):173-173
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Laparoscopy in patients with ovarian tumours in Oncology Centre of Warsaw, Poland: Results of treatment

Zielicski J., Sobiczewski P.


Since January 1995 to January 1998 in Gynaecological Oncology Department in Warsaw 86 patients with ovarian tumours were operated with employment of laparoscopy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):174-174
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The study of new prophylactic approaches in women with high risk of inflammatory pelvic organ diseases

Zolotuchin N.S., Mityukov V.A., Omelchenko N.A., Omelchenko R.V.


Objective. Efficacy of prophylactic parenteral eubiotics in both partners and of local estriol in premenopausal women with intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) was studied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):174-174
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Eduction of b2-glycoprotein I in placental tissues of women with recurrent pregnancy loss

Zubgitskya L.B., Gromiko G.L.


Objective: To study the consequence of anti phospholipid antibodies (aPL) on pregnancy complications we investigate localization of b2-glycoprotein I (b2-GP I) in placental tissues of women with recurrent pregnancy loss. Having a regulatory role in blood coagulation, b2-GP I appear significantly related to most frequent complications (thrombosis and fetal loss) in patients with aPL.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(5S):175-175
pages 175-175 views

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