Productivity and quality indicators of znatny barley when using mineral fertilizers and biological products

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Data from two years of research on the effect of microbiological fertilizers and a growth regulator on the production process of Znatny barley are presented. During the research the technologies elements for cultivating spring barley of the Znatny variety were studied using microbiological preparations Organit N, Zh, Organit P, Zh, silicon-containing growth regulator ApaSil, P, bacterial preparation Nitragin KM, SP, and varietal characteristics of the growth and development of the crop were identified. The positive effect of biological products on the yield and quality indicators of barley has been shown. According to the cultivating productivity of Znatny barley variety the variant No. 4 stood out: – N60P60K60 (background) + Vial Trio, VSK – 1.2 l/t + Tabu, VSK – 1 l/t + Organit N, F – 2 l/t + Organit P, F – 2 l/t + ApaSil, P – 0.05 kg/t – seed treatment + Organit N, F – 1 l/ha + Organit P, F – 1 l/ha + ApaSil, P – 0.05 kg/ha – foliar feeding of plants. Analysis of the yield structure showed that the number of productive stems before harvesting was 558 pcs/m2; in option No. 4 with microbiological preparations, this figure was 730 pcs/m2. Also, when using biological products there is a positive tendency to increase the length of the ear by 0.5–1.2 cm, the weight of grain per ear – by 0.08–0.16 g compared to the control. The number of grains in an ear in the control was 21.7 pieces, in option No. 4 – by 1.9 pieces. more compared to the control. In option No. 4, the weight of 1000 grains exceed the control by 1.4 g. The results obtained over two years convincingly show an increase in grain yield over the control by 0.5–1.12 t/ha or by 8.5–19.0%. The use of microbiological fertilizers increases the yield of barley in option No. 4 from 5.9 t/ha in control to a maximum value of 7.02 t/ha, or by 19% against the background of the initial use of mineral fertilizers. Net income was to 3,448 rubles/ha, conditionally.

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About the authors

V. A. Svirina

The Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies- branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

Author for correspondence.

Senior Researcher

Russian Federation, Podvyazye village, Ryazan region

V. G. Chernogaev

The Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies- branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM


Junior Researcher

Russian Federation, Podvyazye village, Ryazan region


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