Comparative biochemical composition of wood from low-resin forest species in the Lipetsk region

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The wood of 18 of the most common low-resinous deciduous forest and fruit species was studied. The aim of the work was to find out the content of trace elements in wood species as an object for smoking. Of the studied most common 18 woody hardwoods, the leader in the content of iron in wood was the Magaleb cherry (antipka), copper – apple tree, cobalt and manganese – white willow, zinc and nickel – black currant. A close relationship has been established between the content of nickel and zinc in wood (r = 0.8), as well as nickel and iron (r = 0.6). There is a weak inverse relationship between the content of flavonols and trace elements capable of converting to heavy metals (Co, Ni) (r = –0.5–0.53). In general, for the rosaceae family, the iron content in the wood of the rocks was within (mg/kg): 0.47-25.325, manganese – 2.266–25.858, copper – 1.853–9.006, zinc – 7.788–23.751, cobalt – 0.013–0.090, nickel – 0.025–3.389. Taking into account the remoteness of the place where the rocks grow, the established values of the content of trace elements in the wood of the 18 most common deciduous woody plants of the CDR can be recommended as levels not exceeding the MPC of heavy metals. A very safe raw material for smoking is the wood of common cherry and common pear.

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About the authors

V. L. Zakharov

Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU)

Author for correspondence.

Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Russian Federation, Yelets

S. Yu. Shubkin

Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU)


PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Yelets

O. A. Dubrovina

Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU)


PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Yelets

V. A. Gulidova

Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU)


Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Russian Federation, Yelets


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