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Nº 3 (2024)


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Crop Production and Selection

Variation of winter wheat grain quality traits in the Steppe zone of the Rostov region

Fomenko M., Oleynikova T., Babrovskaya E., Biryukova O.


The research was carried out in 2016–2023 in the steppe zone of the Rostov region. The article presents data on the variability of grain quality indicators in various environmental conditions in varieties of winter soft wheat of the selection Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Centre: Donskaya T 20, Bogema, Pafos, Palmira 18, Donya, Konstanta 22. The soil of the experimental site is southern medium – sized carbonate chernozem. The predecessor in the experiment is black steam. Various correlations from r = –0,74–0,26 between yield and protein content in grain were revealed. The ratio of the gluten and protein content of winter wheat in the steppe zone of the Rostov region is 1,3–2,3. In the conditions of the steppe of the Rostov region, the high stability of the varieties of winter wheat of the French selection was noted in terms of protein content, gluten, volume yield of bread and grain vitreousness. The greatest variability was revealed on the basis of the number of drops that determines the activity of α-amylase, which indicates the dependence of the genotype on the conditions for the formation of grain quality. The influence of proteolytic enzymes of the bug harmful turtle (Eurygaster integriceps) on the technological and baking properties of varieties was revealed.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Efficiency of the BIOSTIM grain drug usage in the cultivating winter soft wheat technology

Magomedova D., Kurbanov S.


In the conditions of the Terek-Sulak lowland of the Republic of Dagestan in 2019–2022 studied the effect of biological products on the yield and grain quality of winter soft wheat varieties selected by the National Grain Center by P.P. Lukyanenko (Thunder) and the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center (Carolina 5). An analytical review of literary sources indicates that the use of new varieties and biological products is an important factor in increasing the yield of grain crops, which ensure the profitability of their use at low costs. To determine the effectiveness of biological products, pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar treatment of crops of these varieties of winter soft wheat carried out. Weather conditions during the years of the experiment were generally favorable. The spring-summer development of plants took place in small differences in heat supply with fluctuations in the hydrothermal coefficient from 0.37 to 0.58. As a result, of four years of research, it established that the productivity of crops depends not only on the variety, but also on the scheme of application of biological products and their combinations. The maximum yield is provided by the Carolina variety 5 – 6.44 t/ha, which is 0.87 t/ha higher than that of the Grom variety. The combination of pre-sowing seed soaking with Potassium Humate Prompter and treatment of wheat crops with the biostimulant Biostim grain provided an increase in grain yield of 0.71 t/ha. Calculation of adaptability parameters showed that the Carolina 5 variety is most adapted to specific soil-climatic conditions and the level of technology used, and in this regard, it may be of practical interest in terms of variety replacement of zoned varieties of winter soft wheat for the irrigated zone of the region.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):11-15
pages 11-15 views

The harmfulness of weeds in oat agrocenosis with underseeding of perennial grasses in the North-West of the Russian Federation

Shpanev A.


The results of the study of harmfulness of weeds in the oat with perennial grasses agrocenosis in the conditions of the North-West of the Russian Federation are presented. Assessment of harmfulness of weeds in oat crops in this region of cultivation this crop has not been previously carried out, and agricultural production has to comply with economic thresholds of harmfulness for other spring cereals that is not rightfully. The method of permanent plots and multiple regression analysis were used in the statistical processing of the obtained data on the weed infestation of oat crops. By the results of the study the harmfulness coefficients of weeds were 0,005 c/ha (0,18%) of oat crop losses from 1 copy/m2 of weed, and 0,267 c/ha (0,91%) for 1% of foliage projective cover in the tillering phase of oat, which can be used for the forecast of crop losses, as well as in the calculations of economic thresholds of harmfulness for this crop. Oat crop losses from weeds amounted to 2,22 c/ha (10,3%), according to the years of research they ranged from 0,4 to 5,2 c/ha (1,5–19,8%). The main losses of the crop were associated with the growth of the most widespread species in the crop – lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album). Weeds influenced to all elements of the crop structure, mostly to the density of the productive stems (a decrease by 14,7%). The harmfulness of weeds increased in the case of severe damage to the stem of oats by the Swedish fly (by 1,8 times), as well as with an increase in the content of the main elements of mineral nutrition in the soil (by 2,2 times).

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):16-20
pages 16-20 views

Productivity and quality indicators of znatny barley when using mineral fertilizers and biological products

Svirina V., Chernogaev V.


Data from two years of research on the effect of microbiological fertilizers and a growth regulator on the production process of Znatny barley are presented. During the research the technologies elements for cultivating spring barley of the Znatny variety were studied using microbiological preparations Organit N, Zh, Organit P, Zh, silicon-containing growth regulator ApaSil, P, bacterial preparation Nitragin KM, SP, and varietal characteristics of the growth and development of the crop were identified. The positive effect of biological products on the yield and quality indicators of barley has been shown. According to the cultivating productivity of Znatny barley variety the variant No. 4 stood out: – N60P60K60 (background) + Vial Trio, VSK – 1.2 l/t + Tabu, VSK – 1 l/t + Organit N, F – 2 l/t + Organit P, F – 2 l/t + ApaSil, P – 0.05 kg/t – seed treatment + Organit N, F – 1 l/ha + Organit P, F – 1 l/ha + ApaSil, P – 0.05 kg/ha – foliar feeding of plants. Analysis of the yield structure showed that the number of productive stems before harvesting was 558 pcs/m2; in option No. 4 with microbiological preparations, this figure was 730 pcs/m2. Also, when using biological products there is a positive tendency to increase the length of the ear by 0.5–1.2 cm, the weight of grain per ear – by 0.08–0.16 g compared to the control. The number of grains in an ear in the control was 21.7 pieces, in option No. 4 – by 1.9 pieces. more compared to the control. In option No. 4, the weight of 1000 grains exceed the control by 1.4 g. The results obtained over two years convincingly show an increase in grain yield over the control by 0.5–1.12 t/ha or by 8.5–19.0%. The use of microbiological fertilizers increases the yield of barley in option No. 4 from 5.9 t/ha in control to a maximum value of 7.02 t/ha, or by 19% against the background of the initial use of mineral fertilizers. Net income was to 3,448 rubles/ha, conditionally.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):21-25
pages 21-25 views

The effect of green manure on the agrochemical properties of soil in winter wheat crops, yield and grain quality

Kishev A., Bitov K., Bzheumykhov V.


The nitrogen and biological potential of the soil is largely determined by the amount of fresh plant material, its chemical composition and the nature of accumulation over time. Studies on the effect of sideration on the agrochemical properties of the soil, yield and grain quality of winter wheat were conducted during 2019–2023 in the link of crop rotation: sideral steam – winter wheat – corn for grain – barley. The territory of the experimental site is included in the foothill continental zone of a moderately warm climate with moderate humidification of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The soil of the experimental site is ordinary medium–sized slightly washed clay chernozem on carbonate clays. The humus content is 4.6%. All the sideral crops (peas, spring vetch, white mustard, Sudanese grass) were plowed during the flowering phase. The object of research is the medium-ripened winter wheat variety Alekseich, zoned for the North Caucasus region. The results of a qualitative analysis of the plant mass of sideral crops with an assessment of the ratio C:N. It was revealed that the vegetable mass of white mustard is characterized by a narrower ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the experiment (11:1), which leads to an increase in the biological activity of the soil under the agrocenosis of winter wheat and the mineralization of organic substances. The Sudan grass is characterized by a wide C:N ratio in the experiment (19:1). An inverse correlation was found between the yield of winter wheat and the C:N ratio in the biomass of sideral crops (r = –0.91785), which means that the wider the C:N ratio in the plant mass of sideral crops entering the soil, the lower the level of nitrogen nutrition and yield in the first year of sideration. It is shown that the most favorable nitrogen regime of ordinary chernozem during the growing season of winter wheat Alekseich is characterized by variants of sideration with peas and white mustard: the excess nitrogen content of the control variant is 17%. According to the quantitative content of phosphorus and potassium in the soil of the agrocenosis of winter wheat during the growing season, the variants of sideration with peas and spring vetch are distinguished. In the pea sideration variant, the phosphorus content in the soil on average exceeded its content in the soil of the control variant by 54%, and in the spring vetch sideration variant by 42%. According to the potassium content in the pea and spring vetch cider variants, the excess potassium content in the control variant was 30.1 and 26.5%, respectively. White mustard sideration increased the phosphorus content in the soil by only 4.2% relative to the control variant, due to a lower intake of this element from the plant mass. On average, over three years, the yield of winter wheat of the Alekseich variety in the white mustard cider variant increased by 1.29 t/ha or 24%, with pea and spring vetch cider by 9 and 6%, respectively, relative to the control variant. The plowing of sideral crops increases the amount of nitrogen available to winter wheat plants, which is subsequently used by them in the reutilization of nitrogen from the leaves into the forming seeds, which improves grain quality. On average, over three years, the yield of winter wheat of the Alekseich variety in the white mustard cider variant increased by 1.29 t/ha or 24%, with pea and spring vetch cider by 9 and 6%, respectively, relative to the control variant. In the cider variants, the nitrogen content in the grain increased by 2–8%. The option of white mustard sideration provided the maximum yield of protein with a harvest in the experiment, exceeding the control values by 29%.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Productivity of soybean variety Georgia using Nitragin KM, SP and Organit N, ZH

Zakharova M., Rozhkova L.


The use of microbiological preparations in agriculture is one of the areas of biologization, based on the modern achievement of science. These preparations are used to increase the yield, improve its quality, ensure the profitability of cultivated crops and their environmental friendliness. The article presents the results of two-year studies to assess the economic efficiency of biological preparations on soybeans of the Georgy variety in the conditions of the Ryazan region. It was found that the use of Nitragine KM, SP – 0.08 kg/ha seed rate and Organite N, F – 2.0 l/ha contributed to an increase in yield by 2.9–29.9%. A conditional net income of 2400 to 24461 rubles per hectare was received.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Productivity of the Kitrossa soybean variety depends on reproductive organs formation

Levina A.


The research was carried out under the conditions of a growing experiment in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Center All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans with the mid-season soybean variety Kitrossa. In 2021–2023, plant productivity was studied depending on the formation of reproductive organs during the growing season at two sowing dates – May 20 and May 25. It was found that the largest number of reproductive organs was formed at the sowing date of May 20, the number of flowers on plants was 41 more per plant, the number of bean ovaries was greater by 21, and the number of beans was 3 more per plant compared to plants with the sowing date May 25. The highest abortion rate was detected among flowers when sowing on May 25 (51,1%), when sowing on May 20 it was 10,8% less. The fall of beans when sowing on May 20 was 15,4%, in plants with the sowing date of May 25 – 18,2%. The lowest abortivity of seeds in beans was detected when sowing on May 20, which had a positive effect on the productivity value. As a result, a tendency was established to increase the productivity of Kitrossa soybean plants by 0,94 g/plant. when sowing on May 20 relative to this indicator for the option with a sowing date of May 25. A close correlation between plant productivity and quantity was revealed. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0,74 to 0,99 (rcrit = 0,57) depending on the sowing period. According to the studied indicators of the formation and abortion of reproductive organs, as well as seed productivity, favorable conditions for plants were at the sowing date of May 20.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Results of the study of new strawberries varieties in the Central Black earth region

Zubkova M.


The results of the study of 20 new strawberry cultivars at the collection site of the VNIISPK located in the Orel region are presented. The studies were carried out in 2021–2022. Records and observations were carried out according to the requirements of the Program and methodology of variety study of fruit, berry and nut crops, section “Strawberries”. The data on the components of productivity and yield are given. The cultivars are ranked by the timing of flowering and maturation. The complex of economically valuable traits and properties was comparatively assessed. The dates of the passage of the main phenophases were determined. Vegetation began on April 10–15. The extension of inflorescences fell on the period from April 26 to May 3. Flowering began on May 14–15, fruiting was from June 12–18 to July 20. The sum of effective temperatures at the beginning of the growing season was 72 °C – 97.5°C. The mass extension of inflorescences in accounting years occurred at the sum of effective temperatures of 148–149° C. Flowering began at the sum of effective temperatures of 214–240° C, mass flowering took place at the sum of effective temperatures of 324–424° C. The effective temperature range at the beginning of fruiting was 583–686° C in 2022–2023, at the time of mass fruiting – 639–737°С. According to the results of the study, the most large-fruited cultivars were identified: Brilla (20.3 g), Raurica (20.4 g) Amy (21.0 g) and Quicky (25.5 g); cultivars containing 10 or more peduncles: Malling centenary and Sonsation. Cultivars with more than 50 ovaries per bush are of the greatest breeding value. These requirements were met by Roxana (51.1 pcs.), Sonsation (51.8 pcs.), Jive (52.2 pcs.), Rumba (52.5 pcs.), Raurica (53.6 pcs.), Malling centenary (55.4 pcs.), Kent (75.7 pcs.) and Vivaldy (63.2 pcs.). High-yielding cultivars were identified: Raurica (541.7 g), Quicky (563.2 g), Roxana (619.8 g) and Malling centenary (635.7 g).

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):38-42
pages 38-42 views

The influence of hydrothermal conditions on the strawberries flower buds formation in the Middle Urals

Nevostrueva E.


The article presents the results of studies of the level of heat and moisture supply during the formation of strawberries flower buds in the Middle Urals. The object of study is varieties zoned in the Volga-Vyatka region of the Russian Federation: early ripening – Zarya, Darenka, middle – Festivalnaya, Geyser. The productivity of garden strawberries is a complex economic and biological trait, consisting of several components. One of which is the number of flower stalks on the bush. The peduncle is the second type of shoot in strawberries, differentiated from a flower bud that forms in the axil of the upper leaf. In different cultivation regions, the period of bud formation begins at different times: in warmer climates – in September, early October, in cold climates – earlier, in August. In the Middle Urals, buds are also laid in August. Their number depends on the genotype of the strawberry plant and the hydrothermal conditions during the planting period. Garden strawberries are moderately demanding of heat, but require moisture appropriate to the culture. It reacts strongly to both a lack of moisture and its excess. Determining the optimal values of temperature and moisture supply (HMS) during the period of flower bud formation is one of the solutions to increase the yield of a given crop. The studies used data from the State Customs Committee of August and the average number of peduncles per bush in the first fruiting of zoned varieties of early and medium ripening for 1972–2022. In years with deficient precipitation, no additional irrigation was carried out. The results of the research revealed that the maximum number of peduncles of 3.95 pcs./bush is formed at a HTC of 1.0–1.3 (inverse average correlation, r – –0.5714). In arid conditions (HTC < 0.4), the number of peduncles is low – 0.73 pcs./bush and increases as moisture conditions improve (HTC 0.4–1.0) to 2.46 pcs./bush. When the HTC is higher than 1.3, their number decreases to 2.18 pcs./bush.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):43-46
pages 43-46 views

Economic and biological assessment of new everbearing raspberry varieties

Evdokimenko S., Podgaetsky M.


In 2023, three cultivars of primocane raspberry were included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in the Central Region – “Medvezhonok”, “Salyut”, “Yubileinaya Kulikova”. The study of this assortment according to the morphological characteristics of plants, productivity components, qualitative and technological properties of fruits was the subject of our researches. The work was carried out in 2020–2023 at the collection site of the Kokino base station of the Federal Horticultural Research Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery, located in the Bryansk region. It has been established that new primocane raspberry cultivars are superior to the control cultivar ‘Penguin’ in terms of shoot growth strength, berry mass, productivity, and fruit strength. The cultivar ‘Yubileinaya Kulikova’ produces a yield of 2.75 kg/bush, the fruits are large (with an average weight of 4.7 g), conical, bright crimson in color with a slight shine, the tasting score of the fruit is 4.1 points. It is distinguished by early and friendly ripening of the crop, completing fruiting in mid-September. The plants of the “Medvezhonok” cultivar have an upright bush habit with long, strongly branched fruit branches (laterals). The berries are large (about 5 g), fleshy, durable (crushing force 7.0 N), well separated from the flower, taste – 3.7 points. The yields is over 19 t/ha. It is promising for industrial cultivation technology, including mechanized harvesting. The cultivar ‘Salyut’ combines the ultra-early start of berry ripening (July 20–22), high yields (18.7 t/ha), large fruitedness (4.5 g), attractive appearance of fruits, dessert taste (4.2 points) with raspberry aroma, increased strength (7.7 N) and transportability. It is suitable for industrial production.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Innovations in the fertilizers world: new horizons for agriculture

Daudov I., Dzhabrailov Y., Arsanov M.


The prospects for the use of slow-release fertilizers (SRF), methods and technologies for their production are considered. There is growing interest in SRFs around the world due to their key role in increasing crop yields and improving soil quality. Scientists are actively working to obtain technologies for the production of SRFs to increase their efficiency and durability. In Russia, this sector has also demonstrated stable growth, especially in the context of a rapidly changing climate and increased requirements for environmental safety. Despite the positive trends, there are problems of high production costs and difficulties in disseminating and implementing innovative solutions. For the development of more efficient and environmentally sustainable mineral fertilizers, including SRF, requires active attention from government and private investors, as well as close cooperation between academia and industry.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):51-54
pages 51-54 views

Technological methods for protecting apple trees from dominant lepidopteran pests

Egorov E., Podgornaya M., Prah S., Kiek A.


The article presents a rationale for the biological effectiveness of protective measures for apple tree agrocenosis from dominant lepidopteran pests, which are based on the study of a single integral ecosystem of the garden. The patterns of development of fruit-damaging phytophages are presented, and an analysis of low-toxic means of protection is given according to the criteria of adaptability, biologization and rationality of environmental management. It was established that under conditions of increasing chemical and technogenic pressure on apple agrocenoses, under the influence of changing abiotic factors, the manifestation of high plasticity of lepidopteran pests was noted, which manifested itself in the rapid restoration of numbers during one growing season, the absence of a gap between generations; in the second half of the growing season there is a layering of summer of the first and second summer generations, the presence of all stages of pests simultaneously (codling moth and two-striped codling moth). An analysis of insecticides was carried out in order to identify effective drugs for use in adaptive systems for protecting apple tree plantings from lepidopteran pests based on the use of highly effective biorational, low-toxic chemical and biological drugs of a new generation, with updated technological characteristics: reducing pesticide pressure on the agrocenosis, obtaining high quality crops, stabilization phytosanitary situation. It has been established that the most effective and safe method against lepidopteran pests is chemoregulatory, which is based on the use of chitin synthesis inhibitors; they account for 80% of the total number of drugs with this mechanism of action. The effectiveness of such insecticides against codling moth and double-striped codling moth is 90–98%.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Comparative biochemical composition of wood from low-resin forest species in the Lipetsk region

Zakharov V., Shubkin S., Dubrovina O., Gulidova V.


The wood of 18 of the most common low-resinous deciduous forest and fruit species was studied. The aim of the work was to find out the content of trace elements in wood species as an object for smoking. Of the studied most common 18 woody hardwoods, the leader in the content of iron in wood was the Magaleb cherry (antipka), copper – apple tree, cobalt and manganese – white willow, zinc and nickel – black currant. A close relationship has been established between the content of nickel and zinc in wood (r = 0.8), as well as nickel and iron (r = 0.6). There is a weak inverse relationship between the content of flavonols and trace elements capable of converting to heavy metals (Co, Ni) (r = –0.5–0.53). In general, for the rosaceae family, the iron content in the wood of the rocks was within (mg/kg): 0.47-25.325, manganese – 2.266–25.858, copper – 1.853–9.006, zinc – 7.788–23.751, cobalt – 0.013–0.090, nickel – 0.025–3.389. Taking into account the remoteness of the place where the rocks grow, the established values of the content of trace elements in the wood of the 18 most common deciduous woody plants of the CDR can be recommended as levels not exceeding the MPC of heavy metals. A very safe raw material for smoking is the wood of common cherry and common pear.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):60-63
pages 60-63 views

About the monograph “eniology, ecology and variety”

Temirbekova S.


April 26, 2024 marks 38 years since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986). In the area of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Novozybkovsky district of the Bryansk region, field experiments were carried out to study the accumulation of radiocesium in grain in 42 varieties of winter rye and 92 varieties of winter wheat. In total, for the period from 1987 to 1993. In the contaminated zone of the Bryansk region, 1532 varieties were studied from 28 crops of the world gene pool. The Moscow branch of VIR, as the lead institution, and many other research institutions were involved in the research. The results of studies in the contaminated zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant showed that the world plant gene pool has a wide variety of forms for the accumulation of radionuclides. The maximum difference (under the conditions of one year and field) between crops in the accumulation of cesium-137 in grain can reach 170 times, and between varieties within the same crop – 9 times. The eniological approaches presented in the book, which take into account information and energy interactions at different biological levels, can and should be taken into account both in breeding work and in assessing the global plant gene pool.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Новые технологии

Promising technology for aerobic fermentation of by-products from agriculture and other industries

Zenikov V.


We were tasked with developing a technology for the production of organic fertilizers, which would eliminate the disadvantages of the currently used methods of their production. In addition to theoretical research, we have carried out a lot of work on the experimental study of all methods and the quality of fertilizers obtained, applied the latest tools in research of this type, for example, computer modeling of the dynamic mixing process and a thorough microbiological study of various samples of organic fertilizers and their components. In addition to the above-mentioned research methods, we have applied physical and mathematical modeling and an extensive system of microfield experiments. The work has been carried out for almost 30 years by a large number of scientists and agricultural specialists in various fields: anaerobic fermentation, processing of liquid fraction, bespodstilochny and litter manure and aerobic fermentation. As a result, aerobic fermentation turned out to be more economically profitable in production and highly effective when using its product in agriculture – the soil biological complex (PBK). For example, PBK, when applied to the soil of 6 t/ha, enriches it with 600 kg of organic matter, which is equivalent to the effect of 40 t/ha of traditional compost. The main result of the work was the authors’ decision to use the microbiological community as the basis of the whole process as a scientific hypothesis of aerobic fermentation. The developed technology has successfully passed state acceptance tests at 2 machine testing stations and is recommended for use in agriculture. The effectiveness of PBK application has been confirmed in CJSC State Farm named after Lenin» in the research of the Federal Research Center «Nemchinovka» in the fields of the Lipetsk region when growing potatoes by McCain and other farms.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):69-72
pages 69-72 views

Veterinary Science

Anemic syndrome: condition, problems and possible approaches to increasing the effectiveness of anti-anemic therapy

Evglevskiy A.


The materials of this article reflect the problem of low effectiveness of antianemic therapy and propose an author’s approach to solving it. Until recently, in medicine and veterinary medicine, the low effectiveness of antianemic therapy was traditionally explained by the low bioavailability of iron. At the same time, the question remained that energy is needed for the assimilation of iron. With a low energy potential of the body, the antianemic activity of iron preparations is sometimes close to placebo. Moreover, the use of iron preparations is often manifested by side reactions, in particular to the activation of free radical oxidation processes up to the death of animals. Based on the theoretical analysis of the development of energy metabolism failures, the prospect of using succinates to provide the body with fast energy is substantiated. As an illustrative example, the results of clinical studies on the inclusion of sodium succinate in the composition of pharmacopoeial Ferroglucine are presented. During clinical experiments on calves with a complex symptom complex of hypotrophy, asthenia and anemia, it was found that the injectable use of succinate containing Ferroglucine provided a much more pronounced metabolic and antianemic effect compared with a pharmacopoeial drug. This approach is new and deserves the attention of scientific researchers involved in the development of antianemic drugs, including the manufacturers of the drug Ferroglucine themselves for the specific use of the research results obtained.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):73-76
pages 73-76 views


Indicators of cow’s milk in the housing and grazing keeping systems

Mosolova N., Slozhenkina M., Gorlov I., Kudryashova O., Tkachenkova N., Slozhenkina A.


The production of high-quality dairy products is largely influenced by proper provision of optimal conditions for keeping animals. Properly selected conditions for keeping a dairy herd directly affect the strengthening of immunity, productivity and quality of dairy products. The article provides information about pasture and stall conditions for keeping animals with the advantages of pasture keeping in terms of milk productivity and the quality of raw milk. The features of both content systems are briefly summarized. Pasture is most often used in regions with an acceptable climate; stall – mainly in regions with developed agriculture and with limited opportunities for walking livestock on natural pastures. The results of studies of quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as the nutritional value of milk obtained from Holstein cows kept under pasture and stall systems in two farms in the Volgograd region are presented. From the resulting raw milk, a brief technology for producing samples of a fermented milk product – kefir with lactulose – is shown. Kefir was produced using traditional technology, using a starter culture of kefir grains. The prebiotic carbohydrate lactulose, which has a proven preventive effect, was chosen as an enriching component. Organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological parameters, as well as amino acid composition, were studied in samples of the finished product. The results obtained indicate high levels of nutritional and biological value of raw milk and fermented milk products made from it.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):77-80
pages 77-80 views

The effects of cryopreservation and molecular hydrogen on the ultrastructure of bull spermatozoa

Ivashchenko M., Deryuginа A., Latushko M., Belov A., Ignatiev P., Kovylin R., Erzutov A.


The effect of molecular hydrogen during cryopreservation on the ultrastructures of bovine sperm cells has been studied. The study was performed on the sperm production of black-and-white Holstein bulls. The sperm was diluted with a sterile BioXcell medium (France). To study the effect of molecular hydrogen on the sperm cells of bulls, “BioXcell” diluted with hydrogen water was used. Native sperm diluted with the «BioXcell» diluent, sperm after deep freezing and sperm after deep freezing, pretreated with molecular hydrogen, were studied. The study of morphological parameters of spermatozoa after cryopreservation showed an increase in cells with an anomaly in the structure of the head, chromatin is insufficiently condensed, the content of spermatozoa with an altered position of the acrosome is increased, the ultrastructure of the axoneme is changed, irregular laying of mitochondria is noted. The use of molecular hydrogen as a cryoprotector contributed to an increase in the number of spermatozoa with intact heads having normal acrosomes, shape and chromatin of the nucleus. The results obtained indicate a positive effect of molecular hydrogen on morphological parameters of bovine sperm cells.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):81-84
pages 81-84 views

Milk productivity of brown swiss cows of different genotypes

Gontov M., Koltsov D.


The results of studies of the genetic structure of the Brown Swiss cattle herd using marker alleles of blood groups and the coherence of individual genotypes with the milk productivity of cows are presented. The work was carried out from 2017 to 2024 on the basis of the laboratory of zootechnologies of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FRC of fiber crops and in the breeding reproductive center “Druzhba” in the Smolensk region. It was found that during this period the level of homozygosity increased by 82.8% and amounted to 19.5%, the increase in milk yield was 2191 kg. In the herd, 76.5% of the heredity of cows is controlled by seven marker EAB alleles out of 45 identified. There is an accumulation (40%) of the marker EAB allele G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G//2 – 20.8% more than the breed average. The breeding value of individual EAB marker alleles and genotypes was determined. The highest milk productivity out of 1355 animals was shown by first-calf heifers with markers G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2I/G// (22-6739-4.31-3.15), B1O3Y2A/1E/3G/P/Q/Y/ (129-5827-4.19-3.28). In cows whose genotypes the most common allele in the herd, G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G//, was combined with other markers, the best genotypes in terms of their effect on the selected traits were established, for example, G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G//2 // G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2 I/G//2, G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G//2 // B1G1KE/1F/2O/. The productivity of animals homozygous for this marker exceeded the sample average, and the presence of the marker G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G// was found in the genotypes of 79% of the record-breaking cows of the breed, of which 21% were in the homozygous state. In terms of productive longevity, the best results among retired cows were observed in animals with the genotype G3O1T1Y2E/3F/2G//2//O/; homozygous cows had lower rates of productive longevity compared to the average data for the sample.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):85-91
pages 85-91 views

Immune status of broiler chickens during different times of physiological development

Lebedev S., Kazakova T., Marshinskaya O.


The widespread prevalence of immunodeficiencies in farm animals challenges researchers to develop a sound and evidence-based methodology for early detection of immune system deficiencies for prevention and timely correction. In this regard, the strategy of modern scientific research is primarily aimed at a detailed study of the immune system, the mechanisms of immunosuppression and the search for effective means of correction of disturbed immune homeostasis. The aim of this study was to investigate the immune profile of healthy broiler chickens during physiological development. Immune status was assessed in broiler chickens of Arbor Acres cross at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 42 days, including determination of serum levels of cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ), immunoglobulins (IgA, IgY) and lysozyme by enzyme immunoassay. It has been established that during postnatal ontogenesis the immune system of broiler chickens undergoes dynamic changes, which have an age direction and phase character. The results obtained indicate a decrease in the efficiency of functioning of the immune system of birds with increasing age. The most pronounced immunological deficiency in the organism of broiler chickens is observed at the age of 7–14 days, which is associated with the immaturity of the immune system and is characterized by the fact that nonspecific humoral and specific cellular defense factors are at a rather low level – the level of lysozyme, IL-2, IL-10 and IgA in blood serum at this age was minimal; starting from 28 days of age, there is a specific humoral immune insufficiency, which is compensated by strengthening of cellular defense factors – serum level of IgY intensively decreases against the background of increase of lysozyme, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10. Such changes in the immune system can affect immunocompetence, susceptibility to diseases, and as a consequence, meat productivity.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(3):92-96
pages 92-96 views

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