
The humic acids influence on the quantity and quality of table grape varieties under the Absheron peninsula conditions
Salimov V., Grekhova I., Asadullaev R., Grekhova V., Huseynov M., Musaeva E.
Efficiency of the BIOSTIM grain drug usage in the cultivating winter soft wheat technology
Magomedova D., Kurbanov S.
Results of the study of new strawberries varieties in the Central Black earth region
Zubkova M.
Model of winter soft wheat variety for steppe condition zone
Fomenko M., Grabovets A., Oleynikova T., Babrovskaya E., Chernousov E.
Adaptive potential large-fruited strawberry varieties and hybrids (Fragaria×ananassa duch.) in the conditions of the Kamchatka territory
Dakhno T., Dakhno O., Murzina O.
Biochemical composition and antioxidant activity of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) during the summer-autumn cultivation period in South Dagestan
Gadzhimustapaeva E., Soloveva A., Kurkiev K.
Drought resistance and index screening of domestic selection oat varieties
Eremin D., Lyubimova A., Eremina D.
Amaranth oil cake usage for increasing of productivity and quality of chickens of breeding egg poultry chickens
Gorlov I., Slozhenkina M., Khoroshevskaya L., Струк E., Дробязко O., Mosolova D., Slozhenkina A.
Breeding institutions of Russia and their contribution to improving the apple tree assortment
Sedov E., Korneeva S., Yanchuk T.
Study of elite forms of kamchatka honeysuckle (Lonicera kamtschatika) to create a variety with a high level of economically valuable traits
Petrusha E., Rusakova E.
Evaluation of perennial poaceae grasses species and varieties for creating lawns
Novitskiy G., Zolotarev V.
Apple trees varieties of VNIISPK selection in production
Korneeva S., Sedov E., Yanchuk T.
Ecological testing of spring triticale new varieties in Mari El republic
Maksimov V., Lapshin Y., Zolotareva R.
Papirovka tetraploid is a source for summer triploid apple trees creation
Yanchuk T., Sedov E., Korneeva S., Veprintseva M.
Influence of planting and maintenance practices on the soil’s agrophysical properties, yield and quality of potato varieties of kamchatka breeding
Gainatulina V., Khasbiullin R., Khasbiullina O.
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