State of cardiovascular system in employees with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with arterial hypertension in terms of exposure to toxic games

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Objective. Identification of the features of the cardiovascular system damage in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) combined with arterial hypertension (AH) in workers exposed to toxic gases (TG).

Materials and methods. 132 house painters and paint production workers of the Novosibirsk aviation enterprise were included in 3 strata and examined: I-COPD and TG; II-COPD in combination with AH when exposed to TG; III – COPD in combination with AH without exposure to TG. Employees of all strata were divided by length of service less than 10 and more than 10 years. The selection of workers in groups was carried out by a continuous method.

Results. The most pronounced changes on the ECG, regardless of the length of service, were observed in workers with COPD in combination with hypertension and contact with TG (levogram and metabolic changes in the myocardium). When exposed to TG for more than 10 years, hypertrophy of the left parts of the heart was also detected. Among workers with COPD in combination with hypertension exposed to TG, the indicators of average pulmonary artery pressure (APAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) elevated with increasing work experience; changes in the structure and function of the right and left parts of the heart and signs of remodeling of large vessels were also revealed. The same workers showed more pronounced changes in the daily blood pressure profile (DBPP) of AP with the prevalence of Non-dippers and Night-pickers.

Conclusions. Among workers suffering from comorbid pathology, with increasing duration of TG exposure over 10 years, there were observed the most pronounced ECG changes (deviation of electrical axis to the left, metabolic changes in the myocardium, hypertrophy of the left heart); increased APAP and PVR 1.21 and 1.10 times; changes in the structure and function of the right and left chambers of the heart, remodeling of large vessels; increase in the frequency of variants of the DBPP of Non-dippers and Night-pickers.

About the authors

L. A. Panacheva

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Professor

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

L. A. Shpagina

Novosibirsk State Medical University


MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department of Hospital Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk


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